If your information is not here, please contact the church office.

The Westside Story
The Westside Story
The News of Divine Redeemer Presbyterian Church and its Community
Loving, Serving, Sharing
and Growing the Kingdom
of God in our lives and
neighborhood so that all
of us may experience the
transforming power of
God’s love and justice.
Issue 25
november/december 2014
Divine Redeemer Birthdays and Anniversaries!
Below are the birthdays and anniversaries for the months of Novmber and December 2014.
If your information is not here, please contact the church office.
November Birthdays!
December Birthdays Cont.!
Novmber Anniversaries!
Mary Alice Rodriguez
Ella Alcocer
Abel & Reyna Araiza
Kieran Alcocer
Raquel Castillo
Jesse & Mary Lerma
Rosie Santos
Hiram & Helen Rivera
Ethel Saldana
Stephan Lopez
December Anniversaries!
Emily Mendoza
Connie Rivera
John & Patricia Jimenez
Leticia Alcocer
Xavier Aguilar
Rick & Graciela Martinez
Andrea Martinez
Maria de la luz Morales
Alex & Leticia Alcocer
Anthony Gutierrez
Chris Bailey
Wilfredo & Maria Luisa
Victor Romo
Kristin Sanchez
Danniel Garcia
Joseph Todd
Elias & Chris Bailey
Emilio Maldonado
Alejandra Juliet
Sandra Rivera
Andrew Esparza
Joey Rivera
Mathew Leija
George Michael Flores
Adam Gutierrez
Nestor Maldonado
Alma Cornejo
Miguel Chavez
Jason Vazquez+ (in memory)
Anna Rose Bailey
December Birthdays!
Bill Angell
Nick Lopez
Hilda Valdez
Marti Vazquez
Hiram Guerra
Deborah Chavez,
Lauro I. Uribe
Kathy Vazquez
Anthony Rivera
Isabel Orozco
The Westside Story
Remembering the Homebound
Recordando a los que estan reclusados en casa
The Homebound Visitation Team invites everyone to send a
card, to visit or to call at least two homebound members of
Divine Redeemer Presbyterian Church.
If you know of anyone that needs to be placed on the list or if
you have any questions, please call Bertha Pena at 434-1800.
Please keep our homebound in your prayers especially during
the holidays. Below is a list of their names.
Recordando a los que están reclusados en casa y no pueden
salir. Se recomienda que manden una tarjeta, llamarles por
teléfono, o visitarlos. Si Ud. Conoce una persona quien debe
estar en esta lista o tiene preguntas, llame a Bertha Pena 4341800.
Cornejo, Beatrice
Garza, Leonor
Guerra, Margie
 Whitson, Dora
(Their phone numbers and addresses are listed in the Divine
Redeemer Church Directory.)
Just a reminder for Homebound Ministry: If you are ill,
having surgery, hospitalized, or for whatever reason unable to
attend church and would like to be placed on the Homebound
Mailing List, you or a family member will need to call the
church office and let us know. Otherwise, if there is not a
phone call or note, the name of the person will not be
included on the list. Thank you.
Greeters, Liturgist, Money Counters, Tech
Support Volunteers are needed to serve:
Individuals or families wanting to participate in
one of these areas, for one or more Sundays in
the month may contact the following
Greeters-Sharon Guerrero
Bilingual Service
Spanish Service
Liturgist-Margie Cornejo
Bilingual Service
Spanish Service
Offering Counters-Janie Garcia
Volunteers Always Needed
Technology Support
Janie Garcia 789.1246
Divine Redeemer Ministry Leaders
Loving Team (Worship) ~ Margie Cornejo
Sharing Team (Finance, Bldg & Grounds) ~ Lauro
Serving Team (Mission & Service)~ Sylvia
Growing Team (Christian Ed & Evangelism)~
Carolyn Arredondo
Next Scheduled Ministry Team Meeting
Sunday November 30, 2014 1-3 pm
Got News to share? How about family announcements, poems, short stories, ministry reports, upcoming events, tidbits,
awards, or achievements? Submit your newsletter articles to Julius Lorenzi at drwestsidestory@gmail.com or drop
them off at Divine Redeemer Presbyterian Church 407 N. Calaveras St.
The Westside Story
Visioning Prayer
“Lord, ENERGIZE us to reach out to our youth and elderly to better meet their needs. EMPOWER us to bridge the
distances that exist between our church, the immediate neighborhood, the HNS, HOT, Peace Pals, and the Time Dollar.
ENABLE us to use our personal gifts to build relationships in which your spirit becomes action.”
Oración Visionaria
“Señor: DANOS ENERGIA para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros jóvenes y ancianos. DANOS PODER para cubrir la
distancia que existe entre nuestra Iglesia, nuestro vecindario, el HNS y el Time Dollar.
DANOS DISPOSICION para usar nuestros dones personales y construir relaciones en las cuales tu espíritu se vuelva
acción”. AMEN
Lectionary Readings for the Months of November - December 2014
Nov. 2, 2014
Josh. 3:7-17
Ps. 107:1-7, 33-37
1 Thess. 2:9-13
Matt. 23:1-12
Dec. 7, 2014
Isa. 40:1-11
Ps. 85:1-2, 8-13
2 Peter 3:8-15a
Mark 1:1-8
Nov. 9, 2014
Josh 24:1-3a, 14-25
Ps. 78:1-7
Dec. 14, 2014
Isa. 61:1-4, 8-11
Ps. 126 or
Luke 1:46b-55
1 Thess. 5:16-24
John 1:6-8, 19-28
1 Thess. 4:13-18
Matt. 25:1-13
Nov. 16, 2014
Judg. 4:1-17
Ps. 123
1 Thess. 5:1-11
Matt. 25:14-30
Dec. 21, 2014
2 Sam. 7:1-11, 16
Luke 1:46b-55 or
Ps. 89:1-4, 19-26
Luke 1:26-38
Nov. 23, 2014
Ezek. 34:11-16, 20-24
Ps. 100
Eph. 1:15-23
Matt. 25:31-46
Dec. 28, 2014
Isa. 61:10—62:3
Ps 148
Gal. 4:4-7
Luke 2:22-40
Nov. 30, 2014
Isa. 64:1-9
Ps. 80:1-7, 17-19
1 Cor. 1:3-9
Mark 13:24-37
The Westside Story
Words from Our Pastor
By the time you are reading this I will have pledged myself to my new wife, Beth Watson, and
many of you will have hopefully been able to be there to celebrate with us! I cannot express the
gratitude I feel for the support of this community of faith as I have walked through all the
upheaval, pain, trauma, and eventual joy and happiness of the last few years. Rarely is a pastor
able to do this surrounded by such grace. Thank you for being Jesus for me, you are a treasure.
Also by now, all things going forward as we are expecting, our church will be in possession of a
new property, the old Davis home on Rosillo St behind the playground at the west side of the
block. Our decision to purchase this property is out of the conviction that any future plans for
renovation and/or expansion of our facility will benefit from having that additional space
available to dream with.
In the meantime, however, we need to use it and care for it. To that end a proposal is underway to create of this home
a ‘Casa Bienvenida,’ which we would like to use to serve the single women and their children who have made the
arduous decision and journey to come from home countries in Central America. In these homelands they are
experiencing violence, abuse and intimidation from the organized criminal cartels. They have come seeking asylum as
refugees from violence, only to experience the shameful response of our federal government which incarcerates them
like criminals setting ridiculously high bail bonds.
Together with other area Presbyterians and faith communities concerned about their well-being, we are mounting an
effort to raise the bail money, which allows them to be free while their cases are being adjudicated. University
Presbyterian Church put up $50,000!!! to start this bail bond fund. Once they are bailed out of Karnes City Detention,
they need a place to go to obtain clothing, food, and transportation to reach their family members in the US who eagerly
desire to provide permanent support for them. Essentially, we need a temporary way-station so that they can have a
safe, clean, supportive environment from which to launch out to their final destination. This is what we hope our little
house can provide for them. The session will be deliberating on this decision at their meeting and we should have a final
decision about this opportunity by the time you read this, but I don’t want to predict what that decision will be…so stay
tuned!! And if you are interested in helping us with this concept, please contact either myself or Olivia (Livie) Valdez.
Finally, I want to share an emerging vision about having a ‘Family Education Night’ at Divine Redeemer. A small team of
folks has begun meeting under the auspices of the Growing and Loving Ministry Teams to explore and put some shape
to a once a month Christian Education evening that would include a light supper (Chalupas) some lively worship with
‘Holy Boys’ style music, and an hour of education programing for all ages. Our hope is that it can be a way for us to draw
in some of the families that are part of our community ministries and enable us all to share in some meaningful
fellowship, worship and study with one another. We experienced a wonderful and blessed convivencia at the HEB
Retreat together, and would like to continue sharing in that kind of delightful sharing with one another!
So…Divine Redeemer keeps dreaming, keeps creating…keeps Loving, Serving, Sharing and Growing the Kingdom of God
in ourselves and community! Makes me proud…How about you??
Blessings, Rob
The Westside Story
Growing Team
The growing team consists of Carolyn Arredondo, Arleen Esparza and Hiram Rivera. Our team initiates,
oversees and supports the Christian education in our church, such as the Spanish adult bible study,
English adult bible study, young adult bible study, Lectio Divina, mens group bible study and the
discipleship circle just to name a few.
Our team is the liaisons between MEYO and Peace Pals and our church session/congregation. This
includes activities such as summer mission trips, peace camp and mid winters.
Outside ministries that keep us busy include supporting the DWELL program, leadership trainings and
retreats. This has been one of our busy times of year in coordinating the HEB Camp retreat which is
taking place this very weekend in Leaky, Texas with over 150 participants from our congregation and
neighborhood families.
Another outside endeavor is our seder dinners during the Lenten season. This is another opportunity for
our congregation to spend time with neighborhood families.
This is just a brief overview of what keeps our team busy and extra hands are always welcomed. If you
feel convicted in helping with any of these endeavors, please contact anyone of us on the Growing Team.
Thank you.
Midwinters @ Mo-Ranch 2015
What are Midwinters: Fun. Worship. Service. Old and new. Music, small groups, and a whole lot more. A
weekend retreat/conference for youth in grades 6-12 and their adult sponsors is filled with time to play,
pray, and refresh. Small groups offer time to get to know other youth and explore the Scripture
together. Keynotes help foster discussion and dig into the theme scripture. Music and recreation help
round out the large group gatherings. Free time allows for exploring Mo-Ranch and enjoying times with
Conference Dates:
Middle & High School Combined
Jan 23-25
Cost: $145/person-Pending (Scholarships Available)
MEYO and Divine Redeemer will be taking a group of youth grades 6-12. Please contact Andrew or
Lauren if interested in attending with the group. 210-433-9551
The Westside Story
Stewardship Campaign 2014-2015
As stated in a letter circulating with the pledge cards:
It is that time of year, time to say YES! to our values and our mission by filling out our pledge cards. Your pledge cards
are the fuel to fund our mission.
Over the past four Sundays we’ve heard from our four ministry teams how our core values are being lived through our
ministries of Loving, Sharing, Serving and Growing… those four words that begin our worship every Sunday.
With your monetary support and some of your time, next year’s mission goal can be met.
On the front of the pledge card you can commit to your financial contribution and on the back you can commit your
time and gifts by volunteering in ministry. Let’s meet or surpass our goal.
Let’s keep in place all the ministries and programs that benefit our congregation, the surrounding community, and the
youth. These ministries have helped us grow in our faith. They were given to us by the founders and we stand on the
shoulders of those Divine Redeemer faithful who started this work almost 100 years ago. Through our pledges we are
accepting the challenge to continue this legacy.
It is difficult to finalize a budget if we do not know what our pledges are for next year. With faith and hope in the future
we can achieve our goal.
At Divine Redeemer we are all family; those of us who sit in the pews as well as liturgists, musicians, ministers, elders,
staff, teachers, techies, and greeters… we are part of the whole and it takes all of us to support this family. If one of us is
missing we are not whole. As we work together it is necessary that we focus on our commitment to the whole and
return our pledges.
At Divine Redeemer we are all family – we pray together, we love each other, and we work together for the common
Please make every effort to complete a pledge card if you have not done so already. This will
facilitate our attempt to get a card from you. Deadline to submit a pledge card is Sunday,
November 9th.
Submitted by Sharing Ministry Team
The Westside Story
Greeting from MEYO!
The school year has started, and MEYO has hit the ground running! We are seeing
20-25 children and teens at both Peace Pals and House of Teens each week and only
expect this number to grow throughout the year. We have also continued to build connections with volunteers, having
around 15 join us each week. Our back to school food drive and Lotteria Fundraiser for MEYO were very successfulThank you to each person who donated an item or participated! Please check out our Christmas Raffle Add in this
We also have had numerous events happening at programing including the SAPD volunteering at Teen Night,
San Antonio Food Bank leading a project on nutrition and health, community service in the neighborhood, and beginning
to plan House of Teens 4th Annual Haunted House -Come if you dare. Over Thanksgiving Break (Nov 22-25) this year
House of Teens is revamping the inside of the Yellow House with St. Steven’s Presbyterian Church of Ft. Worth, if you
are interested in helping contact us!
We have also begun building new connections around San Antonio, including being chosen as the recipient of
the 2014 Mission Presbytery portion of the Peacemaking Offering on World Communion Sunday. This community of
support continues to grow and sustain MEYO as it creates an environment that encourages Personal Development,
Service to the Community, Solid Character Formation, and a Dedication to Post-High School Learning. The following
story is an example of this sustaining community:
Angelina (not actual name) is a young woman who started at House of Teens in 7th grade. Her journey is
remarkable, filled with the constant theme of triumph over struggle. During her senior year-with the help of our
collaborator College Vista-Angelina was awarded numerous scholarships and accepted into a local college to pursue her
dream of teaching. With the fall semester quickly approaching she went to the college to enroll only to find a nightmare
of paperwork, entrance tests with fees, vaccines, appointments, and orientation to complete in only 3 days or face
forfeiting her hard-earned scholarships because of missing the enrollment deadline!
After running into road blocks at the college and without anyone at home to help her navigate, since she the first
in her household to go to college, Angelina showed up at our Yellow House extremely discouraged, and considering
waiting a semester. As we dove into the details it appeared it would be possible, extremely challenging, but possible to
navigate the maze of sequential requirements in time. It was a daunting task, but she was willing to step up to the
challenge, as she had done so many times in her life.
The final piece of the puzzle was contacting Fredrico (not actual name), a House of Teens alumni and friend of
Angelina. He was a grade ahead of her and was currently attending the same college. Fredrico said he was willing to
help Angelina get things figured out.
“Help Out” was an understatement! For the next two days Fredrico drove Angelina to the numerous places
required, sticking around through each test and the 6 hour orientation to see her to her next step. It was a challenging
and grueling process. Even as she reached the finish line and went to enroll the college told her she would need to pay on
the spot to finalize the enrollment. She would have to pay out of her own pocket for now, something she could not afford
until the school-issued debit card with her money arrived in the mail days later. It looked like after all of their work she
would still have to forfeit her scholarships and chance at school this semester. But again, Fredrico stepped in offering to
cover her balance until she received her debit card.
The Westside Story
This is daunting road that the young men & women from this neighborhood face in order to achieve their
dreams. But THIS is the community of support that MEYO creates, where youth are supported by the staff, College Vista,
and most of all by their fellow peers. Not alone, but together we make this journey.
We are so grateful for Divine Redeemer’s continued involvement and support. If you would like to become
more involved please talk to Hope, Ignacia, Lauren, Abby, or Drew. Blessings!
Greetings from our DWELLERS!
Hello Divine Redeemer Church! My name is Mallory Tober. I am 23 years old and originally from Connecticut,
although most recently I have lived in Baltimore and the Philippines. I am very excited to be serving my second
YAV year here in San Antonio. I will be working at Guadalupe Home to assist mothers-to-be that lack a support
system to help them through their pregnancy. I will also be interning at City Health. I enjoy music, especially
playing violin, viola, and guitar, and also creating art. I am looking forward to getting to know you all this year.
¡Saludos a todos de la Iglesia Divino Redentor! Me llamo Mallory Tober. Tengo 23 años. Soy originalmente de
Connecticut, aunque en los últimos años, he vivido en Baltimore y en las Filipinas. Estaré con mujeres
embarazadas, dándoles ayuda/ayudándoles/para ayudarles antes y después del nacimiento del niño. Voy a
trabajar también con City Health. Me gusta tocar el violín, la viola, y la guitarra; y crear obras de arte. ¡Mucho gusto!
My name is Victoria Hollingsworth, but I prefer being called Tori. I grew up in Atlanta, and when I was sixteen my
parents and I moved closer to the rest of our family, including my sister, and started a new journey in Quincy, Florida. I
felt homesick for Atlanta and decided to move back for college at the University of West Georgia where I earned a
bachelor’s degree in history. I didn't know what God was calling me to do after school, so when I went to an
informational meeting for YAV I felt a strong pull towards doing a year of service. God has led me to San Antonio, and
I'm excited to see what this year brings.
Hi, I'm Abby Evans. I grew up all over Florida while moving around with my two pastor parents and my twin brothers. All
three of the kids are musically talented, and one of my favorite things in all the world is to sing and play with my
brothers. With a degree in Elementary Education, I plan to become a teacher one day, but for now, I am very excited to
be working with the children and youth in the MEYO programs.
My name is Caroline Tonarely. I’m from San Diego and I graduated from the University of Arizona, where I studied
Spanish, Communication, and Sociology. Here in San Antonio, I work at San Anto Cultural Arts, which I enjoy because the
organization is so dedicated to the community. I like to read in order to learn new things about people and society, and I
want to continue practicing Spanish a lot more so that I can keep improving.
Me llamo Caroline Tonarely. Soy de San Diego y me gradué de la Universidad de Arizona, donde estudié el español, la
comunicación, y la sociología. Aquí en San Antonio, trabajo con San Anto Artes Culturales, donde disfruto de un
ambiente en el que la gente es muy dedicada al bienestar de la comunidad. Me gusta leer para aprender nuevas cosas
sobre la gente y la sociedad, y quiero practicar el español mucho más para que pueda seguir mejorando.
The Westside Story
Faith Guides
O send out your light and your truth; let
them lead me. - Psalm 43:3
A Presbyterian tradition for more than seventy
years, the Christmas Joy Offering is one of the
four special offerings designated by the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to
provide congregations direct ways of supporting
specific causes that help those in need.
You are encouraged to support the Christmas Joy
Offering through gifts to your congregation's
offering. A special collection will be taken on
December 24, 2014.
Remember family and
friends during the
upcoming holidays. Reach
a hand out to those in
Daylight Savings Time ends.
Don’t forget to change
your clocks on
November 2, 2014, 2PM
Let us honor our veterans who
died serving for our country.
Remember to thank those who
fought for our freedom.
May God Bless them and
our Country
Veteran’s Day November
11, 2014
Wreaths across
America San
Antonio~ Invite all
your friends and
family to come join
us at the ceremony
on 13 Dec 2014 @ 11:00 am....as soon as the
Completely cover the Ft Sam National Cemetery
with Christmas wreaths.......there are 130,000
headstones at Ft Sam. We laid 16,070 wreaths last
year......it was AMAZING and a beautiful sight to
see. The wreaths are $15 each.
Place your orders and make your donations to:
Wreaths Across America
PO Box 460043
San Antonio, TX. 78246
NOVEMBER 26-28, 2014
Divine Redeemer has a website… check it out at
If you have any information that you would
like to post on the website please email
a copy to the church office at
drchurchsa@sbcglobal.net Include any
graphics on your announcements, special fonts, layout,
etc. Pictures can also be sent. The Website will not be
current unless you submit the information. This is our
website so we welcome everyone's participation!
The Westside Story
Divine Redeemer Calendar of
Events for Nov / Dec 2014
Joint Service/ Dia de los Muertos
w/ lunch @ 10:30 am
Election Day
Communion Sunday
Homebound Serenata
No meeting
DR Women’s Lectio- 6:30 pm
Hostess: Gracie Martinez
Veterans Day
Prayer Shawl w/ potluck 6 pm- Hostess:
Margaret Rivera
DR Women’s Luncheon 12:30 pm
Carol Sing-a-long 6 pm
Prayer Shawl w/ potluck 6 pm- Hostess:
Margaret Rivera
Tamalada/ Posada
DR’s 99th Anniversary
Session Meeting 1pm (Budget Approval)
DR Men’s group @ 6 pm Host:
Cervando Martinez
Discipleship Reflection Circle
DR Men’s gathering
Communion Sunday
Sharing Ministry Mtg 6:30 pm
Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Discipleship Reflection Circle 1pm
New Elder Training
26-28 Church Office Closed-Thanksgiving
Ministry Team Meeting- 1-3 pm
1st Sunday of Advent- Begin
Lectionary Year B
24-Jan 1 Church office closed except for
Congregational Meeting
(Pastor’s Terms of Call)
*** Calendar of events are subject to change, contact Program leaders or church office.
Monday Spanish Bible Study w/ Potluck 10:00 am, Fellowship Hall
--Westside Bible Study Wednesday at Bertha Pena’s house 12 Noon
The Westside Story
“A Soldiers Prayer Book”
It was quiet that day, the guns and the mortars, and land mines for some reason hadn’t been heard. The young
soldier knew it was Sunday, the holiest day of the week. As he was sitting there, he got out an old deck of cards and
laid them out across his bunk. Just then an army sergeant came in and said, “Why aren’t you with the rest of the
platoon?” The soldier replied “I thought I would stay behind and spend some time with the Lord.” The sergeant
said, “Looks to me like you’re going to play cards.” The soldier said, “No, sir. You see, since we are not allowed to
have Bibles or other spiritual books in this country, I’ve decided to talk to the Lord by studying this deck of cards.”
The sergeant asked in disbelief, “How will you do that?”
“You see the Ace, sergeant? It reminds me that there is only one God.
The Two represents the two parts of the Bible, Old and New Testaments.
The Three represents the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.
The Four stands for the Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
The Five is for the five virgins there were ten but only five of them were glorified.
The Six is for the six days it took God to create the Heavens and Earth.
The Seven is for the day God rested after making His Creation.
The Eight is for the family of Noah and his wife, their three sons and their wives- the eight people God spared from
the flood that destroyed the Earth.
The Nine is for the lepers that Jesus cleansed of leprosy, He cleansed then, but nine never thanked Him.
The Ten represents the Ten Commandments that God handed down to Moses on tables made of stone.
The Jack is a reminder of Satan, one of God’s first angels, but he got kicked out of heaven for his sly and wicked
ways and is now the joker of eternal hell.
The Queen stands for the Virgin Mary.
The King stands for Jesus, for he is the King of all kings.
When I count the dots on all the cards, I come up with 365 total, one for every day of the year. There are a total of
52 cards in a deck; each is a week- 52 weeks in a year. The four suits represent the four seasons: Spring, Summer,
Fall and Winter. Each suit has thirteen cards- thee are exactly thirteen weeks in a quarter. So when I want to talk to
God and thank Him, I just pull out this old deck of cards and they remind me of all that I have to be thankful for.”
The sergeant just stood there. After a minute, with tears in his eyes and pain I his heart, he said, “Soldier, can I
borrow that deck of cards?”
Prayer for the Military
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.
Protect them. Bless them and their families.
I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen
The Westside Story
Got Prayers?
Do you have a family member or friend who needs prayers of healing? Do you have a family member or
friend who asks for prayers of thanksgiving? Is your neighbor, co-worker, or best friend hurting and needs
the assurance of God’s grace? Then we can pray for them!
Every month on the 1st Sunday of each month we publish a prayer list in our church bulletin. We can also
circulate prayers via email so the church family can be in ongoing prayer for you or your loved one.
Please email your requests to matabrenda96@gmail.com anytime (or leave a message at 210-639-2998).
We are happy to include your petitions and praises!
Divine Redeemer Presbyterian Church
407 N. Calaveras St.
San Antonio, Texas 78207-2807
The Westside Story
The News of Divine Redeemer