Modality & Readings Sergio Pizziconi Plan of the day - Review - Q&A - A particular type of verbs Plandiscussion about the reading - Class assignment ((6)-13 & Supermarket) EXTRA-CLASS work: read Chapter 6, pp. 207-210 & p 213 (cover letter) [mark verb and subject] Chapter 7, [mark verb and subject] Start your CV, also search the net and download the European CV format Start a template of a cover letter as if applying to a position advertized (mainly UK: -ised) on Review 1/3 Phonology: Vowels: exercises from /i/ to /a/ and from /u/ to /ɒ/ (lowering your jaw) from /i/ to /u/ mind driven; puff of air (see IPA chart). Where accent falls is relevant: 1) OBject (n.) – obJECT (v.), Access (n.) – aCCESS (v.), PROtest (n) – proTEST (v.) 2) if lost, stress the first syllable, you’re likely to sound right. Stress movement shortens/weakens previously stressed vowels (also in writing): proNOUNce pronunCIAtion Morphology: ADJ+lyADV; N+lyADJ; V+er N(s.o./s.t. does V) To+N(and most words)V (googleto google; wowto wow) V + ance/ence N (differ+ence, prefer+ence, perfom+ance, attend+ance) Review 2/3 Syntax: Verbs: transitive Vs. intransitive (Direct object, Indirect object, Oblique object) (just hints). passive Vs. active (mentioned) AUXILIARY verb for the perfect tenses (actually, aspect) ALWAYS to have (e.g., Things have changed) BUT: passive voice (e.g., Rules were changed by the CEO) or few constructions (e.g., are you finished?) Phrasal verbs. Verb+ ADV or Prep. Typical declarative sentence structure: Subj + Verb +….. Review 3/3 Pragmatics: Do not pick on students or class fellows. “See you later.” Language varies across jobs. Think it over before saying “No, this is wrong” Recommended: “Very interesting point/question. Let me point out though that…” or some sort of hedging (softening expression). Tools: Also, the financial and legal dictionaries within and the Idioms section Course organization - University home page: ex - details?username=serpizz - Facebook page - Posts, surveys, material - Structured lexicon: maps - The portfolio: procedures Marking code 1/2 Xxxxx solid strong underline means [that] there’s a mistake of some sort. No specification is likely to mean [that] you have to use upper case: -i I - english English Xxxxxx under-wave means that what [=the thing that] you wrote is readable but not the preferred way to word [NV] it. Xxxx or xxx xxx xxxx circle or loose [>< to lose] underline means that there’s something werid, usually about the content. Marking code 2/2 something is missing SPELL wrong spelling LEX wrong word choice MS wrong morphology or syntax (e.g.: agreement/accord, wrong grammar CAtegory, presence/absence of article) FOEs - Information - Economy Vs Economics - Frequent Vs attend - I study English Vs I study the English language - I’m graduated FROM Aversa high school I graduated FROM/AT Aversa high school - Such as (listing examples) as (in the function of) - Comparison and manner: As (+entire clause) like (+noun) - Wal-Mart is one of the largest employers in the US. In fact it’s the largest (A dire il vero) - Industry (usually means productive sector). Plant, factory (are the word for the place where things are manufactured) A particular type of verbs 1 I ask a question. I do ask a question. Do I ask a question? I do not ask a question. clip A particular type of verbs 2 I ask a question. I do ask a question. Do I ask a question? I do not ask a question. clip Rose: Can I ask a dumb question? Dorothy: Better than anyone I know! Why do they laugh? Two contrasting meanings 1 Rose: Can I ask a dumb question? What is the meaning/function of “can”? What should Dorothy’s answer be according to this meaning? Two contrasting meanings 2 Rose: Can I ask a dumb question? Do I have permission to ask a dumb question? Dorothy: Of course! Go ahead! There’s no such thing as a dumb question. Two contrasting meanings 3 Rose: Can I ask a dumb question? Do I have permission to ask a dumb question? What is the meaning/function of “can” for this humorous answer? Dorothy: Of course! Go ahead! There’s no such thing as a dumb question. Dorothy: Better than anyone I know! Two contrasting meanings 4 Rose: Can I ask a dumb question? Do I have permission to ask a dumb question? Am I able (how able am I) to ask a dumb question? Dorothy: Of course! Go ahead! There’s no such thing as a dumb question. PERMISSION Dorothy: Better than anyone I know! ABILITY What other one-word verbs like can or do fit the blank below? I ask a dumb question. I do ask a dumb question. I can ask a dumb question. I _____ ask a dumb question. Main modal verbs I can could may might shall should will would must ask a dumb question Exercise Explain in maximum three lines, the following sentence: We can say everything, but we may not. Reading: BSA - What’s the main difference between a building society and a bank? - Explain pros and cons of mortgages from a bank and from a building society. - Categorize [US; -ise UK] the types of barriers according to the bulleted list on page 48. Difference = (to) differ + ence N Preference = (to) prefer + ence N _________ = (to) perform + ____ N Reading: Skoda - Look at the chart (not the pics) at the bottom of page 97. The text-book explicitly explains the horizontal connections between the terms of the pairs S-W and T-O. What are the vertical and slant connections, if any? - At the time of writing, Skoda’s USP is: ______ ? What was the previous/former one? Why does the author describe it as “defensive” on page 101? What is the sentence (it must be a declarative one) in which Subject and Verb are in reversed position? Reading: Supermarket Strategies • After the reading, explain the connection between the following concepts: – Differentiate – Diversify – Channel cannibalization • The fake interpreter Catherine Tate skit: