Week 5 Sheets Knowledge/ Skill Statement Understands the economic principles and concepts fundamental to business operations Instructional Area Economics Performance Element Determine global trade’s impact on business decision-making to acquire insight into the global forces affecting business. Performance Indicator Describe the determinants of exchange rates and their effects on the domestic economy (EC:100) Level Specialist SCANS Information 5, 7; Systems 15; Basic Skills 1-3, 5-6; Thinking Skills 11-12 21st Century Skills Global Awareness 1; Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy 2; Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills 1, 3 Objectives a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. Sample Activity Define the terms exchange rate, exchange-rate quotation, free-floating currency, pegged currency, foreign-exchange market, and strong/weak dollar. Distinguish between direct and indirect exchange-rate quotations. Interpret exchange rates. Identify factors that increase demand for currencies. Explain factors that cause a currency to lose value relative to other currencies. Discuss how economic factors affect exchange rates. Explain how market psychology can affect exchange rates. Describe how political conditions can influence exchange rates. Distinguish between free-floating and pegged currency. Describe factors that influence free-floating currency. Identify institutions that utilize the foreign exchange market. Discuss types of financial instruments used in foreign exchange markets. Explain the advantages/disadvantages of a strong U.S. dollar. Describe the advantages/disadvantages of a weak U.S. dollar. Explain the risks of speculating on the price of foreign currency. Ask the students to imagine that they are U.S. importers who are trying to decide among three countries from which to obtain goods. Each student should select a product and the three countries of interest. The product that each student selects should be one of interest to her/him, and the countries identified should actually export the item. Each student should write a memorandum to the company’s owner recommending one of the countries based on exchange rates. After completing his/her memorandum, each student should compare and discuss it with a classmate. Resources Textbooks Abel, A.B., & Bernanke, B.S. (2005). Macroeconomics (5th ed.) [pp.469, 479]. New York: Pearson Addison Wesley. Bovée, C. L. & Thill, J.V. (2008). Business communication today (9th ed.) [pp. 65-66]. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Burrow, J.L. (2006). Marketing (2nd ed.) [p. 488]. Mason, OH: Thomson/SouthWestern. Clark, B., Sobel, J., & Basteri, C.G. (2010). Marketing dynamics: Teacher’s edition (2nd ed.) [pp. 151-153]. Tinley Park, IL: Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc. Week 5 Sheets Clayton, G.E. (2005). Economics: Principles & Practices (pp. 481-485). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Clayton, G.E. & Giesbrecht, M.G. (2004). A guide to everyday economic statistics (6th ed.) [pp. 142-147]. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Dlabay, L.R., & Burrow, J.L. (2008). Business finance (pp. 55-56, 382-383). SouthWestern Cengage Learning. Dlabay, L.R., Burrow, J.L., & Kleindl, B. (2009). Intro to business (7th ed.) [p. 58]. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Farese, L. S., Kimbrell, G., & Woloszyk, C. A. (2009). Marketing essentials (pp. 86, 167). Woodland Hills, CA: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Kapoor, J.R., Dlabay, L.R., Hughes, R.J., & Hoyt, W.B. (2005). Business and personal finance (p. 248). New York: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Mayo, H.B. (2007). Basic finance: An introduction to financial institutions, investments, & management (9th ed.) [pp. 91-93, 144, 573-574]. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. McConnell, C.R. & Brue, S.L. (2005). Economics: Principles, problems, and policies (16th ed.) [pp. 715-727]. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Miller, R.L. (2005). Economics: Today and tomorrow (pp. 479-482). Columbus, OH: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. O’Sullivan, A. & Sheffrin, S.M. (2003). Economics: Principles in action (pp. 458-464). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Sexton, R.L. (2003). Essentials of economics (pp. 449-456). Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western. Software/ Online AmosWEB. (2000-2011). Exchange rate. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from http://www.amosweb.com/cgi-bin/awb_nav.pl?s=wpd&c=dsp&k=exchange+rate AmosWEB. (2000-2011). Foreign exchange market. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from http://www.amosweb.com/cgibin/awb_nav.pl?s=wpd&c=dsp&k=foreign+exchange+market Cross-Curricular Connections. (2011). Marketplace : Let’s go Euro! Retrieved May 12, 2011, from http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.cfm?lesson=EM299&page=teacher Forex Trading. (n.d.). Exchange rate. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from http://www.forex-trading-i.com/exchange-rate.html Grabianowski, E. (1998-2011). How exchange rates work. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from http://money.howstuffworks.com/exchange-rate.htm Heakal, R. (2011). Floating and fixed exchange rates. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from http://www.investopedia.com/articles/03/020603.asp Hupp, J. (2011). 50 factors that affect the value of the US dollar. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from http://www.currencytrading.net/2007/50-factors-that-affect-the-valueof-the-us-dollar/ Stott, D. (2004, October 15). Weak dollar. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from http://www.gold-eagle.com/gold_digest_04/stott101404.html Week 5 Sheets Knowledge/ Skill Statement Understands tools, techniques, and systems that affect a business’s ability to plan, control, and organize an organization/department Instructional Area Strategic Management Performance Element Recognize management’s role to understand its contribution to business success. Performance Indicator Explain managerial considerations in organizing (SM:064) Level Specialist SCANS Information 5; Interpersonal 12; Systems 15; Basic Skills 1, 2, 5, 6; Thinking Skills 8, 9, 12; Personal Qualities 13 21st Century Skills Use Systems Thinking 1; Manage Projects 1; Guide and Lead Others 2 Objectives a. b. c. d. e. f. Sample Activity Describe how a business benefits from the organizing management function (e.g., helps in achieving efficiency by avoiding wasted time, money, and effort; provides a means for coordinating work efforts; provides a sense of direction for a business’s functional areas; improves employee understanding of job duties and responsibilities; clarifies authority; and improves employee morale). Discuss activities involved in the organizing management function. Explain decisions involved in the organizing management function (e.g., division of labor, delegation of authority, span of control, departmentalization, and coordination). Describe steps in the organizing process (e.g., determine work activities needed to carry out the business’s plans and objectives; group work activities into logical patterns or structures; assign activities to specific positions and people, and allocate needed resources; coordinate activities of the different groups and individuals; and evaluate the results of the organizing process.). Explain factors that affect a manager’s organizing decisions (e.g., company size, strategy, environmental conditions, and technology). Discuss the results of poor organizing (e.g., confusion, frustration, loss of efficiency, and limited effectiveness). Working individually, each student should create a checklist of organizing decisions that must be made to allow the school-based enterprise to run smoothly and effectively. Following the development of these checklists, each student should present his/her checklist to the class and explain reasons for each item identified. Resources Textbooks Bovée, C.L., Thill, J.V., & Mescon, M.H. (2007). Excellence in business (3rd ed.) [pp. 228-229, 236-237, 261-269]. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Daft, R.L., & Marcic, D. (2009). Understanding management (6th ed.) [pp. 8, 248271]. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. DuBrin, A. (2009). Essentials of management (8th ed.) [pp. 8, 10-11, 221-227, 260274]. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Griffin, R.W., & Moorhead, G. (2010). Organizational behavior: Managing people and organizations (9th ed.) [p. 8]. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Jones, G.R., & George, J.M. (2006). Contemporary management (4th ed.) [pp. 12, Week 5 Sheets 103, 334]. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Lussier, R.N. (2003). Management fundamentals: Concepts, applications, skill development (2nd ed.) [pp. 9, 172-194]. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western. Pride, W.M., Hughes, R.J., & Kapoor, J.R. (2010). Business (10th ed.) [pp. 171-172]. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Rue, L.W., & Byars, L.L. (2005). Management: Skills and application (11th ed.) [pp. 5, 174-186]. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Software/ Online Abrugar, V.Q. (2009, September 15). The importance of organizing your business organization. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://businessaccent.com/2009/09/15/the-importance-of-organizing-yourbusiness-organization/#more-1124 Barnett, T. (2011). Organizing. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Or-Pr/Organizing.html CliffsNotes.com. (2000-2011). Concepts of organizing. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://www.cliffsnotes.com/WileyCDA/CliffsReviewTopic/Concepts-ofOrganizing.topicArticleId-8944,articleId-8876.html CliffsNotes.com. (2000-2011). Going from planning to organizing. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://www.cliffsnotes.com/WileyCDA/CliffsReviewTopic/Going-fromPlanning-to-Organizing.topicArticleId-8944,articleId-8874.html CliffsNotes.com. (2000-2011). The organizational process. May 16, 2011, from http://www.cliffsnotes.com/WileyCDA/CliffsReviewTopic/The-OrganizationalProcess.topicArticleId-8944,articleId-8875.html Erven, B.L. (n.d.). Organizing. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://www.ag.ohiostate.edu/~mgtexcel/Organize.html Management study guide. (1998-2011). Importance of organizing function. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://www.managementstudyguide.com/organizing_importance.htm Management study guide. (1998-2011). Organizing function of management. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://www.managementstudyguide.com/organizing_function.htm Week 5 Sheets Knowledge/ Skill Statement Understands the tools, techniques, and systems that businesses use to plan, staff, lead, and organize human resources Instructional Area Human Resources Management Performance Element Manage staff growth and development to increase productivity and employee satisfaction. Performance Indicator Orient new employees (HR:360) Level Career-sustaining SCANS Information 5; Interpersonal 10; Systems 15; Basic Skills 1-2; Thinking Skills 12 21st Century Skills Leadership & Responsibility 2, 4 Objectives a. b. c. d. e. f. Sample Activity Divide the class into groups of three. Ask each group to determine the types of orientation provided to new employees by coworkers at three local businesses. Each team should compare the orientations, discussing possible reasons for the differences among the orientations and recommending ways to improve the sessions. Explain the importance of new-employee orientation. Discuss the benefits of new-employee orientation. Identify sources of orientation information. Explain the current employee's role in orienting new employees. Describe procedures for orienting new employees. Conduct an orientation for new employees. Resources Textbooks Dessler, G., & Varkkey, B. (2009). Human resource management (11th ed.) [pp. 296-298]. New Dehli, India: Dorling Kindersley. Farese, L. S., Kimbrell, G., & Woloszyk, C. A. (2009). Marketing essentials (p. 247). Woodland Hills, CA: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Hodgetts, R.M. (2002). Modern human relations at work (8th ed.) [p. 292]. Mason, OH: South-Western. Jackson, S., & Schuler, R. (2003). Managing human resources through strategic partnerships (8th ed.) [pp. 369]. Cincinnati: Thomson/South-Western. Longenecker, J.G., Moore, C.W., Petty, J.W., & Palich, L.E. (2006). Small business management: An entrepreneurial emphasis (13th ed.) [pp. 427-428]. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western Mathis, R.L., & Jackson, J.H. (2003). Human resource management (10th ed.) [pp. 286-288]. Cincinnati: Thomson/South-Western. Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P.M. (2010). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage (7th ed.) [pp. 333-335]. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Software/ Online About.com. (2011). Preparing for new-hire orientation day. Retrieved May 16, 2011 from http://jobsearchtech.about.com/od/interview/l/aa052200.htm Bacal, R. (n.d.). A quick guide to employee orientation: Help for managers and HR. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://work911.com/articles/orient.htm Week 5 Sheets Brown, J. (2011). Employee orientation: Keeping new employees on board. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://humanresources.about.com/od/retention/a/keepnewemployee_3.htm Heathfield, S. (2011). Tips for a better new employee orientation. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://humanresources.about.com/cs/orientation/qt/tipneonew.htm Healthfield, S. (2011). Top ten ways to turn off a new employee. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://humanresources.about.com/od/orientation/a/top_turnoffs.htm Microsoft. (2011). New employee orientation checklist. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/new-employee-orientation-checklistTC001234053.aspx Morgan, R., Cameron, L., & Wallace, A. (n.d.). Developing an effective new employee orientation. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://www.ohrd.wisc.edu/eo/neopp.ppt SmallBusiness.com. (2009, December 31). How to establish a new employee orientation. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://smallbusiness.com/wiki/How_to_establish_a_new_employee_orientation Uhl, J. (1999-2010). Creative ideas for new employee orientation. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://www.ehow.co.uk/list_6328276_creative-ideas-new-employeeorientation.html University of California Berkeley. (n.d.). Chapter 5: New employee orientation. Retrieved May 16, 2011, from http://hrweb.berkeley.edu/guide/orient.htm