Extended Writing Map Year 2 Autumn 2 Planes, Trains and Automobiles Spring 1 Tadpole’s Promise Spring 2 Traction Man Summer 1 Awesome Egyptians Divali Birthday of Guru Nanak Hannukah Growing up in a Christian family Easter Ramadan and Id-ul-Fitr Narrative x 3 Instructions Recount Information Texts Narrative x 3 Instructions Information Texts Non-chronological reports Narrative x 3 Recounts Explanations Information Texts Narrative x 3 Instructions Explanations Non-chronological reports Narrative x 3 Recount Information Texts Non-chronological reports Formation of nouns using suffixes such as –ness, –er and by compounding (e.g. whiteboard, superman) Formation of adjectives using suffixes such as –ful, –less (A fuller list of suffixes can be found in the year 2 spelling appendix.) Expanded noun phrases for description and specification (e.g. the blue butterfly, plain flour, the man in the moon) Use of the suffixes –er, – est in adjectives and –ly to turn adjectives into adverbs Formation of nouns using suffixes such as –ness, –er and by compounding (e.g. whiteboard, superman) How the grammatical patterns in a sentence indicate its function as a statement, question, exclamation or command Subordination (using when, if, that, because) and coordination (using or, and, but) Formation of adjectives Use of the suffixes –er, – using suffixes such as –ful, est in adjectives and –ly to –less (A fuller list of turn adjectives into suffixes can be found in adverbs the year 2 spelling appendix.) Subordination (using when, if, that, because) and coordination (using or, and, but) Grammar Genres RE Topic Autumn 1 A Bug’s Life Subordination (using when, if, that, because) and coordination (using or, and, but) Correct choice and consistent use of present tense and past tense throughout writing Use of the progressive form of verbs in the present and past tense to mark actions in progress (e.g. she is drumming, he was shouting) Correct choice and consistent use of present tense and past tense throughout writing Use of the progressive form of verbs in the present and past tense to mark actions in progress (e.g. she is drumming, he was shouting) Summer 2 Narrative x 3 Instructions Explanations Non-chronological reports Expanded noun phrases for description and specification (e.g. the blue butterfly, plain flour, the man in the moon) How the grammatical patterns in a sentence indicate its function as a statement, question, exclamation or command Correct choice and consistent use of present tense and past tense throughout writing Use of the progressive form of verbs in the present and past tense to mark actions in progress (e.g. she is drumming, he was shouting) Punctuation Extended Writing Map Year 2 Use of capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences Commas to separate items in a list Apostrophes to mark where letters are missing in spelling Use of capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences Use of capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences Use of capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks to demarcate sentences Commas to separate items in a list Apostrophes to mark where letters are missing in spelling Commas to separate items in a list Apostrophes to mark where letters are missing in spelling