The Study of Law

Part 24: Education Law Books on Reserve
The faculty can put materials on reserve
for students in their classes at the
circulation desk of the library. These
materials can be copies of articles, books
the library or the professor owns,
textbooks, tests, and software. These
materials can be checked out by students
to study or make copies of.
Textbook Reserve Program
The cost of textbooks has increased markedly in
the last few years and many students are having
difficulty in purchasing all the required texts for
their courses. To help alleviate this challenge,
SE has established the Textbook Reserve
Program (TRP). The TRP cannot provide
textbooks for every course offered; however, the
program wishes to serve as many students as
possible. See the Textbook Reserve Program
webpage for more information
The Study of Law
2nd ed. Aspen Publishers, Wolters
Kluwer, 2009
This book begins with a study of the
American Legal System and continues
with a discussion of constitutional law,
torts, contract law, property and estate
law, laws affecting business, family law,
criminal law, and ethical dilemmas facign
Just Research
Aspen Publishers, Wolters Kluwer, 2009
This volume charts the process of doing legal
research. First the foundation of what the legal
system is, the difference between persuasive
and mandatory authority. The next part of this
book deals with reseaching issues governed by
state statutes, federal statutes, researching city
ordinances, researching legislative intent by
researching federal and state legislative
histories, and researching using citators.
Basic Legal Research
4th edition. Aspen Publishers, Wolters Kluwer, 2009
Another excellent book by a major publisher of legal
materials. The first chapter introduces the reader to legal
research, while the second discusses how to generate
search terms to search by. Chapter 3 dives into one kind
of legal resource, the secondary sources. Chapters 4,6
and 8 discuss three types of primary sources, case law,
statute law and administrative law. Using citators is
discussed in Chapter 5, while chapter 9 talks about using
subject indexes. Chapter 10 talks about electronic
resources, and chapter 11 discusses developing a
research plan. There is an appendix that contains
selected Internet resources useful in legal research.
Legal Terminology
Aspen Publishers, Wolters Kluwer, 2009
This is a workbook that contains
information and exercises concerning legal
Part 24 is done!