File - Southside Church of Christ

Hebrews #11- Jesus Christ: A Better Way in Faith
1. How is faith the assurance of things hoped for? What does this mean?
2. How is faith the conviction of things not seen? What does this mean?
3. From vv.2-5:
a. How do the men of old illustrate or explain v.1?
b. How does the creation of the world by the word of God illustrate or explain v.1?
c. How does Abel illustrate or explain v.1?
d. How does Enoch illustrate or explain v.1?
4. V.6 defines faith as being constituted of three separate elements. Please identify
these elements, and explain why they must be a part of faith.
5. How does Noah illustrate or explain faith in v.7?
6. How does Abraham illustrate or explain faith in vv.8-10?
7. How does Sarah illustrate or explain faith in vv.11-12?
8. Aside from illustrating and explaining faith, what is the real point of these examples
(vv.2-5,7-12)? Please explain.
9. How did each of the following demonstrate faith:
a. Abraham, vv.17-19?
b. Isaac, v.20?
c. Jacob, v.21?
d. Joseph, v.22?
e. Moses, vv.23-28?
f. Israelites, vv.29-30?
g. Rahab, v.31?
10. What is the writer’s point in providing all these examples of faith from vv.32-38 (and
those before also)?
11. Thought Question: In general terms, what challenges your faith the most, and
Hebrews #11- Jesus Christ: A Better Way in Faith
1. How is faith the assurance of things hoped for? What does this mean?
Hupostasis (from hupo/under and stasis/to stand = that on which one stands; a
foundation; metaphorically, confidence or assurance) is also used in 2Cor.9:4 and
11:17 (confidence in both) as well as Heb.1:3 (upholding) and 3:14.
This hearkens back to 4:9 regarding the remaining “Sabbath rest for the people of
God,” and to 6:13-20 where the surety of this reward is the promise and oath of God.
Furthermore, as the quotation from Hab.2:3-4 in vv.37-38 of the previous chapter
has demonstrated the saving power of faith, it is natural for there to be an
explanation of how faith saves in this chapter, vv.1-2. Thus, this salvation in the
promised rest is made sure by the promise and oath of God resulting in the
“assurance of things hoped for” in a way that engenders confidence. The faithful,
then, has a firm foundation (hupostasis) upon which to stand in obedient and
confident assurance of that for which he hopes- i.e. heaven!
2. How is faith the conviction of things not seen? What does this mean?
Elenchos (conviction/evidence) is used only here in the N.T. It refers to a proof, by
which a thing is proved or tested. In this case, the faithful is so convicted (firmly
convinced) in mind regarding things (the reward of heaven, v.16; or the creation of
earth, v.3) that he has not seen that he lives in obedience to God’s will for a lifetime
without receiving them, cf. v.13!
Note that assurance and conviction involve both the heart (in trust) and mind (in
knowledge) of man. These enable his body to obey, even for a lifetime, without
turning back, cf. 10:39.
3. From vv.2-5:
a. How do the men of old illustrate or explain v.1?
They, by gaining God’s approval, illustrate the assurance of faith’s reward, cf.
b. How does the creation of the world by the word of God illustrate or explain v.1?
Since Adam was not formed until the sixth day of God’s creative works, cf.
Gen.1:24-31, it naturally follows that no man saw the worlds being formed by the
word of God. Obviously, then, it is by faith that we “understand” how things
occurred, and reach our convictions regarding them, vv.1-2.
c. How does Abel illustrate or explain v.1?
The fact that non-animal (or grain, fruit, vegetable) sacrifices were later specified
as acceptable to the Lord in Lev.2:1-16 proves little in this particular distinction
between the offerings of Abel and his older brother, Cain, cf. Gen.4:3-5. Abel’s
sacrifice was not better because it was more costly. It was better because it was
by faith, v.4. The inescapable conclusion of this- since Rom.10:17 clarifies that
“faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God,” is that God had
specified what kind of offering He desired from Cain and Abel. Abel, by faith,
obeyed, but Cain disobeyed by substitution. The reasons Cain used to justify his
actions, if indeed he did so, are irrelevant. He did not act in faith by obeying God
in the matter of his sacrifice, and it was subsequently rejected.
It is entirely possible, though somewhat speculative, that neither Cain nor Abel
had ever seen a sacrifice/offering to God previously- at least there is no divine
record of such. Thus, Abel’s conviction regarding things not seen is by faith in
that regard as well.
d. How does Enoch illustrate or explain v.1?
Gen.5:21-24 provides the story of Enoch, the main point of which is the
statement twice made therein that “Enoch walked with God,” vv.22,24. The rest
of the story is that Enoch “was not, for God took him.” This is generally
understood to mean that he did not die. Elijah seems to also fall into this very
limited category, 2Kings 2:1-14. Enoch, according to Jude 14-15, had been a
faithful preacher/prophet- a forerunner to his great-grandson Noah in that regard.
However, the point being made of Enoch’s faith in our text has little, if anything,
to do with his departure from earth, and everything to do with his sojourn here!
Here’s why: Enoch being taken up without seeing death was not an act of faith of
his part- God did that. By contrast, Enoch’s 300+ year walk with God while on
earth was by faith, cp. Gen.5:22 and Heb.11:5!
That faith doesn’t always prevent physical death is clearly shown by v.13 (and by
the fact evidently God only took Enoch and Elijah without their deaths). It is true
that Enoch’s faith led to God’s action of taking him without death, but such is
really not the point of his inclusion as an example of faith in the text here. Such
is made clear by the last part of v.5, “for he obtained the witness that before he
was taken up he was pleasing to God.”
4. V.6 defines faith as being constituted of three separate elements. Please identify
these elements, and explain why they must be a part of faith.
a. Belief- knowledge/conviction in the mind, cf. v.3; because faith must originate
with knowledge of God’s word, Rom.10:17.
b. Trust- assurance in the heart of reward, cf. vv.13-16, 39-40; because faith must
be more than can be known, otherwise it would just be knowledge instead of
faith, cp. 2Cor.5:6-8 and Rom.8:24-25.
c. Obedience- submission in the body/life/living, cf. vv.4-5; because faith is not
just knowledge of God’s will and trust in Him as a rewarder, but also must include
active submission (obedience), Jas.2:17-26.
Man is essentially constituted of three distinct parts: Intellect (mind), Spirit (heart,
emotion, soul, spirit), and Physical (body). Thus, God comprised faith of parts that
correspond to man for whom it was made: Knowledge in the mind, Trust in the heart,
and Obedience in the life/body, v.6.
5. How does Noah illustrate or explain faith in v.7?
He was warned by God about a coming destruction by a flood of rain- which he had
never seen, cp. Gen.2:5-6; Gen.6:17  Heb.11:1b. And yet Noah, by faith, believed
in his mind the things that God said, and trusted in his heart that God would reward
his obedience and thus built the ark “according to all that God had commanded him,
so he did,” Gen.6:22.
6. How does Abraham illustrate or explain faith in vv.8-10?
He went out not knowing (which in this case, means he had never seen, and
therefore had no direct knowledge of) where he was going. This is the trust
component of faith being demonstrated in dramatic fashion. Abraham left his
ancestral home, most of his family, and whatever inheritance he would have had
there from them behind in obedience because he believed God’s word, v.8.
Abraham was also willing to live as an alien in the land of promise- meaning he
never owned the land he went to secure for his descendants. Obviously, that takes
faith/trust that God will fulfill His promises, v.9.
He was also looking forward to that which is unable to be seen, cp. v.10; 2Cor.4:1618. All of which adds up to “faith”!
7. How does Sarah illustrate or explain faith in vv.11-12?
There is considerable dissension regarding v.11’s translation. The issue pertains to
the subject of the sentence. Was it Sarah’s faith that is the subject under
consideration in the verse, or is it a continuation of Abraham’s faith from the previous
verses that is still under consideration. The grammatical arguments are too
technical and difficult for me to completely understand, let alone explain here. It is
true that Sarah, at least initially, did not believe, but in fact laughed, when God told
her that she would have a son in her old age, cf. Gen.18:9-15. But, this does not
necessarily mean that Abraham’s faith must then be the subject of the sentence,
since he, also initially laughed at the notions, cf. Gen.17:17.
The point to be realized is that, and without being crude, both Abraham and Sarah
had to manifest belief in God’s promise, trust in His ability to provide what was
promised, and obedience in order to produce Isaac since his was not an
immaculate conception. Their faith caused them to continue to act in accordance
with God’s promise despite the obvious obstacles their physical ages presented.
Without Sarah’s faithful participation, she would not have “received the ability to
conceive, even beyond the proper time of life,” v.11b.
Since Abraham’s faith as already been highlighted in previous verses, and Sarah
clearly is included in the last part of v.11, I have no real problem with her being the
subject at the beginning part of the verse.
8. Aside from illustrating and explaining faith, what is the real point of these examples
(vv.2-5,7-12)? Please explain.
The point of these examples is manifested in vv.13-16. In each example, the faithful
a. died without receiving the promises, v.13a;
b. saw and welcomed them from a distance, v.13b;
c. lived as strangers and exiles, v.13c;
d. sought for a better country of their own ahead, vv.14,16; and,
e. were thus unwilling to turn back to their former places and lives despite being
able to do so, v.15.
Now think about these verses in the context of being written to Jewish Christians
living in and around Jerusalem prior to its destruction, who were being persecuted
by their own countrymen to the point of having to abandon their homes, and were
thus contemplating a return to Judaism. These examples of faith make much more
sense now, don’t they?
It should be noted that “all these” (from vv.16ff) most likely refers contextually only to
Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, and Jacob, since Enoch obviously did not die. Noah
may or may not have been included in the designation, but a case certainly could be
made either way. The point is that the previous antediluvian examples of Abel and
Enoch, though they may be applicable in some ways, are probably not the focus of
vv.13-16. Also, promises were clearly made to Noah (see Gen.6:18), Abraham,
Sarah, Isaac, and Jacob, but the text is silent regarding any promises made to Abel
and Enoch, cf. v.13.
9. How did each of the following demonstrate faith:
a. Abraham, vv.17-19? God had promised Abraham that He would make of him “a
great nation,” Gen.12:2. Abraham had waited (though not always patiently, cf.
Gen.15:2ff and 16:1ff) for twenty-five years for Isaac to be born in fulfillment of
that promise, cp. Gen.12:4 and 21:5. Then, at whatever Isaac’s age was at the
time- he was old enough to carry the wood for the altar and understand that they
were lacking a lamb for the sacrifice, cf. Gen.22:6-7, God told Abraham to take
this son of promise and “offer him as a burnt offering,” Gen.22:1. Abraham’s faith
is demonstrated, therefore, not only in his willingness to do as God commanded,
but to do so without knowing exactly how God would still fulfill the promise to
make of him a great nation, v.17-18. But in faith, Abraham trusted that He could
and would, and thus obeyed- apparently without hesitation or delay, v.19;
Additional Discussion Question: What requirements God has made of us that
require obedience and trust without knowledge necessarily (understanding why)?
b. Isaac, v.20? The event to which the writer refers is recorded in Gen.27:1-40. It
is significant that Jacob received his father’s blessing by deception, but it is
perhaps even more significant that Isaac, once he learned of the deception,
refused to revoke or alter it, Gen.27:32-37.
However, note specifically that the writer does not deal with these aspects of the
blessing. He only credits Isaac with faith in blessing Jacob and Esau “regarding
things to come.” Surely, such refers to his predictions of Gen.27:28-29 for
Jacob, and Gen.27:39-40 for Esau. These prophecies were made in faith
regarding God’s promises, for there was no way for Isaac to know what would
happen in the future otherwise.
c. Jacob, v.21? It is interesting that the text does not mention Jacob’s blessing of
his own sons- not even Joseph. Instead, he focuses on the sons of Joseph,
Ephraim and Manasseh, that Jacob adopted as his own (Gen.48:5) and blessed,
Gen.48:8-20. Though these boys were born to Joseph in Egypt, they would not
remain there but instead become the heads of two of the largest tribes in Israel.
It is by faith that Jacob blessed these lads and made his predictions regarding
them. Jacob would soon die without ever seeing Canaan again, let alone seeing
or having any knowledge of these grandsons of his back there. In a further act of
faith, Jacob also worshipped, Gen.47:31.
The writer, undoubtedly, refers to Jacob’s blessing of Joseph’s sons as an act of
faith specifically here in Heb.11:21 because it was similar to Isaac’s blessing of
him in that the younger was blessed ahead of the older, cf. Gen.48:17-20.
d. Joseph, v.22? Here, Joseph also manifests faith in God’s previous promises to
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob regarding the land of Canaan and the nation of Israel
in it. Joseph is dying a wealthy and powerful ruler in Egypt, but looks ahead to
the yet unformed nation of Israel and its triumphant entrance into Canaan. So
trusting is he regarding these future events that could not be otherwise seen, that
he commands his bones to be taken with the nation as they return to the
promised land, Gen.50: 24-25.
e. Moses, vv.23-28? Moses demonstrated faith in a number of listed ways:
v.24, refused the powerful position of Pharaoh’s grandson, cf. Matt.26:50-56;
v.25, chose instead to be treated badly with God’s people, cf. Matt.12:46-50;
v.26, trusted God to reward him spiritually rather than depending on Pharaoh
to reward him physically, cf. Matt.6:19-21;
v.27, did not fear Pharaoh but looked to God, cf. 12:2ff and Matt.10:28; and,
V.28, kept the feast, cf. Matt.26:26-29.
f. Israelites, vv.29-30? The Israelites, for all their lack of faith between these two
events, demonstrated tremendous faith by walking between the two walls of
water in the Red Sea, cf. Ex.14:21-14, and by marching around Jericho once
each day for six days and seven times on the seventh day, cf. Josh.6:4-6, 12-21.
Who ever heard of walking on dry ground in the midst of a sea, or marching
around and blowing trumpets to destroy a walled city? But trusting the promises
of God regarding things never before seen, and in obedience to God’s
commands, these things happened by faith just as God promised!
g. Rahab, v.31? The writer does not mention the lie Rahab told to the king of
Jericho’s men, cf. Josh.2:4-5, for such is not the point he is making. Instead, he
refers to her faith in welcoming the spies in peace, cf. Josh.2:6-11, and saved her
family, Josh.2:12-21; 6:22-23. Though not specifically mentioned, Rahab’s faith
is further demonstrated by her go with and becoming part of Israel, cf. Josh.6:25;
and Matt.1:5!
10. What is the writer’s point in providing all these examples of faith from vv.32-38 (and
those before also)?
The writer’s point is made in vv.39-40- that all of these- despite living, trusting, and
obeying by faith, “did not receive what was promised…”. What was promised
refers not to the land of Canaan or the great nation of Israel, but blessing of all
families of the earth through Jesus Christ, cf. Gen.12:3! No one of the OT
dispensation, regardless of their faithfulness, received this reward apart from us,
v.40. This is the same point Jesus made with regard to John the Baptist in
Matt.11:11, i.e. that as great as John was, “yet he who is least in the kingdom of
heaven is greater than he.”
To the specific audience of Hebrews (Jewish Christians living in and around
Jerusalem prior to 70 A.D. who were in danger of apostatizing back into Judaism),
the point is simple: Don’t leave what you have in Christ to go back to a system in
which even the faithful didn’t receive the promise!
11. Thought Question: In general terms, what challenges your faith the most, and
Each can and should answer for himself.