Dear Students and Parents,
We are so proud to announce our second annual Science Expo. Enclosed is a schedule outlining due dates and important information regarding your child’s project. Ample time has been scheduled and work has been spread out, so students can complete the work at a comfortable pace. This is a major project and will represent a significant portion of your child’s grade for the next grading period. The primary objective of this project is to have students approach a problem scientifically. This includes:
Asking questions and forming hypotheses
Creating experiments to test those hypotheses
Organizing data and drawing conclusions
Writing about scientific research
The project must be experimental in nature as opposed to research oriented. In other words, students must do a test, survey, or experiment to determine the answer to their question instead of just looking it up in a book. I encourage students to pick topics that they are genuinely interested in. Students will be given a Rubric with details and deadlines. Project guidelines state that all work must be done by the students; however, assistance may be provided by teachers, parents, etc. It is very difficult to work alone without the exchange of ideas, so we encourage you to brainstorm with your child on different ideas and possible topics your child may want to pursue. Students will be given lists of Science Fair Categories and
Guidelines and Project Ideas. Please take a moment to review these with your child in order to generate topic ideas. Science Fair Proposals are due on Wednesday, January 7th.
Please keep in mind that our school’s Science Expo is the first step to participating in the District and Regional Science Fairs.
Students who complete a First, Second, or Third Place Science Project for our school’s Science Expo will be considered for participation in the SAES Regional Science Fair. I am looking forward to working with you to make this a valuable learning experience for your child. I appreciate your support on this important project.
As acknowledgement and part of your child’s homework, please sign, date, and return the bottom portion of this letter by January 7 th .
Mike Moore
Science Teacher
I have reviewed the Science Expo information and Rubric with my child and we understand the requirements for a successful Science Expo Project.
Title of
Project :_____________________________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature Date
Student Signature Date
Science Expo Rubric
Due Due Date
Project Entry Topic Jan. 7
Problem Question Jan. 7
Hypothesis Statement Jan. 13
Journal check-in
Materials List
Written Procedure
Jan. 13
Jan. 13
Jan. 16
Journal Check # 2
Results Statement
Jan. 16
Jan. 21
Conclusion Statement Jan. 26
Turn in journal Jan. 26
Points (0-10)
*Projects are due to be turned in on Monday, January 26 th
1. Problem
A question or statement showing what you are trying to find out. Formulate your questions very specifically. Include the subjects to be tested and the variables you will be measuring.
2. Research
Use library sources, books, magazines, or the internet to research your topic.
Record your notes in your journal.
3. Hypothesis
It is a prediction (educated guess) about the possible outcome.
It must be written BEFORE doing your experiment.
If…then statements can be a helpful way to phrase a hypothesis.
Example: “When we were doing an experiment with electromagnets, we discovered that wrapping more wire around the nail made the magnet stronger. This made me wonder if there were other ways to increase the strength of an electromagnet. Besides wire coils, an electromagnet needs iron core. I think that if I wrap 25 coils around a larger nail, then it will attract more paper clips than 25 coils on a smaller nail.
4. Materials
List all materials needed (including things like scissors, containers, tape, etc.) and include the amount of each item.
5. Procedures
Should be written as detailed step-by-step instructions.
Should include control when applicable (provides comparison, shows that outcome was a result of changing one variable and not a random occurrence that would have happened regardless).
6. Observations or Data
Record your observations and data collected during your investigation in your journal.
Date all notes.
Write up all work including failures. It is important to write in pen and to not erase or remove pages from your notebook.
Something that at first may seem to be an error may later turn out to be correct.
Include your journal with your exhibit, so you can refer to it during judging. Judges will be impressed by a complete and well-organized data journal.
7. Results
Include an explanation of why the investigation turned out as it did.
Neatly present clear results using charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, and/ or photographs.
8. Conclusion
Refer back to your original question and examine the actual outcome compared to your hypothesis.
Discuss any problems you had.
Offer an explanation or further research or investigations that might be done if your hypothesis was not proven.
Suggest possible real world application for the results of your test.
How do I display my experiment?
Your experiment should be placed on a tri-fold display board that stands by itself. The required dimensions are 36” tall by 48” wide.
You will also have a project journal that will be displayed on the table in front of your board. The board should include the following:
Question/ Problem
Resources Used for this packet:
SAES Science Fair Manual;