Creation and Cosmology

Theology from Creation to New
Fifth Annual Goshen Conference
Science and Religion
Robert John Russell
The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences,
The Graduate Theological Union
Berkeley, California
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Key topics in theology
Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name
Thy reign come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily
Forgive us our debts as we
forgive our debtors
Lead us not into temptation,
Deliver us from evil
For thine is the Kingdom and
the Power and the Glory
Creation of heaven and earth
Eschatology: parousia
Divine action
Creation of heaven and earth
Moral evil
Eschatology: eternal life
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Key topics in theology and the challenge of
Creation of heaven and earth
Big Bang cosmology:
Divine action
Moral evil
Eschatology: second coming,
resurrection and eternal life
‘only earth’
Laws of nature / interventionist
divine action
‘Fall without the Fall’ and
natural evil
Big Bang cosmology:
‘freeze or fry’
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Meeting the challenge: Creative mutual interaction:
2005 Goshen Conference Lectures 1, 2, & 3
Creation of heaven and
‘Fall without the Fall’: Lecture 2
Natural and moral evil: Path 3
Non-interventionist divine action
Assumptions underlying science:
Path 6
t=0: Consonance, Path 1
Conflict, Path7
CTNS/Vatican Observatory series
Paths 3 and 4
Eschatology: Lecture 3
Revise eschatology: Paths 3, 4
New research in science: Paths 6,
7, 8
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
The role of
philosophy and theology
relativity and cosmology
Lecture 1
Fifth Annual Goshen Conference
Science and Religion
Robert John Russell
The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences,
The Graduate Theological Union
Berkeley, California
March 18, 2005
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Background to modern science:
Philosophy and theology
Modern science arose in the confluence of two
major streams of Western intellectual history:
Greek logos philosophy: The universe is rational
Biblical creatio ex nihilo: The universe is contingent
Rationality  intelligible (laws of nature)
Contingency  need not exist, genuine knowledge
only through experiment, experimentation is not
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Background to modern science:
The scientific method is based on this philosophical
and theological foundation:
Methodological naturalism:
• Scientific theories do not invoke God / necessity
• ‘Don’t put God into my equations’ = abhor
• Crucial: methodological naturalism does NOT
prove metaphysical naturalism
“Science does not equal atheism”
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Background: Newtonian mechanics
Classical principle of relativity
Absolute motion, rest: meaningless
“all motion is relative”
F = mia --- 3 laws of motion
Requires: Absolute space, absolute time
Affects the world; unaffected by the world
 divine sensorium
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Background: Newtonian cosmology
Classical mechanics + classical gravity
produced Newtonian cosmology:
universe infinite, static, eternal
God’s dominion determines the physical
state of the universe at each moment
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Background: Einstein’s Special Relativity (1905)
The best theory is the simplest theory:
simplicity as an aesthetic criteria
Extend Newton’s Principle of Relativity to include
electromagnetism and light
space, time  spacetime
• spacetime paradoxes
• “block universe”: challenge to “flowing time”
•  change the physics? (W. L. Craig)
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
The Influence of Philosophy in General Relativity
Einstein’s principle of relativity: now include
E&M and gravity
 curved spacetime
 specific curvature determined by distribution of
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Matter curves spacetime
according to general relativity
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
The Influence of Philosophy in General Relativity
• The result: Einstein’s general theory of relativity (1915)
Rμν- ½ Rgμν = 8πTμν
curvature of spacetime
distribution of matter
“space tells matter how to move,
matter tells space how to curve”
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
The winding road to Big Bang cosmology
• Einstein’s specific philosophical / theological
assumption in solving GR for cosmology:
– Perfect Cosmological Principle:
homogeneous, isotropic and static universe
finite in size
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
The winding road to Big Bang cosmology
• Hence: Einstein introduced the ‘cosmological
constant’ Λ into his equations:
Λgμν + Rμν- ½ Rgμν = 8πTμν
• The result: the Einstein-deSitter model of a
static universe
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Observational evidence
1912, on: redshift of light from
distant galaxies depends on
their distance d from us
redshift implies recession from
us at velocity v
1929: Edwin Hubble’s law:
H=Hubble constant
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Theoretical evidence
Friedmann, 1922: expanding
models with an initial singularity
Lemaître: expanding models,
connection to Hubble data
1948: George Gamow and
colleagues predict microwave
background radiation
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Big Bang
•3 models:
•closed, 3-sphere, expands then recontracts,
finite, “fry”
•open, 3-flat and 3-saddle, expands forever,
infinite, “freeze”
 All three models: t=0, the beginning of the universe!
Copyright R. J. Russell
Einstein’s reaction:
1927: rejects both Friedmann and
Lemaître: expanding universe is
1931: changes his mind, retracts Λ as “my
greatest blunder”
 but was it?
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Einstein’s reaction:
In my opinion, Λ shows that philosophy can play
a creative role in science…
since it was falsified, it was falsifiable
since it was falsifiable, it was a scientific (e.g.,
Λ has resurfaced in current cosmology (c.
1990) and plays a major role today!
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Big Bang
Steady State:
Two Decades of Competition:
Philosophical and Theological
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Hoyle, Bondi & Gold (1947):
the context of discovery
objected to the Big Bang for philosophical and
theological (atheistic) reasons:
philosophy: if the laws of physics came into existence
with the universe at t=0, how can t=0 be described by
theology: a universe with t=0 seems to favor theism
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Hoyle, Bondi & Gold (1947):
the context of discovery
to replace Big Bang: first devised a new theory of
gravity including the ‘continuous creation’ of matter
then used it to obtain the Steady-State cosmology:
an eternally old universe that has always been
expanding and will continue to expand forever
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Which cosmology is correct:
Big Bang or Steady State?
In the context of justification, when the
scientific evidence is inconclusive:
Are philosophical arguments applicable?
Are religious arguments applicable?
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Philosophical arguments
Hoyle: Big Bang is “irrational”
McCrea: Steady-State follows Occam’s razor
Dingle: Big Bang and Steady-State are both too
Soviet Union: rejects all cosmology as
unscientific and contrary to dialectical
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Religious Arguments:
Support for Big Bang:
Whittaker: support from theism
Support for Steady-State:
Hoyle and others: support from atheism
Ingle, Lovell, McCrea: support from theism!
need God to continuously create matter
Religion is irrelevant to cosmology:
Lemaître (though he was a Priest!)
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Resolution of the Controversy:
Evidence strongly supports Big Bang
 Red
shift of quasars
 Cosmological
 Discovery
origin of helium
of microwave background 1965
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
What about t=0?
 “t=0
is the greatest paradox in the books of
physics!” … John Archibald Wheeler
 Theological
interpretations of t=0:
proof of creation by God
irrelevant to faith in God
relevant but not proof of faith in God
• The details … that’s another story!
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
To conclude …
… contrary to the popular myth
that science is atheistic or that
religion is irrelevant to science,
we now know from the history of
20th century cosmology that
philosophy and theology can play
a creative role in science.
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005
… Thank you!
Copyright R. J. Russell 2005