Tourism 06.30.14

Minutes of the Meeting of the Tourism Committee Held
On Wednesday, June 30, 2014 pursuant to notice duly given
1. Meeting called to order by Chairperson Pleshek at 5:15 p.m.
2. Roll Call: Jean Pleshek, Cheryl Naniot, Carol Newbury, Brad Stich (arrived at 5:20 p.m.), Diane LeBreck,
Cordula Van Den Heuvel and Dale Mohr
Also Present: Mayor Bostedt, Alderperson LeBreck, Sara Perrizo, Administrator and as Recording
Secretary and other interested parties
3. Approval of Agenda as presented
Moved by Pleshek, seconded by Naniot to approve the agenda with moving item 6j in front of 6a.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.
4 ayes
4. Approval of minutes from the 05/19/14 and 05/28/14 meetings
Moved by Newbury, seconded by Naniot to approve the minutes from the 05/19/14 and 05/28/14
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.
5 ayes
5. Public Input/Correspondence
6. Discussion/recommendation/updates/progress reports on the following:
Although some items were taken out of sequence, they are shown here in numerical order for simplicity.
a. Request from EAA Warbirds for Donation to 2014 Fly-In
Perrizo explained that this is an annual request from the Fly-In and, in past years, $500 was
donated to the event by this Committee. Mayor Bostedt said that this event gives the public a
chance to see the airport grounds and this is also a chance to showcase the City.
Moved by Pleshek, seconded by Newbury to donate $500 to the EAA Warbirds for the 2014 FlyIn.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.
5 ayes
b. Walking Bridge – Chamber of Commerce
Don Nerenhausen, 710 Arbutus Avenue, was present representing the Chamber of Commerce.
The Chamber has a new committee called “Grow Oconto” and they listed 16 items that they
believe will be beneficial to Oconto. The first item is directional signs, which is coming up later
on the agenda, and the second is a walking bridge near Bond Park. Nerenhausen has contacted
an engineering firm that makes pre-engineered bridges and referred to an example in the agenda
packet that cost about $59,000. He would like to talk with the City’s engineering firm to get a
rough idea of the cost of putting a similar bridge here. Perrizo asked who would pay the
engineering fees and Nerenhausen explained that they are asking the City to pay.
Tina Bruckner, 7848 Springbrook Road has done some research online and suggested that we
may be able to get an estimate based on existing bridges.
Mayor Bostedt thinks this is a wonderful idea, but the question has to be answered if we can do
this before any money is spent. B. LeBreck said that we should first get DNR permission to put up
the bridge. Further discussion ensued regarding the location of the bridge. Stich said that this
has been talked about for a long time and now is the time to do this.
Moved by Pleshek, seconded by Stich to support the Chamber of Commerce doing further
research and a feasibility study on building a bridge over the river near Holtwood Campground.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.
5 ayes
c. Recap of Naturefest/Bird City Update
Van Den Heuvel said that this event went very well. There were over 800 people in attendance
and at least 275 toured the Copper Culture museum. Several vendors have already contacted
Van Den Heuvel asking to participate again next year. She is also planning on changing some
things for next year to add variety. Pleshek commented that both the signage and the parking
plan were wonderful. Van Den Heuvel is looking for a third large attraction for next year in
addition to the Native American dancers and the raptor show. She will calculate the cost of this
year’s event so that the Tourism Committee can have an idea of how much money should be set
aside for next year.
d. Recap of Cabela’s MWC 2014
Pleshek said that this tournament went off without any problems. Only 12 fish died the first day
and 9 the second day. The method of bumping and releasing the fish was much better than last
Mayor Bostedt said that last weekend’s Bass tournament also went well. There were 42 boats
and the Bass Federation was very good to work with.
B. LeBreck suggested that there be more communication to our local businesses about the
tournaments so that when people ask them questions they will have the answers.
D. LeBreck reported that only five children were at the bass tournament for the face painting and
questioned whether it is worthwhile to have children’s activities in the future. Pat Trepanier, 352
Main Street, said that the fishing tournaments are for fishing and opined that the other activities
are not needed. They have found us so we should now be able to stop paying the tournaments
to come here. Now is the time to help grow our new events, such as Naturefest. Discussion
ensued regarding the site setup for the tournaments. B. LeBreck suggested having a fishing
conditions update on WOCO.
e. Planning for AIM July 24-26, 2014
Pleshek said that the director of the AIM tournament was here and they worked on the site plan.
The consensus of the Committee was that only one tent is needed for this tournament, so Perrizo
will cancel one of them. Pleshek said that there will still be family activities and the boat parade
in association with this tournament.
Planning for World Walleye Association Tournament – July 13, 2014
As of right now, there are 12 boats registered for this tournament and registration is still open.
g. Possible AIM Weekend Walleye Series September 6-7, 2014
Pleshek explained that this is not concrete, but they have expressed an interest in holding this
tournament here. We are waiting for details.
h. Update on Banner Poles – Weighting/Cabling
Perrizo explained that Jeremy Wusterbarth is working on purchasing anchors and weights which
will keep the poles from bending in when it is windy. For right now, the Kiwanis banners have
been put up next to the road on north Business 41 and Charles Street.
Update on City Directional Signs
Don Nerenhausen showed a design that he had created by Vital Signs. The cost of a 4’ by 4’ sign
would be $220 and the places that are on the signs would pay for the signs. We would also have
to have other directional signs be moved so that they are not in the same locations as these. His
idea is to have three signs at Brazeau and Main, one sign on Madison and four signs at Park and
Main. Perrizo said that Jeremy Wusterbarth recommended that we purchase these signs from
the normal company that we get street signs from. She will show Wusterbarth the sign material
that Nerenhausen brought and get his opinion.
Farmer’s Market
Dana Prue, 316 Elm, was present to discuss this item. She loves the farmer’s market in Oconto,
but has concerns about moving to the Courthouse. Customers won’t want to be inconvenienced
to go the extra distance. She suggested holding the market on the old Bond Pickle property or
down from Bond Park. They tried having the market at the Courthouse in the past and it didn’t
work. Newbury suggested having the market in the St. Peter’s parking lot.
Lynette Des Jarlais, 2551 County A, stated that the market has been behind the pharmacy for 12
years. There is shade there and bathrooms are accessible. The same customers come every
year. However, if it rains, it is wet there. Newbury said that St. Peter’s would be dry and there
would be room to expand. Le Breck asked how many vendors are at the market. Des Jarlais said
that there are three to six, depending on what else is going on. There are farmer’s markets in
Lena, Peshtigo and Abrams, too. Also, people who are eligible for the food pantries and food
stamps don’t typically purchase things at the market because they can’t use them there. Prue
stated that she has been invited to sell at St. Peter’s any day that she wants. There is a big need
to advertise. Mayor Bostedt encouraged using the St. Peter’s site. It will also help to get
exposure for the rummage sale that is there. Pleshek suggested putting one sign south of
Wagner Shell and one further down on Business 41 on the back of a hay wagon. Des Jarlais also
suggested putting “local grown” on the signs.
Tom Des Jarlais, 2551 County A, said that there is a lot of competition for the farmer’s markets
and suggested that we need something unique to bring people in. A lot of items at other markets
are not grown locally.
Mayor Bostedt is supportive of the market, but once the City gets involved then we have
responsibility and liability. We can help, but we can’t oversee the market. Prue likes the idea of
moving to the St. Peter’s site – it is across from the river, which is unique. She also suggested
advertising at the campground. Venna Dreshek said that they could put a sign up at Russ’ Cycle
to advertise.
k. Harbor Cameras – Cost to Advertise
Perrizo spoke with the City’s web designer and Chief Ault, who used to design websites, and both
suggested using the cost to advertise at Holtwood Park as a starting point for the cost to
advertise on the City’s website next to the camera. We charged $50 per year for those signs, but
they really only have exposure during 3 or 4 months. Pleshek calculated that a cost of $375 per
year would cover the City’s cost of the high speed internet at the Harbor. Stich suggested also
setting a monthly rate. Perrizo will write a policy and create a form for the advertising and ask
the Chamber to solicit ads.
Moved by Pleshek, seconded by LeBreck to direct Perrizo to draft a policy for advertising on the
City website and to create a contract with an advertising cost of $35 per month or $375 per
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.
5 ayes
Ideas for Oconto Tourism
Van Den Heuvel suggested beginning work on the advertising in the Discovery Guide. We can
improve on this year’s ad and include more information. The creation of a QR code was also
Newbury read aloud a list of suggestions that she compiled from emails she has received. Her list
included Copperfest returning to Main Street, while keeping the children’s activities at Ner-Park,
encouraging local groups to fundraise for the fishing tournaments, holding an astronomy event,
have a carnival with rides, more bike trails, more runs, a water park, skate park, summer concerts
in the park, a drive-in theater with movies, reopening the pool, putting electricity and water at
the City Park campground and building ATV trails.
B. LeBreck suggested holding a fishing tournament for kids. Mohr suggested holding events on
the river such as kayak races, cardboard boat building, etc. We have the river and should take
advantage of it.
m. Expenditure Guidelines
This was informational.
7. Next meeting date – July 28, 2014
8. Agenda Items – Bird City/Naturefest, directional signs, Discovery Guide pages
9. Adjournment
Moved by Newbury, seconded by Naniot to adjourn at 7:59 p.m.
Motion carried upon verbal voice vote.
Respectfully Submitted:
Sara J. Perrizo, CPA
5 ayes