Hypothesis ArcgisEssay

GIS Writing
Using your maps, memories and your notes from these classes, discussions, readings and prep work, respond to the
question using the following steps:
Planning: Brainstorm & Organize (homework)
Writing (in-class)
How can spatial technologies help us better understand the 2 types of geography, the 5 themes of
geography, and the 3 questions of geography?
Hypothesis/Evidence Template
How can spatial technologies help us better understand the 2 types of geography, the 5 themes of geography, and the 3
questions of geography?
What is the task (in your own words):
Key Terms to Discuss:
Find the benefit of spatial technologies towards the 2
Location, Place, Human Environment Interaction, Region,
types of geography, the 5 themes of geography, and the 3 and Movement. What is where? Why there? Why care?
questions of geography.
I think we can understand the 2 types of geography, the 5 themes of geography, and the 3 questions of geography
through spatial technology by changing the scale, the filter, the base map, etc. Changing these would be a lot harder in
real life but could be easily shifted and changed through a lot ways. Changing them can give you a better understanding
or a new understanding of the country or region.
Explanation of Idea
How is it good for 2 types of geography? (Human and Physical)
Human Geography look at the impact of people and human behavior while physical maps represent the natural process
like climate, plate, etc. With ArcGIS, one could somehow squeeze in both of them and provide a good amount of
information through notes, filters, etc. That is why spatial technologies are good for understanding of the types of
Evidence Quotation ☐ Visual Cue ☐ Inference ☐ Connection ☐
I used the ArcGIS myself and I had to put the physical and human geography traits on my map and I did. I was successful
in including information from the 2 types of geography in my project.
Socials 9 GIS Writing
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Explanation of Idea
How is it good for the 5 themes of geography? (Location, Place, Human Environment Interaction, Movement, Region)
Again, the spatial technology is able to show us all the information in an easy and understandable way. We can show
the information in Journals through a different variety of map. Each of the themes can be easily represented on these
maps by using the filters, notes, showing the natural boundaries, etc. And most of these would require a lot of work if
done on paper.
Evidence Quotation ☐ Visual Cue ☐ Inference ☐ Connection ☐
Self Experience in the ArcGIS project and the Drawing of the map in Iraq.
Explanation of Idea
How is it good for the 3 questions of geography? (What is where? Why there? Why care?)
Through the understanding of all the information, there is already a brief answer to these questions. –
Further research of these questions would lead you deeper into the topics and it is really easy to differ them on the
map after one is done putting the information, filters, notes, and other things on the map. Filters would be impossible
on normal drawn maps and notes on hand drawn maps would be a disaster if it wasn’t well organized.
Evidence Quotation ☐ Visual Cue ☐ Inference ☐ Connection ☐
Conclusion: Rhetorical Question ☐ Rephrasing ☐ Big Idea ☐
In conclusion, the spatial technology help us understand the two types of geography, five themes, of geography better
-Easiness to show the information
-Can put multiple information on a same map
-Useful filters and easy to create
For this piece of writing, I am focusing on:
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The position statement
provides a clear, strong
statement of the author's
position on the topic.
The position statement
provides a clear statement of
the author's position on the
A position statement is
present, but does not make
the author's position clear.
There is no position
All supportive facts and
statistics are reported
Almost all supportive facts
and statistics are reported
Most supportive facts and
statistics are reported
Most supportive facts and
statistics were inaccurately
All of the evidence and
examples are specific,
relevant and explanations
are given that show how
each piece of evidence
supports the author's
Most of the evidence and
examples are specific,
relevant and explanations
are given that show how
each piece of evidence
supports the author's
At least one of the pieces of
evidence and examples is
relevant and has an
explanation that shows how
that piece of evidence
supports the author's
Evidence and examples are
NOT relevant AND/OR are
not explained.
All sentences are well
constructed with varied
Most sentences are well
constructed and there is
some varied sentence
structure in the essay.
Most sentences are well
constructed, but there is no
variation is structure.
Most sentences are not well
constructed or varied.
Author makes no errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Author makes 1-2 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Author makes 3-4 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Author makes more than 4
errors in grammar or spelling
that distract the reader from
the content.
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