AL AIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY College of Business Administration COURSE SYLLABUS 1. COURSE INFORMATION Course Title Course Code Credit Hours Pre-requisite Co-requisite Academic Year Leadership and Teamwork 0501396 3 None None 2015/2016 2. INSTRUCTOR’S INFORMATION (a) Name: (b) Contact Details Amjad Owais Office Extension: 548 Phone: Email: Office Hours: 3. BRIEF COURSE DESCRIPTION This course investigates the issues of becoming an effective leader and developing the teamwork within organizations critical for their success: the leader-member relationship, the nature of productive teamwork, conditions and abilities that improve accurate and effective communication in groups, developing successful ways of managing conflict to resolve issues, and the nature of practical learning. 4. COURSE GOALS The course is designed specifically not only to introduce the concepts of leadership and teamwork, but also aims to help students to apply and incorporate their prior learning to various situations which require their teamwork. As a result, students can appreciate the importance of teamwork and learn the skills of building effective teams, and develop skills in effective communication. The students are required to monitor their leadership and team skills during the process of various team activities in the course. 1 5. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES On completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Understand theories and concepts of leadership and teamwork in organizations, 2. Acquire the techniques to apply theories and concepts to improve leadership skills, 3. Appreciate the importance of teamwork and learn the skills of building effective teams. 4. Develop skills in effective communication. 6. COURSE CONTENTS Topics in this course include: The nature of leadership Leadership across cultures Leadership Models Leadership and gender Leadership, organizational change, and work teams Teams and Innovation Managing Groups and Teams for High Performance 7. COURSE CONTENTS AND TOPICS ( Week by Week ) Week Textbook Topics (Readings) 1 Introduction and The Nature of Leadership Chapter 1 2 The Nature of Managerial Work Chapter 2 3 Leadership behavior Chapter 3 4 Quiz 1 in chapters 1, 2, and 3 during first lecture of week 4 Leading Change and Innovation Chapter 4 5 Empowering Leadership Chapter 5 6 Traits and skills of leaders Chapter 6 7 Case analysis: examples of the concepts and principles discussed in the previous Chapters Midterm Exam (all of the previous chapters) during the second lecture of week 7 8 Contingency theories of effective leadership 9 Power and Influence Tactics Chapter 7 Chapter 8 2 Quiz 2 in chapters 7, 8, and 9 during first lecture of week 10 10 Chapter 9 Dyadic Relations and Followers 11 Team Leadership Chapter 10 12 Strategic Leadership in Organizations Chapter 11 13 Charismatic and Transformational Leadership Chapter 12 14 Ethical, Servant, Spiritual, and Authentic Leadership Chapter 13 Cross-Cultural Leadership and Diversity Chapter 14 15 Course Wrap-up (Presentations for the groups)in the second lecture of week 15 16 Final Exam 8. COURSE TEXTBOOK, RECOMMENDED READINGS AND RESOURSES : Textbook Title Author Edition Publisher ISBN Leadership in Organization Gary A. Yukl 8th ed., Prentice Hall, Inc. , 2013 ISBN-10: 0132771861 ISBN-13: 9780132771863 References Gareth Jones & Jennifer George, Contemporary Management (4th Ed.), McGrawHill, 2006. 9. LEARNING STRATEGIES Active learning strategies are employed in this course to encourage students' participation in class discussion. Active learning methods include regular attendance of classes, collaborative team assignments, presentations, and discussion of important issues to reinforce course material. Exams, case studies, and team presentations will be used to assess the expected level of learning in this course. 3 11. STUDENT EVALUATION Following is a distribution of 100 score across assessment tools: First Quiz: 10% Midterm Exam(s): 20% Second Quiz: 10% Final Exam: 40% Subjective assessment (attendance, participation, & presentation): 10% PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE WILL BE NO MAKEUP EXAMS Grading Key Grade A B+ B C+ C D+ D F I Percentage 90-100 85-89 80-84 75-79 Description Excellent Very good Good Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Pass + Pass F Incomplete 70-74 65-69 60-64 Less than 60 Grade Point 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.0 0.0 12. ATTENDANCE POLICY Students are expected to attend their classes. Absence never exempts a student from the work required for satisfactory completion of the courses. Excessive absences during the course will result in: 1. 2. 3. 4. First warning for absence of 10% of the class hours Second warning for absence of 20% of the class hours A failing grade in the course for an absence of 25% of the class hours Exception to (3) may be made in the case of serious illness or death to an immediate family member if approved by the dean of the college. In such case, the student will receive a W grade in the course. 13. PLAGIARISM It is use of someone else’s idea, words, projects, artwork, phrasing, sentence structure, or other work without properly acknowledging the ownership (source) of the property. Plagiarism is dishonest because it misrepresents the work of someone else as ones own. Students who are suspected of plagiarism will answer to an investigation. Those found guilty will face a disciplinary action as per the university rules. 4