Third Sunday of Lent, March 7, 2010

Third Sunday of Lent, March 7, 2010
Mass Schedule/Intentions March 8-14, 2010
MO March 8 NO MASS
TU March 9 7:00 a.m. (SCB) Mike & Belle Chapman+
WE March 10 8:30 a.m. (SL) Adolph Ruskamp+
TH March 11 7:00 a.m. (SCB) Virginia Smith+
FR March 12 7:00 a.m. (SCB) Bob Cerny+
SA March 13 5:30 p.m. (SCB) Michael Hamata+
SU March 14 8:30 a.m. (SCB) FOCUS Missionaries
10:15 a.m. (SL) People of St. Charles/St. Leo
*SCB = St. Charles Borromeo; SL = St. Leo
Mass Intentions are always welcome – especially for weekday Masses.
The usual offering is $10.00 although intentions will not be refused if an
offering cannot be given.
Ministry Schedule, St. Charles Borromeo
Friday, March 12 Saturday, March 13
Servers Chapman Family Paul Reznicek
Tate Emanuel
Cassidy Chapman
Ed Emanuel
Duane Emanuel
Sunday, March 14
Chase Wietfeld
Ryan Kreikemeier
Maxine Urkoski
Linda Havelka, Kathy Zelazny
Ministry Schedule, St. Leo, Sunday, March 14
Servers Brett Hunke & Chris Burger
Lector Bill Kreikemeier
EMHC Kylie Kreikemeier
St. Leo
Given January 31
For Christmas $500.00
Seminary Fund $100.00 TOTAL
Given February 7
4-in-1 Home & Foreign Missions
Given February 21
Black & Indian Missions
Given February 28
Total/fiscal year as of 002/28
Annual Appeal 3 new gifts
Goal: $1,443.37 Now at 175.6%
$ 8,427.00
$ 1,201.00
$ 2,585.00
St. Charles Borromeo
Given February 28
$ 1,293.50
Initial Offering $100.00 TOTAL $
Total for fiscal year to date
$ 54,727.24
TOTAL to date: $ 19,625.94
Annual appeal 40responses
178.9% of goal
Goal: $4,281.15 Total to date: $ 7,660.00
*Because of the generosity of the people of St.
Charles, 136 pounds of food was donated to LIM
of Dodge County. THANK YOU!
Third Sunday of Lent, March 7
Ex 3:1-8, 13-15; Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 11; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9
With the elect preparing for baptism, we take a careful
look at how we are progressing in our own faith. Like
Moses, we discover God’s presence in the ordinary
circumstances in our lives. No matter how common, the
place where we stand is holy ground. God calls us each
by name, at the same time disclosing the divine name: “I
AM.” God is the God of the present, eternally tending to
all our needs here and now.
“The Lord is kind and merciful,” the psalmist rejoices
in the surpassing compassion of God, who secures justice for the oppressed. Paul
reflects on the events throughout sacred history and says that they are examples to
encourage us and help us to live in faith and trust.
When we suffer adversity in our lives, Jesus tells us that God is not punishing
us. Tragic events happen to people, not because we are the worst of sinners but to
wake us up to our own mortality. Jesus gives us a sober warning lest we become
presumptuous of God’s mercy. God is patient, giving us ample time to change
our ways. But if we refuse to reform our lives, like the fruitless fig tree, there will
be a time when God’s forbearance will come to an end.
For Reflection: Have I taken time to scrutinize my life? Have I found a holy
place that helps me to be holy?
Please pray each day for those who have answered God’s call to serve the
church in the Archdiocese of Omaha. Prayer suggestions: Mass, Rosary,
fasting, day offering, Eucharistic adoration, prayer.
Celebrating BIRTHDAYS this week are: Mar. 7 – Sr. Jean M. Faltus, SFCC, Sr.
Rita Neyens, OSF; Mar. 9 – Sr. Carmel Simpauco, OSB, Sr. Germaine Drapel,
ND; Mar. 10 – Fr. Paul Oh, Sr. Catherine Marie Gerien, Intercessor; Mar. 11 – Fr.
Mike Schmitz; Mar. 13 – Fr. Mike Eckley.
A lot of trouble about prayer would disappear if only we
realized – really realized – that we go to pray not because
we love prayer, but because we love God.”
If you need a record of your
financial contributions to
the parish for income tax
purposes, contact:
► Aimee Peters at St. Charles, Tuesday or Thursday
mornings (see bulletin cover for number).
► Lora Strehle at St. Leo (see bulletin cover for
Stewardship: A Way of Life
► Jesus warns the crowd in today’s Gospel about the
importance of repentance in our lives. If we are to be
fruitful stewards, we must first clear out whatever
keeps us from fully loving God and others.
► Moses’ reverence for God was so great that when
God appeared to him in a burning bush, Moses hid his
face. Do we approach God and our spiritual duties
with the reverence and respect that they deserve?
► St. Paul tells the Corinthians that Christ is their
spiritual rock as it was for the Israelites in Moses’
day. In the turbulence of our lives, we must hold fast
to Christ who is a rock of stability for us.
Choose Life
The second Vatican Council reminded the entire
Church that we are to be a leaven for the world’s
transformation… Recently, we have tried to be such a
leaven in the debate about health care. It is not for us to
speak to particular means of delivering health care; it is our
responsibility, however, to insist, as a moral voice
concerned with human solidarity, that everyone should be
cared for and that no one should be deliberately killed.
Cardinal Francis George, Presidential Address to General
Meeting of U.S. bishops, Nov. 16, 2009
Welcome Caitlin Mulcahy who will tell us about FOCUS Fellowship of Catholic University Students – and its ministry on
college campuses throughout the US.
At St. Charles, Circle #6 of St. Anne’s Altar Society meets at Georgia
Vyhlidal’s on Tuesday, March 9 at 7:30 p.m.
Parish Religious Education classes meet Wednesday, March 10 at the
usual times.
 At. St. Charles, grades K-6 from 3:30-4:45
 At St. Charles grades 7-12 PRE at 6:30 p.m. preceded by meal.
 At St. Leo PRE meets at 6 p.m. Confessions will be heard and
then students will return to church for Stations and Benediction
at 6:55 p.m.
 Father will be available for Confessions following!
St. Charles Choir will practice on Wed., March 10 at 7:30 p.m.
At St. Charles, Circle #5 of St. Anne’s Altar Society meets at the
Parish Center on Thursday, March 11 at 7:00 p.m.
Lenten Fish Fry – Friday, March 12 (and every Friday of
Lent) at St. Charles Parish Center – Serving 5:45-7:30 p.m.
Adults: $6; 6-13: $4; under 6: free; Family: $20
CONFESSIONS will be heard on Saturday, March 12 beginning at
5:00 p.m. until 5:20 p.m. at St. Charles.
Next week our parish will take up the annual
Catholic Relief Services Collection. The Earthquake
that devastated Haiti has taken an estimated 150,000
lives and affected 3 million people. The programs
supported by CRS have been hard at work with
humanitarian aid and advocacy for the marginalized and
impoverished people of Haiti and worldwide. Please be generous.
Mark your calendar…
► At St. Charles, St. Anne’s Altar Society’s Annual Spring Salad
Supper will be held on Monday, April 12 at 6:30 p.m. With Spring
just around the corner, watch your mailbox for further information!
► Vacation School of Religion with the School Sisters of Christ the
King is scheduled for Tuesday, June 1 through Friday, June 4.
Outside the parishes…
Two parish dinners on Sunday, February 7, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m…
► St. John the Baptist, Prague at Msgr. Rezabek Parish Hall serving
Chili and Chicken Noodle Soup – Adults: $6; Kids 12-and-under: $3
► St. James, Mead, serving soups, breads and pies (all you can eat).
Adults: $6; Kids 3-10: $3; under 3: Free
University of Nebraska, Lincoln Extension presents “Control Diabetes
for Life” on Monday, March 8… (See flyer on bulletin board for details).
The Singing Windows – a class connecting musicians with St. Cecelia
Cathedral’s treasure of windows and the church’s treasury of song. Cost
$15 (observers welcome). Thursday, March 11 at St. Cecelia Institute.
Instructor: Marie Rubis Bauer. Call 553-5524, ext. 1.
Mid-Lent Oasis – at St. Benedict Center, Schuyler, Saturday, March 13
For each of us there is the unique invitation for spiritual growth in our Lenten
journey. Come and discover the Garden of Gethsemane and the Garden of the
Resurrection in your own heart. Sister Mary Ann Schmieding directing. For
information, go to or call 402-352-0528.
Fremont Area Habitat for Humanity – Rockin’ the Fifties – An Auction
Saturday, March 13 at Midland Event Center, Fremont
Silent Auction – 5 p.m. and Live Auction – 7 p.m.
See flyer on bulletin board or call 402-721-8771
Howells Catholic Schools Fun Fest - Sunday, Mar. 14
Grilled Pork Loin Dinner 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Auction at 1 p.m. all at Howell’s Ballroom
Adults/Carryouts: $8; Children 12-&-under: $4
LENT 2010
Lent is the time for our annual Renewal of Baptism.
The traditional disciplines that we are urged to
practice are prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
MASS during LENT:
Weekday Masses at St. Charles will be at 7 a.m. on
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
At St. Leo, weekday Mass will continue to be at 8:30
a.m. on Wednesday.
At St. Leo Stations and Benediction will take place
on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m.
At St. Charles Stations and Benediction will take
place at 5:30 p.m. on Fridays.
Practice the Corporal Works of Mercy by donating
to Dodge County Low Income Ministry. (See flyer on
bulletin board).
Operation Rice Bowl
ORB invites you to learn more about
the world in which we live and to
stand in solidarity with the poor of the
world. Visit for more
A Quick Journey Through The Bible
CANCELLED due to lack of interest!
Catholics are required to abstain from meat on
the Fridays of Lent. Good Friday is a day of fasting.
members of St. Charles Borromeo parish family:
Mar. 8 – Andrea Gaskill, Sharon Paterson; Mar. 9 – Ashley
Parr, Colin Wegner; Mar. 10 – Sydney Emanuel; Mar. 12 –
Kelli Reznicek, Dorothy Chromy; Mar. 13 – Gary
Vyhlidal, Michael Settles, Mikeana Moser.
Weekly Bible Study on Spirit 102.7
FM. Jeff Cavins’ 24-week The Great
Adventure – Bible Timeline series
begins Friday, Feb. 19 at 8 p.m. with
encores on Saturday at 7 a.m. and
Sunday at 7 p.m. More info at