Defense Mechanisms

Mental & Emotional Health
1. Define defense mechanism.
2. Define and provide examples for the
following defense mechanisms.
• Defend
– To repel danger or attack
• Defense
– The act of defending
– Resistance against attack
Defense Mechanisms Information
• Strategies used to deal with strong or
stressful emotions and situations
– Short term: Might protect you from too much pain
or embarrassment
– Long term: Might keep you from facing or dealing
with problems
• They can be + or – depending on the
1. Regression
– Turning back to behaviors of an earlier
stage of development (like a toddler)
2. Rationalization
– Making excuses to explain situation or
behavior rather than taking responsibility
3. Denial
– Refusal to accept reality
4. Compensation
– Covering up weaknesses or mistakes with
gift-giving, hard work or other extreme
“Don’t you go
projecting on me!”
5. Projection
– Taking out stress on
another person even though
they have nothing to do with the stress
6. Idealization
– Seeing someone/something else as perfect or
more ideal, or worthy, than everyone/everything
Examples Page 204
• Regression
– Turning back to behaviors of an earlier stage
of development (like a toddler)
• An adult throwing a temper tantrum
• Rationalization
– Making excuses to explain situation or
behavior rather than taking responsibility
• Failing a test, blame it on missing the day of the
test when you knew it was scheduled that day
• Bad grade, blame teacher for not liking you
• Denial
– Refusal to accept reality
• Death of a loved one (pet), act like they’re alive
• Compensation
– Covering up weaknesses or mistakes with gift-giving,
hard work or other extreme efforts
• Kobe Bryant, bought his wife jewelry
• Didn’t make soccer team, practice to get better
• Projection
– Taking out stress on another person even though
they have nothing to do with the stress
• Not making a role in play, slam door in sister’s face when you
get home
• Idealization
– Seeing someone/something else as perfect or more
ideal, or worthy, than everyone/everything else
• Thinking foreign holiday will be better than it really is
• Parents ignoring that their child can make mistakes
• Thinking a famous person has a perfect life and failing to pay
attention to the negative aspects of their life
• My Examples
Wrap Up
This can be done
in your notes.
– Name 2 defense mechanisms
– Give an example of these defense mechanisms
(when you used one, when someone you know
used one on you)
• Reflection Paragraph
– Use these questions to guide your reflection
paragraph & give you ideas of what to write about.
• How can this information help you in your every day
• What can you keep in mind for the future when you
are faced with a stressful/emotional situation?
• Identification: The unconscious modeling
of one's self upon another person's
character and behavior.