Special Needs Info

Cloverleaf Preschool
Our Philosophy
Peer Model Info
Special Needs Info
Special Services
Preschool Content
Contact Us
The Cloverleaf Preschool welcomes children ages 3-5
to participate in our program. We provide a
structured and caring classroom where your child can
have a successful beginning. We strive to challenge
each individual child to do his/her best each and every
day. See what we have to offer!
Cloverleaf Preschool
Our Philosophy
Our Program Philosophy
The first years of a child’s life set the foundation for and influence
future success in school and life. The Cloverleaf Preschool
Program adheres to Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3301-37,
Rules of Preschool Programs, and provides a comprehensive
preschool education with a variety of experiences and materials
to enhance physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth.
Children’s learning occurs in a widely diverse and interactive way.
An activity that stimulates one area of development effects
others as well. It is important to provide a proper introduction to
classroom learning so that all children feel confident about
themselves and their ability to succeed. It is important to have a
balance between free choice and structured activities to foster
responsibility, self discipline, and confidence. Through
continuous observation of each student, the teacher recognizes
individual interests and can help each child pursue his/her
personal goals and satisfy his/her own needs.
Peer Model Info
Special Needs Info
Special Services
Preschool Content
Contact Us
Cloverleaf Preschool
Peer Model Info
Our Philosophy
Peer Model Info
Special Needs Info
Special Services
Preschool Content
Contact Us
Peer models are included in the program to provide
good social and communication role models for
children with developmental delays. Spots are
are still available for the fall!
Peer Models must:
Possess strong social and communication skills.
Be at least 4 years old by October 1 the year of attendance.
Be able to follow directions and attend to tasks for 5-7 minutes
Be secure in beginning pre-academic skills
(counting, colors, name recognition, etc.)
Cost is $100 per month. The program runs in accordance with the school calendar.
Typical peers are required to attend all 4 days (Mon-Thurs)
Screening for peer models will be in August for the 2010-2011 school. If you have
questions, please contact Lodi Primary at 330-721-3841.
Cloverleaf Preschool
Special Needs Info
Our Philosophy
Peer Model Info
Special Needs Info
Special Services
Preschool Content
Contact Us
Our preschool program is designed to serve children with identified delays and
typically developing peer models. We can have up to 8 identified children and 4
typically developing children in our classrooms. Children with identified
developmental delays will fall into one of the following categories
•Motor function
•Cognitive/pre-academic skills
•Social/emotional skills
If you feel your child has delays in one or more of these areas, please contact us.
1. We will meet with you to determine if we think a disability is suspected.
2. If needed, in-depth testing will occur with specialized individuals.
3. A team approach is used to gather information on the child.
4. The results of all testing is gone over with the parent/legal guardian.
5. The team, including parents, determines if the child has documented deficits
in one or more areas to qualify based on state criteria.
Cloverleaf Preschool
Our Philosophy
Preschool Schedule
Am class- 9 am to 11:45 am
Peer Model Info
Special Needs Info
PM class – 1:00 pm to 3:20 pm
Circle time- Calendar, weather, and daily events are discussed along with songs that go with the
theme, instruments, and dancing.
Art time – A mix of craft type projects and process art projects are completed.
Usually relating to the theme or season we are learning about. A range of fine
motor skills are practiced during this time.
Free play time - Time for unstructured social interactions, and self chosen activities from
computer time, toys, puzzles, art center, and many others.
Special Services
Story time – Teacher will read a story and provide students with an opportunity to ask/answer
questions, make predictions, and learn new information. Both fiction and non-fiction books are
Preschool Content
Gross Motor time - We encourage a variety of gross motor skills on a daily basis, including
jumping, balancing, running and stopping, ball skills, etc.
Contact Us
Small group time - Small group instruction is used to work directly with a student or a small
group of students on IEP goals, pre-academic skills, turn taking or to present a mini lesson.
Cloverleaf Preschool
Our Philosophy
Contact Us
Paul Kidd- Director of Special Services
Peer Model Info
Special Needs Info
Pam George- Secretary for Special Services
Kimberly Crow- Preschool Intervention Specialist
Special Services
Preschool Content
Contact Us
Megan Maloney- Preschool Intervention Specialist
Ramona Gellick- Speech/Language Therapist