BIOS 1300 SI
1. Osteo means ______________; chondro means __________________________ .
2. Tendons, aponeuroses, elastic tissue and ligaments are all examples of
________________________________ .
3. The lining of the heart and blood vessels is called a(n)
_____________________________________________ .
4. An accumulation of pus in an enclosed tissue space is called an
_________________________________ .
5. Neural tissue contains several kinds of supporting cells called
____________________________________________ .
6. The least specialized connective tissue in the adult body is
__________________________________________ .
Matching: Match the terms in column B with the terms in column A. Use letters for answers in
the spaces provided. Use each term only once.
____________ 1. Serous gland
A. tissue destruction
____________ 2.Holocrine gland
B. movement of fluids
____________ 3. Fibrosis
C. secretions released through exocytosis
____________ 4. Microvilli
D. absorption
____________ 5. Cilia
E. destruction of cell when secretions released
____________ 6. Merocrine gland
F. watery secretions
____________ 7. Necrosis
G. scar tissue
____________ 8. Gangrene
H. no blood flow that results in loss of a body
Matching. Match the terms in the Key Choices with the statements listed below. Use each
term only once.
A. Adipocytes
D. Elastic Fibers
G. Matrix
B. Chondrocytes
E. Ground substance
H. Reticular fibers
C. Collagen fibers
F. Macrophages
_________ 1. Composed of ground substance and structural protein fibers.
_________ 2. Clear, viscous fluid that fills spaces
_________ 3. Tough protein fibers that resist stretching or longitudinal tearing.
_________ 4. Fine, branching protein fibers that construct a supportive network.
_________ 5. Large, irregularly shaped cells, widely distributed, often found in CT; they engulf
cellular debris.
_________ 6. Living elements found in the firm, flexible matrix in cartilage.
_________ 7. Randomly coiled protein fibers that recoil after being stretched.
_________ 8. In a loose CT, the nondividing cells that store triglycerides.
The three types of muscle tissue exhibit certain similarities and differences. Insert SK
(skeletal), C (cardiac), or SM (smooth) into the appropriate blanks to indicate which muscle type
exhibits each characteristic. There may be more than one answer.
______ 1. Voluntarily controlled
______ 2. Contains spindle-shaped cells
______ 3. Involuntarily controlled
______ 4. Found in walls of small intestine, bladder and veins
______ 5. Banded appearance
______ 6. Contains long, nonbranching cylindrical cells
______ 7. Uninucleate
______ 8. Displays intercalated discs
______ 9. Multinucleate
______ 10. Nonstriated
Identify the following structures or regions by labeling appropriate leader lines using terms
from the list below:
______Tight junctions
_____ Microvilli
_____ Capillary
______ Basal region
_____ Connective tissue
______ Apical region
_____ Basement membrane
_____ Cilia
______Nerve fibers
_____Epithelial cell nucleus
Multiple Choice. Circle the correct answer.
1. The two major cell populations found in connective tissue proper are:
a. fibroblasts and fibrocytes
b. mast cells and adipocytes
c. melanocytes and fibroblasts
d. fibrocytes and adipocytes
2. A fluid connective tissue found in the human body is:
a. mucus
b. blood
c. areolar tissue
3. What type of connective tissue prevents muscles from pulling away from bones during
a. dense irregular connective
b. elastic connective
c. dense regular connective
d. collagen
4. Arrector pili muscles are associated with the:
a. sebaceous glands
b. sweat glands
c. epidermis
d. hair follicles
5.The primary tissues comprising the subcutaneous layer are:
a. epithelial and neural
b. transitional and glandular
c. hyaline and cuboidal
d. areolar and adipose
6. The terms merocrine and apocrine refer to two types of:
a. ceruminous glands
b. basement membranes
c. sweat glands
d. nails
7. Special smooth muscles in the dermis that, when contracted, produce “goose bumps” are called:
a. tissue papillae
b. arrector pili
c. root sheaths
d. cuticular papillae
8. Accessory structures of the skin include:
a. dermis, epidermis, hypodermis
b. cutaneous and subcutaneous layers
c. hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands
d. blood vessels, macrophages, neurons
9. An important function of the subcutaneous layer is to:
a. stabilize the position of the skin in relation to underlying tissues
b. provide sensation of pain and temperature
c. adjust gland secretion rates
d. monitor sensory receptors
10. Because freshwater is hypotonic to body fluids, sitting in a freshwater bath causes:
a. water to leave the epidermis and dehydrate the tissue
b. water from the interstitial fluid to penetrate the surface and evaporate
c. water to enter the epidermis and cause the epithelial cells to swell
d. complete cleansing because the bacteria on the surface drown
11. The protein that permits stretch and recoil of the skin is:
a. collagen
b. elastin
c. keratin
d. melanin
12. The dermis and epidermis are anchored to one another by ridges known as:
a. dermal papillae
b. gap junctions
c. hypodermis
d. melanocytes
13. Skeletal muscle fibers may be located in the:
a. only the hypodermis
b. dermis but not the epidermis
c. epidermis but not the dermis
d. neither in the hypodermis, dermis or epidermis
14. The primary pigments contained in the epidermis are:
a. melanin and chlorophyll
b. xanthophylls and melanin
c. carotene and melanin
15. Bones forming the cranium and the scapula are referred to as:
a. irregular bones
b. flat bones
c. short bones
d. sesamoid bones
16. The bone of the cranium that exclusively represents single, unpaired bone in adult is:
a. occipital, parietal, frontal, temporal
b. occipital, frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid
c. frontal, temporal, parietal, sphenoid
d. ethmoid, frontal, parietal, temporal
17. At birth, the bones of the skull can be distorted without damage because of the:
a. cranial foramina
b. fontanels
c. alveolar process
d. cranial ligaments
18. The sinuses of the skull are found in the:
a. sphenoid, ethmoid, vomer, lacrimal
b. sphenoid, frontal, ethmoid, maxillary
c. ethmoid, frontal, lacrimal, maxillary
d. lacrimal, vomer, ethmoid, frontal
Match the bone names listed in the key choices with the following bone descriptions.
______ 1. Connected by the sagittal suture
A. ethmoid
______ 2. Cheekbone
B. frontal
______ 3. Superolateral part of the cranium
C. hyoid
______ 4. Contains the cribriform plate
D. inferior conchae
______ 5. Posterior part of the hard palate
E. lacrimal
______ 6. Posterior-most part of the cranium
F. mandible
______ 7. Has two conchae as part of its structure
G. maxillary
______ 8. Foramen magnum contained here
H. nasal
______ 9. Site of the sella turcica
I. occipital
______ 10. Houses hearing receptors
J. palatine
______ 11. Forms the bone eyebrow ridges and roofs of orbit
K. parietal
______ 12. Forms the chin
L. sphenoid
______ 13. The only bone connected to the skull by a freely movable joint
M. temporal
______ 14. Site of the mastoid process
N. vomer
______ 15. Neither a cranial nor a facial bone
O. zygomatic
______ 16. Tiny bones near the tear ducts
______ 17. Bony part of the nasal septum
______ 18. Anterior part of the hard palate