EDA Trends on IP-Based Design 1999. 7. 31. Nak-Woong Eum EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -1- Contents ▣ Introduction ◈ Co-design versus IP-based design ◈ System level design language initiative ◈ Roadmap of system level design ▣ Trends of Design Reuse ▣ Requirements on IP-Based Design ▣ Trends of IP Design ◈ IP Design Tools ◈ IP Verification ◈ IP Security ▣ Conclusion EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -2- Introduction ▣ Forecast of SIA (Semiconductor Industry Association) ◈ Silicon density : 58 %/year, but CAD tool capacity : 21%/year 7 ◈ Silicon density in 2001 : 10 gates/chip System-on-a-chip (SoC) ▣ New Concept : Design reuse ◈ Reusable Core, Module, or Block : Virtual Component ◈ VC + License (copyright, patent and trade secrete) IP (Intellectual Property) ▣ System Level Design ◈ Co-design : SLDL (System Level Design Language) Initiative o Deliver an entirely new technology at the front end of the process o Facilitate reuse by allowing true HW/SW co-design and system constraint budgeting ◈ IP-based design : VSI (Virtual Socket Interface) Alliance o Establish common standards that will facilitate large-scale design reuse on silicon o Provide better infrastructure for HW implementation by leveraging existing technologies EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -3- Introduction System Level Design ? ▣ Perspectives of Systems ◈ System function ◈ Processing platform on which that system is running ◈ Methodology and process by which the function is mapped onto the platform ▣ SoC may include ◈ Dual DSP/micro-controller chips, the drive toward standard embedded software/operating systems/hardware platforms ◈ Mapping a system onto a processing platform is not trivial ▣ New approach to SLD (current approach: manual) ◈ Reassigning the division of labor between processors, memory hierarchies, operating systems, and compilers in order to optimize design cost ▣ Drawbacks of existing languages and methodologies ◈ Model of concurrency requires high overhead when running on a target platform “System-level design is neither software design nor hardware design, and the languages and tools for doing them are not applicable at the system level” - Cary Ussery EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -4- Introduction Scope of Co-design ▣ Design flow model co-verification, validation specification capture model creation, description generation functional specification design space exploration transformation, allocation, partitioning, estimation specification refinement memories, interfacing, arbitration, generation system-level description software&hardware design EDA Trends on IP-Based Design software synthesis, high-level synthesis, logic synthesis, ... nweum -5- Introduction Co-design Research Focus global system specification and design specification language exploration&partitioning& architecture selection software interface& hardware communication synthesis synthesis synthesis co-verification prototype/real product development property assessment (performance, cost, power, ...) EDA Trends on IP-Based Design - by D. Gajski nweum -6- Introduction System Level Design Language ▣ Requirements and Features for SLDL ◈ Requirements and constraints o Specify the value and the meaning of the parametric values o State things in a domain-independent fashion o Specify cross-domain constraint specification ◈ Hardware/software co-design o Support abstract performance models of microprocessors, real-time operating systems, and application algorithms o Provide semantic consistency for interfaces of performance models regardless of abstraction level o Allow smooth transition from system-level into implementation domains o Establish a structured mapping between an event at the system level and an event, or a set of events, at the component level ◈ Formal semantics o Partial specifications permit incomplete descriptions that can be analyzed using formal consistency techniques EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -7- Introduction System Level Design Language (Cont’d) ▣ Phase I : ◈ Cross-domain constraint specifications (timing and operational parameters) ◈ Information flow between components ◈ Structural descriptions of component interaction ▣ Phase II : ◈ Consistent abstractions of time ◈ Consistent semantics for information flow ◈ Integrating several behavioral models by “Bridging semantics” Semantic Requirements Cube (S. Schulz) EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -8- Introduction System Level Design Language (Cont’d) SLDL Plug and Play Architecture (S. Schulz) EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -9- Introduction System Level Design Language (Cont’d) ▣ Rosetta (www.inmet.com/SLDL) ◈ Sponsored by VHDL International, EDA Industry Council, IEEE DASC, European CAD Standardization Initiative, and U.S. Air Force Research Labs ◈ Describe SoC design constraints and behavior at architectural levels prior to HW-SW partitioning ◈ SLDL assisted silicon is scheduled by Q4 2000 ▣ VHDL+ (www.eda.org/sid) ◈ VHDL extensions to cover system and interface based design ◈ Proposed by “System and Interface Design” Working Group ◈ Submitted to IEEE NesCom (National Engineering Standards Committee) at April 1999 ▣ Suave (www.cs.adelaide.edu.au/~petera) ◈ VHDL extensions for system-level modeling ◈ One of individual experiences “Considerations on system-level behavioural and structural modeling extensions to VHDL,” VHDL International Users Forum(VIUF), pp. 42 -50, 1998 EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -10- Introduction Roadmap of Design & Test - SIA EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -11- Introduction Roadmap of System Level Design - SIA EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -12- ▣ Introduction ▣ Trends of Design Reuse ▣ Requirements on IP-Based Design ▣ Trends of IP Design ▣ Conclusion EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -13- Trends of design reuse Design Reuse Mix-and-Match EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -14- Trends of design reuse Types of IP (Core, VC) ▣ Soft: Synthesizable RTL HDL ▣ Firm: {Floor-planning + generic library} or {Placement + target library (no routing)} ▣ Hard: Physical layout ▣ AMS hard: Physical layout + Analog mixed signal specific features - from VSIA EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -15- Trends of design reuse Issues Relating to IP ▣ Standardization of IP Deliverables : A key to mix-and-match ◈ Integration : Interfacing IPs ◈ Verification : Function, performance, fabrication ▣ Marketing ◈ IP marketing strategy, media, license, pricing policy ▣ Security ◈ Tradeoff between accessibility and marketability ▣ Management ◈ Version control, search, backup and interface between CAD tools Target is design reuse !! EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -16- Trends of design reuse Organizations for EDA Standardization ▣ International organizations ◈ IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) : www.iec.ch ◈ ISO (International Organization for Standardization) : www.iso.ch ▣ Some regional and national organizations ◈ CENELEC(European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization): www.cenelec.be ◈ ANSI (American National Standards Institute) : www.ansi.org ▣ De facto standard organizations ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) : www.ieee.org EIA (Electronic Industries Association) : www.eia.org SI2 (Silicon Integration Initiative, formerly CFI) : www.si2.org ECSI (European CAD Standardization Initiative) : www.ecsi.org OVI (Open Verilog International) : www.ovi.org VI (VHDL International) : www.vhdl.org See “www.eda.org” for further info. EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -17- Trends of design reuse Organizations for IPs ▣ IP Standard Deliverables ◈ VSI Alliance (www.vsi.org) : Jun. 1996 o Establish common standards for large-scale design reuse on silicon o Provide an infrastructure for HW implementation by leveraging existing technologies Define, develop, authorize, test and promote open standard specifications relating to data formats, interfaces, and test methodologies. ▣ IP Business & Marketing ◈ RAPID (www.rapid.org) : Sep. 1996 o RAPID : Reusable Application-Specific Intellectual Property Developers o IP market research, legal issues and industry activities ◈ Design and Reuse (www.design-reuse.com) : Oct. 1997, A private company but public o IP yellow pages and IP selector o IP marketing/sales assistance service o Tools and services on IP qualification and IP prototyping are scheduled EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -18- Trends of design reuse VSI Alliance ▣ Steering Working Group (SWG) ◈ First specification for VC deliverables : “Architectural Document”, Mar. 1997. ▣ Committees : Pilot (PC), Technical (TC), Marketing (MC) ▣ Development Working Groups (DWG): Define details of VC deliverables ◈ System Level Design o “VSIA System Level Design Model Taxonomy Document”, Jan. 1999. ◈ Manufacturing Related Test o “Test Data Interchange Formats and Guidelines for VC Providers”, June 1999. ◈ On-chip Busses o “On-Chip Bus Attributes”, Aug. 1998. ◈ Mixed Signal Design o “Analog/Mixed-Signal VSIA Extension”, June 1998. ◈ Implementation/Verification o “Soft and Hard VC Structural, Performance and Physical Modeling”, May 1999. ◈ IP Protection ◈ Virtual Component Transfer EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -19- Trends of design reuse VSI Alliance (Cont’d) ▣ VSI-Compliant Chips - Pilot Committee ◈ Applying VSI standards to actual chip development o Validation of VC documents o Promotion of VC documents ◈ Do not discriminate membership in the participation 1997 1998 1999 VSI Spec development Spec adoption VSI-compliant chips in production Milestone of Pilot Project EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -20- Trends of design reuse Soft IP Design Flow From block integration DEVELOP specification for prototype chip TRANSLATE Verilog<->VHDL InterHDL SYNTHESIZE to multiple technologies Design Compiler REGRESSION TEST translated code VSS/Verilog/VCS, ModelSim RUN gate sim on one technology VSS/Verilog/VCS, ModelSim RUN TESTS on multiple simulatiors FORMAL VERIFICATION RTL vs. gates Formality CREATE user docs (Datebook) DESIGN chip SYNTHSIS chip Design Compiler Scan insertion, ATPG, and coverage analysis Test Compiler FLOORPLAN PLACE and ROUTE VERIFY timing FABRICATE TEST chip in demo board EDA Trends on IP-Based Design RELEASE - from RMM nweum -21- Trends of design reuse Soft IP Productization Flow - from Mentor Graphics EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -22- Trends of design reuse Hard IP Productization Flow - from Mentor Graphics EDA Trends on IP-Based Design GDSII, SPEF, SDF, LEF, SPICE are also needed to describe physical data. nweum -23- ▣ Introduction ▣ Trends of Design Reuse ▣ Requirements on IP-Based Design ▣ Trends of IP Design ▣ Conclusion EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -24- Requirements on IP-based design Requirements on IP-Based Design ▣ Standardization of IP Deliverables ◈ Data format ◈ Test ◈ Interface ▣ IP Verification ▣ Modeling Guideline for Design Reuse EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -25- Requirements on IP-based design Deliverables of VC - VSIA ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ Behavioural model Emulation model Test sheet Synthesizable RTL HDL model Related Test Bench Gate level net-list Test Vector EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -26- Requirements on IP-based design Deliverables of VC - VSIA (Cont’d) EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -27- Requirements on IP-based design Deliverables of VC - VSIA (Cont’d) EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -28- Requirements on IP-based design Data Formats Relating to VC ▣ Standard data formats defined by VSIA ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ Verilog (IEEE 1364-1995) VHDL (IEEE 1076-1987) EDIF (2 0 0) VC Hspice (1.0) - Avant! o Structural netlist for transistor level VC o Connectivity between the devices, not including parastics ◈ VC LEF (1.0) - Cadence o Physical data for hard VC o Interface pins, routing obstructions, power and ground connections ◈ GDSII (6 0 0) - Cadence o Physical implementation of VC o Used for LVS, DRC, mask generation ◈ SPEF (IEEE P1481, v1.0.4) -SI2 o A part of the Delay and Power Calculation System standard from SI2 o SPEF : Standard Parasitics Exchange Format o Detailed parasitics on the interface nets of hard VC EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -29- Requirements on IP-based design Interfacing IPs ▣ PCB ( = Processor + Peripheral) shrinks to SoC ▣ Interface between HW and HW ◈ FIFO-based interface: I/O ◈ On-chip bus is required global system specification and design specification language exploration&partitioning& architecture selection software synthesis interface& communication synthesis hardware synthesis co-verification prototype/real product development property assessment (performance, cost, power, ...) Co-design research focus EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -30- Requirements on IP-based design Interfacing IPs (Cont’d) ▣ On-chip bus : System Bus & Peripheral Bus ▣ Candidates for standard on-chip bus ◈ ARM (www.arm.com) o ASB(Advanced System Bus) / APB(Advanced Peripheral Bus) ◈ IBM (www.chips.ibm.com) o PLB(Processor Local Bus) / OPB(On-chip Peripheral Bus) ◈ PALM Chip (www.palmchip.com) o M Bus / Palm Bus ◈ Mentor Graphics (www.inventra.com) o FISP Bus ◈ OMI (www.omimo.be) o PI (Peripheral Interconnect) Bus ◈ Fujitsu (www.fujitsu.com) o Spcl Bus Hierarchy of on-chip bus (from VSIA) EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -31- Requirements on IP-based design IP Verification ▣ REQUEST (REuse and QUality ESTimation) Project ◈ http://eis.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de ◈ Project Goals o Raise the level of abstraction for modeling as well as the degree of model reusability. o Improve the quality of VHDL models in terms of readability, reusability, suitability for further design steps (synthesis), testability, simulation efficiency, and confidence in validation. ◈ Partners o o o o o o o o o SIDSA (Spain) - Project leader Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany) France Telecom CNET (France) Italtel (Italy) Telefonica I+D (Spain) LEDA Languages for Design Automation (France) Cadence (formerly: Synthesia, Sweden) Politecnico di Milano (Italy) OFFIS (Germany) EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -32- Requirements on IP-based design Modeling Guideline ▣ VHDL ◈ Is very powerful and flexible ◈ Support algorithm, timing functionality, and physical structure ◈ Provide a lot of freedom in the choice of modeling styles to describe a single thing ▣ Modeling rules are depend on ◈ Style of the developer ◈ Modeling culture of the company Interoperability may be poor ▣ Modeling Guideline ◈ Standards ◈ De facto standards ◈ Individual experiences EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -33- Requirements on IP-based design Modeling Guideline (Cont’d) ▣ International standard ◈ IEEE 1076.4, “Standard VITAL ASIC Modeling Specification” o VITAL : VHDL Initiative Towards ASIC Libraries (www.eda.org/vital/) ◈ EIA-567A, “VHDL Hardware Component Modeling and Interface Standard” o EIA : Electronics Industries Alliance (www.eia.org) ▣ De facto standard ◈ OMI 326, “VHDL Coding Standard” o OMI : Open Microprocessor systems Initiative ◈ TIREP, “A VHDL Modeling Guide” o TIREP : Technology Independent Representation of Electronic Products ◈ ESA, “VHDL Modeling Guidelines” o ESA : European Space Agency EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -34- Requirements on IP-based design Modeling Guideline (Cont’d) ▣ Synthesis ◈ IEEE Std 1076.3-1996, “IEEE Standard VHDL Synthesis Packages” ◈ IEEE PAR 1364.1, “Verilog Synthesis Subset” ◈ European VHDL Synthesis Working Group (EVSWG), “Level-0 VHDL Synthesis Syntax and Semantics” ▣ Simulation ◈ IEEE Std 1164-1991, “IEEE Standard Logic Package” ◈ IEEE 1076.4, “Standard VITAL ASIC Modeling Specification” ◈ ESA, “VHDL Modeling Guidelines” & “VHDL Models for Board-level Simulation” ▣ Test ◈ IEEE Std 1029.1-1991, “Waveform and Vector Exchange Specification (WAVES)” ▣ Analog modeling ◈ IEEE DASC 1076.1, “VHDL-AMS: Analog and Mixed Signal Extensions for VHDL” ▣ Another factors considered previously ◈ FSM, protocol, timing, performance, test bench EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -35- Requirements on IP-based design Modeling Guideline (Cont’d) Status Guidelines std Intended usage de facto syn- simu- std thesis lation Relation to VHDL test full VITAL o o o EIA-567A o o o ESA mod. guide o o o ESA board-level o o o OMI 326 o TIREP o VHDL-AMS o Synth. 1076.3 o WAVES o Std_logic_1164 o EDA Trends on IP-Based Design o o o o subset sion o o o o o o o o exten- o o o nweum -36- Requirements on IP-based design Modeling Guideline for Reuse ▣ Needs : ◈ Consistency, Readability, Portability, Interoperability, Synthesizabiliy in RTL Code ▣ Modeling guideline recommended by Synopsys ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ Register all outputs (even inputs if possible) Not latch but flip-Flop Single edge & single clock Avoid state dependent timing Use synchronous RAM ▣ HDL RTL Coding Rules of Synopsys ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ Naming convention : signal, variable, port name and more Coding for portability Guidelines for clocks and resets Coding for synthesis Designing with memories Code profiling EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -37- ▣ Introduction ▣ Trends of Design Reuse ▣ Requirements on IP-Based Design ▣ Trends of IP Design (IP Design Tools, IP Verification, IP Security) ▣ Conclusion EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -38- Trends of IP design IP Design Teamwork TEST TEAM DESIGN TEAM SYNTHESIS TEAM SPECIFY and DOCUMENT functional requirements, I/O, timing, performance area, goals, and test strategy CREATE behavioral model and test cases DEVELOP macro testbench and test cases TEST SPECIFY block function, I/O, timing, test stategy CODE and TEST COORDINATE timing specs between blocks SYNTHESIZE SYNTHESIZE CHECK AGAINST EXIT CRITERIA EDA Trends on IP-Based Design Macro Specifications, behavioral model Macro partitions and block specifications Block design Block integration - from RMM nweum -39- Trends of IP design IP Design Tools ▣ CoreBuilder & CoreConsultant (Synopsys) ◈ CoreBuilder : IP creation ◈ CoreConsultant : IP reuse ▣ MORE (Measure Of Reuse Excellence) Program - www.synopsys.com EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -40- Trends of IP design IP Verification - from TransEDA EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -41- Trends of IP design IP Verification (Cont’d) ▣ Factors ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ Modeling Rule Check Easy of simulation / synthesis HDL Lint Code / FSM Coverage Clock domain analysis Testability in RT level RTL Design (VHDL, Verilog) Lint Code Coverage Integration FSM Coverage Synthesis/Timing SDF Floorplan Place & Route EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -42- Trends of IP design IP Verification Tools ▣ Modeling guideline ◈ ProVHDL(LEDA), ProVerilog(LEDA), Nova-ExplorerRTL(Avant!) ▣ Lint ◈ VHDLint & VeriLint (Avant!) ▣ Code coverage ◈ Coverit (Avant!), HDLScore (Summit Design), VHDLCover (TransEDA), CoverMeter (Synopsys), Nova-ExplorerRTL(Avant!) ▣ Testability ◈ Testit (Avant!), DFT Advisor (Synopsys), CoverPlus (TransEDA) ▣ Timing ◈ Nova-ExplorerRTL(Avant!) ▣ Power Analysis ◈ Coolit (Avant!), PowerSure (TransEDA) EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -43- Trends of IP design Modeling Guideline Checker ▣ ProVHDL ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ RMM : reuse OMI 326 : synthesis, simulation, test IEEE 1076.3 : synthesis User customization - from LEDA EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -44- Trends of IP design Lint Analysis ▣ Goal : Purification of RTL code before synthesis and simulation ▣ Checks ◈ Syntax and semantics ◈ Questionable synthesis constructs ◈ Questionable simulation constructs ▣ Reduces design iterations EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -45- Trends of IP design Code Coverage Analysis ▣ Goal : Verification of testcases ◈ tightly coupled with a simulator ▣ Captures toggle counts of ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ signals variables execution counts of expressions conditional branches. ▣ Reports ◈ the switching activity of each testcase ◈ the coverage summary on all testcases ◈ any potential power reduction in the design EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -46- Trends of IP design Testability Analysis ▣ Goal : Enhancing the overall testability (Observability & Controllability) ▣ Detects ◈ Design For Test (DFT) rule violations ◈ Questionable testability in RTL code and gate-level netlist ▣ Reports ◈ Uncontrollable clock, reset and memory control signals ◈ Recommendations to fix each DFT violation EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -47- Trends of IP design Timing Analysis Snake path analysis Clock domain analysis Asynchronous loop detection EDA Trends on IP-Based Design Longest/shortest path analysis nweum -48- Trends of IP design Power Analysis ▣ Goal : Power analysis at RTL ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ Find and correct problems early using real RTL code, real circuit activity Explore package alternatives & make decisions early Predict performance with multiple usage models Analyze cooling & mechanical tradeoffs Ensure IP power characteristics match user’s requirements Eliminate wasted power Manage power risk - eliminate re-design EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -49- Trends of IP design IP Security ▣ ▣ ▣ ▣ Krypton (www.leda.fr) CyclopsPro/Gates (www.topdown.com) Visual IP (www.summit-design.com) IP Evaluation Kit : Mentor Graphics + GateField + Aptix ◈ Mentor Graphics (http://www.inventra.com/inventra) ◈ GateField (www.gatefield.com) ◈ Aptix (www.aptix.com) EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -50- Trends of IP design IP Security (Cont’d) ▣ Krypton (www.leda.fr) ◈ Transforms VHDL input into a functionally equivalent model o o o o Names are scrambled and made unreadable (still ASCII) Constant declarations are removed and their values are propagated throughout the code All locally static expressions are removed and replaced by their values Comments are removed and indentations broken EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -51- Trends of IP design IP Security (Cont’d) ▣ CyclopsPro/Gates (www.topdown.com) ◈ Generates cycle-based simulation model from VHDL or Verilog netlists ◈ Accelerates simulation 10 to 50 times ◈ Reduces memory demands 70-80% EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -52- Trends of IP design IP Security (Cont’d) ▣ Visual IP (www.summit-design.com) ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ Generates protected simulation model Run-time licensing required Can controls internal signal visibility Back annotation of timing via protected SDF files Simulators supported : o o o Model Technology's ModelSim Cadence's Leapfrog and Verilog-XL Synopsys' VCS and VSS EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -53- Trends of IP design IP Security (Cont’d) ▣ IP Evaluation Kit : Mentor Graphics + GateField + Aptix ◈ IP Source : Inventra (Mentor Graphics) ◈ Transportation : Serially numbered IP in a flash-based FPGA (GateField ) o Protects reverse-engineering ◈ Evaluation : Plugging those FPGAs into a reconfigurable prototyping system (Aptix) o Verify IPs in the target system through MP4 Configuration of the evaluation using System Explorer, MP4 of Aptix EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -54- Conclusions ▣ Design reuse is important concept. ▣ A reusable block or module can be sold as a product. Profiles of IP Providers - from Design and Reuse EDA Trends on IP-Based Design nweum -55-