1 Table of Contents Cover Table Of contents Preface History Section I: After Independence Section II: Federation with the Netherlands and Parliamentary Democracy Section III: Old Order Section IV: New Order Section V: Reformation Indonesia Structure Section I: Form of State Section II: Form of Government Section III: Government System Section IV: Economic System Section V: Political System Inflation Section I: Inflation Background Section II: Inflation during the old and new order Section III: Inflation Solution 2 Preface In order to help increase the amount of enrichment book about Indonesian social studies in the English language. We the students of Sekolah Hihgscope Indonesia have created this book to help contribute for the lack of enrichment book about Indonesian socials studies in the English language. Within this book we have listed and explain about: Indonesia’s history from its independence to its reformation era, Indonesia’s structure and the problem that Indonesia faces which is Inflation. We would like to thank our parents, teacher and friends for all the support you have given in this really short amount of time. We hope that this Enrichment book will help aid in your studies and will increase your knowledge about social studies. Jakarta, September 2015 Kevin Z.M | Sharon. W| Disya. R| Ago. H 3 History 4 After Independence Indonesia has a lot of historic events that is really important and that effects and shapes what the country is now. These historic events are mostly political and events that are related about the development of Indonesia. To make this easier to explain we have divided the history into multiple sections, and in each history section we will make notes, paragraphs and explanations to make understanding easier. Section I After Independence 17 August 1945: Ir. Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta proclaim Indonesia’s independence. 18-19 Augustus 1945: The PPKI had a meeting to form the governmental system in Indonesia. After proclaiming independence, Indonesia immediately held meetings to make the governmental system in Indonesia. Indonesia’s first president Ir. Soekarno proclaiming Indonesia’s independence on 17 of August 1945 5 October 1945: The TKR was formed (TKR: Tentara Keamanan Rakyat, at that time Indonesia’s military to protect citizens) 5 12-18 November 1945: Colonel Sudirman was chosen to become the leader of the TKR and become one of the commanders of TKR. January 1946 –January 1947: The TKR then was renamed into TRI and it wis renamed again for the last time and it became TNI. ( TRI: Tentara Republik Indonesia , TNI: Tentara Negara Indonesia. Indonesia’s military) Because of proclaiming independence, Netherlands which were occupying us at that time took that as threat and began to use force on us to stop us from having independence and so they can take control of our country. (1945 – 1946 War to fight for Indonesia’s Independence) July – August 1947: The first Netherlands Military aggression Agustus – October 1948: The rebellion of the PKI (Communism) party in Madiun December 1948: The second Netherlands Military aggression 22 December 1948: The formation of the “temporary” government During the first and second Netherlands military aggression they used armed forces and interventions to stop us from proclaiming independence 6 In this time the Netherlands became really aggressive and desperate so that we couldn’t have our independence, within this time there were 2 times where the Netherlands became really aggressive and we called this event “The first Netherlands Aggression” and “The Second Netherlands Aggression”. Within this event the Netherlands used armed interventions to stop us from having independence. In the second Netherlands aggression the Netherlands kidnapped our nation’s leaders and exiled them to a different part of our country, so at that time we needed to make a “temporary” government so that everything can still run smoothly. Because of the Netherlands Military Aggressions it then triggered an agreement where the Netherlands and Indonesia needed to finish this problem once and for all, so then the Netherlands and Indonesia held a round table meeting in the Netherlands to finally proclaim that Indonesia is an official country. From this round table conference it resulted in some major result, one of it was that Indonesia will be an official “free” country but they needed to be in a federation with the Netherlands and so Indonesia became RIS (Repulik Indonesia Serikat). Another big thing was that Indonesia needed to take responsibility of all of the Netherlands debt since 1942. 7 Section II Federation with Netherlands and Parliamentary Democracy 4 August 1949: Indonesia chose who will join the KMB conference in the Netherlands. (KMB = Konfrensi Meja Bundar, Round table conference) 23 August– 2 November 1949: The KMB round table conference has begun in the Netherlands. From the KMB round table conference it has resulted that Indonesia became a federation with the Netherlands, and it became the RIS (Republik Indonesia Serikat, Indonesia became a federation nation can be translated into The United states of Indonesia Republic) 29 October 1949: RI and FBO signed the agreement of the constitutional tentaf of RIS. 14 December 1949: The entire states leader DPR and all of states of RIS proclaimed and agreed to make the constitution PIS. (PIS: “Partai Indonesia Sejahtra”, a constitutional party that are in charge of the rules in Indonesia. 15-17 December 1949: Ir Soekarno was chosen and became the president of RIS. 20 December 1949: Mohammad Hatta becomes the prime minister 23 December 1949: The RIS that was lead by Mohammad Hatta went to the Netherlands to sign the script sovereignty On the 23rd of August to 2nd November in 1949, Indonesia and the Netherlands held a round table conference in the Netherlands. 8 After the round table conference with the Netherlands we are now in a federation with the Netherlands. After the conference Indonesia needed to do a lot of political things such as signing agreements with the Netherlands, making a constitution, electing a president which was Ir. Soekarno at that time and electing prime minister which was Mohammad Hatta at that time. 4 January 1950: DPRD OF Malang made a motion to leave from the country of East Java and join RI the republic of Indonesia. 21-22 January 1950: East Sumatra joins the RI 30 January 1950: Sukabumi leaves Pasundan and joins the RI 8 March 1950: The RIS government released the procedures of the change of the state. 22 April 1950: Jakarta joins the RI 19 May 1950: RIS and RI agreed to form a country based off the proclamation of independence on 17th of August 1945. 17 August 1950: The country RIS has been officially dissolved Around this time a lot of the citizens in Indonesia disagreed about being in a federation with the Netherlands, one by one states from Indonesia began to join the RI or the Republic of Indonesia instead of the RIS. Slowly states left RIS and began to join the RI, until in the 19th of May 1950 where the RIS and RI agreed to form a country based of the proclamation of Independence on 17th of August 1945 then finally on the 17th of August 1950 the RIS has been officially dissolved and now Indonesia is known as NKRI (Negara Kesatuan Indonesia Serikat). Because of this actions Indonesia is now a free independent nation but by doing this it enraged the Netherlands. President Soekarno proclaiming that the RIS will be dissolved and will become the NKRI, an independent nation that is not in a federation with the Netherlands 9 Section III The Old Order 29 September 1955: Election for the members of Konstituantte/DPR (DPR: Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) Within this time Indonesia has started forming political groups that will help aid the countries with their law development and all sorts of other things related to the counties development. Another is during this time of change Ir. Soekarno became the president of the newly found NKRI and Mohammad Hatta which was previously the prime minister of the RIS became the NKRI’s vice president. 5 December 1957: Every activity that is related to the Netherlands has been blocked and banned Since Indonesia still has some sort of vengeance towards the Netherlands, anything related to Netherlands such as books, movies and etc were banned at that time. 1948-1960: Rebelion of DI/TII in someplacces in RI) 1950-1958: Rebelion of APRA, Makasar, Republik of South Maluku , PRRI, Permesta In this time we didn’t just fought the Netherlands but we also needed to fight against certain parts of our countries that disagreed to all of us becoming one nation. Certain groups and certain part of countries rebelled because they wanted to become their own independent nation, but after a while those groups and those certain part of those countries was dealt with. 5 July 1959: The UUD 1945 Is now applied again and the UUD1950 (UUDS) is now invalid. (UUD: Undang-Undang Dasar, UUDS: Undang-Undang Dasar Sementara) For the first part of our countries independence we used the UUD1945 (Undang-undang dasar 1945). The UUD was a constitution for us and every part of Indonesia needed to follow the rules. But during the time where our nation’s leaders were kidnapped and exiled we used another version of the UUD called UUDS1950 (Undang-undang Dasar 10 Sementara), which was similar like the original UUD but this particular version was temporary. 15 August 1962: Indonesia and the Netherlands held a meeting in the main headquarters of the UN in New York. This meeting was to decide the faith of West Irian. (1950-1969: The effort to free West Iiran from the Netherlands through armed confrontation and etc) (14 July 1969: According to agreement with Pepera, West Irian wants to be a part of the RI and immediately after that it officially become the province of Irian Jaya) During this time there was a leftover part of Indonesia that never joined the RIS and or NKRI, and it was West Irian. Indonesia and the Netherlands fought who was going to get West Irian to the point where they even used armed interventions. Finally both of them decided what is the faith of West Irian in the headquarters of the UN in New York. After the meeting according to the agreement with Pepera, West Irian wanted to be a part of Indonesia and it then became the province also known as Irian Jaya 1965: Indonesia left the UN, but will join it again soon after. President Ir. Soekarno during the UN meeting in New York 11 During this time Indonesia to decided to leave UN for specific reasons but then will join again later on in the future September 30 1965: The tragic event called G 30 S/PKI, this tragic event is where the PKI kidnapped and murdered leaders of the military. (G 30 S/PKI: Gerakan 30 September Partai Komunis Indonesia ) October 3 1965: The corpse from the G 30 S/PKI has been discovered (Along that time a lot of members from the PKI has been captured, killed and sentenced to death) Since 1945 there was a party called PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia) that rebelled against Indonesia and made havoc all around Indonesia. The PKI was communist party which tried to teach communism to the people of Indonesia. During one of their biggest uprising the PKI kidnapped and murdered some of the leaders of the military, their uprising caused massive havoc throughout Indonesia and will be the cause of certain big changes later on in Indonesia’s future. This PKI uprising will be later on called the G 30 S/PKI (Gerakan 30 September Partai Komunis Indonesia) A National monument located in East Jakarta was created that is use to remember back on the generals who died in the G 30 S/PKI tragedy. Here are the generals who died in the tragedy: Soetodjo Siswomiharjo, D.I. Pandjaitan, Siswondo Parman, Ahmad Yani, R. Suprapto, MT Hardjono, AP Tendean. 12 11 March 1965: Indonesia and its government created the Supersemar (Surat perintah sebelas Maret) otherwise known as a letter or agreement that made Major General Suharto to take certain actions for fixing the nations safety. 20 June – 5 July 1966: National meeting, from the meeting it was agreed that the PKI will be dissolved and the teaching of Communism in Indonesia will be banned. After the events of the G 30 S/PKI Indonesia and its government decided to make safety measures to ensure the safety of Indonesia and citizens from the PKI and other threats, so in the 11 of March 1965 Indonesia and its government created the Supersemar (Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret). The Supersemar was a letter of agreement that made Major General Soeharto to take certain actions so that he could fix the safety in Indonesia. During 20th of June until the 5th of July of 1966 Indonesia had a meeting and it was decided that the PKI will be dissolved and that the teaching of communism was banned. President Ir Soekarno giving Major General Soeharto the authorization to execute the Supersemar. 13 Section IV The New Order February 1967 – March 1968: Soekarno entrusted his government rank and power to Suharto, Soekarno also withdraw himself from becoming president and elected Suharto to become president During this time Indonesia appeared to have two faces of leadership one was President Soekarno and the other was Major General Suharto, during this time Soekarno’s reputation was falling drastically because of corruption, the G 30 S/PKI tragedy and other things. Because of Soekarno’s failing reputation the citizens of Indonesia didn’t agreed to Soekarno anymore to the point where Soekarno withdraw from being president and entrusted his government rank and power to Major General Suharto. From here on out this the start of the new order. 1963-1965: Peace agreement with Malaysia Previously Indonesia and Malaysia had a strong rivalry and hatred towards each other, Malaysia being in the UN was one of the reasons Indonesia left UN. During this time Indonesia and Malaysia had a peace agreement and they became friendly/neutral towards each other. 19-20 September 1966: Meeting in Tokyo, discussing about Indonesia debts with foreign nations. From the result of the meeting Indonesia debt payment can be postpone until 1972-1978 and some debt may still be reconsidered Indonesia has a lot of bets with foreign nations, during this time Indonesia were having a meeting in Tokyo to discuss with other countries about how will Indonesia pay their debt. 8 August 1967: Indonesia helped formed and joined ASEAN (ASEAN: Association of South East Asian Nations) During this time Indonesia helped form ASEAN, The association of south East Asian nations. At this time Indonesia consist of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. 14 Five leaders from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Singapore sat down together in the main hall of the Department of Foreign Affairs building in Bangkok, Thailand and signed the ASEAN agreement document. 1967: Indonesia faces a debt as large as 2.2-2.7 billion US dollar, President Suharto issues economical policies. (1969-1979 Inflation grows at a rate of roughly 7-17% per year) 1973: Indonesia decreased the amount of parties by merging multiple parties into one. 1990: Indonesia experiences a drastic economical growth related to the process of industrialization 1997: Economical crisis struck Asia including Indonesia. Economical crisis cause by all sorts of factor such as corruption, collusion and etc causing high cost economy 1998: Indonesia’s economy has cause a negative growth making the value of Rupiah drop from Rp2, 300 to Rp17, 000 per 1US Dollar. Dozens of companies are forced to shut down, unemployment drastically rises and every day stuff and gasoline increase in cost. During this time Asia economical crisis started and it affect a lot of South East Asian countries such as Indonesia. In this time Indonesia experience a lot of industrial changes. Indonesia also faced a huge debt of 2.2-2.7 billion US dollars. Because of this Indonesia economy experienced a huge negative effect and it caused all sorts of problem such as the value decrease of our national currency and the rise of inflation that will be the bases of the soon to happen “Reformation”. 15 Section V Reformation 12 May 1998: student’s rebels against the safety forces and the government, their mission was to bring down Suharto by force and for a reformation. Because of this clash 4 Trisakti College students were shot killed. During the 12th of May 1998, students rebelled against the nation’s safety forces and it resulted in the death of 4 Trisakti college student. The students who died were: Hendriawan, Elang Mulya Lesmana, Hery Hertanto and Hafidin Royan 19 May 1998: Thousands of students from all sort of colleges all around Jakarta invaded the MPR building and demands reformation and that Suharto withdraws himself from being president. Thousands of students from all sort of colleges all around Jakarta invaded the MPR (government) building for several days. 16 There were a lot of factors why did the reformation happen, one of the biggest one was because of Suharto. Since Suharto has the most power and fame in Indonesia he repeatedly became president for almost 32 years. Another thing was that Indonesia’s economy was deteriorating in a very bad conclusion so the citizens of Indonesia finally had enough and demanded reformation. 21 May 1998: President Suharto withdraws himself from becoming president and the vice president B.J Habibie became the new president of RI. President Suharto withdraws from being president and B.J Habibie immediately replaces him. -“Y. Sri Pujiasturi | T.D Haryo Tamtomo | N. Suparmo, 2013, “Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Sejarah”, esis, (2013: 4-31) 17 Indonesia Structure 18 Section I Form of State The form of state, to know the definition of ‘form of state’ we need to break it down to form and state, according to Dictionary the real definition of form is the condition, character or mode of how something appears, meanwhile the real definition of state is the territory or one of the territories, of a government. So from this we can conclude that form of state is a condition or character of a government. Currently there are two forms of state that is Unitary State and United States (or Federation). Unitary state is the form of state, which the country has only one central government. This central government controls and regulates the entire area. There are two types of unitary state: 1. Centralized System: Centralized system is one of the unitary state systems that have a system of government where the central government administered all the issues that are contained in the country; meanwhile the regions in the country only stay to implement the central government order. Just like most system there are advantage and disadvantage. The advantage of centralized system is that there is uniformity in the rules, because of the uniformity, the rules also makes the law more simple because there is only one institution (central government) that has the right to replace it. Another advantage is that income from areas of the county could be use for the benefit or importance of the state or country. However Centralized System is not perfect and there are actually disadvantage, because of all of the work in the government need to be done by the central government and this could slow the government process. Because of the slow process many regions should wait the command from the government central and this could increase more problems in the region. And because central government makes all the rules and the option sometimes this option doesn’t fit with some of the country parts. Most people in the region have no responsibility to the area and people couldn’t change the region like their ideal region. 19 2. Decentralized System: Decentralized system is where the head of the regional and local authorities of the region have more opportunity and power to take care their own region or province. This system is also known as regional autonomy or self-government. Just like centralized system there are advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of decentralized system is that regional development can develop. Because each region have power to make rules, this regulations and policies could fit local conditions and at the end the government running smoothly. The only disadvantage of decentralized system is the dissimilarity regulations, policies and constructions development. Unitary states itself have its own advantages or functions, Uniformity of law with a central government that makes all or most of the rules that act as a important role in the country. The central government also governs most or citizen directly and arrange every region in the country. National and local leadership in one unit makes coordination easier. Central government could assist areas when needed. Corruption could also be controlled because the local government that can corrupt doesn’t control all of the area. Meanwhile the disadvantage of the unitary state is that if there is a problem in a country, this problem would be long to resolved because most of the power is from the central government, another problem is that the area authority is restricted by the central government, and the last is that the area is lack or development due to unity is the country wants. Unitary states also have unique traits and characteristics this includes, unitary states power is inside and outside the country and this will be signed by the central government. Another characteristic is that the state has one constitution, one the head of state, one council of ministers and one parliament. The last characteristic is that these unitary states have policy regarding political problem, social problem, cultural problem, economic problem, defense problem and security problem. The examples of the Unitary State are: Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, and Philippines. 20 The second of form of state is the United States or Federation state is where the power is divided between the central government and any part of the state/country or the unity elements in the country this include: provincial, state, territory, region or even republic. Federation is more effective when the country has a large geographic region/area. The power in the federation country is on federal government however state government still has more power to control and regulate their citizens. The power in the federation country is included in the federal constitution. Federation also have its own function or advantage this include local officials have greater authority and if this local authorities are very creative and is great in the job, it can produce better results for these local areas. Areas will also have a natural potential that could grow faster and with a better result. Meanwhile the weakness of federation state is that regions could have the possibility of damage because not all division is control and manage by the central government. Another weakness is that central government and local government can argue because the opinion difference. The welfare of the people cannot equal or uneven because the regions in the country have different wealth level. Corruption could also increase because there are so many people that take care of the countries. The characteristics of the federation state are that each state has different status and most likely is not the same. The true power contained in the state however the government is still higher then them. The head of state has veto power or the power to reject or prevent that can be proposed to the parliament. Each state has the right to create and develop their laws as long as it is still the same basis with the central government flow. The last characteristics of the federation state are that the central government has the highest power of the state for external affairs and partly domestic affairs. The examples of federation states are: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Germany, Canada and United States of America.12 But which one of them is the best? 1 http://www.terpelajar.com/pengertian-dan-ciri-ciri-bentuk-negara-kesatuan-federasi-dankonfederasi/ 2 http://www.smansax1-edu.com/2015/02/keunggulan-dan-kelemahan-negara.html 21 This is based on how big, government strength and diverse does the country is. If the country is diverse with different culture it’s better to use federation state because each region could have different problems and with each of this region is controlled by different government and they could change the regulation and policy for each regions. Meanwhile if the country already has similarity in culture and tradition it’s better to use unitary state because there will be less problem difference in each region (if there is). Culture and tradition could also connected with the size of the country, if the country is big there is high chance that there is diverse culture and tradition meanwhile if the country is small there is small chance of culture difference. Government strength will also affect the ideal government form because if the central government is strong for its country they could use unitary state meanwhile if the central government is not strong enough for its country it’s better to divide the job and federation state is better. 22 Section II Government Forms Government forms are known by who have the highest power or the person that decide the fate of the country. There is so many form of government this includes: - Autocracy is the rule of one or where the government is one person or the autocrat. The autocrat has all the power and makes all the decisions. There are no laws or constitution that could restrain or put down the authority of the autocrat. The citizens have no power to pick like election or to express his desire for how their government operates. Autocracies also have their own advantages this includes, that autocracy government has quick decision-making and it could be implemented quickly Autocracy government also give quick decisions and that autocrat could watch and observe the activities of his citizen and worker. The disadvantage is that individual rights are usually ignored and power of the autocrat is often maintained by force. Individual could not work freely and work becomes less efficient. Some types of Autocracy are include34: o Theocracy, Theocracy is a system of government where the government is lead by religious leaders. Theocracy also means that the rules or the government give decision based on religious ideas. The advantage of theocracy is that there is a majority in the society causing there are many similarities on them, thus making theocracy society more unite and it’s easier to have control. The disadvantages of theocracy is that the minorities have no legal status and this makes the majority able to bully and disturb the minority populations because they are different than them.5 o Dictatorship, dictatorship or totalitarian dictator is rule by a single political party. Votes for alternative candidates and parties are simply not allowed, with this 3 4 http://classroom.synonym.com/types-government-autocracy-democracy-oligarchy-14100.html https://targetstudy.com/articles/autocracy-advantages-and-disadvantages.html 5 http://apecsec.org/theocracy-pros-and-cons/ 23 votes is encouraged for the chosen candidate so it basically governments that chose the candidate and control the country. o Monarchy, Monarchy is a system of government where the government is lead by King or Queen that inherits the throne throughout the family. There are two types of monarchy this include: Absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy. Absolute monarchy is when the king or queen have unlimited power meanwhile constitutional monarchy shares the royal power with the elected parliament and prime minister. - Oligarchy, Oligarchy is a form of government where the power of the country is control by few people of the dominant group of the society. Royalty, wealth, education, or military control may distinguish these groups of people. Unlike monarch, these oligarchy controls could change throughout time when their wealth, royalty, education or military control changes. Sometimes the oligarch may not be the official ruler of the country however is close or have an influence with the country/government. Oligarchy advantages are that there is individual freedom, self-empowerment for people and that voting is really important. Oligarchy disadvantage is that the country will have complete or partial control with the wealthy, decisions made by a small group, increase of racism and slow process of the system.67 - Democracy, democracy is when the peoples or the citizens have the power in the country. There is two main types of democracy which is: o Direct Democracy, Direct democracy is when all citizens have equal power. The people vote on every decision and the country will be rule by the majority. The advantage of this type of democracy is that every citizen is involved in the decision-making and there is high degree of support and loyalty to the country. The disadvantage is that the minority has nothing to do to involve with the country and the other disadvantage is that this government take a lot of time because all citizens give input and thus making debate and many more. o Representative Democracy, Representative democracy is when the people or citizens that elect the representatives to make decision for then. Advantage that representative democracy has is that people still have power to change the country, the representatives will vote for the people, people can vote, protest and 6 7 http://classroom.synonym.com/types-government-autocracy-democracy-oligarchy-14100.html http://www.governmentvs.com/en/characteristics-of-oligarchy/model-17-3 24 ask things that they want. Meanwhile the disadvantages are including that these decisions could time consuming; representative may not always agree with constitutes. Lack of involved citizens allows special interest groups to influence or even dominate representatives. There is two types of representative democracy: Presidential system, Is a system of government where the executive branch exits however it was separate from the legislature. People also pick the president by voting for the executive. Parliamentary Democracy is where the country was led by representatives of the people and each of this chosen people have power as long as heir/her party is in power. Executive branch is chosen from parliament’s majority party. - Republic, Led by representatives of the people. Each is individually chosen for a set period of time. Unlike democracy, republic also gives rights to protect the minority from being bully or oppressed by the majority. Individuals made the decision meanwhile democratic the whole population as a group held decision. - Anarchy, Anarchy is a form of government without any government. This can happen after a civil war in a country, causing government to be destroyed and rival groups are fighting to take the government place. There is no advantage in anarchy only disadvantages that include corruption, warfare and disorder. But which one of them is the best? From these form of government we already know that anarchy is the worst form of government. The effective and best form of government is based on the people or the community in the country. Because if the people willing to have one leader that thinks that he/she always give the right decision for the country, the country will be more efficient because their willing to do anything for their country. Meanwhile some people wants freedom and control on their own country thus democracy and republic is chosen by the people, because people have control they’re more comfortable and this will give more idea to the country and debate between it that at the end (most of the time) gives the ideal option for the country. 25 There is also different types of head of country this include, president, prime minister, king, vice president, and dictator. Presidents have the highest power if there is no prime minister in the country. Presidents roles are include: Become the symbol of the country; the leader of the government and give approval to the policy and/or rules that is suggest; decide what the country want to share; allow or denied law making; concern about economy including unemployment, high prices, and taxes. Meanwhile vice president (United State of America) roles are include: Replace the president if the president is dead or quit; substituting the president if the president is traveling abroad; vice president may travel to meet foreign counterparts or state funerals; responsible on extra presidential responsibilities; vice president could also be the tie breaker; vice president is also the one that responsible with the senate; ensure laws are executed; meeting with representative of foreign government; help with the formation; become an administrator so that the country could use the resources efficiently. Meanwhile king/queen/duke roles are include: political decision-making; commander of the armed forces and have ministerial responsibility; daily discussion with ministers; support the ideal of voluntary; become the symbol of the country. Unlike royal individual, dictator roles are included: dictators have the highest power (and will always right) and dictators have the decision-making power. Prime minister will always have the highest power in the country, their roles are include: proposing laws; discussing policies; examines bills; selecting member to be minister; lead cabinet between minister when deciding policy; representation the country; decide federal decision; and lead election. Prime minister could appear along side with royal family and president. There is three types of government form this include, the form of government that have a close relationship between the executive and legislative; the form of government that have strict separation between executive and the legislative and Judicial; the last is the form of government that have impact and direct supervision from the citizens by representative government system. 26 Section III Government Systems There is two type of government system, which is the parliamentary governmental system and presidential government system. Parliamentary government is the system of government where there is parliament or the head of legislature. Legislature also holds the highest power. In this system, the head of government or prime minister is chosen by the members of the legislature (Parliament). The characteristics for the parliamentary government are include:8 - Kings, queens, presidents or so as the head of state does not have the highest government power. - The head of government will be the prime minister - Parliament is the only institution whose members are directly elected by the people through elections. - If there is an event of a disagreement between the cabinets with parliament, this will make the head of state considers which one of them is right, if the cabinet is true then the head of state dissolve the parliament. - Executives are the cabinet that responsible to the legislature or parliament. - Executives also have the responsibility to add and improve the law and policy in the country. - Parliament is the highest legislative that has the responsibility to check the work of the government, debate, and to fix the new law. - The executive power of the president is appointed by the legislative. The executive power of the king is appointed by the constitution. - Legislative have the power to bring down the executive power even though executive is responsible with legislative power. - The prime minister has privilege to take care the minister that heads the department and non-department by increase their rank or stop them. Parliamentary also have advantages and disadvantages. Parliamentary advantages are include, Because executive and legislative powers are in one party this makes policymaking is faster and easiest because there is similarity of opinion between the executive 8 http://www.parliament.uk/about/how/role/parliament-government/ 27 and legislative. Another advantage is that there is a strong and strict supervision from the parliament to the government cabinet; this supervision makes the cabinet run the government perfectly. Parliamentary disadvantages are included, The position of executive division is highly dependent and get so many support from the parliament and this also mean that the cabinet could be dropped by parliament. The position of the executive branch cannot be determined because the cabinet can be dissolved at any time. Cabinet can control parliament if the cabinet members and parliament members from the majority party. The last disadvantage is that parliament member could be used by executives and other ministers. The second government system is the presidential government system. In a presidential system the president has the highest position and cannot be imposed by politics. To prevent president for damage the existing regulations there is a political mechanism to prevent it. The characteristics of government presidential are include: - The president will be the head of government and head of state. - Presidents power is based on people or citizens democracy - President will be elected directly from the citizens or the legislative - The president has the privilege (prerogative) to control the ministers who lead departments and non-departmental. - Minister is only responsible to the executive power not to the legislative power. - President cannot be dissolve by parliament - The role of the executive and legislative is balance. The advantage of having presidential government in a country is that the executive division is more stable because it does not depend to parliament. Another advantage is that the time for the executive division is clear. The last advantage is that the preparation for the cabinet time of service is easier to be adjusted. Meanwhile the disadvantages of having presidential government are that executive power is beyond the legislative oversight. The responsibility system is unclear. The decision is not decisive and usually long because the decision-making or public policies need bargaining with the executive and legislative. 28 But which one of them is the best? The ideal government system is based what does the country need. If the country needs faster rules and decision-making but with unstable government system they can use parliamentary government. Meanwhile if the country needs the stable and more predictable (this also mean more understandable by the people) they can use presidential government. So if the government responsible it too much to handle its better to use parliamentary government because more faster process means that at one point the government responsibility is low meanwhile if the country have little problem and they want unity in the country its better to use presidential government because the process is slow, however because the government system is more stable, people will understand more and if there is mistake in the government system its easier to solve (because its more stable and more easy to adjust). 29 Section IV Economic System Economic System is the how the economy works in the country9. This includes: - Traditional, Traditional economics is where the economic system is based on their ancestors. Traditional economics have their own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages for having traditional economics are include: 10 o Production of goods are more effective because this goods will be use for survival o In this economy system the people know each of their role and the skill and abilities that they need. o Because traditional economy system was made based on tradition and this makes the community/society friendlier for them. - Meanwhile the disadvantages are include: o This economy system is really vulnerable because their goods or supply is based on the weather condition, seasons and etc. o This economy system could change in any time because its based on tradition and society’s believe and culture. o This economy system is for low standard because it doesn’t really work in wealthy life. - Market, Market economic system is based on consumers demand and company supply and it’s not under government control. In a pure or complete market economy the government doesn’t control the market price and subsidies this also gives the production have less regulation to follow (more freedom for them). The advantages for having market economic system are included:11 o Market gives the producers to produce goods for the consumers demand. 9 http://smallbusiness.chron.com/economic-system-types-1129.html http://occupytheory.org/traditional-economy-advantages-and-disadvantages/ 11 http://occupytheory.org/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-command-economy/ 10 30 o Market also demand people with useful skills thus people persuade this skills. o Price system in the market will make the rare goods more expensive and this will make the rare goods is conserve. o - - Competition between businesses to be the best with the economic freedom in it. Meanwhile the disadvantages of market economic system are included: o The market economy is unstable and unpredictable. o Business sometimes needs to increase their demand through advertising. o Market sometimes doesn’t work in some areas. Command, Command economic system is the opposite of market economic system because the economy is in the government control. This makes the market not that important. Unlike market economic system, command economies are less flexible and react slower to consumer demand. The advantages for having command economic system are included: o The production rate could be control and meets the exact demand of the people. This will make the government able to control supply and demand. Government can also predict inflation and deflation. o Able to respond to emergency and/or domestic economic problem because the government able to control the country economy. o Because government has the economic control they’re able to control the cost, unemployment, and inflation - Meanwhile the disadvantages for command economy are included: o Because there is so many goods and people (government) that controls the price and supply this cause mismatch supply and demand in the market. o There is no rewards for the person demands because central government that control everything. - Mixed, mixed economic system is when the economy is a quality mix between market and command economic system. Theoretically this economic system will have the positive of both market and command economic system. The advantages of mixed economic system are included:12 o More efficient because the resources is partially controlled by government but still can be used by the country’s people. 12 http://www.pierce.ctc.edu/staff/bsorem/Micro/some_advantages_and_disadvantage.htm 31 o Because some of the market is controlled by government its more stable then free market economic system. - Meanwhile the disadvantages of having mixed economic system are included: o Resources can be unfair or inefficiently because it was a combination between two different economic system. o There is too much competition to have the economy control. But which one of them is the best? Each of this economic system has it own benefit in different places. Traditional market for example work more efficiently in places where they have strong culture feeling and most of the time in a relative small region. Market economic system works well when the people in the country really want to take risk and never give up because if the people want to take risk there will be more competition and because they never give up, the people in the country will develop on their own. Command economic system is effective when the government have the power and responsibility to control the economy because if the government can’t even deal with their own country problem they can’t control the economy, thus chaos could happen. Mixed economy is effective when the division is correct with the people action in the market and the ability for the government to control the market. 32 Section V Political System Political System: Political or politics according to dictionary is the activities that related with government action of a country or area. There are 4 main types of political system:13 - Democracy: Democracy is a political system where the people or citizens govern the country and themselves directly or indirectly. Direct democracy is when the people make their decision about policies, rules and resources that affect the community and society of the country. However direct democracies will not work well if there are too many people in the country. Indirect democracies or representative democracy is where the people or citizens elect officials that will represent their vote and choices. - Monarchy: Monarchy is a political system where the power flows in the family so that each generation will have the power for the country. There are two types of monarch that is, absolute monarchies and constitutional monarchies. Absolute monarchies is when the royal family have the right and power to rule over their country or region that they make it into their kingdom. Absolute monarch decrease over time and change into constitutional monarchies. Constitutional monarchies are when the royal family is also become the symbol for the county and didn’t have or little power to the country. - Authoritarianism: Authoritarianism is the political systems when an individual or a group of individuals have the power in the government and denied personal opinion. - Totalitarianism: Similar to authoritarianism political system but then these peoples or individual will give less freedom to the citizen because they will control and regulate all aspects for the citizen and society. When a person has their own personal opinion they will be killed. But which one of them is the best? Similar to government form these political systems are based on the citizen and the government. If the government doesn’t want to work with the citizen, democracy will be less efficient because the government will not follow the citizen decision and this will cause 13 https://new.edu/resources/types-of-political-systems 33 disagreement by the citizen. However if the government want to accept the citizen and the citizen actually have choices that they think good for the country the country will unite more and the decision by the government will be accept by the citizen. Monarchy is also similar if however the citizens that need to accept that there is a royal family that is above them that could control or even become the symbol of the country. Totalitarianism and authoritarianism is government and authorities do not accept the best when the citizen feels like the government and authority will also be right and they’re decision-making or even opinion by the society and people. So its based on how the citizen and government want to act and if they both agree in one political system this would make the country far better then the citizen and/or government disagree yet stick on one political system. 34 Inflation 35 Section I Inflation Background INFLATION Inflation is the term to describe a general rise in prices for things like goods and services in a country. You know how we don’t have one worldly currency? The reason for that is because not every country is on the same level in terms of their economy. Some countries are considered wealthier than others based on things like their merchandise trade or exports and imports; it’s all like one big worldwide market. In this market, the countries are all businesses and customers buying from each other and trying to sell what they’ve got and fighting for rare items to be purchased, like natural resources that the Earth is lacking and can be found in a limited number of countries. A country’s economy can be summed up in what is called a GDP or Gross Domestic Product, which measures the overall value of a country’s goods and services and when inflation occurs, the GDP goes downhill. There are several types of inflation. One of them is called “Demand Pull Inflation” which happens when demand overtakes supply and the price has to go up to make up for the imbalance. Cost push inflation is when the production cost skyrockets up and they have to make up for the loss of money. Wage push inflation is when the wage rises, caused by a combination of demand pull inflation and cost push inflation. Imported inflation is when the exchange rate makes imports more expensive for buyers. 36 CAUSES OF INFLATION Year Import Volume Index Year Value of the Rupiah for $1 2010 178.1 2011 Rp. 8,695 2011 199.9 2012 Rp. 9,175 2012 217.7 2013 Rp. 9.735 2013 218.2 2014 Rp. 11,428 Year Merchandise Trade (% of GDP) 2011 42.7 2012 41.6 2013 40.5 2014 39.9 There are several factors that could cause inflation including debts to other countries, a low GDP or GNP, a massive amount of imports, the value of the dollar rising, and the drop of the value of our currency. It makes sense that debts could cause inflation because raising the prices of goods and services in a country means that the government income would become larger and it would be a way to try and make up for the debt of the country. A low Gross Domestic Product or Gross National Product means that the country’s overall economic progress has dropped and needs to pick up, and increasing prices is a way to do that. Indonesia also happens to be a country that imports a lot from other countries and it ended up with our country biting off more than we can chew, meaning that we spend too much money on imports and don’t make enough off of exports to make a profit or at least balance it out. The rising of the dollar value consecutively causes our own currency’s value to drop, meaning that everything produced by our country and then sold in or out of it is worth less and we make even less money from exports and spend even more on imports. Every single one of these causes apply to Indonesia and they have yet to be resolved, which is why prices continue to rise in our country and the value of our currency proceeds to fall. 37 EFECTS OF INFLATION Inflation is mostly viewed as a bad thing for the country overall, but the effects aren’t negative for everyone. Take businessmen as an example, when the prices rise, that means that people have to pay more for their goods and/or services and they make more of a profit from it. However, the majority of the population suffers. Middle and lower-class people are the ones who struggle the most and with Indonesia having a high poverty rate, the effects of inflation on this country turn out to be much worse. The reason people in that section do not gain from inflation is because while it becomes much harder to get through the day as everything that they could afford or barely afford before constantly becomes even more expensive and they have to work twice as hard just to get by because their salaries don’t increase along with the prices of everything else. It’s true that people living in poverty who do not have proper jobs don’t get salaries and that’s even worse for them because everyone gets caught up in trying to save themselves and nobody wants to give to the poor because, at the end of the day, it’s every man for himself. Inflation also has an effect on the production department of any business in the country that sees it as an opportunity. Basically, since the prices for their own products rise they see this as a chance to produce even more in the hopes that people will continue to buy and they make a bigger profit than before without having to rise the salary of their employees. However, if a company overshoots it and decides to hire more employees to increase production speed and then supply takes over demand, they could be in serious trouble because people aren’t buying as much as they had hoped and they’re doing the exact opposite of what they had wanted— losing money. 38 Section II Inflation during the Old and New Order INFLATION DURING THE OLD ORDER Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly because of how bad inflation is right now, this had been going on for much longer than expected. During the period of the old order, there was something called stagflation that was happening in Indonesia. According to Investopedia (2015), stagflation is a combination of stagnation and inflation, which is the condition where the inflation rate growth is high, the economic growth is low, and unemployment is extremely high and steady. There was a period between 1949 and 1956 where there was a major political conflict going on and the government couldn’t see to the problems that Indonesia was suffering from, particularly the social and economic ones, which was mainly the stagflation. Going into the 1950s, Indonesia got progressively bad and economic conditions were daresay even worse than when the Dutch invaded. In 1955, plans started to formulate on how to get Indonesia’s economy back on track, although by the looks of it we had been unsteady for quite a while. In 1961 there was a plan called Rencana Pembangunan Semesta Delapan Tahun that was meant to have a bunch of major projects and a few smaller ones that were meant to improve our economic growth, but it ended up never really getting going and got scrapped, so it’s safe to say that that didn’t work the way they had hoped it would. After this, things got even worse although it felt like it couldn’t get any more awful. At this point Indonesia was getting hit by something called hyperinflation, which you can kind of tell by the name, is a state of inflation where the prices of things are hitting the ceiling and just so completely out of control and increasing so rapidly that it can barely be kept track of. Hyperinflation in Indonesia went at a rate of about 650% and it can be said that this was the lowest point in Indonesia’s economic history so far. INFLATION DURING THE NEW ORDER Going into the new order with Indonesia’s economy in shambles was not easy for the government, but it appeared they had fought to combat inflation and actually succeeded in part with a project called REPELITA or Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun, which can be 39 interpreted as a project that spans out over five years. The actual project lasted for much longer than five years, it was each phase that lasted for five years. In the first phase of REPELITA, the aim was for 5% worth of economic growth each year. This phase went on from 1967 to 1974, although it really began in the year 1969, and during that period Indonesia’s bottom line was to have enough food, enough clothing, and repair the infrastructure. The ultimate goal from doing these three things was to improve the agriculture and provide more jobs for the people of Indonesia. In the second phase of REPELITA, lasting from 1974 to 1979, the economic growth’s goal was to rise by 7,5% each year and the main focus was on the agriculture to provide for the country. Agriculture was and still is considered one of Indonesia’s most valuable things because of our natural resources and because of that the goal was to expand and improve that sector so we could gain from it. In the third stage of REPELITA, which started in the year 1979 and ended in 1984, the attention turned to improving the agriculture enough so that it was a self-supporting system that didn’t need to be tended to as much as before and would be a process that went much more smoothly so that there could be a steady income from that. Another thing that was spotlighted was the industries that were able to process raw ingredients into store-worthy things that could be sold and exported. In the fourth and final stage of REPELITA, it was all about kicking everything up a notch. This stage lasted between 1984 and 1989 and it was around this period where the efforts made to improve the population’s welfare, push for a more fair and even distribution of income, and expand employment opportunities were elevated by a far more than before. Since this was the last stage, it all came down to this and the government had to push much harder for improvement than before. This meant a final attempt to do the things previously mentioned: improve agriculture until it became self-supporting and upgrade industries even more to the point where they were capable of producing their own machinery. So to sum it up, the target of REPELITA was to get the economy up and running and the way the government saw it, it was by stepping up our agriculture and industry game. Overall, it was largely successful and actually managed to overtake the hyperinflation problem, which seemed near impossible. Unfortunately, as there is usually a bad side, new problems arose during the duration of after the completion of this program. Corruption shot up during that 40 era, along with nepotism and collusion. Nepotism is a situation where people who are in favor have the advantage. For example, a man is choosing between two applicants for a job opening, one of them is his brother and the other is a stranger. His brother had less-than-adequate interview results, but the stranger seems perfect for the position. Logically and ethically, the man should hire the stranger, but he decides to hire his brother just for the fact that they’re related. Putting it shortly, nepotism is having an unfair advantage because of powerful connections. Collusion is something that seems to happen a lot here, it is the secret and usually illegal conspiracy to cheat and deceive others in order to gain for yourself and a group of other people. Because of these three problems, the people of Indonesia began choosing sides and bickering about how the situation ought to be handled, thus causing yet another conflict for our nation. Another downside that followed the success of the project was that there was no plan to follow it up, which could be why we didn’t improve beyond that point and we’re almost right back where we started back in the old order and could possibly be headed straight back to hyperinflation if the situation cannot be handled properly and, if it succeeds in being handled, be kept up so that history doesn’t repeat itself. So far though, it seems that Indonesia has an uncanny way of doing exactly that. 41 Section III Inflation Solution IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM So, it’s clear that Indonesia has always had problems with inflation because of a combination of causes mainly being an enormous debt, low GDP and GNP, overspending on imports, the thriving of the dollar, and the consecutive dropping of the value of the rupiah. Seeing as the debt problem can’t disappear, we need to find a way to take care of that. Taking from the REPELITA project, it seems that our government has to find a way to use what Indonesia’s got and make money off of that. If we somehow manage to do that and stop spending so much on imports, we could slowly repay our debts, raise our GDP and GNP, and attempt to keep up with the dollar value to avoid further inflation in Indonesia. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS It’s actually very intriguing that Indonesia has previously done a project to overtake inflation and succeeded, but I think that repeating that would be very troublesome and a little too much of a hassle. Although Indonesia isn’t a fully developed country yet, it has still in some ways improved since the old order as the government isn’t constantly—or as aggressively—being critiqued or overthrown by the people of Indonesia with constant suspicion that a plot is being developed behind the scenes. In my opinion, I think the government doesn’t need to start from scratch again because Indonesia is already aware of how to use our resources for our own good and we’ve already got quite a lot of industries that do make money and benefit the government. Starting from scratch would be a stupid move because if we spent decades trying to rebuild a country that doesn’t need it we’d just be wasting time and money and actually be losing progress. Also, the worldwide market has become much, much more competitive and that is also one of the reasons why we’re falling behind, so trying to restart is definitely not the best idea. 42 Devaluation, in our eyes, seems like an option that could be worth looking into, but is also very real and very dangerous should it fail to help. Devaluation is the deliberate lowering of the value of a country’s currency by that country’s government. This may seem like a strange idea at first, but it goes deeper than just lowering the value of money. Devaluation is a move that typically targets the increase of exports because of the low prices and decrease of imports because of the high price. Basically, other countries will want to purchase our exports because of how much cheaper they are than usual and consumers will be less likely to purchase imports because of how ridiculously expensive they can be. If this plan succeeds, Indonesia could be able to tone down the inflation problem and minimize it so that it does not have much of an effect on the country any longer. On the other hand though, devaluation could be the worst mistake our country will ever make and result in even more inflation and maybe even a repeat of hyperinflation. I think that there are three options with devaluation: don’t do it at all and find another solution, try it out as soon as possible and see how it turns out, or wait a few more years to see if a solution as risky as this is really necessary. It’s hard to say which option I think is the most appropriate, but in this case I think Indonesia should pluck up the courage and be brave by taking the risk right now because it seems that the situation is going to get much worse before it gets better, so why not try to fix it before it gets marked as the worst economic hit Indonesia has ever taken? The Old Order - National Loan Program implemented by the finance minister, Ir . Surachman, with the approval of BP - KNIP (Badan Pekerja – Komite Nasional Indonesia Pusat), conducted in July 1946. - Economic Conference in February 1946 in order to obtain unanimous agreement in tackling the economic problems is urgent. - Formation Planning Board ( Badan Perancang Ekonomi ) January 19, 1947. 43 - Gunting Syarifuddin , which cuts the value of money ( sanering ) March 20, 1950 , to reduce the amount of money in circulation in order to level the price down . - Nationalization De Javasche Bank to Bank Indonesia on December 15, 1951 through Law no.24 th 1951 to function as the central bank and bank circulation. - Devaluation announced on August 25, 1959 decreases the value of money. The New Order - Government involved the determination of the minimum wage and expansion of employment opportunities. - Economic policy aimed at development in all fields, reflected in 8 equity lines: basic needs, education and health, distribution of income, employment, business opportunities, the participation of women and young people, the spread of development, and justice. - Implementation of the general pattern of development of long-term (25-30 years) periodic five-yearly called Pelita (Development five years). INDIKATOR MAKRO PEREKONOMIAN INDONESIA PDB INFLASI NERACA PENGANGGURA PENDAPAT KEMISKINA PERDAGANG N AN N AN PERKAPIT A ORDE LAMA $ 70 Tingkat inflasi tahun 1966 US$2,7milyar 4,5 juta jiwa US$70 70 juta orang sebesar 650% 44 ORDE Rp.502,249.558 BARU Tingkat inflasi US$6,7milyar 6,73 juta jiwa US$770 tahun 1969 25,9 juta orang sebesar 9,9% TRANSI Rp.1,389,769.7 SI 00 REFOR Rp.2,678,664.0 MASI 96 SEKAR Rp. ANG 6,422,918.230 8,1 % US$ 1,8 miliar 7,8 juta jiwa Rp. 47,97 Juta 2.102.000 6,3 % US$ 8,8 miliar 6,76 juta jiwa Rp. 17,9 37,17 juta juta 5,90 % defisit 327,4 7,42 juta jiwa US $4500 540 ribu juta dolar AS atau sekitar (Rp 3,18 triliun). - The effect of inflation in Old Order – New Order - Now The inflation during the Old Order reaches approximately 600% per year. The bad economy of Indonesia during the reign of the old order is also due to the limitations of factors of production, such as those with levels of entrepreneurial and management capabilities are high, labor education / skill, the fund (in particular for building the infrastructure that is needed by the industry), technology, and the ability of the government to develop a plan and a good development strategy. At the end of september 1965, political instability in Indonesia culminated in the abortive coup of the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI). Since the bloody events that occurred a drastic political changes in the country, which in turn also changed the economic system adopted by Indonesia during the old order, that of socialist ideas into the semi-capitalist. On 14 and 15 May 1997, the exchange rate of the Thai baht against the US dollar suffered a severe shock due to foreign investors' decision-making 'sell' because they are foreign investors no longer trust the country's economic prospects, at least for the short term. The rupiah continued to weaken; the New Order government takes concrete measures, which are delaying projects worth Rp 39 trillion in an effort to offset the limitations of the budget. Rupiah crisis which eventually transformed into an economic crisis led to a political crisis. 45 Inflation may lead to the determination of the cost to be too small or even too big. Because the percentage of inflation is irregular, we cannot be sure what percentage of inflation for a certain period. As a result, the determination of cost price and the selling price is often imprecise. This inflationary environment can disrupt the economy, especially for manufacturers. The control of Bank Indonesia toward the rate of inflation Actually the Government ever managed to control the level inflation in July 2014 under 1 percent. Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Chairul Tanjung measures to curb inflation. The first step according to him is to control the amount of money in circulation. "Money in circulation we control such a way. One way is to raise interest rates," said Chairul commonly called CT after lawful gatherings at the office of Coordinating Ministry for the Economy in Banteng Square, Central Jakarta, Monday (08/04/2014). The second step is a stabilization of food prices to replenish supplies in the distribution chain. "This year there is a good coordination between the Ministry of Agriculture (Ministry of Agriculture) and the Ministry of Commerce (Ministry of Trade) so that the food supplies chain to be fulfilled," said the man born in Jakarta on June 16, 1962. The final step, namely preventing traders took the opportunity in the excessive narrowness. "This year traders took profits are not excessive resulting in price stability," said CT. These three steps are claimed CT is able to withstand the inflation rate in July stood at 0.93%. "It's a great achievement for the month of July is a time of occurrence of the peak of inflation due to the fasting month, Eid and school holidays." CT added. BI control over inflation is actually very limited, because inflation is influenced by many factors. Therefore, BI is always assessment of economic developments, in particular the possibility of inflationary pressures. Furthermore, the response of monetary policy is based on the assessment results. Need to be submitted also that inflation control cannot be done only through monetary policy, but also macroeconomic policies such as fiscal policy and policies on the real sector. 46 For that inter-agency coordination and cooperation across sectors is essential in dealing with inflation. The inflation rate may be influenced by several things, including the stability of the Rupiah, the inflation rate is reflected in the rising prices of goods in general. Factors affecting inflation can be divided into two kinds, namely the inflationary pressures coming from the demand side and the supply side. In this case, BI just have the ability to influence the inflationary pressures stemming from the two sides of the demand, while inflationary pressures from the supply side (natural disasters, droughts, distribution is not smooth, etc.) totally outside the control of the central bank. Therefore, in order to achieve and maintain a low inflation rate and stable, required the cooperation and commitment of all economic actors, both public and private. Without the support and the commitment undoubtedly a very high inflation rate during this time would be difficult to control. Furthermore, the exchange rate is fully determined by the strength of supply and demand in the market. What can be done by BI is to keep the value of the rupiah is not too fluctuate sharply. Solution Monetary policy is the policy of the government through the Central Bank as the monetary authority with regard to controlling the money supply and setting interest rates and credit. a. Open Market Operation, efforts or measures to give people an opportunity to buy or sell securities belonging to the state. Sales activities of these securities will reduce mandatory reserves of commercial banks. Thus, the amount of money in circulation will be reduced and an increase in prices can be suppressed. b. Discount Rate Policy, the central bank action to change the discount interest rate to be paid by commercial banks on loans from the Central Bank and the effect on the decline in aggregate demand and ultimately the prices of goods will go down. 47 c. Reserve Requirement Policy, associated with the Central Bank in setting the legal reserve to commercial banks at the Central Bank. If the reserve requirement imposed by the Central Bank, the total money supply is going down, then the amount of money circulating in the community become less so prices was reduced. d. Selective Credit Policy, regard to the policy of commercial banks in lending to customers (people) by taking into account elements of character, collateral, capital, capacity, and condition of economy. Fiscal policy involves government spending and taxation arrangements that directly affect total demand and affect the price. a. Increase tax revenues, by imposing a high tax rate for the business units that do not produce the basic needs of society or by wearing new types of taxes. b. Reducing government spending, with the delay or eliminate expenses that are not a priority. c. Conducting government loans, which is to reduce the payments made to the community and restore it at a later date, for example in the form of a pension. Non-monetary policy is a policy that is not related to the financial government and the amount of money in circulation, it is an alternative measure to tackle inflation. Non-monetary policy can be made through the following instruments: a. Encourage employers to raise their production. This method is quite effective considering the inflation caused by the increase in the number of consumer goods is not balanced with the amount of money in circulation. Therefore, the governments made it a priority production or provide assistance (subsidy) to the fuel production sector, the production of rice. b. Pressing the wage rate. Nothing but an attempt to stabilize the wage / salary, in the sense that wages are not often increased because of the increase in the relatively frequent will be able to increase the purchasing power and in turn will increase the demand for goods as a whole and will ultimately lead to inflation. 48 c. Government oversight price and simultaneously set a maximum price. d. The government distributes directly. Meant that the price rise does not occur, it is like the government in setting the highest price (Harga Eceran Tertinggi / HET). Good price controls will not work without supervision. Supervision is not good will usually give rise to a black market. To avoid the black market, the distribution of goods must be carried out smoothly, as did the government through Bulog (Badan Usaha Logistik) or KUD (Koperasi Unit Desa). Real Sector Policy is the policy of the government in stimulating banks to provide more specific credit to UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah). For example BRI launched this year as Micro year, suppress the flow of imported goods by raising taxes, and stimulate people to use domestic products. Policies related to the output. The increase in output can reduce the rate of inflation. The increase in the amount of output can be achieved for example with the policy of reduction in customs duties so that imports are likely to increase. Increasing the number of goods in the country tends to lower prices. Policies pricing and indexing. This is done by determining the ceiling price. Devaluation is a reduction in the value of domestic currency against foreign currencies. If it happens usually the government to intervene so that the value of domestic currency remained stable. The term devaluation is more often associated with the declining value of money one country to the value of foreign currencies. Devaluation also refers to the government policies lowered the value of its own currency against foreign currencies. Countermeasures severe inflation (hyper-inflation) reached by way of doing sanering (cutting the value of the currency). Sanering comes from the Dutch language, which means restructuring, cleansing, reorganization. Sanering policies include: a. Decreasing the value of money. b. Freezing most deposits in the bank - the bank provided that the frozen deposits will be changed to long-term savings by the government. 49 c. This Senering been done by the government in 1960 when inflation reached 650%. The Government cut the value of the currency denominations of Rp. 1,000.00 to Rp. 1.00. Conclusion Inflation is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the economy of a country and is very difficult to prevent because even in developed countries are also experiencing inflation, the difference is the rate of inflation. As we know, the definition of inflation is rising prices in general and continuously. Then, what is the cause of inflation? The cause of inflation is the magnitude of the demand for goods (excess liquidity / money as a medium of exchange). Meanwhile, the production and distribution is lacking. The inflation rate in Indonesia over the last 10 years an average of 7.98%. The causes of inflation in Indonesia, for example, the falling value of the rupiah against the dollar (USD), the increasing of fuel prices, speculation in the financial and investment sector, and the impact and influence of the monetary policy of a large country like the United States. During this time, the level of inflation is indeed dependent on the central bank's ability to cope with the rate of inflation that occurred in Indonesia. One way to overcome inflation with government policy, namely through fiscal policy and / monetary policy. How this is done the government so as not to cause the effects of inflation as rising prices in general and continuously becomes widespread. Because inflation can reduce a country's economic growth. Conversely, the measures taken must also be able to prevent the onset of inflation and deflation. Meanwhile, the monetary policy can promote growth if the economy can cope with higher inflation becomes. Bank Indonesia generally rely on the amount of money in circulation and / rate in controlling price. In addition, Bank Indonesia also obliged to control the exchange rate of the domestic currency and the exchange rate against foreign currencies, especially the dollar (USD). The stability of inflation is a prerequisite for the country's economic growth, which in turn provide positive benefits for improving the welfare of its people. The importance of controlling high inflation and unstable, can give a negative impact on the socio-economic conditions of 50 society. Again, in order to tackle inflation, the government and Bank Indonesia through monetary policy. 51 Writers Bio data My name is Sharon Stephanie Wenas and I’m currently in 9th grade in the school called “Sekolah High Scope Indonesia TB. Simatupang”. My hobbies are reading, writing, browsing the internet and watching 90s romance comedies. My name is Gusaimas Matahachiro Hanggoro Himawan Akbar, but people usually just call me Ago. I’m currently in 8th grade in the school “Sekolah High Scope Indonesia TB. Simatupang”. I have a fond interest of science, space and math. My hobby is building gundam plastic models. 52 My name is Disya Rahmatiara , I was born in Jakarta on the 22nd of August 2001.I’m in 9th grade in the school called “Sekolah High Scope Indonesia TB. Simatupang”. I want impress my parents and get good grades. My hobbies are listening to songs and eating. My name is Kevin Zavier Mahendra. I was born in Jakarta on the 15th of October 2001. I’m in 9th grade in Sekolah High Scope Indonesia TB Simatupang. 53 54