hyp template geography unit

GIS Writing By: Josh Pollock
Using your maps, memories and your notes from these classes, discussions, readings and prep work, respond to the
question using the following steps:
Planning: Brainstorm & Organize (homework)
Writing (in-class)
How can spatial technologies help us better understand the 2 types of geography, the 5 themes of
geography, and the 3 questions of geography?
Satalittes- new spacing of continents
Google Maps- streets and people
Time lapse flowers- Human environment Interaction
2 types of Geography
Human and Physical
5 Themes
Location, Place, Human and environment Interaction, movement, region
2 Questions
What is where?
Why There?
Why Care?
Hypothesis/Evidence Template
How can spatial technologies help us better understand the 2 types of geography, the 5 themes of geography, and the 3
questions of geography?
What is the task (in your own words):
How is digital technology helping us better understand
Key Terms to Discuss:
2 types of Geography
5 themes
3 questions
Spatial technologies can help better understand the 2 types of geography (through tracking of earths natural resources
and the impact of humans), the five themes of geography (through satellite technology) and the 3 questions (through
gained knowledge answering the 3 questions).
Explanation of Idea
Human and physical geography is hugely impacted by our new technologies. We are able to track our planets major
resources and our species’ movement.
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Evidence Quotation ☐ Visual Cue ☐ Inference ☐ Connection ☐
New technologies allow us to monitor the earth’s physical aspects such as: water, species and climate. We can also
monitor human geography such as: cultural geography and population geography through new spatial technologies.
New understanding of physical geography allows us to comprehend the state of our planets natural resources. Also
new understanding of human geography allows us to understand how people are impacting the planet.
Our new spatial technologies such as: Satellites which allow us to better understand the physical spacing of the
continents and camera technology which allow us to track human environmental interaction through time lapse are
hugely important to better understand our Two Types of Geography.
Explanation of Idea
The five themes of geography: location, place, human and environment interaction, movement and region are all
hugely impacted by our society’s new spatial technologies. Satellites are an essential part of these themes, bringing
extremely important (find word).
Evidence Quotation ☐ Visual Cue ☐ Inference ☐ Connection ☐
New satellites technology helps determine the exact location of an area, physical landscape of a place and the result of
human impact on the environment. Satellite technology also benefits the movement theme, helping to examine the
unique qualities of land, leading to understanding of how and why places are connected to each other. The region
theme is aided by new satellite technology. New technology helps connect unique qualities of land and determine how
and why areas are similar to each other.
Each of The five themes of geography have hugely benefitted from many new spatial technologies that have made our
world a different place today.
Explanation of Idea
We are able to better understand each of the three questions of geography (what is where, why there and why care)
through many different new spatial technologies.
Evidence Quotation ☐ Visual Cue ☐ Inference ☐ Connection ☐
We can better understand exact location through new spatial technologies and as a result answer the question what is
where? We can learn about unique qualities of an area thus, better understanding the “why there” question. We
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should “care” because new spatial technologies can help us better understand our planet and provide us with
information that will help the human race survive.
The three questions of geography can be better understood through new spatial technologies and will probably be
better understood every year.
Conclusion: Rhetorical Question ☐ Rephrasing ☐ Big Idea ☐
Different spatial technologies help us better understand the 2 types of Geography, the 5 themes of geography and the
3 questions of geography. Spatial technology has and will increase our societies knowledge of our planet and will play
and extremely important role in our civilization’s future.
For this piece of writing, I am focusing on:
Using the information from my hypothesis evidence template to create a great paragraph.
How can spatial technologies help us better understand the 2 types of geography, the 5 themes of geography, and the 3
questions of geography?
Spatial technologies can help better understand the 2 types of geography (through tracking of earths natural
resources and the impact of humans), the five themes of geography (through satellite technology) and the 3 questions
(through gained knowledge answering the 3 questions).
Human and physical geography is hugely impacted by our spatial technology. We are able to track our planets
major resources and our species’ movement. New technology allows us to monitor the earth’s physical aspects such as:
water, species and climate. We can also monitor human geography such as: cultural geography and population geography.
New understanding of physical geography allows us to comprehend the state of our planets natural resources, while new
understanding of human geography allows us to understand how people are impacting the planet.
Our new spatial technologies such as: Satellites which allow us to better understand the physical spacing of the
continents and camera technology which allow us to track human environmental interaction through time lapse is
extremely important to better understanding our Two Types of Geography. The five themes of geography: location, place,
human and environment interaction, movement and region are all completely impacted by our society’s spatial
technologies. Satellites are an essential part of these themes, bringing extremely important information allowing for
deeper understanding of the five themes of geography. New satellites technology helps determine the exact location of an
area, physical landscape of a place and the result of human impact on the environment. Satellite technology also benefits
the movement theme, helping to examine the unique qualities of land, leading to understanding of how and why places
are connected to each other. The region theme is aided by new satellite technology. New technology helps connect
unique qualities of land and determine how and why areas are similar to each other. Each of The five themes of geography
have hugely benefitted from many new spatial technologies that have made our world a different place today.
We are able to better understand each of the three questions of geography (what is where, why there and why
care) through many different spatial technologies. We can better understand exact location through new spatial
technologies and as a result answer the question what is where? We can also learn about unique qualities of an area thus,
better understanding the “why there” question. We should “care” because new spatial technologies can help us better
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understand our planet and provide us with information that will help the human race survive. The three questions of
geography can be better understood through new spatial technologies and will probably be explored further every year.
Different spatial technologies help us better understand the 2 types of Geography, the 5 themes of geography
and the 3 questions of geography. Spatial technology has and will increase our societies knowledge of the earth, playing
an extremely important role in our civilization’s future.
The position statement
provides a clear, strong
statement of the author's
position on the topic.
The position statement
provides a clear statement of
the author's position on the
A position statement is
present, but does not make
the author's position clear.
There is no position
All supportive facts and
statistics are reported
Almost all supportive facts
and statistics are reported
Most supportive facts and
statistics are reported
Most supportive facts and
statistics were inaccurately
All of the evidence and
examples are specific,
relevant and explanations
are given that show how
each piece of evidence
supports the author's
Most of the evidence and
examples are specific,
relevant and explanations
are given that show how
each piece of evidence
supports the author's
At least one of the pieces of
evidence and examples is
relevant and has an
explanation that shows how
that piece of evidence
supports the author's
Evidence and examples are
NOT relevant AND/OR are
not explained.
All sentences are well
constructed with varied
Most sentences are well
constructed and there is
some varied sentence
structure in the essay.
Most sentences are well
constructed, but there is no
variation is structure.
Most sentences are not well
constructed or varied.
Author makes no errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Author makes 1-2 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Author makes 3-4 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the
Author makes more than 4
errors in grammar or spelling
that distract the reader from
the content.
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