Cyclic Hydrocarbons compounds that contain hydrocarbon rings. rings of 3 to 20 are found in nature 5 and 6 are most abundant Naming: place the prefix cyclo out front ex - cyclopentane general formula same as for an alkene Name each: cyclooctane C8H16 cyclohexane C6H12 same cyclobutene C4H6 Benzene C6H6 know this Resonance - when one or more valid structures can be drawn. This makes a very stable molecule. Not as reactive as other 6 carbon alkenes Benzene is perfectly flat. Bending or twisting disrupts the double bonds. Chemist often use a circle to show the resonance in benzene. terms Aliphatic compounds hydrocarbons that do not contain rings Arenes unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbons Aromatic old name for arenes used because arenes smell good now used to describe compounds that have bonding like benzene Naming compounds with benzene If a hydrogen has been replaced with a substituent, name the substituent followed by the name benzene. Examples CH3 CH3 CH3 methylbenzene 1,2-dimthylbenzene Naming compounds with benzene If the benzene ring is a substituent of a carbon chain (an alkyl group) the name is changed to phenyl. Example - C-C-C-C-C 3-phenylpentane cyclohexane phenylbenzene ethylbenzene 1-ethyl-3-propylbenzene propylbenzene 2-phenylpropane Natural gas and petroleum Natural gas and petroleum are 2 important fossil fuels They contain mostly aliphatic hydrocarbons What is the major component of natural gas? It is the same gas we use in the lab and to heat your domicile (home). Methane - CH4 Combustion reactions (a review) Complete Combustion CxHy + O2 --> CO2 + H2O Incomplete Combustion CxHy + O2 --> CO2 + H2O + C + CO You will be expected to be able to write balanced equations for combustion reactions. A combustion reaction QuickTime™ and a YUV420 codec decompressor are needed to see this picture. Petroleum Crude oil is refined before it is used. We just don’t use it directly out of the ground. It is separated on the physical property of boiling points. This lab technique is called distillation. The parts of crude oil are called fractions. The process of breaking large hydrocarbons into smaller useful molecules is called cracking. Petrochemicals - chemical used to make other products oil distillation QuickTime™ and a YUV420 codec decompressor are needed to see this picture. Coal - another important fossil fuel Coal consists of condensed ring compounds of extremely high molar mass. Due to the high proportion of these aromatic compound, coal leaves more soot. So, burning petroleum has an environmental advantage. However, you get more energy out of coal. Coal contains sulfur which produces SO2 and SO3, which in turn makes acid rain. Coal can be distilled to make coal gas hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide all are flammable coal tar petrochemicals - benzene, toluene (methyl benzene), napthalene, phenol, pitch Coke - a fuel used in industry pure carbon - produces little smoke and burns with an intense heat ammonia - cleaning product as well as being converted to ammonium sulfate for use as a fertilizer Wouldn’t it be nice your car ran on water? watch video Info for demo. Read it.