DAFF 2013/14 -2017/18 Strategic Plan 17 April 2013 Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries Presentation Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Overview and challenges to the sector Planned policy and programme interventions Alignment of MTSF Priorities, Key Outcomes and Strategic Goals Development targets DAFF’s contribution to job creation over the MTSF Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Agriculture Production, Health and Food Safety Programme 3: Food Security and Agrarian Reform Programme 2: Economic Development, Trade and Marketing Programme 5: Forestry and Natural Resources Management Programme 6: Fisheries Management 2 Overview I am pleased to submit the Strategic plan for the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2013/14 to 2017/18 for tabling in Parliament Section 27(4) of Public Finance Management Act requires that the accounting officer of a department must submit measurable objectives within its department’s programmes to the National Assembly In line with the requirements of the Public Finance Management Act and Treasury Regulations, DAFF would like to table the 5 year Strategic Plan before Parliament The Strategic plan complies with the guidelines provided by National Treasury and the Department of Public Service and Administration The presentation will focus on deliverables for the MTEF cycle for six budgetary programmes for 2013/14 to 2016/17, as allocated by National Treasury Lastly the presentation will focus on the Annual Performance Plan of the six departmental programmes as reflected in Annexture1 of the strategic plan 3 Challenges in the Sector Increasing food prices, and anti-competitive behaviour also impacts on national food security The Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries sector is growing slower than the rest of the economy with persistent low levels of employment relative to the rural population Both the agriculture and forestry commercial sectors increased the efficiency of production, resulting in increased production despite decreases in areas under production Increase in production costs in agriculture, particularly production inputs, electricity, labour and fuel, squeezes profit margins of farmers and thus making farming less viable. This situation might lead to several farmers leaving the industry and thus loss of hundreds of jobs as well as putting food security of this country under serious threat. Inadequate extension services especially in Forestry and Fisheries Declining fish stocks in certain fisheries Climate change and increased loss of agricultural land to mining, housing and industrial developments poses serious threats to production and productivity of the agricultural and forestry sectors over the medium and long term 4 Challenges in the Sector conti… Profitability has increased, but at slower rates, and is attributed to a concentrated few that have been able to survive global market and financial challenges The profitability of the fishing industry as determined by factors such as the international prices, exchange rates, fuel prices, quota allocations and the actual biomass of fish present. There has been a significant increase in the concentration of the commercial sector, as a result of smaller and less efficient business, unable to take advantage of increasing economies of scale, being forced out of the sector No guaranteed market for products produced by small holders Transformation in the sector in all three sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) remains a challenge with transformation not having significant socio-economic impacts Resource management challenges relating to subsistence sector, and an enabling framework to increase production and sustainability 5 Policy and programme interventions Government 12 Key Outcomes and Delivery Agreements with DAFF directly contributes to following 3 Outcomes with clear targets: Outcome (4): Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Outcome (7): Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all Outcome (10): Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources National Development Plan - 643 000 direct jobs and 326 000 indirect jobs in the agriculture, agro-processing and related sectors by 2030 New Growth Path - Job drivers: Agriculture & agro-processing IPAP 2 - Agro-processing National Infrastructure Plan (2020) -SIP 11: Agro-logistics & rural infrastructure Integrated Growth and Development Plan (IGDP) 6 Planned Policy and programme initiatives SIP 11- aims to improve investment in infrastructure that supports the expansion of agricultural production and employment in small-scale farming and rural development Extension Recovery Programme- creating a national policy on extension and advisory services: to consider alternative extension methodologies, possible alternative institutional arrangements for providing extension services, public-private partnerships and the creation of a professional body to help advance the extension profession National Mechanisation Programme- elaboration of institutional arrangements for the operation and maintenance of such implements, access to mechanisation services on a sustainable basis Inland fisheries- develop further economic opportunities around generally existing fish stock within freshwater bodies and rivers Agro-ecological agriculture – DAFF is in discussions with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN and other partners for assistance in implementing the strategy that had just been finalised. 7 Planned Policy and programme initiatives conti… Supporting labour-intensive commercial agriculture (loss of wage jobs on commercial farms )- DAFF intends to develop a policy to render greater targeted support to those commercial farms at the smaller end of the commercial spectrum Urban agriculture – there is a need to create an encompassing strategy on urban and peri-urban agriculture with a particular focus to support residents of informal settlements at the fringes of towns and cities 8 Programme interventions: development targets Increase the number of smallholder farmers from 200 000 to 250 000 by 2014 As a result of the continued success of commercial farming, the number of employees on commercial farms should rise from 780 000 to 800 000 Aim to place 300 000 households in smallholder schemes by 2015 (goat, sheep, wheat, aquaculture, forestry, etc.) 145 000 jobs in agro-processing by 2020 5 520 jobs Community Works Programme Plan Rehabilitate 32 280 ha of rangeland, cultivated land, weeds and invader plants Recovery of targeted fish stocks (abalone, hake and West Coast Rock Lobster) by 10% 9 PROGRAMMES PLANS OVER THE MEDUIM TERM PERIOD 2013/14 - 2016/17 10 Alignment of MTSF Priorities, Key Outcomes and Strategic Goals MTSF Priority Areas A comprehensive rural development strategy linked to land and agrarian reform and food security Speed up economic growth and transform the economy to create decent work and sustainable livelihoods Key Outcomes Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Sustainable resource management and Protect and enhance our environmental use assets and natural resources Pursuing regional development, African Create a better, a better and better world enhancement and enhanced international cooperation Massive programmes to build economic An efficient, competitive and responsive and social infrastructure economic infrastructure network Strengthen the skills and human resource base Build a developmental state, including improving of public services and strengthening democratic institutions Intensify the fight against crime and corruption Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship All people in South Africa are and feel safe Strategic Goals G1: Increased profitable production of food, fiber and timber products by all categories of producers G1: Increased profitable production of food, fiber and timber products by all categories of producers G4: A transformed and united sector G5: Increased contribution of the sector to economic growth and development G2: Sustainable management of natural resources G3: Effective national regulatory services and risk G6: Effective and efficient governance G1: Increased profitable production of food, fiber and timber products by all categories of producers G6: Effective and efficient governance G4: A transformed and united sector G4: A transformed and united sector G6: Effective and efficient governance G3: Effective national regulatory services and risk 11 Jobs and opportunities creation by Working for Fisheries Programme, Land Use and Soil Management , and refurbishment of Category B and C plantations The LandCare Programme deploys labour intensive mechanisms within its project implementation under the SoilCare, VeldCare and WaterCare themes. The programme is targeting to achieve 874 000 job opportunities which is equal to 3 800 Full-time Equivalents (FTEs), over four years Through EPWP credit system an estimated 7 500 jobs are to be created by the department over a period of five years, the number of FTEs would increase to 3 750 over a period of five years. Contribute towards poverty alleviation through interventions that are public driven which will provide alternative livelihood options for rural and coastal communities Working for Fisheries Programme provides alternative livelihood options for rural and coastal communities with an estimated 3 450 job opportunities to be created over a period of three years 12 DAFF’s contribution to job creation Performance Indicators 2013/14 Number of LandCare jobs 1 100 FTEs created (874 000 opportunities = 3 800 Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) 2 725 jobs Number of jobs created through refurbishment of Category B and C plantations 1 100 jobs Increased the number of job opportunities (Working for Fisheries Programme) 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 900 FTEs 900 FTEs 900 FTEs 2 200 jobs 2 400 jobs 2 400 jobs 1 150 jobs 1 200 jobs - 13 Programme 1: Administration: Strategic Interventions Corporate Services - Strengthen Human Resource Management & Development to support the core business towards achievement of strategic objectives and improve organizational performance and culture. Improve ICT capability for optimal DAFF service delivery in support of SIP 11, NDP, NGP, IPAP, MDG and IGDP Knowledge and Information Management Strategy implemented through Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) for preservation of institutional memory Improve human resource management and development support strengthen the skills and human resource base to attract, develop and retain professional and skilled officials Chief Financial Office - Improve financial management controls to ensure effective and efficient use of financial resources in the department 14 Programme 1: Administration: Strategic Interventions conti… Stakeholder Relations, Communication and Legal Services - Review and or amend legislations to ensure alignment to the Constitution, reflect the departmental mandate of agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector Align the DAFF Communication Strategy to the government’s National Communication Strategy Increase awareness of the DAFF’s mandate and services Ensure well-informed internal and external publics 15 Programme 1: Administration: Strategic Interventions conti… Policy, Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation - Improve and align M&E systems in DAFF, provincial departments of agriculture (PDAs), stateowned entities (SOEs) and monitor economic performance of the sector. Develop, review and strengthen policies, plans to facilitate the alignment of national spheres to the electoral mandate and the Medium Term Strategic Framework. Strengthening planning and policy formulation by updating and aligning policies and plans Align and coordinate policy and planning system(s) for improved strategies, programmes and plans in line with government Develop (design) a programme/project decision support management system Commission Service Level Agreements on R&D to the ARC and other service providers to develop relevant/appropriate technologies in support of DAFF mandate Guide and support research and development in the DAFF sectors. Monitor, coordinate and report on targeted R&D Programme 16 Programme 1: Administration Performance Indicators Programme / project decision support management system implemented 2013/14 Develop (design) a programme/project decision support management system Policy analysis framework implemented R&D Programme approved Update and align policies Monitor, coordinate and report on targeted R&D Programme Integrated Human Resource Management submitted to DPSA Adjusted Human Resource Plan approved and submitted to DPSA by 30th June Human Resource Plan Implementation Report submitted to DPSA (Sep 2013 & Mar 2014) Targets 2014/15 2015/16 Institutionalisation of Institutionalisation the design and implementation programme/project of the design decision support programme/project management system decision support management system Update and align Update and align policies policies Monitor, coordinate Monitor, coordinate and report on and report on targeted R&D targeted R&D Programme Programme Adjusted Human Adjusted Human Resource Plan Resource Plan approved and approved and submitted to DPSA submitted to DPSA by 30th June by 30th June Human Resource Human Resource Plan Implementation Plan Implementation Report submitted to Report submitted to DPSA (Sep 2014 & DPSA (Sep 2015 & Mar 2016) Mar 2015) 2016/17 Monitor and evaluate DAFF’s programme/project decision support management system Update and align policies Monitor, coordinate and report on targeted R&D Programme Adjusted Human Resource Plan approved and submitted to DPSA by 30th June Human Resource Plan Implementation Report submitted to DPSA (Sep 2016 & Mar 2017) 17 Programme 1: Administration cont… Performance Indicators Targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Improved financial Unqualified audit Unqualified audit Unqualified audit management controls report on financial report on financial report on financial statements statements statements Legislation review 24 Acts reviewed Remainder of the Acts project completed reviewed DAFF Communication Refine and oversee Develop and review Refine and oversee Strategy implemented the implementation the Communication the implementation of the DAFF Strategy in line with of the DAFF Communication new priorities of Communication Strategy government Strategy Master Systems Plan ICT Implementation Implementation of Implementation of (MSP) implemented plan of priority projects priority technology priority technology of the MSP approved projects (technology projects specified by architecture) specified the MSP by the MSP Knowledge and Implement stage 1 of Monitor EDMS Evaluate EDMS Information Management Electronic Document implementation implementation (KIM) Strategy Management System implemented (EDMS) (testing and rollout of Change Management Plan) 2016/17 Unqualified audit report on financial Statements - Refine and oversee the implementation of the DAFF Communication Strategy Implementation of priority technology projects specified by the MSP Maintenance and upgrades of EDMS 18 Resource allocation Subprogramme R thousand Medium-term expenditure estimate 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Ministry 30,444 31,887 33,364 Department Management 22,756 22,283 25,798 145,517 152,718 158,603 8,257 8,629 9,017 151,695 157,090 164,369 Stakeholder Relations, Communication and Legal Services 62,981 66,514 65,853 Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 77,676 85,393 89,797 Office Accommodation 164,623 190,643 203,141 Total 663,949 715,157 749,942 Financial Administration Internal Audit Corporate Services Programme 2: Agriculture Production, Health and Food Safety Strategic Interventions - - - Implement plant and animal production policies and strategies to increase production The department will work with all stakeholders within the sector on initiatives and interventions to increase production within the subsistence, smallholder and commercial environments. 1 300 producers will benefit in two animal improvement schemes to improve production efficiency of livestock and address the socio-economic needs of emerging livestock farmers and contribute to their socio-economic needs, improved livelihoods and sustainable agrarian reform Conserve indigenous agricultural biodiversity and sustained management of indigenous genetic resources Conserve and sustain the use of genetic resources for food and agriculture through increased ex situ collections of indigenous plant species and farm animals, complemented by the establishment of community-based in situ or on-farm conservation projects Conserve important agricultural genetic resources under threat and the need for increased food production to provide sufficient food for an increasing population 20 Programme 2: Agriculture Production, Health and Food Safety Strategic Interventions cont… - Improve risk management systems to support production and enable safe and fair trade - Conduct planned surveillance on animal and plant diseases and pests, as well as coordinate animal and plant disease control interventions - Improve early detections and reaction time to outbreaks of plant and animal diseases and pests - Improve response to food/feed safety incidents and outbreaks of animal and plant diseases and pests - Implement regulatory interventions aimed at ensuring compliance to legislative requirements and monitoring certain quarantine pest and disease statuses in different areas - Minimise pest and diseases entering the territory of South Africa at ports of entry by conducting regulatory compliance and monitoring interventions through quarantine, inspections, surveillance and testing 21 Programme 2: Agriculture Production, Health and Food Safety Performance Indicators Number of producers benefiting from animal Improvement schemes Number of indigenous agricultural genetic resources conserved Planned Surveillances conducted Number of Regulatory compliance and monitoring interventions implemented 2013/14 1300 2014/15 1300 2 animals species conserved (Afrikaner cattle: FS and Zulu sheep: KZN) Conserve 3 species animals (Namaqua sheep: NC, indigenous chickens: EC, indigenous goats: NC) 5 Landrace crops repatriated in Mpumalanga 2 1 4 interventions (Quarantine, inspections, surveillance and testing) 5 Landrace crops repatriated in Mpumalanga 2 (animal diseases) 1 (plant pests) 4 interventions (Quarantine, inspections, surveillance and testing) Targets 2015/16 1300 3 animals species conserved (chicken: WC, pigs: MP and goats: FS) 5 Landrace crops repatriated in North West 2 1 4 interventions (Quarantine, inspections, survelliance and testing) 2016/17 1300 Conserve 3 species of animals (Pedi sheep: LIMP, indigenous chickens: FS, Pedi and Tswana cattle: LIMP& NW) 5 Landrace crops repatriated in North West 4 1 4 interventions (Quarantine, inspections, surveillance and testing) 22 Resource allocation Subprogramme Medium-term expenditure estimate R thousand 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Management 2,740 2,866 2,997 Inspection and Laboratory Services 303,152 315,702 332,263 Plant Production and Health 510,181 537,725 559,337 Animal Production and Health 299,818 340,673 488,390 Agricultural Research 950,254 1,069,151 920,767 Total 2,066,145 2,266,117 2,303,754 Programme 3: Food Security & Agrarian Reform Strategic Interventions - Coordinate the production of food to ensure food security to ensure reduction of the number of people who are food insecure in the country - Coordinate the support and involvement of smallholder producers within the sector - Coordinate and provide support mechanisms to subsistence and smallholder producers to improve production of food to ensure food security and agrarian reform - Improve the quality of education in colleges of agriculture by transforming them into Agricultural Training Institutes (ATIs) - Contribute to skills development and improve the skills required by the farming, forestry and fisheries sector, thereby creating the competence level agricultural field 24 Programme 3: Food Security & Agrarian Reform Performance Indicators Targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Number of subsistence farmers supported 130 000 140 000 145 000 150 000 Number of smallholder producers supported 16 000 16 500 18 000 20 000 Increased number of infrastructure anchor projects established 4 2 (Taung & Makhathini irrigation infrastructure projects) 2 (Tsolo: OR Tambo 2 District, Potchefstroom: Dr. Kenneth Kaunda district) 5 7 1 - Increased number of agricultural colleges accredited by CHE Resource allocation Subprogramme Medium-term expenditure estimate R thousand 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Management 2,666 2,796 2,922 Food Security 1,015,932 1,064,106 1,111,485 Sector Capacity Development 208,419 249,209 262,444 National Extension Support Services 370,718 392,594 410,620 Total 1,597,735 1,708,705 1,787,471 Programme 4: Economic Development, Trade & Marketing Strategic Interventions - Lead and monitor the promotion of economic development, trade and market access for agriculture, forestry and fisheries products; and the transformation of the sector. - Development of commodity based investment plans. - Organise smallholder producers into commodity associations to give collective power in negotiations for inputs and marketing and increase jobs in agro-processing - Enhance the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of production and maximise the economic potential of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector - Enhance the ability of the sector to maximise job opportunities and wealth creation through implementation of sector charters, improvement of sector value chains and SMME support - Contribute towards the promotion of sustainable economic livelihoods for previously disadvantaged communities and rural job creation; and ensure market access for agriculture, forestry and fisheries products - Coordinate the signing and implementation of cooperative agreements and strengthen regional, continental and global platforms and governance institutions - Ensure the promotion and protection of agriculture, forestry and fisheries interests regionally and internationally 27 Programme 4: Economic Development, Trade & Marketing Performance Indicators Number of commoditybased cooperatives established and supported Marketing Strategy implemented Agro-Processing Strategy implemented Trade Development Strategy implemented International Relations Strategy implemented Targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 9 (One per province) 18 (Two per province) 18 (Two per province) 18 (Two per province) Aquaculture value chain network institutionalised 2 agro-processing enterprises supported Participate in Tripartite Free Trade Area (FTA) negotiations Implementation of South-South Cooperation Agreement in relation to BRICS Poultry value chain network institutionalised 2 agro-processing enterprises supported Grain value chain network institutionalised 2 agro-processing enterprises supported Participate in Tripartite Participate in Free Trade Area (FTA) Tripartite Free Trade negotiations Area (FTA) negotiations Implementation of Implementation of CAADP CAADP Horticulture value chain network institutionalised 2 agro-processing enterprises supported Participate in Tripartite Free Trade Area (FTA) negotiations Implementation of CAADP 28 Resource allocation Subprogramme Medium-term expenditure estimate R thousand 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Management 2,672 2,792 2,918 International Relations and Trade 106,353 104,586 107,128 Cooperatives and Rural Enterprise Development 72,418 75,524 78,031 Agro-processing and Marketing 50,205 53,131 55,808 Total 231,648 236,033 243,885 Programme 5: Forestry & Natural Resource Management Strategic Interventions - Protect and coordinate rehabilitation of degraded indigenous forests, woodland and agricultural land and ensure sustainable management of forestry and natural resources - Rehabilitate 32 280 ha of rangeland, cultivated land, weeds and invader plants through implementation of protection and conservation measures - Support 1 300 small growers with capacity-building interventions, including technical advice, training and linking them to potential funders to improve production efficiency of forestry and socio-economic livelihoods. - The department will work with stakeholders within the sector on initiatives and interventions to increase production within the subsistence, smallholder and commercial environments. - Implement Forestry Sector Charter undertakings in the value chain to ensure renewed growth, transformation and sustainability throughout Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) in economic, social and environmental terms, will improve the lives of the poor - Refurbish and maintain smallholder government irrigation schemes - Develop, implement and monitor disaster risk reduction strategies Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plans 30 Programme 5: Forestry & Natural Resources Management Performance Indicators Number of small producers (growers) supported Increased number of hectares on irrigation schemes revitalised Increased number of hectares (agricultural land, woodlands, indigenous forests and TUPs) rehabilitated Climate change adaptation and mitigation plan implemented Charter undertakings implemented Targets 2015/16 1300 2013/14 1300 2014/15 1300 2016/17 1300 250 ha 500 ha 750 ha 1000 ha 32 280 ha 37 280 ha 41 780 ha 46 780 ha Develop and submit Climate change adaptation and mitigation programmes for approval DAFF Plantation Growth and SMME Strategies implemented Monitor the implementation of the Climate change adaptation and mitigation programmes EIAs in KZN conducted Monitor the implementation of the Climate change adaptation and mitigation programmes Grant funding for forestry enterprise established Review Climate change adaptation and mitigation plans reviewed 4 Category B plantations (Hlokozi, Katberg, Hebron and Rossbach) certified 31 Resource allocation Subprogramme R thousand Management Forestry Operations Forestry Oversight and Regulation Natural Resources Management Total Medium-term expenditure estimate 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 3,007 3,270 3,542 466,324 493,932 520,239 56,094 58,501 62,849 659,049 630,219 659,887 1,184,474 1,185,922 1,246,517 Programme 6: Fisheries Management Strategic Interventions - Facilitate investment in production and support infrastructure for aquaculture and fisheries. - Support the development of small scale fisheries. - Advance transformation of fisheries. - Maintain the productivity of fish stocks and ecosystems; and rebuild depleted fish stocks - Promote sustainable agrarian reform initiatives through the support of fish farms, aquaculture development zones and hatcheries - Enhance the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of production and maximise the economic potential of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector. - Enforce compliance with marine and coastal legislation, ensure maintenance of optimal levels of fish and provide for the recovery of depleted fish stocks - Contribute towards the economic, efficient and effective use of natural resources - Enhance the ability of the sector to maximise job opportunities, wealth creation and minimise poverty levels and infrastructure dilapidation - Promote sustainable economic livelihoods for previously disadvantaged communities and rural job creation 33 Programme 6: Fisheries Management Performance Indicators Number of fish farms supported Depleted fish stocks rebuilt (Abalone, Hake, West Coast Rock Lobster and Linefish) Enforcement and compliance efforts to combat poaching increased Targets 2015/16 20 2013/14 10 2014/15 15 4 sectors 4 sectors 4 sectors 4 sectors Facilitate partnerships with law-enforcement agencies Develop Marine Data Monitoring System - Allocate 70% of fishing rights in 9 sectors to SMMEs Allocate fishing rights to communities in 10 inshore fishing sectors - - - - Facilitate approval and implementation of the Integrated Fisheries Security Strategy (IFSS) Increased support to Allocate 70% of SMMEs within the sector fishing rights in 8 sectors to SMMEs - 2016/17 - 34 Resource allocation Subprogramme Medium-term expenditure estimate R thousand 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Management 1,967 2,065 2,168 Aquaculture 29,387 30,780 32,243 Monitoring Control and Surveillance 73,597 77,086 80,751 Marine Resources Management 17,634 18,471 19,350 Fisheries Research and Development 54,323 56,899 59,604 Marine Living Resources Fund 257,128 261,631 273,923 Total 434,036 446,932 468,039 Conclusion Intensify working with the Provincial department Intensify engagements with stakeholders and other government departments Support Parliament in the finalisation of Bills Intensify oversight work in all district municipality 36 THANK YOU !!! 37