
Behavioural Psychology
 Emphasizes the importance of observable behaviours using
scientifically proven intervention procedures
 Do you think people learn behaviour?
 Are we born good?
 Baby Lab:
Learning Goal: I can identify significant contributions of influential
IVAN PAVLOV (Russian scientist)
Research and experiments with dogs
Experiment with the sound of a bell and dog receiving food
Conditioned Stimulus (bell, it triggers a conditioned response)
Conditioned Response (received food, the learned response to a previous
 Classical Conditioning (learned response)
 Comical example from the office:
TASK: Read pages 64-65 and answer the questions on page 65
Familiar sounds, classical conditioning
Commercial Jingles:
 Write down 5 examples from your own life (cell phone ringtones, songs,
sirens, smells, actions etc.) that are examples of conditioning.
Read pages 66-67 & answer questions on page 66
 Scene from Big Bang Theory on positive and negative reinforcement
 Google uses positive reinforcement:
Examples at school: scholarships, exam recs etc.
Name: ________________________
Skinner’s Theory
Operant Conditioning
LEARNING GOAL: I can explain how the key ideas of Skinner’s theory can be used to
understand human behaviour.
A behaviourist theory based on the fundamental idea that behaviours that are
reinforced will tend to continue, while beheaviours that are punished will
eventually end. Originators: B.F. Skinner, built upon Ivan Pavlov’s theories of
classical conditioning.
The term “operant conditioning” originated by the behaviourist B.F. Skinner,
who believed that one should focus on the external, observable causes of
behaviour rather than try to unpack the internal thoughts and motivations.
Reinforcement comes in 2 forms: positive and negative.
Example 1: Parents rewarding a child’s excellent grades with gifts or money
Example 2: A schoolteacher awards points to those students who are the most
calm and well-behaved.
Example 3: A form of reinforcement (such as food) is given to an animal every
time the animal (for example, a dog) listens or sits.
1) If you were a school principal, how might Skinner’s theory of operant
conditioning help you devise a strategy to decrease the number of students skipping
2) Explain Ivan Pavlov’s experiment with the dogs. What was the purpose of the
experiment? ________________________________________________________________________________
Your level of understanding: /green
Name: ________________________
Human Behaviour
LEARNING GOAL: I can explain how the key ideas of Skinner’s theory can be used to
understand human behaviour.
Identify some examples in your own life of operant conditioning, when you have
been rewarded or reinforced positively or negatively. Refer to the 3 examples on
your handout.
Genie Case
How does social isolation affect emotional, social, intellectual and linguistic
Give an example from Genie’s case.
Name: ________________________
Human Behaviour
LEARNING GOAL: I can explain how the key ideas of Skinner’s theory can be used to understand
human behaviour.
Identify some examples in your own life of operant conditioning, when you have
been rewarded or reinforced positively or negatively. Refer to the 3 examples on
your handout.
Genie Case
How does social isolation affect emotional, social, intellectual and linguistic
Give an example from Genie’s case.