Minutes of the Meeting of the Industrial Development Commission Held On Thursday, July 31, 2014 pursuant to notice duly given 1. Meeting called to order by Chairperson Matravers at 8:30 a.m. 2. Roll Call: Roger Reed, Brian VandenLangenberg, Howard Schaden, Mike Allard, Wayne Bostwick and John Matravers Excused: John Mick Also Present: Mayor Bostedt, Alderperson LeBreck, Sara Perrizo, Administrator and as Recording Secretary and other interested parties 3. Approval of Agenda Moved by Reed, seconded by Bostwick to approve the agenda as presented. M/C 4. Approval of Minutes from 06/20/14 and 06/26/14 meetings. Moved by Allard, seconded by VandenLangenberg to approve the minutes as typed. Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 6 ayes 5. Correspondence/Public Input: Allard said that the Machickanee Players are thinking about asking the County if they would like to use the Machickanee Players parking lot to help with their parking shortage. In exchange, the Machickanee Players would ask the County to pave the lot. He will contact Kevin Hamann at the County. Mayor Bostedt said that Sailfest is currently going on. Next year there will be sailing lessons offered twice per week as well as a sailing event in Oconto. Mayor Bostedt also explained that the Recreational Boating Facilities grant application for improvements at the City Docks is scheduled to be reviewed on Wednesday, August 6. She will attend the meeting to represent Oconto. Matravers asked for an update on the Bond property. Perrizo said that the mini-golf course is scheduled to be built in September, with the road construction in August. Also, Hall Title has decided not to purchase a parcel on the Bond property and they are instead purchasing the former Associated Bank building. Mayor Bostedt informed that there is another party that may be interested in purchasing a parcel on the former Bond property. 6. Discussion/Possible Recommendation on: a. Placing City-Owned Parcel #265-1419008567L2 for Sale Perrizo explained that lots 3 and 6 in the area on the map were purchased by the City for $35,100. Mayor Bostedt opined that we need to get our money out of the lots. Based on the assessed values of the surrounding lots, Schaden suggested starting at $25,000 and the Commission agreed. Perrizo will bring back information about lot 6 to the next meeting. Moved by Reed, seconded by VandenLangenberg to place parcel #265-1419008567L2 for sale for $25,000. Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 6 ayes b. Bay-Lake Regional Planning 2014 Community Project Inventory Perrizo explained that creating this list helps with grant funding in the future. Putting projects on the list doesn’t guarantee that they will be done, but it gives an idea of what is being planned. Mayor Bostedt suggested not repeating last year’s list as that could make it seem as though we aren’t moving forward. Schaden suggested a biking/walking trail all around the Marsh. Reed opined that the development of an ATV/snowmobile trail would be good. Mayor Bostedt brought up the walking bridge over the river and informed that that Chamber has a group working on this project. Bostwick suggested improvements to the playground area at Holtwood Campground. Le Breck thinks that development of new businesses downtown is important. After further discussion, the Commission decided on the following list: (1) Develop and revitalize the downtown area, (2) construction of an ATV/snowmobile trail, (3) construction of a walking bridge over the river, (4) improvements at Holtwood and City Park campgrounds and (5) development of the former hospital building. Perrizo will submit the list to Bay-Lake Regional Planning. Moved by Schaden, seconded by Bostwick to approve the 5 projects for the Bay-Lake Regional Planning 2014 Community Project Inventory. Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 6 ayes c. Review of Ordinance 2-4-6 – Industrial Development Commission Mayor Bostedt requested that anyone who had ideas to change this ordinance to please bring them forward. VandenLangenberg commented that the ordinance seems pretty cut and dry. The members will review the ordinance further and bring their ideas to the next meeting. d. Expenditure Guidelines There were no changes this month. e. Chairperson Matravers stated that the Commission may vote to convene into Closed Session at approximately 9:11 a.m. pursuant to notice duly given and as allowed by Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e) for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session (RLF #2010-01, RLF #2010-02 and RLF #2005-02). Moved by Reed, seconded by VandenLangenberg to enter into closed session at 9:11 a.m. Motion carried upon verbal roll call vote. 6 ayes Also present in closed session: Mayor Bostedt, Alderperson LeBreck, Administrator Perrizo f. Moved by Bostwick, seconded by Schaden to return to open session at 9:45 a.m. Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 6 ayes g. Action/Discussion on Matters from Closed Session None. 7. Next Meeting Date: Thursday, August 28, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. 8. Adjourn Moved by Reed, seconded by VandenLangenberg to adjourn. Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. Meeting adjourned at 9:52 a.m. Respectfully Submitted: Sara J. Perrizo, CPA Administrator 6 ayes