
Syllabus Spanish III
Eric Gerrish
Prerequisite: Spanish II
We will build on and greatly improve correct pronunciation, especially vowel sounds.
Again , we will place a great importance on the four skill areas of speaking, listening, reading,
and writing. We will make an attempt to cover as many verb tenses as possible in one school
year, but emphasis will be on mastery of the Present Tense, and a better understanding of the
Preterite Past Tense. We will introduce the Imperfect Past Tense, the Future Tense, the Present
Perfect, and review commands.
Books: We will use a combination of 3 textbooks:
Juntos Tres, Spanish for Mastery 3, and Dime 21 (for more advanced reading practice and a
study of the 21 Spanish- speaking nations and regions.
Grading System:
Since we are no longer on a semester system and will no longer have semester 1 and semester
2, the grading system will simply be as follows:
Tests……………………………………count 3 times
Presentations……………………..count 2 times
Daily Grades/ Workbook practice………count once (1 time)
Rules and Expectations:
*Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. If I start to take role and you are not in hour assigned
seat or are still standing up talking with friends, you will be marked tardy for delaying class. (4
tardies= 1 absence)
* No cell phones!
* When asking permission, you must ask in Spanish. ¿Puedo ir al baño?
* Be respectful of everyone. I will not tolerate students making fun of other students.
*Work only on material from this class, Spanish.
*Come prepared to class with your materials, ready to start.
*When a group is presenting a dialog or skit in front of class, be completely quiet and show
respect. Also, listen carefully to the Spanish being used.
*Listen especially carefully to native-speakers (Mexican- Americans, Cuban-Americans, etc.)
They can model the correct pronunciation for you and give you invaluable listening practice
which would be unavailable if you were learning French or German here in Toombs County.
Consequences for not following the Rules:
1st offense: Verbal Warning
2nd offense: Parent Contact and/or Office Referral
3rd offense: Office referral
I reserve the right to skip directly to an office referral if the nature of the offense is very
Notebook (3 ring binder)
Pen and/or Pencil
1st half of year:
Introducing yourself and others
Nationalities (mexicano, guatemalteco, cubana)
Filling out basic application forms
Describing people (physical appearance and personality)
Review the Present Tense of regular verbs
Review the Present Tense of stem-changing verbs
Talking about your daily routine
Review of Reflexive verbs
Spanish in Commercial advertisement
Review of the Present Progressive (present participles)
Talking about chores around the house and yard
Asking/Giving Street Directions
Inviting people to go somewhere and making arrangements
The Preterite Past Tense (Regular verbs)
The Preterite Past Tense (Irregular verbs)
The Imperfect Past Tense
Talking about a memorable event from your past
Food by categories
Ordering in a restaurant
The Present Perfect Tense (past participles)
2nd half of the year:
Parts of the body
Doctor’s appointment
Symptoms of cold or flu
In a Clothing store
Airline travel
Planning a trip with a travel agent
The Future Tense
The Conditional
Checking into a hotel
Looking for a house or apartment
Real Estate
Rooms, Furnituere, and Appliances in house
Buying, Selling, or Renting a Car
At a full service Gas Station
Looking for a job
Interviewing for a job