Orientation Presentation for JHSC Members

The Campaign for McMaster University
The Campaign for McMaster University
Orientation for JHSC Members
Environmental & Occupational Health Support Services
Central Joint Health and Safety Committee
Developed from Core Certification Materials and OHSA
Gilmour Hall 304, ext. 24352
The Campaign for McMaster University
The Campaign for McMaster University
Describe the purpose of the JHSC and the Internal
Responsibility System (IRS)
Describe the legislative requirements of rights,
duties, responsibilities, and functions
Describe the elements of an effective JHSC
List and describe strategies for the JHSC to
promote their activities and activities in the
OH&S Act
Provincial governed legislation
Prescriptive Regulations
Specific requirements for JHSC
Section 9 (xx)
Establishment of a JHSC
9(4) The constructor or employer shall cause a joint
health and safety committee to be established and
maintained in the workplace
Joint Health and Safety Committees
To make recommendations for the reduction of
accidents, injuries, illness, and disease in the
Powers and Opportunity
This is your opportunity to bring solutions to the
table – an opportunity to work with people to resolve
issues by mutual agreement
Response to Recommendations
9(20) An employer who receives written
recommendations from a committee shall respond in
writing within twenty-one days
9(21) A response shall contain a timetable for
implementation or give reasons why the employer
does not agree with and recommendations
Powers of a Committee
9(18) It is the function of a committee to:
Identify situations that are a source of danger
Make recommendations to the employer
Recommend the establishment of programs
Obtain information about hazards
Obtain information about tests and monitoring
Be consulted about the commencement of testing or
Requirements for H&S Rep or JHSC
1-5 Workers
No H&S representative
6-19 Workers
1 H&S representative
20-49 Workers
2 person committee: one
worker, one management
50+ Workers
4 person committee: two
workers, two management
Selection of Worker Members
The members of a committee who represent
workers shall be selected by the workers they are to
represent or, if a trade union or unions represent the
workers, by the trade union or unions
Selection of Co-Chairs
Two of the members of a committee shall co-chair
the committee, one of whom shall be selected by the
members who represent workers and the other of
whom shall be selected by the members who
exercise managerial functions
A committee shall meet at least once every three
months at the workplace…
Minutes of Proceedings
The committee should decide if the work of secretary can
be handled within the committee or if a request should be
made for a non-member secretary to be provided
Minutes should specifically highlight all formal
recommendations for which management response is
Minutes must be available for review and filed with
EOHSS for distribution to the Central JHSC
Entitlement to Time and Pay
9(34) A member of a committee is entitled to:
One hour preparation time before committee meetings
Time to attend meetings
Time as necessary to carry out duties under 9(26),
9(27), and 9(31)
McMaster Policy on JHSC’s
Review Policies:
RMM 104 – Central JHSC
RMM 105 – Faculty / Department JHSC’s
Terms of Reference
Committees may be defined by the Act, or by
University policy
In addition, each JHSC should define for itself:
Reporting accountability
Meeting and inspection schedules
Quorum and voting procedures
Terms of office and method of chairing meetings
Rules of order
Attendance by non-members
Functions of a JHSC
Identify sources of danger or hazards
Make written recommendations
Obtain information on hazards
Obtain information on testing
Inspect the workplace once per month
Assist workers who refuse for H&S reasons
9(23) The members of a committee who represent
workers shall designate one of their number to
inspect the physical condition of the workplace
McMaster University encourages inspectors to
include administrative and procedural audit during
workplace inspection
Inspections of all work areas must occur at least
once per year (the university has committees doing inspections
every month and thereby fulfills the legal requirements for monthly
inspection in part of the workplace)
Inspection responsibilities should be assigned to
specific personnel and scheduled in advance
Areas with significant or special risks should be
inspected more frequently (this is a discussion and decision
that should be made by the committee)
Requirements for Certified Members
Unless otherwise prescribed, an employer shall
ensure that at least one member of the committee
representing the employer and one member
representing workers are certified members
Part 2 – Workplace Specific
The JHSC should discuss and arrive at consensus
about what areas of special training, not covered in
basic certification, that are necessary for the certified
members to be knowledgeable in the specific risks
associated with the area of responsibility of the
This list of special training becomes the required
training to maintain status as certified members
Certified Members
Under “dangerous circumstances” the two certified
members may institute a bilateral work stoppage
Worker member may as for a Ministry declaration
If a declaration is made, the worker member may
institute a unilateral work stoppage
9(18f) Be present at the commencement of testing
or monitoring if required to ensure validity
Interaction with MOL Inspector
MOL workplace inspections
Investigation of complaints
Investigation of work refusals
Investigation of work stoppages
Investigation of serious accidents
Interaction with Consultants
Air monitoring
Substance testing
Hazard analysis
Medical testing
Medical monitoring
Strategies for effective meetings
Publish an agenda in advance of meeting with new business
discussion items submitted by members or the co-chairs
Free and open discussion should be encouraged
Neither management nor labour should monopolize the
meeting or the agenda
Attempt to arrive at all decisions by consensus rather than
by voting
Invite appropriate outside specialists to provide guidance to
the committee
More Strategies
All recommendations going to management for
further action should be expressed as motions
before the committee and highlighted in the minutes
by a distinctive font
A cover note should be signed by the co-chairs and
addressed to the Dean or Director to whom the
committee reports, advising that there are
recommendations that require his/her attention
Further Strategies
The Dean or Director to whom the committee reports
should be invited to attend at least one meeting per
Un-Resolved Items
If, after a reasonable time has elapsed, management
has failed to resolve an issue or answer a
recommendation, the issue or the recommendation
may be referred to the Central JHSC
The Central JHSC should be advised formally, by
memo to EOHSS
EOHSS, with concurrence of the CJHSC chair, will put
the item of the agenda for the next scheduled meeting