
What should a Christian
marriage be like???
Exclusive (no-one else)
Always (permanent)
Rites and
Symbolism of the
To know why Marriage is a
To describe & explain the
importance of the different parts
of the marriage rite
To evaluate the conditions needed
for a Catholic marriage
What is the Sacrament of Marriage a
sign of?
-That marriage is a
vocation (to love as God
-That the couple receive
the Holy Spirit to be with
them in a special way
**What can make the
Sacrament of Marriage
To be valid, a
marriage must…
1. Write out the correct points.
2. What 2 things would a marriage preparation course help couples to
**Do you think it it is a good thing for churches to insist that all married
couples attend a marriage preparation course?
Be in a Church
be freely chosen
(not for citizenship,
or because parents
want it, or the bride
is pregnant)
Recognise it to
be a sacred &
holy union,
before God
Partners must
be free to marry
(not already
married, or in
Holy Orders)
be open to the
possibility of
having children
Be between
adults known
to be fertile
Be approved by
the Pope
Be between
two Catholics
be an equal
relationship &
spouses take the
vows seriously.
be between a
man and a
What makes a marriage valid?
1. Match the answers below to your table.
Check your answers on p.29.
2. Look up the definition of a “vow” and a “rite” (p.28) Explain the difference.
**Think of a way to help you remember the order of marriage. Pictures? Acronym?
To show sacredness of marriage, designed by God.
What married love should be like
Vows are made to each other, before God and witnesses.
Promise LEAF.
So it is recognised as a civil marriage as well, & recognised in law.
Explains that congregation are witnesses, should support couple
It is a sacrament & vocation to which God has called them.
Symbolises Unending love.
Exclusive faithfulness to that one person
- Are they free to marry?
- To honour and love for ever?
- Open to children?
Strengthen the marriage by bringing Christ into the marriage
God to bless their married love - to be lasting, supportive, and blessed with
1. Welcome and purpose
To all the congregation
Explains that congregation are
witnesses, should support couple
It is a sacrament & vocation to which
God has called them.
2. Readings
Readings from Bible and
To show sacredness of marriage, designed
by God.
What married love should be like
3. Questions
By the priest to the couple
- Are they free to marry?
- To honour and love for ever?
- Open to children?
4. Exchange of vows
.. To have and to hold from
this day forward, richer for
poorer, sickness and in
health, death do us part
5. Exchange of rings
‘take this ring as a sign of my
love and fidelity”
6. Nuptial Blessing
Of the couple
God to bless their married love - to be
lasting, supportive, and blessed with
7. Communion
Received first by the couple,
then congregation
Strengthen the marriage by bringing Christ
into the marriage
8. Signing of register
Newlyweds and 2 witnesses
sign register
So it is recognised as a civil marriage as well,
& recognised in law.
Vows are made to each other, before
God and witnesses.
Promise exclusive, lifelong faithfulness
and support (EAF)
Unending love.
Exclusive faithfulness to that one person
To be valid, a Christian marriage must…
1. both partners are…………. (not already
married, or in Holy Orders)
2. choose to marry ………………… (not for
citizenship, because parents want it, or the
bride is pregnant)
3. are open to the possibility of having
4. have a ………………attitude to marriage as
an equal loving relationship & mean to
take the………seriously.
5. understand that it is a …………………….. and
a …………………, solemn covenant/
free to marry
Marriage Rite – tell your partner the order
**What vows do they make to each other?
• Wicked Russian Queen Vampires Ride Nightly
By Country Roads
Nuptial blessing
Holy Communion
Signing Register
Explain the meaning and importance
of marriage in the Roman Catholic
• 6marks
Candidates may include some of the following
Sacramental / sign for all to see / a solemn contract /
reflection of God’s love for us – Christ’s love for the Church (Ephesians 5 25) /
life-giving and fruitful / procreation expected / sexual activity open to the
possibility of new life / children to be brought up in a Christian
environment /
exclusive & faithful/ sexual relationships outside
of marriage are forbidden as they fail to be a sign of the sacrament /
lived out in the community /
permanent and irrevocable, a life-long, loving relationship / cannot
be broken / rings symbolise never-ending nature /
reference to parts of the rite of marriage that illustrate its importance should be
What promises do the bride and groom make during a Christian marriage service? (Total 4 marks)
Explain how keeping these promises might help a couple to have a successful marriage.
(Total 4 marks)
Why do many Christians want to get married in a church?
(Total 2 marks)
Christians believe that marriage is a sacrament and should be conducted in a Church. They want God to bless their marriage. They want
the priest to witness the exchange of vows; they want God to bless their union and be part of their marriage. Marriage is a sacred public ceremony
and therefore it should be performed in a public and holy place.
(Do not allow superficial responses that show no Christian content, e.g. ‘It looks nice on the photos!’ You may allow tradition but it must
be linked into some other development with clear Christian content. ‘Because it is tradition’ – on its own would score no marks.)
What does the Christian Church teach about marriage?
(Total 3 marks)
Marriage is a gift from God; a means whereby a couple can share in the work of creation by the birth and nurturing of children; it is a
sacrament; it should be to the exclusion of all others; it is a permanent bond dissoluble only by death; it is for the mutual care and help of each
partner throughout their lives; it is a lifelong commitment based upon the teachings of Jesus.It is the correct relationship for sex. It involves entering
into a lifelong, loving and exclusive relationship similar to the relationship that Christ has with his Church, etc.
To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till
death us do part.
If these vows are given in full, full marks may be given. Failing that, credit may be given for the following points:
To be faithful.
To bring children into the world and to give them a secure loving home.