Question and Answer - The John H Watson Society

Weekly Quiz 2014: 26
Question and Answer
Given the summer doldrums and the coming July 4th holiday, the next quiz will appear 11 July
2014. But, until then, here is a tough one for you to work on, and only one question as a hint to
the upcoming Treasure Hunt questions. Good Luck!
1. He was the first, in writing, to refer to Irene Adler as “The Divine Miss A” echoing another
popular “Divine” at the time it was written, “The Divine Miss M” (Bette Midler) whose
eponymous debut album had been released only a few years earlier. Who was the writer and
where did it appear in print along with a reply article by a noted Member of the Watsonians?
What was the date?
Answer: Michael Felong in “Eros in Baker Street: The Subterranean Sherlock Holmes” with
the accompanying article by Donald Pollock, JHWS “Hound,” “A Reply to Felong” published
in Baker Street Miscellanea, No. 1, April 1975 by Sociolist Press, a publishing joint-success by
Don Pollock, William D Goodrich, John Nieminski, and Jon Lellenberg.