Personality and Physical Activity EPHE 348 What is Personality? • Basic definition - dimensions of individual differences in tendencies to show consistent patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions, is (McCrae et al., 1990) • Hypothesized to represent a biological influence towards culturally conditioned phenomena, behavior, and life events • Traits are place holders for yet to be discovered neurotransmitters and genes • The environment provides a means for the expression of personality History of Personality • Oldest history in psychology • Dated to 400 B.C. with Hippocrates suggesting that there were four basic types of people associated with bodily humors – – – – melancholic (depressed) black bile choleric type (irritable) yellow bile sanguine (optimistic) blood phlegmatic (calm) phlegm History Cont... • Flash forward to the 20th century • Gordon Allport (1930-40) – one of the most influential trait theorists – believed that traits are basic building blocks of psychological organization integrating what would be otherwise dissimilar stimuli and responses History • Personality was almost abandoned in the 1960’s & 1970’s • Mischel (1968) argued that all individual differences are socially learned • Personality has now seen a resurgence over the last 20 years from evidence of heritability, crosscultural stability, and neuroscience Heritability • Twin studies are the most persuasive • Identical twin evidence is consistently stronger than fraternal twins • Explains about 50 % of personality • New research is at the level of genetic markers • Long way to go in this exciting area Temporal Stability • Test-retest reliability / stability is identical from 2 weeks to 45 years • Appears to be continuity between temperaments and personality from childhood to adolescence • Traits are relatively enduring reaching peak consistency at 50-60 Cross-Culture Reliability • Identified similar personality structures and traits across all cultures Neuroscience • Attempts to understand personality with natural science • Extraversion and cortical arousal • Neuroticism and the nervous system • Still in the early stages of research How do we sort out the number of personality traits? • Theorizing / hypothesizing (e.g., Hippocrates) • Lexical studies – English contains 18,000 words that refer to characteristics of a behavior – Factor analysis reduces them into similar groupings – Idea is that language has been at least partially developed to describe behavior Leading Personality Theories • One of the most famous and lasting pioneers in personality is Hans Eysenck • Identified two major dimensions: – 1) Extraversion-introversion – 2) Neuroticism-emotional stability • Third is Psychoticism - less researched Eysenck’ s Model • Extraversion = activity, sociability, assertiveness, expressiveness, ambition, dogmatism, and aggression • Neuroticism = inferiority, unhappiness, anxiety, dependence, hypochondria, guilt, and obsessiveness • Psychoticism = risk-taking, impulsiveness, irresponsibility, manipulativeness, sensation-seeking, tough-mindedness, and practicality Eysenck meets Hippocrates Leading Personality Theories • The most popular model of personality is the fivefactor model (Costa & McCrae, 1992; Goldberg, 1990) • Proposes 5 key traits – Neuroticism – Extraversion – Openness to experience – Agreeableness – Conscientiousness Five-Factor Model • Neuroticism = anxiety, depression, selfconsciousness, vulnerability, angry hostility, impulsiveness • Extraversion = warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity, excitement seeking, positive emotions • Openness to experience = fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions, ideas, and values • Agreeableness = trust, straightforwardness, altruism, compliance, modesty, and tender-mindedness • Conscientiousness = competence, order, dutifulness, achievement-striving, self-discipline, and deliberation Personality and Health • Personality influences health through two Routes: – 1) Psychophysical – effect of psychological events on physiological, neuroendocrine, and metabolic processes – 2) Behavioral – overt actions and inactions that influence exposure to pathogenic agents / disease Personality and Physical Activity • Rhodes and Smith (2006) meta-analysis of 35 studies – N,E,C are reliable correlates with a small ES – Linked to vigorous activities but not light activities – No gender difference – Potential cultural differences (Can/USA = E; UK = C) Personality integrated with Social Cognition? Large Effect Intention Exercise Small Effect Behavior Perceived Control Medium Effect Extraversion Extraversion (Rhodes, Courneya, Jones, 2002; Rhodes & Courneya, 2003; Rhodes, Courneya & Jones, 2003; Rhodes, Courneya & Jones, 2004) .43* Affective Attitude .39* .34* Instrumental Attitude .06 .60* .13* Subjective Norm .25* .25* .74* Intention .12* .04 .08 Perceived Control .18* .23* Extraversion Exercise Behavior Personality and the Stages of Change • Research suggests that personality may affect stage progression and regression (Rhodes et al., 2001; Lochbaum et al., submitted) • Significant difference in E, N, & C between Action/maintenance and contemplation /preparation • No difference in precontemplation - personality acts as a facilitator / inhibitor but not a decision maker for exercise? Personality as a Moderator of Intention-Behaviour • High C individuals follow through with their exercise intentions more than low C individuals (self-discipline, organization, competence) (Conner et al., 2007; Rhodes et al., 2002) • High E individuals follow through with their exercise intentions more than low E individuals (greater opportunity and environment for physical activity ) (Rhodes et al., 2002, 2003; Hagan et al., in press) • Low N individuals follow through with their exercise intentions more than High N individuals (Less distraction/interference from mood ) (Hagan et al., in press) Conscientiousness Walking (Rhodes, Courneya, Blanchard & Plotnikoff, 2007) 5.5 Low Conscientiousness 5 Med Conscientiousness High Conscientiousness 4.5 4 3.5 3 Low Medium Intention High Sub-Trait Analyses? Extraversion Positive Emotions Sociability Assertiveness Warmth Sensation Seeking Activity/ Adventurousness Affective Attitude .14 .62 .14 Activity (Extraversion) .30 .23 Instrumental Attitude .18 .42 .27 Intention .14 Subjective Norm Self-Discipline (Conscientiousness) .10 .12 .13 .38 Perceived Control Hagan et al. in press .54 Exercise Moderators of IntentionBehaviour • Rhodes et al., 2005 –C Achievement Striving • Hagan et al. in press – N Anxiety