
Управление образованием окружного административного
городского округа
г. Якутска
«The popular American Food and
Research work.
Pupil 4A class Ann Galetskaya.
Teacher: Burnina Elena Fedorovna
School 36 "Nadezda" Yakutsk
Fast Food of America
a). Pop-Corn.
b). The Hot Dog.
c). The Hamburger.
d). Coca- cola.
American meals.
5. Conclusion.
I have chosen this theme because I wanted to
know what my coeval from America eat. It was
interesting for me to know the history of famous
American food.
What is "American" food? The answer is that it is
part Italian, part British, part German, part
Mexican, part Chinese…
When people from other countries came to live
in the USA, they brought different cooking
Some of them opened restaurants. Today
Americans enjoy food from all over the world.
Over the years some foreign dishes changed a
Doughnuts were originally from Holland. In 1847
a young American boy told his mother that her
doughnuts were never cooked them – and they
were very tasty!
Maybe the USA is most famous for "fast food".
The first fast food restaurants served
hamburgers, but now they serve other kinds of
food too. Inside there is often a "salad bar", were
you can help yourself to as much salad as you
Americans eat a lot, and when they go to a
restaurant, they don't expect to be hungry
afterwards. Most restaurants will put a lot of
food on your plate –sometimes it can be too
much. But if you can't finish it all, don't worry:
they will give you "doggy bad" and you can
take it home.
Most Americans now have a light breakfast
instead of the traditional eggs, bacon, toast,
orange juice and coffee. But on weekends there
is more time, and a large late breakfast or early
lunch "brunch" is often eaten with family or
friends. And if guests come to lunch or dinner,
the hosts will make something special. It might
be Mexican.
Enchiladas, Japanese sushi, or Italian lasagna — or it
might be good old American steak. Many people take a
bottle of wine or some flowers when they are invited to
dinner at someone’s home.
At a «pot luck» dinner, all the guests bring something
to eat. You should ask your hosts what kind of food
they would like you to bring. Usually it is a salad,
vegetable, or a dessert. When you are invited to
dinner, it is usual to arrive ten or fifteen minutes late.
Fast Food of America.
Have you ever enjoyed a hamburger, sitting on a
lawn? May be you're against all these hot dogs
and cheeseburgers, because it's a junk food.
Anyway, it is always interesting to find out
something about the origin and history of such
trifles, which make our life more comfortable.
They really make life more pleasant, especially
outdoors, don't they?
It’s impossible to imagine American take-away
food or snacks without popcorn. Clear as a day, it
is made from corn. But what about the first part
of the word “pop”. Actually, when you put a
kernel of corn on a fire, the water inside makes
the corn explode. This makes a “pop” noise. That
is why we call it popcorn. It’s an interesting thing
to know that not all corn pops. A seed of corn
must contain 14% water in it. Other kinds of corn
have less waters and do not pop. The American
Indians, who popped corn a long time ago, knew
that special sort. They introduced corn to the first
settlers. In 1620 when Pilgrims had a
Thanksgiving dinner they invited the Indians,
who brought popcorn with them. Since that time
Americans continued to pop corn at home. But in
1945 a new machine was invented that changed
the history of the product. The electric machine
enabled to pop corn outside the home. And soon
movies started selling popcorn to make more
money. The famous American habit of eating
popcorn at the movies is well-known. Many
people like to put salt or melted butter in their
popcorn, some preper to have it without. Either
way Americans love their popcorn.
The Hot Dog.
The original name of the hot dog was the
frankfurter, after the German city of Frankfurt. In
the United States frankfurters, sausages on buns,
were first sold in the 1860s. But for Americans
the name “dachshund sausage” seemed to be a
good one for the frankfurter. In actual fact, a
dachshund is a dog from Germany with a very
long body and short legs. Dachshund sausages
first became popular in New-York especially at
baseball games, where they were sold by men
keeping them warm in hot water tanks. The men
walked up and down the rows of people and
yelled “Get your hot dachshund sausages here!”
And in 1906 the newspaper cartoonist Tad
Dorgan saw the men with the dachshund
sausages and got an idea for a cartoon: he drew
a bun with a dachshund inside – not a sausage
but a dog. The cartoonist didn’t know how to
spell the word “dachshund” and under the picture
he just wrote: “Get your hot dogs!” The cartoon
was a sensation as well as the name. If you go to
a baseball game today, you can still see sellers
walking around with hot water tanks and yelling,
“Get your hot dogs here! Get your hot dogs
The Hamburger.
An obligatory item on the list of fast food, the
hamburger has no connection to ham, but with
the German town of Hamburg, which was famous
for its ground steak. German immigrants to the
United States introduced the “hamburger steak”.
At the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904, hamburger
steaks were served on buns for the first time. It
was convenient and tasty and became a usual
way of eating hamburgers.
But how did the hamburgers become the most
popular, most typical American food? The
introduction of the bun is the important part of
the answer.
Another important part, due to which hamburgers
have become well-known and favourite all around
the world is McDonald’s, the fast food restaurant.
The first restaurant was opened in San
Bernadino, California, in 1949 and hamburgers
were the main item on its menu, as well as the
hamburger remains the main item in all
McDonald’s restaurants today.
Coca- cola.
Coca-cola is one of the most popular soft drinks
in the world. Dr. John Pemberton first made it in
Atlanta, America, in 1886. Dr. Pemberton wasn't
a real doctor but he sold syrups to people who
were ill. He made his first Coca-Cola drink with
syrup and soda water. He gave it to his friends to
try. They liked it but asked him to make it even
Although. Dr. Pemberton's drink was 99%
sugar and soda water, 1% of it was coca leaves
and coca nuts (that is why he called the drink
"Coca-Cola") and some other things. Dr.
Pemberton would not tell anyone what these
other things were. He kept them a secret. The
drink did not sell well at first so he sold the
secret. Two years later, he died.
In 1892, Asa Candler bought the secret and
started The Coca-Cola Company. Until 1899
people could not take the soft drink away from
shops to drink at home. They had to drink them
in the shops. However, when the Coca-Cola drink
became very popular, people wanted to take
home bottles of it, so Mr. Candler agreed to sell it
in bottles.
In 1919, Mr. Candler sold his part of the
company for US $25 million!
Today, The Cola-Cola Company is one of the
largest companies in American. In 1992, it sold
506 million bottless of Coca-Cola each day.
People can buy it in 195 countries.
It is still the same drink that Dr. Pemberton made
in 1886.
American meals.
Americans usually have three meals a day.
Breakfast usually comes before eight o'clock in the
morning, since most people have to be getting off
to work and children have to leave for. Lunch is
served between twelve and one o'clock, and dinner,
the main meal, is generally between six and eight
in the evening.
Breakfast in America may be orange juice, toast
and coffee, or juice and cold dry cereal with milk.
Lunch in America is usually a small meal- a
sandwich, salad or soup.
School children take sandwiches, fruit and cookies
along with them or eat in the school's cafeteria.
Dinner is ordinarily planned around a meat
course, pork, or various fowl such as chicken or
An American dinner often includes potatoes or
rice, and a green or yellow vegetable. Fresh
salad is also frequently served. Coffee, tea, and
milk are generally served with a dessert after
dinner, but not always.
There were two McDonalds – Mac and Dick – and
they were brothers. In 1948, they owned a
restaurant in California. They liked working in the
restaurant, but they got tired of the customers
ordering so many different things to eat.
If we gave customers a smaller menu, we could
make some of the food before they come, and
they wouldn't have to wait so long for their
meals, sad one of the brothers.
The other brothers agreed and added , 'And if
we made the customers come to the counter,
we wouldn't need any waiters or waitresses.
We could also use plastic plates so there
wouldn't be any washing-up.
There were such good ideas that the McDonald
brothers used them, and the customers were
very pleased. They got their meals very quickly –
in pleased less than a minute – and they paid
only 15 cents for hamburgers and 10 cents for
fries. The first McDonald's restaurant had no
seats for customers to sit on. This meant that
people had to take their food away, and that no
one had to clean up any tables after them.
Then a man called Ray Kroc came to the brothers
and asked to buy their business. They agreed to
sell it to him for $27 million. After that, people
paid Ray Kroc to open their own restaurants
using the McDonald's name and menu. Before
long, there were McDonald's restaurants all over
the United States, and nowadays, they are all
over the world - even Chine and Russia.
The most successful McDonald's business is in
Hong Kong. The Hong Kong McDonald's sells
more hamburgers every day than any other
McDonald's anywhere else in the world.
McDonald's restaurants are so successful
because children love going to them. They like
the food, and They like the toys and games they
can get at McDonald's.
I have learnt that the most of my classmates
drink Coca-Cola with pleaser and like to eat
hamburgers but they have to remember that the
eating in fast-food restraints lead to obesity and
to another problems of health.
Finishing this research, I have made a conclusion
that fast-food is a good business, but in opinion
of most scientists this food is junk for our health.
In conclusion I wanted to say that food must be
various and useful.
It is known that we are what have we eaten.