C HAPTER 5: CONTROLLING L EARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the concept of controlling 1. Define control 2. Importance of control 3. Relationship between control and planning 4. Control process 5. Principles of effective control 6. Types of control 7. Techniques in control D EFINITION Process to ensure that actual activities are conducted according to the planned activities (Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert, 1995). A process to ensure activities are implemented as planned and activities that are considered to be incorrect are corrected (Robin and Coutler, 1996). D EFINITION A systematic effort in determining a set of performance standard based on the objectives of planning the formation of a feedback system, and the comparison between the actual performance and the set standards (Mockler). W HY C ONTROL ? Internal and external changes in an organization Organization’s size and decentralization Mistakes Allocation of power and responsibility A SPECTS OF C ONTROL Output control/performance control - to control the actual performance or result, productivity Behavior control - to control undesired behaviors C ONTROL VS . PLANNING Planning preceed controlling and controlling succeeds planning. Planning and controlling are inseperable functions of management. Activities are put on rails by planning and they are kept at right place through controlling. C ONTROL VS . PLANNING The process of planning and controlling works on Systems Approach which is as follows : Planning → Results → Corrective Action Planning and controlling are integral parts of an organization as both are important for smooth running of an enterprise. Planning and controlling reinforce each other. Each drives the other function of management C ONTROL Set the standards Measure the actual performance PROCESS Compare actual performance with the standards Take corrective action E FFECTIVE C ONTROL P RINCIPLES Principles to effective control process Flexibility Accuracy of information Timeliness Focus on important factors Acceptance by employees C HARACTERISTICS OF E FFECTIVE C ONTROL Accuracy of information Comprehensive objectives Timelines Easy to operate Economical Flexible Acceptance by employees T YPES OF CONTROL Feed forward control Concurrent control Filtering or YES/NO control Feedback control F EEDFORWARD C ONTROL Performed before an activity starts The objective is to avoid mistakes before any activity is implemented CO NCURRENT C ONTROL Also known as steering control Performed during the implementation of an activity It can avoid mistakes that occur during a process Can reduce cost (prevent corrective action) F EEDBACK C ONTROL Is conducted after an activity is completed The objective is to measure the results of an action Can identify weaknesses in plans / standards Also use to rewards employees F ILTERING C ONTROL Filtering is normally involves a filtering process, where certain procedure must be approved before an operation is continued C ONTROL TECHNIQUES Financial Control - Financial statement (Break-even analysis, Balance sheet, Cash Flow) - Audit - Budget Traditional Non-Financial Control - Statistical Data - Special Reports and Analysis - Internal Operation Audit - Self-evaluation C ONTROL TECHNIQUES Modern Non-Financial Control - Gantt Chart - Milestones Budget - Program Evaluation - PERT / CPM Analysis