
Spring Term 1
Science: Forces
We will be learning:
That pushes and pulls are
examples of forces
That sometimes, pushes and
pulls change the shape of
To explain how things move
faster, slower or stop, by
looking at friction and air
How to investigate natural
forces such as water and
wind power.
The children will be involved in
practical activities including a
visit to a swing park.
This half term we will be
focussing on fairytales.
Activities will include work on:
Character descriptions
fairy tale settings
Setting out speech in
speech bubbles and
speech marks.
Writing new endings for
fairy tales.
Writing Fairytale wanted
We strongly encourage parents to
listen to their children read daily
and to practise spelling
homework for our weekly test on
a Monday.
Other Areas
This term we are focussing on: Rounding numbers to the
nearest 10 or 100
 Partitioning into tens and units
to help solve problems
 Reading the time and solving
simple time problems
 Recognising coins and solving
money word problems
History: We will be looking at the Great
Fire of London. There will be a Freshwater
Theatre workshop around ‘Samuel Pepys.’
Art and Design: We will be designing &
making fairy tale puppets to use in acting
out fairy tales in small groups.
ICT: Using ppt to create an e-book. How to
safely save and store work. Using
programmable toys and apps.
PE: We will be practising games skills e.g.
RE: We will be thinking about new life
Celebrations: Chinese New Year
Music: We will be looking at
- Programme music – composing
music to tell a story.
- Pitch and rhythm – notes on the
- Various topic songs
PHSCE: Going for goals
We have daily opportunities to
practise oral and mental maths skills.
On Thursday mornings the children
will be grouped across the 3 classes
for ‘Maths Merry-go-round’.
Maths homework will be sent home
every Friday.
We will be doing scooter
What you can do to help: Talk to your child about forces used in everyday life (eg pushes and pulls). Continue to hear your child read daily, practise
weekly spellings and CAT words, and play maths games which are available from near the library. Any parents/family members and friends with
special interests in this topic, please come in and arrange a time to talk with the children. The children will be going to the Kneller Gardens to observe forces at
work in the playground.
Key: PE – Physical Education
RE – Religious Education
PHSCE – Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education
ICT – Information and Communication Technology