EIE 314 COURSE COMPACT College: Engineering. Department: Electrical & Information Engineering. Programme: EEE/CEN/ICT. Course Code: EIE314. Course Title: Electric Circuit Theory 1. Units: 3 Course Lecturer: Dr. Agbetuyi Ayoade Felix Semester: Alpha 2014/2015 Session. Time: 3hrs/week. Location: EIE 500 level LT. (a) Brief Overview of the Course: Circuit Theory is basically the application of Theorems (Superposition, Thevenin, Norton, and Kirrchoff, e.t.c) to analyse/solve an Electrical Circuit. The basic knowledge of Engineering Mathematics (first-order and second-order differential equations, Laplace transforms e.t.c) is required in order to critically analyse the circuits. These Circuits may contain one or two storage devices (Inductor and Capacitor).Ability to analyse these circuits and possibly obtain their transfer functions is exactly what we will be doing in Circuit Theory1. (b) Course Objectives /Goals: Students should be able to solve any circuit problems involving storage element (s) by using 1st or 2nd order differential equation at the end of this course. They should be able to solve these RC, RL, and RLC circuits by using Kirchoff’s laws. They should be able to transform these circuits from time domain (t) to frequency domain(s) and back to time domain by using Laplace theorem and Fourier theorem. They should be able to calculate the transfer function of any Circuit. (c) Methods of Lecture delivery/Teaching Aids: A combination of lectures, Tutorials, laboratory experiments, and simulation studies using PSpice and MATLAB toolboxes and self directed learning will be used. Teaching aid will be through the use of Magnetic board and Power Point presentations. (d) Course Outlines: Modules; Week 1-3 Revision on Kirchhoff’s Laws: Series Resistors and Voltage Division, Parallel Resistors and Current Division ,Kirchhoff Current Law, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, Nodal Analysis and Mesh Analysis. Week 4-6 First-order Circuits Source-free RC Circuit, Step Response of an RC Circuit, Source-free RL Circuit and Step Response RL Circuit. Their applications will also be considered. Week 7-10 Second-order Circuits Finding Initial and Final Values, the Source-free Series and Parallel RLC Circuits, Step Response of a series and parallel RLC circuits and their applications. Week 11-13 Applications of Transform Methods Introduction to Laplace Transform, Circuit Stability, Circuit Analysis, Transfer functions. Fourier Transform. Week 14 Revision and Tutorials. (e) Tutorials: Tutorials will be solved at the end of each course modules. Also Circuit Theory is basically application of Engineering Mathematics in combination with Circuit Theorems to analyse any Electrical Circuits. Circuit Problems will be solved during lecture delivery. (f) Structure of the Programme/Method of Grading: Continuous Assessment; Tests, Assignments, Laboratory Assignment = 30% Examination = 70%. (g) Ground rules and Regulations: Attendance is compulsory; a minimum of 75% class attendance is required to write the module examination. Eating, roaming about, and noise making during lecture delivery is highly prohibited. (h) Topics for term papers/Assignments/ Students activities: Write briefly on the four practical applications of RC and RL Circuits. Explain how an RLC circuit may be used as the smoothing circuit. (i) Alignment with CU Vision/Goals The course is packaged in such a way that the Students at the end of the course will be great leaders in their chosen field of studies most especially in Electrical circuit designs. (j) Contemporary issues/Industry relevance: During the course of study, the students will be taught that there are two major faults in Electrical/Electronics Engineering which are Short and Open Circuits. They will also be exposed to how they can apply the knowledge of Circuit Theory to troubleshot faults by using calculation to predict the faulted elements (Resistors, Capacitors and/or Inductors). This knowledge will be very useful for them during their Six Months Industrial Training and beyond. Calculating Circuit parameters during fault analysis is basically what troubleshooting is all about in the Industry. The Students vast knowledge of Circuit theory will help them to do this. Recommended Reading/Text: Charles K.Alexander and Matthew N.O Sadiku, (2002) Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 2nd Edition McGraw-Hill. B.L Theraja and A.K Theraja, (2006), A textbook of Electrical Technology S.Chand Indian. Wai-Kai-Chen, (2004).The Electrical Engineering Handbook. John Bird, (2004), Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology. Revised 2nd Edition.