Camberwell Central Bowls Club

Planning our future
Camberwell Central Bowls Club
• The observations and opinions expressed during this presentation
are personal to the presenter and do not necessarily represent the
policies or objectives of Bowls Australia, Bowls Victoria, the
boards of either body, the employees of either organisation, or
of the BV Club Development & Support Committee.
• We’re seeking to stimulate constructive input as to how we can improve
our clubs – it is not an invitation to have a whinge.
• You may be critical of aspects of club/BV/BA operation – but you may
NOT be critical of any person(s) performance or character by name or
• If a criticism or comment is made that any person feels is “close to the
bone”- we apologise in advance - you should not to take it as a
personal affront.
• Time is short – If invited to make a point – please organise your
thoughts, speak to the point – don’t waffle
• Paul Holtschke – CDO with BA/BV One of the good guys – Paul is a
true professional, loves the game and guided my early thoughts. He
has played a major role in the process at CCBC to date and has
generously offered to be part of our ongoing process. He will be an
immense help to you – if you let him ……….
• Mark Perry – Alphington Bowls Club - for his time and effort in
sharing the ongoing story of ABC with our members.
• The bowls clubs in Victoria and elsewhere who knowingly or otherwise
have provided the material and inspiration for CCBC on our journey.
Petersham 1
15 June 2013 – last ever match played at Alma - Final round of Div 2
Bowlsworld Inner City Winter Pennants between ASC and CCBC
Petersham - Part 1
• The problems currently faced by bowls clubs are also faced by
other sporting clubs
• Golf
• Tennis
• Squash
• The problem is the same in other countries where bowls is played
• The causes of the problems are similar whether clubs are privately
owned, community based, city or rural.
• The solutions are similar – but must be tailored to each clubs
• Currently there are approx 520 bowls clubs in Victoria.
• 70% of these clubs are doing nothing different to what
they’ve always done – and most are paying the price
• 15% are actively looking for ways to change
• 15% (estimated) are in trouble but don’t know what to do
• Unless there are significant changes at club level its likely that
30% of clubs will cease to exist within the next 5 - 10 years.
(8 of the 27 clubs in Yarra Region may not exist in 10 years)
• Too focussed on the game of bowls Vs the business of bowls
• Failure to adapt with changes in society
• No Vision – stuck in the day – no plan to handle change
• Not engaged with our community – have become isolated
• Too focussed on pennants Vs other versions of the game
• Average club member has no sense of ownership - involvement
• Rusted on Leadership
• Too many agendas - personal Vs Club Vs region Vs state Vs BA
Club Development Evening
•Getting the members on side and enthused is
• Unless the members recognise the need for change and participate in the
process – it will not be successful and degenerate into factional squabbles.
• Their problem – their perceived outcomes and course of action
• There are as many egos involved as there are members – walk through a
minefield very carefully……………..
We face the challenge of growing our membership base and ensuring our future as a viable part of the
sport and our communities. We all recognise that something has to be done – but we’re not sure what we
need to do. We’ve tried a lot of things in the past but in the last 15 years our membership has continued to
What do we want to achieve? In one night we’re not going to change the world. There is no magic bullet
– no quick fix that will change the situation overnight. What we can do is start a process that will help us
decide what we want our clubs to look like in 2, 5, 10, and 15 years’ time and develop a plan that will start
the journey. Of necessity the development plan will need to be flexible and accommodate the wishes of
many. We can fill in the goals and objectives and define what’s important to us and the things that we need
to achieve in the short term but the process has to be ongoing. Once we start the journey, we commit to
the ongoing process.
Care is needed - Of necessity the starting point of any process is to recognise where we are now, what our
strengths are, what we do well, what we do poorly, and to look at options as to how we might do things
better. This process can sometimes be confronting, and we must be careful to ensure that we don’t offend,
or take offence at criticism. Often in life, in business and in club administration things simply don’t happen
– for any number of reasons. Its far better that a member has tried and failed than it is to sit back and
criticise the outcomes of other’s endeavours. As we move foreward we need to honour the past and
recognise the uncounted hours of voluntary efforts of our past and present members.
We must also be mindful that your Club is a collective endeavour and there are inevitable compromises
that we all have to make for the common good.
We must all be part of the process - Every member of your club – young or old has a unique set of
experiences and a unique perspective, and everyone’s input is valued. Whatever the outcomes of the
planning process want every member of the club must be given the opportunity to play a part in the
Preparation for a meaningful discussion - Over the next few weeks we’ll be sending out some articles and
links to various websites that might provide some ideas and discussion points. The links below are to
websites of clubs that are in some ways similar to ours – they are all near city, have all been through a
decline – but all have found their own unique path foreward. They all have some good points for us. Most
of the clubs are in Melbourne. One is in Sydney. Two are in New Farm in Brisbane – they are literally within
400m of each other. They were basket cases in the late 70’s when I lived there. Both have since thrived.
Please take a few moments to look carefully at all the websites
New Farm
Petersham (Sydney),au
- this club is in a poorer part of inner Sydney and has found success by simply re-engaging
with the community. Please take a few minutes to look at this You tube video
• Campaign over several months testing the climate for change with
key members – planting the seeds
• Approval of Committee to run the evening
• Email campaign to members over several weeks with a range of
materials – examples of clubs that had achieved turnaround.
• Preparation of material and arranging guest speakers
• 1st meeting
Mirror moment – a cold hard look at the club
The community – perceptions Vs reality
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats analysis (members)
3 x 15 min workshops in small groups addressing the key questions
• 2nd Meeting – approx 1 month later
• Rehash - Follow on
• Further workshops addressing further issues with outcomes that allow us to draft
for presentation at the next meeting
• Vision Statement –
• Our core values as a club
• What type of club we want to be and
• where we want to be in the future
• Outline Business plan
• Put into place the outcomes of our workshops
• Guide our decision making in the future
• Next Step - Implementation
• Publishing the Vision statement & plan on our website
• Look to have quarterly meetings
To identify and briefly discuss the major issues that we face as a club.
To identify the things that are important to us as members
To identify the type of club that we want to be now and in the future.
To identify the little things we can do tomorrow that will start to make a
difference immediately.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------• To identify strategies that we might implement to become that club
• To commit to establishing a framework to documenting a development
• To establish time frames to implement that strategy
This is the first step in what will be an ongoing journey – its not about
radical change, tossing everything on the scrap heap
• All members of the club need to be given the opportunity for input –
particularly on the big questions. (The who, what, how)
• We need to set a series of preferred outcomes – consensus
• Need to have a series of workshops where members of sub committee
step through the issues and options.
• Produce an outline strategic plan
• Use appointed sub committees to fill in the details – all aspects of operation
• Set time frames – an average plan executed in timely manner is better than a
great plan that never happens
• Evolve a detailed business plan and operations manual that sets guidelines for
the future, documents what needs to be done – but allows flexibility to change
with circumstance
• Implement the plan as we go – concurrent activity by many people
• Our sport developed in a time when life was slower and leisure time was
more defined
• We enjoy moderate success on the green
• We have our own club rooms at nominal annual cost & upkeep
• We’re well located within the council community
• Family friendly atmosphere
• We run a lot of “corporate "events – but get no collateral outcome
• Our player base is aging – we have trouble fielding 2 teams
• We have a static /diminishing membership – despite efforts
• We struggle to retain good players
• We know that we need to do something – just not sure what / how
• We have a proud history – but an uncertain future
Membership approx 100
Playing members approx 60
Pennants players approx 45
Age ranges 14 years to 90+ years
Average age mid 70s – this is distorted by some really young
• Majority (more than 70%) are retired
• Many have / developing health issues related to age
• We are not representative of our community
• Location
• centrally located within our patch
• Within the sports precinct
• Close to city transport
• Facilities
• Greens – when renovations to B Green are complete will have 2 quality grass
greens (we need to manage these assets carefully and ensure not out of action
for long periods)
• Club House – Spacious – modern
• We a have a club liquor licence
• People
• Family focussed
• Inclusive
• No major cliques
Small club with static membership
The majority of the work is done by 12-15 members
No foreward planning – we have no long term vision
No written procedures – continually reinventing wheel
Administration is weak – we always seem to be behind the 8 ball
Good intentions in a lot of areas – but not followed through
• Example 1. lots of corporate events – but no club brochure / follow up
• Example 2. Youth development programme – but then don’t appreciate
that young don’t want to commit to Saturdays / don’t
want to spend the next 5 years playing lead in a team when
they’ve skipped against Div1 - 3 / Premier div players.
• Camberwell is in the heart of the Boroondara “dry zone:
• There is only one hotel in Camberwell, that is the preserve of the
younger generation.
• Whilst there are other sporting and social clubs within the area
that have liquor licences (e.g. the football club, RSL), there are
none known that have the combination of
Quality facilities
Ease of access
Cross generational and cross gender appeal as a sport
Family friendly atmosphere
• Small membership and lack of success in bowls leads to loss of members who
want to “play to win”.
• Lack of on field success and small number of players makes sponsorship dollars
hard to come by.
• Community pressure for a greater return on a very valuable asset – the council
is spending approx $10,000 per playing member to upgrade the club rooms!!!
• Expect greater pressure from Council to be self funding – pay higher lease
• Within the next 5 years there will be hugely increased pressure on community
leisure assets • Unless we are seen by the community & council to maximise the use of the facilities - to
grow and to prosper as a club we will be under threat of being forced into either sharing
our clubrooms with other organisations, or merging with another club. Either way we lose
control of our own destiny.
• Stuck in the past • Failure to adapt and change – will lead to eventual demise.
• Lack of long term planning –
• we have six members compiling a club history – none working on a long term plan to
ensure our future.
A bloody great fence - not very inviting
What do we see when we stop at the gate?
• The bloody thing is locked !!
• When does it open?
• Is there a bell to ring?
• I wouldn’t mind finding out a bit more, maybe even have a game – but they obviously don’t
need new members.
The Website
• Lots of good information – all the headings are there
• Bit all over the place with the information
• A friendly bunch of oldies in their PJs having a good time
We present the same image as one of those old time suburban / country hardware stores that have all closed
• Friendly, helpful - but disorganised
• Some great deals – but you need perseverance to find them
• Know the business inside out – but more than a little weary
• Just biding our time ………………
• No one knows we exist – we don’t promote ourselves as a club
• Press – the last time we appeared in the Leader was?
• Promotions – local schools, businesses, etc.
• We don’t capitalise on the good work we do • we have possibly 2000+ people use the club for events during the year
• we don’t have a brochure to give people
• we don’t solicit feedback from the attendees
• We don’t capture personal data of users or members
• We don’t have a mailing list
• We don’t work at it week in / week out
What we think we offer is not attractive to potential new members
We don’t understand the demographics of the local population
We’re not good at doing all the little things
We don’t understand the drivers – the reasons why people play bowls (The reasons
that I play bowls are probably significantly different to many of the club members).
• Population approx 154,000
• Statistically the population demographics across all the wards are
within 5% of the Camberwell demographics.
• There are eight (8) bowls clubs in the city area (1 per 20,000)
Camberwell Central
Auburn – Private
MCC Swinburne Avenue / Glen St
MCC Kew Heights
North Balwyn
• There are several others that are close enough to be deemed
Population approx 20,028
Median age 41
65.4% (13,000) of population aged 15 – 64 years old
Only 16.79% (3,363) people are over 64 years old – we need to note that
many of the over 64s (probably 25%) are still working either through choice
or necessity- a further 10% likely to suffer debilitating illness.
51.79% (10,374) of population are employed full or part time
90.6% (11,778) of population over 15 are employed
10% (1,300) of population >15<64 are not in work /retired or at school
69.8% of workers are Professional/Managers/ Admin /clerical
Average household = 2 parents in mid – late 40s + 2 teen age children
Average weekly income is more than 2x national average
We could add Canterbury to our turf – 7000 people with approx 20% over
64 years old
Note – only 16 of our members live in our territory (0.08% of the
• Gender equality has changed our society
• Today most females work full time at least until age 30.
• A high percentage return to work at least part time after their child is
3 – 5 years old. This is driven by the high cost of living and in
particular childcare and schooling
• From age 30 – 64yrs old 45% are working full time. A further 30%
approx work part time. They spend a high percentage of non work
related time ferrying children from school to sport to music lessons
• Age 55 – 54 there are still 55% employed full or part time plus they
are the unpaid child carers for their grandchildren (at least 73%
spend more than 15 hours per week minding grandchildren). A
growing number spend time looking after aged parents.
• They don’t have the time to play bowls ……………..
• Camberwell is an aspirational suburb – top 10 in Melbourne – one size does not fit all.
I.e. what applies in Camberwell and surrounds does not necessarily fit elsewhere
• Majority of Camberwell’s population are time poor
The majority work 40 – 80+ hours per week or more.
High percentage of professionals and business owners – they are their business
Many are highly competitive / achievement oriented
Often both parents work – mum part time
Often they have business commitments that intrude into weekend
Saturdays are devoted to shuttling children to sport and other activities.
Not local – they don’t have a family support network in area
Sunday is usually “rest” day / family day
Have lots of other family / school activities that are higher priority – travel
frequently – cheap air travel provides opportunity, many have holiday homes.
• If they play sport its during the week – after hours, short duration
• Don’t have the time or the inclination to play bowls on a Saturday or a Tuesday –
particularly while the kids are at school.
• Most are tech savvy, overloaded with information
• Business frequently comes first, second and third
• Time poor – not going to drive to the club to read a team board or put fill in an
availability sheet. If you have an event- plan it / tell me on line/ don’t waffle –
time is money
• Plan ahead in detail – many are booked 2 – 3 – 6 months in advance
• Need to know – now – not next week
• Lack of organisation = lack of credibility = turn off
• Internet is the primary source of information
• Often don’t use home phones – some don’t even have land line
• Use email / text messages / face book / Linked in for communication Calendar
/ diary / in tray – available on their smartphone
• Read newspapers / letters only if they’re relevant
• Can’t commit to mid week activity during working hours
• Won’t commit to longer term unless its of benefit/ impact
• Want value for money – but will spend big on relaxation
• 25 - 30% over the age of 60yrs old cannot afford to retire
• Our major offerings are “old men’s marbles”
• Monday Triples – day time - sorry I’m at work
• Tuesday Pennants – basically all day Tuesday – ditto
• Wednesday night pennants & social - I can make it most nights – but only if its after 7pm
and I can come direct from the office- can I get something to eat at the Club?
• Thursday afternoon Practice 4-6 pm – Not a chance – some of us have to work you know
• Saturday pennants – Not a chance - I have a meeting from 9am -11am – I have to take
oldest son to basketball at 11:30 and my wife takes our daughter to netball at 2pm. I’m on
call 2 weeks out of 4. No 2 son really likes bowls but he also plays golf in winter and cricket
in summer – maybe in 15 years time when the kids are off our hands we can do something!
• Only 10% of our target population are available to participate when we are
open for business. 90% of the potential members are either at work or in school
• Out of 3000 people over 64 we would be lucky if the available pool was 300
• When our target membership has time -We’re closed !!!!
• In fact we’re closed most of the time.
• The sport is too focussed on pennants and retirees
• If we were a business we would be out of business!!
• By 2030 – ABS
• 30% of the population work part time – weekends may not exist
• 2007 Survey by Fujitsu Consultants of people aged 58 -61
showed that
• More than 25% indicated they would keep working to at least age 70
• 12% said they would work until they drop
• The Age 7 June 2013
If we are to survive & grow as a Club we
must change our offering to suit the
leisure needs of the people in the
• understand that we are in an intensely competitive industry –
we’re not just a bowls club • we’re competing for peoples leisure time and their sports/
social dollars
• We’re competing against cheap holidays, as well as every other sport
• know who those potential clients / members are, and the
barriers that we have to knock down
• have a product that appeals to our target market and that is
available when our customers want it - at a price that is
• get the message to our prospective customers – cheaply &
effectively and on an ongoing basis
• Have a product suite that appeals to families, retirees and
young singles – (bowls is not spelled pennants…..)
• We want more than a one touch relationship
• Be a place to come and relax – have a drink, a game and possibly a
light meal / snack after work on Friday or on Sunday
• Provide a sporting opportunity for each member of the family
• Be “cool” enough for the kids and young singles to want to come and
participate – less structured, no uniform, social drinking
• Transition some of these social members into pennants players
• Encourage participation in the Club
• We need to be plan thoroughly & market aggressively
• Become the “third place” – after home and work for the
• Greater emphasis on non “prime time” activities
• Open for trade when our potential clients / members are available.
• Casual rink hire - $15 per rink per hour – the young mums / kids
• School sports and training – grow our own champions
• Win back the competitions – school, finals, regional events
• Corporate events – we’re in a business hub
• Sunday family day – have a BBQ – have a game with the kids
• Why can’t we have a roster of club members say 4 hours per day
each once / twice per month to open the club every day
• Summer night time social /pennants competition – Wednesday night
• Summer night time social / corporate competition. - Thursday nights
• Winter – Saturdays are our chance to experiment – train - develop
• Winter - social play on Sundays
• Need to manage the use / maintenance of the greens
• What we really sell is not what we think we have to offer
• Tift dwarf – means nothing to 99% of the population
• We offer products that our target market doesn’t have the time or the
inclination to buy.
• “Mate – you’ve got rocks in your head if you think I want stand around
all afternoon in 38 degree heat in a pair of bloody pyjamas”
• We don’t sell – and we make it hard for those people who are
What we sell is the ability for a 43
year old accountant to dress in black
leather, ride through small towns and
have people be afraid of him”
Harley Davidson exec
Club Med is more than just a resort –
it’s a means of rediscovering one self –
of inventing an entirely new me”
• “
We have identified a third place
• “
• …..The third place is not work or home.
It’s the place our customers come for
• Starbucks – they don’t sell coffee –it’s a
by product of a relationship
We have established a third place
……….. The third place is not work or home.
It’s the place that the people and families of
Camberwell come to relax, meet with friends
and play sport together……………..
CCBC – 2013
• Petersham Reborn
• The little things we can start /do tomorrow
• Identify as many things as possible that we can do / start tomorrow that
will cost very little or nothing that will make the Club environment better ,
the premises more appealing, our performance on the green better?
• When asked what was the most important factor in his success Conrad Hilton
(founder of Hilton Hotels) replied
• “ remembering to tuck in the shower curtain”
How we welcome new members to the club
How we relate to each other
How we communicate as a club on a day to day basis
Having procedures and guidelines written down so that
members know what's required aren’t afraid to have a go
The first impression that visitors retain
Having a professional brochure to hand out
Dotting the I’s and crossing Ts in club administration
Not being late to start meetings – having a purpose
Paint the handrail at the entrance
Sign at gate showing hours we are open for business – to the public – not just members
Maintenance of Garden – simplify – less labour intensive
Tidiness – Presentation of the Club rooms
Outside – the first impression is important – the secretary’s office
Notice boards
Tidiness – only important “stuff”- don’t use windows as noticeboards
reorganise – get rid of out dated material
revised game/ availability sheets
Message on the answering machine (particularly for enquiry by potential members)
Establish a roster system for different tasks / duties
Minor maintenance / tidying
Camberwell Central Bowls Club
Club promo brochure – modern / professional
Redo / update the website
Appoint a mentor for all new members
More / Regular coaching
Ambience of Club rooms
More opportunity for younger members to play together
Have a designated and equipped play area for younger
children to play while mum & dad bowl
• More promotion to other co located sporting clubs, cricket,
football, tennis
• Social media / Twitter / Facebook
Camberwell Central Bowls Club
• In moving foreward its important that we don’t lose the key
values and things that are important to the members
• What are the key values that you feel are the most important ?
• The Core Values that we need to retain
Family friendly
Having respect for personal differences regardless of age background
• Pride in our club
• Competitive on the green
Camberwell Central Bowls Club
• Are we a sporting club or a social club?
• Do we aspire to produce champions and win tournaments?
• Are we a club whose main focus is social activity with bowls as a
supplementary activity?
• Are we a club for the few – or do we seek a broader
• Can we be a sporting club that aspires to build and retain
champion players as well as being a social club with strong
values that is attractive to the members of our community – i.e.
the “third place” ( work /home/ club) - where residents come to
relax and play a lifetime sport).
• A sporting club with greater opportunity for social activity
• Successful on the green in both pennants & non pennant comps
• Improved bowling skills
• Offer other varieties of the game in addition to pennants
• Open longer hours
• Constantly evolving
• Increased membership
• More relevant to the community
• Inclusive
• Target schools as a growth area
• Be financially successful
Camberwell Central Bowls Club
• In moving foreward with the planning process We need to review our
• What special advantages do we enjoy that we can capitalise on to
grow the club
• Location
• Amenities
• Etc
• Whatever we plan to do must be financially realistic – has to be
funded from cash flow – without endangering our capacity to fund
the ongoing operations of the club
• Subs
• Playing fees
• Total
(average say 50 x $10)
Compares with
Indoor Soccer
Indoor Cricket
Indoor beach volley ball
Golf (Eastern – cheapest option)
$225 (this is one of the highest)
$775 – approx $15 per week $7.50 per
$15 per game
$15 per game
$12 per game
$28 per game
Camberwell Central Bowls Club
Summer (Oct - April)
Winter (May - September)
Adult 18 Holes
Early Morning (Back 9 holes)
Twilight - as many holes as possible
Junior 9 or 18 Holes - 15Yrs or under
(Photo ID Required on arrival)
Adult 18 Holes
Adult 9 Holes
Twilight - as many holes as possible
Junior 9 or 18 Holes - 15Yrs or under
(Photo ID Required on arrival)
Motorised Carts
$40 per cart
$40 per cart
Pull Buggies
$10 ($5 refunded
on return of buggy cradle)
$10 ($5 refunded
on return of buggy cradle)
Hire Clubs Standard full set, putter & bag
Premium Sets (Titleist) including buggy
Individual Clubs - range &/or course
$5 woods, $3 irons
$5 woods, $3 irons
Senior 9 or 18 Holes
(Aust Senior/Aged Pension card)
Hire Equipment - All days
• We need to form several informal working committees to look
at the following areas
Communication and Marketing
Player development & performance
The Bowls programme
• Suitability – match the market
• Standardisation of packages
Corporate events and hires
Governance and procedures
Social activities
Bar operation
• Website – Absolute priority 1
• How we handle inbound communication
• Club CCO – not necessarily member of committee – computer literate, good
clerical skills – has time available???
• How we communicate with our members
• Routine correspondence
• Newsletter
• Urgent – e.g. game cancellation
• Marketing – getting the message out
Press releases
Person to person marketing
Do we have / know someone who has experience ????
• Branding – Our image
• Camberwell Comets – dynamic – going places - build on this brand
• Camberwell Central – the “third place” in Camberwell
• Face of the club – use our younger members
• Website – the first place new members come to check us out
• What’s our unique selling point? – Why us? Why not one of the others?
• What do we offer the world?
• An information base – put all our procedures etc. on the web in a
members area
• Brochure – We don’t have a brochure to handout to prospective / new
• Press releases – with photos to Leader – other publications
• Active ongoing promotion to other clubs in Camberwell especially the
adjacent tennis, football and cricket clubs
• We need to be winners – but not at all costs
• If we offer training – we need to actually provide what we say
Roll up with a team mate does not equal training
One on one – correct the basics
Group skills & drills – real world – at the right level
More coaches / hi performance / more umpires
Strategy sessions - how to build heads – game plans
• Greater variety in game – There’s more to bowls than pennants – singles
/ pairs / triples / short form events
• Personal development / growth
• Playing lead for 5 years does not equal 5 years experience – it equals one year
repeated 4 times
• Give players opportunity to grow – a good bowler isn’t necessarily a good skip
or coach
• Need pathways for player development
• Todays parents are intensely interested in their kids
• Helicopter parents – deliver & pick up – hover in the
• Create a place where mums & dads can watch in comfort, have
a coffee.
• Get to know the parents
• Brochure – corporate event for your staff, clients
• Why not have a rollup yourself while your waiting – sow the seeds
• Build relationships with the schools – become a school sport
• Build relationships with the teachers
• Build a future talent bank
• Identify potential members of Cadetship programme
• Camberwell is part of the “Golden Mile”
• We are building a good relationship with Camberwell High / and
Camberwell Primary – the staff would like to hold functions at CCBC!
• Camberwell Grammar
• Strathcona
• Fintona
• Sienna
• Camberwell Girls Grammar
• Canterbury Girls Secondary College
• Primary schools / Kindergartens
• Youth Clubs – Scouts etc
• A great initiative – but not producing results
• Bowls is seen as an uncool sport – despite the age of the current champions
• To many other distractions
• Retention
• Coaching minimal – we promise but don’t / can’t deliver – this is a major issue
• We struggle to retain cadets – other interests, other clubs
• Pennants is
• Too time consuming – all day Saturday
• Requires ongoing commitment
• Boring as ……..
• We make them play lead week after week after week
• (Jerome Coles - North Balwyn – 19 years old skips Div 3 pennant rink, Club
championship – Club pairs champion with Dad. Played in Australian Open)
• Constitution
• Operations manual – we’re going to plagiarise 95% and
adapt it to our needs
Positions – appointments
How to’s that make it easy for someone to step into a position
Bring together all the different strands that make the club work
• Risk Management
• Next Discussion – lets aim for 30 days
• Agenda – Draft business plan