
Chapter 14
• The Scientific Revolution was founded on
the idea of acquiring knowledge through
skepticism, experimentation, and
reasoning based on observed facts.
Questioning Truth and Authority
• The Old View
– The Earth-Centered Universe
• The earth rested at the center of an unchanging universe.
• Undermining the Old View
– Hermetic Doctrine
• All matter contained the divine spirit, which humans ought to
seek to understand.
• It held that the sun was the most important agency for
transmission of the divine spirit, and occupied the center of
the universe.
Questioning Truth and Authority
– Exploration
• Geographic exploration during the Renaissance upset
traditional assumptions
• Overseas voyages stimulated demand for new instruments,
precise measurements for navigation, and encouraged
research, especially in astronomy and mathematics.
– The Printing Press
• The printing press enabled even out-of-favor scholars to
publish their findings, which spread new ideas and
Chapter 14
• European scientists uncovered new
information about the world around them
and different ways of looking at the
universe, and embarked on a search for
knowledge without limits.
Developing a modern Scientific
• Astronomy and Physics: From Copernicus to
– Nicolaus Copernicus
• A polish clergyman – he crossed the Alps to study in an
Italian university.
• He sought a simpler mathematical formulation to explain how
the universe operated.
• He believed that at the center is the sun, circled by the earth
and other planets.
– Tycho Brahe
• He persuaded the king of Denmark to build for him the most
advanced astronomy laboratory in Europe.
Developing a modern Scientific
– Tycho Brahe (cont.)
• He recorded thousands of unusually accurate, detailed
observations abouth the planets and stars over a period of 20
years all without a telescope.
– Johannes Kepler
• Believed in an underlying mathematical harmony of mystical
significance to the physical universe.
• He founded the three laws of planetary motion.
– Galileo Galilei
• He formulated the principle of inertia, showing that bodies,
once set into motion, will tend to stay in motion.
Developing a modern Scientific
– Isaac Newton
• He developed calculus and investigated the nature of light.
– Newton’s Principia
• He formulated and mathematically described three laws of
motion: inertia, acceleration, and action/reaction.
• The law of universal attraction, or gravitation
Developing a modern Scientific
• The Revolution Spreads: Medicine, Anatomy,
and Chemistry
– Paracelsus
• A teacher and wandering practitioner, he treated patients,
experimented with chemicals, recorded his observations, and
developed new theories.
• He encouraged research and experimentation to find natural
remedies for bodily disorders.
– Andreas Vesalius
• Wrote the first comprehensive textbook on the structure of
the human body.
• He dissected cadavers and became the personal physician
to Emperor Charles V.
Developing a modern Scientific
– William Harvey
• He dissected hundreds of animals, and discovered that the
human heart worked like a pump, with valves that allowed
blood to circulate through the body.
– Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
• The chief pioneer in the use of the microscope
– Robert Boyle
• He argued that all matter was composed of indestructible
atoms that behaved in predictable ways.
• The Methodology of Science Emerges
Developing a modern Scientific
– Francis Bacon
• He believed that science would benefit commerce
and industry and improve the human condition by
giving people unprecedented power over their
– Rene Descartes
• In 1637, he published his philosophy and scientific
methodology in the Discourse on Method.
• He questioned all forms of authority
• “I think, therefore I am”
Chapter 14
• Scientists relied upon interaction with
colleagues and the support of patrons to
build upon and spread the ideas the ideas
of the Scientific Revolution.
Supporting and Spreading Science
Courts and Salons
The Rise of Royal Societies
Religion and the New Science
The New Worldview
– The Copernican-Newtonian Paradigm
• The earth, along with the planets, moved around the sun in
an infinite universe of other similar bodies.
• The natural order consisted of matter in motion, acting
according to mathematically expressible laws.
• Scientific truths came from observing, measuring,
experimenting, and making reasoned conclusions through
the use of sophisticated mathematics.
Chapter 14
• As Europeans applied these scientific
ideas about the acquisition of knowledge
to other disciplines, a new way of thinking
that emphasized reason emerged and
characterized the cultural movement
known as the Enlightenment.
Laying the Foundations for the
• Science Popularized
– Teaching Science
• In 1761, scientific ideas were being taught to children of the
middle and upper classes.
– Glorifying Newton: Reason and Nature
• Enlightenment thinkers saw this brilliant Englishman as the
great synthesizer of the scientific revolution
– The Psychology of John Locke
• Applied scientific thinking to human psychology
• Pictured the human brain at birth as a blank sheet of paper
that sensory perception and reason filled as a person aged.
Laying the Foundations for the
• Skepticism and Religion
– Pierre Bayle
• The leading proponent of skepticism in the late
seventeenth century
– David Hume
• He insisted that nothing could be known for sure.
• Reality consisted only of human perceptions
Laying the Foundations for the
• Broadening Criticism of Authority and Tradition
– Travel Writings of Montesquieu and Voltaire
• Used comparisons of place and time to criticize authority and
tradition during the early decades of the eighteenth century
– History and Progress
• The tools of science and reason enabled people to surpass
their historical predecessors.
• History became a story of human progress, and people living
in the eighteenth century stood on the brink of
unprecedented historical achievements.
Chapter 14
• Using nature as a guide for thought and
society, Enlightenment thinkers came into
conflict with established ideas, religions,
and institutions, and suggested avenues of
The Enlightenment in Full Stride
• The Philosophes
– Voltaire
• Imprisoned in the Bastille for writing verses that criticized the
– Emilie du Chatelet
• Voltaire lived openly with Chatelet and her husband.
• Chatelet helped Voltaire gain a better understanding of the
sciences and their significance.
• The Encyclopedia
• Battling the Church
The Enlightenment in Full Stride
– Deism
• An impersonal, infinite Divine Being created the universe but
did not interfere with the world of human affairs
• Reforming Society
– Political Thought: Montesquieu and Rousseau
• Montesquieu argued that political institutions should conform
to the climate, customs, beliefs, and economy of a particular
• Rousseau argued that people in the “primitive” state of “noble
savagery” were free, equal, and relatively happy.
– Economic Ideas: The Physiocrats and Adam Smith
• Economics had its own set of natural laws – supply and
The Enlightenment in Full Stride
– Criminology, Penology, and Slavery
• Beccaria thought criminal law should strive to deter crime
and rehabilitate criminals rather than merely punish
• Abbe Guillaume Raynal argued practices of European and
American colonists were irrational and inhumane
– Education
• Many Enlightenment thinkers based their ideas on the
psychological ideas of John Locke, which emphasized the
power of education to mold the child into the adult.
– The “Woman Question”
• Questioned the inequality of men’s and women’s roles
The Enlightenment in Full Stride
• The Culture and Spread of the
– Salon Meetings
• Meetings were hosted by wealth Parisian patrons,
usually women of the aristocracy or upper-middle
• They gathered regularly to read, listen to, and
debate the ideas of the Enlightenment
– Bookstores
• Bookstores became hotbeds of Enlightenment