
End User Computer Controls
Presented December 6, 2012 to the
Association of International Bank
Marc Engel, CPA, CISA, CFE
Risk Management Advisory Services LLC
Risk Management Advisory Services
Key Discussion Points
Objective: Consider the risks involved in controlling spreadsheets and
other user directed applications. Discuss controls that can be easily
implemented to meet SOX requirements for risk analysis, and
establishing effective controls.
• Topics:
(1)_Overview of Excel risks as part of the
risk assessment
(2)_Risks of fraud and errors; best practices
to prevent and detect them
(3)_Applying Change controls to Excel
RM Advisory Services
Excel Risks as Part of the Risk Analysis
• Background
• Companies that are subject to FDICIA or SOX should
now be compliant for their primary computer systems
and applications.
• It’s possible that some companies subject to FDICIA or
SOX are insufficiently covering the risks inherent in
user-directed apps.
• Many may need to tighten controls over applications
such as Excel or Access.
• These are often used in accounting and finance
departments to generate calculations or support for
journal entries or business decisions.
RM Advisory Services
The Problem: Inherently Weak
• Can anyone give some personal observations
of incorrect information caused by Excel use?
• Some of my observations:
– a formula for a financial statement number using a
random number generator; no documentation
– budget equaled actual exactly because the
preparer copied the budget numbers
– New accountant changed an allocation; Regulator
gave MoU.
RM Advisory Services
Risks involving the use of Excel
Consider these examples:
• An Excel spreadsheet to control fixed assets.
• Some Risks:
– Formulas are not locked, eg. because each new purchase adds a
line to the list of fixed assets.
– Approvals consist of a signature on the hard copy.
• Excel may be used to prepare financial statements and for
variance analyses;
• Some Risks of inaccurate information:
– Lack of control over input cells, output cells, formula results,
– different versions of the spreadsheet
– Consolidation worksheets – information downloaded to
standardized workbook then consolidated at corporate offices
RM Advisory Services
Need for Controls
• Could such errors appear in the financial
statements and the MD&A? Even if totally
innocent, whose responsibility? Consequently,
lack of proper controls over such applications
could result in a finding of a significant
deficiency or even a material weakness. If not
corrected prior to year end, this might have to
be reported as an exception in the annual
RM Advisory Services
Solution Overview
• COSO compliant, effective controls are easily
implemented. Five basic areas to consider are:
– Risk Assessment,
– Limited Access,
– Design and Documentation,
– Change Controls, and
– Monitoring.
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Risk Assessment
• Formalized risk assessment is a required element of
internal control under COSO. A company could
• generate a risk threshold for spreadsheets, based on a
percentage of its total assets or gross revenue.
• Any spreadsheet generating aggregate entries over
that percentage would be deemed critical. So if the
• gross revenue is $500m and the threshold is .1% of
that, any spreadsheet generating entries of $500k in
aggregate over the year would be deemed “critical”
and subject to additional controls.
RM Advisory Services
Risk Assessment
• Key steps:
– Inventory all spreadsheets used to generate
journal entries and supporting work papers for
published financial information, and
– measure them in aggregate by type of entry. In
the above fixed asset example, all fixed asset
entries would be aggregated to include the
spreadsheet in the critical spreadsheet group,
rather than excluding it based on many small
individual entries it would generate.
RM Advisory Services
Spreadsheet Inventory
• Spreadsheet inventory should have:
• List of all spreadsheets used for production of
financial statements and numbers that
support JEs. Include location, owner, main
user, frequency of use. (Keep current by
requiring all new spreadsheets to be
• Security inventory with all passwords for all
sheets; Kept by IT Security.
RM Advisory Services
Control Attributes
• Each spreadsheet’s purpose, frequency of
being run, and formulas should be
documented and explained on a separate tab
in the workbook.
• Passwords should be backed up separately so
if the password keeper leaves or forgets, the
company still can unlock the spreadsheet.
• All superseded versions should be removed
from the production folders.
RM Advisory Services
Design and Documentation
Good spreadsheet design makes a spreadsheet reliable,
without constant testing or risk of error.
Keypoints are:
• Range control, Formula control, and Password
• Range control entails
– setting up input areas, so that formulas do not need to be
revised whenever data is added. This is done by
– putting formulas on a separate sheet in the workbook;
– putting them at the top of the page and adding data
– Controling input via Excel’s excellent Forms functionality
RM Advisory Services
Design and Documentation
Formula controls:
• Formulas are locked and password protected so the user
cannot change them. Only specific input areas are unlocked
for the user.
• Formulas should be color coded to be easily recognizable.
Color coding conventions (standards) should be included in
the company’s procedures for designing spreadsheets.
– Excel 2007 provides formats for different cell types, such as
calculated cell, input, output, and others, on the Home ribbon.
• Best practice designs
– Use one spreadsheet for a particular purpose so a new version
each month (or quarter) is not needed.
RM Advisory Services
Limited Access
• The company should set up a secure directory
or folder. The network administrator limits
access to
– specific profiles of staff needing access to perform
their duties.
– Other staff members are excluded.
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Limited Access
• Quick connections to external data
• In Office Excel 2007, you no longer need to know the
server or database names of corporate data sources.
Instead, you can use Quicklaunch to select from a list
of data sources that your administrator or workgroup
expert has made available for you. A connection
manager in Excel allows you to view all connections in
a workbook and makes it easier to reuse a connection
or to substitute a connection with another one. (Excel
online documentation). Using these features makes
enforcing a secure download process straightforward;
(documenting it as well).
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• Enforcing segregation of duties
– i.e. a single individual should not have rights to both
prepare and enter an entire transaction.
• There must be an audit trail to document the
review of entries. A checklist should be used and
approved, to prove that all needed spreadsheets
were updated timely.
• Off premises vacation rules to prevent override of
controls > Spreadsheets are updated by other
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• Management can monitor spreadsheet
activity since:
– All spreadsheets to prepare FS or supporting info
are inventoried, aggregated as to FS impact, risk
rated, and all critical spreadsheets are secured.
– Mid management knows which are the key
spreadsheets and can enforce controls over
– Spreadsheets are password protected and the
passwords are kept by IT security.
RM Advisory Services
Change Controls
Possibly contentious but consider:
How would you feel about the IT staff revising
your software just on the programmer’s
Same concept applies to your finance dept staff
changing critical spreadsheets with no
RM Advisory Services
Change Controls
Change controls block unauthorized changes, verify accuracy
of changes to the spreadsheet, and enforce version control.
Naming conventions lower the risk of using a superseded
Granted that most spreadsheets will most likely be initially
designed by the owner / user. Nevertheless, after a
spreadsheet is designed properly, it should be password
protected so the designer/ user cannot make changes.
Changes should be performed in a test folder set up for this
purpose and kept out of the production folders. A second
person tests the spreadsheet with a pre-approved test set.
The final version is forwarded to the approver who
password protects it and posts it to the secure folder.
RM Advisory Services
Any questions can be addressed to:
• Marc Engel, CPA, CISA, CFE
RM Advisory Services
• Marc.engelcpa@gmail.com