The Hobbit Ground Rules: On each Due Date, if your packet information is completed, you will discuss the “Questions for Discussion” with your table group for each section. You will also talk about vocabulary words in your discussion group and make sure they are correct. If there is extra time , you can share your writings or discuss written questions. For every vocabulary word that you use correctly from this reading selection in your writing activity, you will get two points. These points will be tallied over the course of the Novel Unit and added as a Grade. You MUST highlight the vocabulary word(s). If words are not highlighted, there will be no points. There are a total of 54 vocabulary words, I expect you to use at least 30 in your writing, and so the total points for vocabulary will be +60. You may turn in your Individual Work Projects as you complete them. Each week you will be turning in your writing assignment for each section. Each write will be worth 15 points, with the exception of #9 which is “BILBO SPEAKS” and it is worth 25 points. Keep up with your reading and work each week. Most of it will be done at home. The Hobbit Schedule: October 20 Hand out The Hobbit – label Writing Activities by numbers, go over “Individual Work Projects” ** (see below to when these should be completed), and QUESTIONS. Due October 27: Chapter I “An Unexpected Party”, Packet pages 3-5 plus Writing Activities 1-2. Due November 3: Chapter II-IV “Roast Mutton”, “A Short Rest”, “Over Hill and Under Hill”, Packet pages 6-9 plus Writing Activity 3 and Art Connection Due November 10: Chapter V-VII “Riddles in the Dark”, “Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire”, Queer Lodgings”, Packet pages 10-11 plus Writing Activities 4-5 Due November 17: Chapter VIII-X “Flies and Spiders”, “Barrels Out of Bond”, “A Warm Welcome”, Packet pages 12-13 plus Writing Activity 6 Due December 1: Chapter XI-XIII “On the Doorstep”, “Inside Information”, “Not at Home”, Packet pages 14-15 plus Writing Activity 7 Due December 8: Chapter XIV-XVI “Fire and Water”, “The Gathering of the Clouds”, “A Thief in the Night”, pages 16-17 plus Writing Activity 8.** Individual Work Projects for #1 and #4 can be completed. Due December 15: Chapter XVII-XIX “The Clouds Burst”, “The Return Journey”, “The Last Stage”, pages 18-20 plus Writing Activity 9 which is also “BILBO SPEAKS”. **Individual Work Projects for #2 and #3 can be completed. All writing activities and packet should be completed by December 18, 2015 The Hobbit: Write #1 Name: __________________________ Date: _______ Period: ____ #1 Imagine you are Bilbo Baggins and write a journal entry expressing your conflicting emotions on the day that the dwarves arrived at your home. _____ +5 Journal Format _____ +5 Details about “conflicting emotions” at your home, can use five senses _____ +5 Mechanics: Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling ________/+15 The Hobbit: Write #2 Name: _________________________Date: _________Period:_____ #2 Bilbo made several statements which he later regretted. Write about a time when you made a statement you later regretted. ______ +5 Describe in detail the time and your statement ______ +5 Describe what happened that caused you to regret your initial statement ______ +5 Mechanics: Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling _________/ +15 The Hobbit: Write #3 Name: _________________________Date: _________Period:_____ #3 Use the device of personification to enhance a written description of a scene that is familiar to you. ______ +5 Description in details of scene ______ +5 Clear personification ______ +5 Mechanics: Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling _________/ +15 The Hobbit: Write #4 Name: __________________________ Date: _______ Period: ____ #4 Reread the first two pages of Chapter VII. Using this descriptive passage as a model, write your own descriptive passage in which you imagine you are flying over and landing in your neighborhood. _____ +5 Descriptive details using sight, hearing, feeling, smelling, and taste. _____ +5 Did you show emotion? Visualization? _____ +5 Mechanics: Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling ________/+15 The Hobbit: Write #5 Name: _________________________Date: _________Period:_____ #5 Write about a goal or a destination that you wish to reach. Enumerate the skills which allow you to achieve this. Explain whether you think you can reach this goal and how its achievement might change your life. ______ +5 Describe your goal or destination and the skills needed to achieve it ______ +5 Explain can you reach it, and how will it change your life? ______ +5 Mechanics: Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling _________/ +15 The Hobbit: Write #6 Name: _________________________Date: _________Period:_____ #6 Imagine you are Bilbo Baggins. Choose one of your adventures and write a journal entry describing your thoughts and feelings immediately after the adventure ended. ______ +5 Description in detail of adventure in Journal form ______ +5 Description in detail using thoughts and feelings, could also use senses ______ +5 Mechanics: Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling _________/ +15 The Hobbit: Write #7 Name: __________________________ Date: _______ Period: ____ #7 Bilbo calls himself by many names. Each name describes the adventure that he went on. Now write about an adventure you might have. Choose an appropriate name for yourself. _____ +5 Adventure in detail that you went on _____ +5 Name that you would give yourself to relate to that adventure _____ +5 Mechanics: Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling ________/+15 The Hobbit: Write #8 Name: _________________________Date: _________Period:_____ #8 Think about some real people you know or have read about who are leaders. What qualities of leadership do they display? Choose one person and write a character sketch about that person in which you describe leadership qualities as well as other characteristics. ______ +6 Leadership traits – state three (3) ______ +6 Actions demonstrates qualities, what evidence is proven for each trait ______ +5 Mechanics: Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling _________/ +17 The Hobbit: Write #9 Name: _________________________Date: _________Period:_____ #9 BILBO SPEAKS The hero of The Hobbit is a quiet hobbit who prefers to surround himself with material comforts. It is only after he is forced to leave his neat hobbit hole to a quest that he raises to the level of a hero. -------Pretend you are Bilbo Baggins and you are going to explain what you gained from the quest with the dwarves. Start your one-page speech with the sentence, “You might wonder what I gained from my quest with Thorin and company.” Your last sentence should include an evaluation of whether the quest was worth it or not. ______ +5 Beginning paragraph using three (3) parts (background sentences or Hook, Topic Sentence, and preview of BI to come) ______ +10 Middle paragraph using at least three (3) things that he gained and detailing why ______ +5 End paragraph using three (3) parts again (Topic Sentence, Summarizing, interesting ending- was it worth it?) ______ +5 Mechanics: Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling _________/ +25 The Hobbit: Dragon Drama Name: ____________________Date: _________Period:_____ You have just arrived in Lake-Town in time to witness the death of Smaug. You are also a reporter for the local TV and radio station. Your assignment is to cover this event. ----Write a script for your presentation. With all the excitement you can muster, describe in a play-byplay report the destruction of the town, the defeat of the dragon, and the aftermath of the battle. ______ +5 1st paragraph: who, what, where, when (details, details, details) ______ +5 2nd paragraph: why (details) ______ +5 Other paragraphs: Quotes from authorities, background details, other similar events such as this from the past. ______ +5 Mechanics: Capitalization, Usage, Punctuation, and Spelling ______ +5 Presentation in front of the class _________/ +25