How to read with key words

Sergio Pizziconi
Plan of the day
- Review
- Q&A
- A particular type of verbs
Plandiscussion about the reading
- Class
assignment ((6)-13 & Supermarket)
EXTRA-CLASS work: read
Chapter 6, pp. 207-210 & p 213 (cover letter) [mark verb
and subject]
Chapter 7, [mark verb and subject]
Start your CV, also search the net and download the
European CV format
Start a template of a cover letter as if applying to a
position advertized (mainly UK: -ised) on
Review 1/3
Phonology: Vowels: exercises from /i/ to /a/ and from /u/ to /ɒ/
(lowering your jaw) from /i/ to /u/ mind driven; puff of air (see IPA
chart). Where accent falls is relevant: 1) OBject (n.) – obJECT (v.),
Access (n.) – aCCESS (v.), PROtest (n) – proTEST (v.) 2) if lost,
stress the first syllable, you’re likely to sound right.
Stress movement shortens/weakens previously
stressed vowels (also in writing):
proNOUNce  pronunCIAtion
Morphology: ADJ+lyADV; N+lyADJ; V+er N(s.o./s.t. does
To+N(and most words)V (googleto google;
wowto wow)
V + ance/ence  N (differ+ence, prefer+ence,
perfom+ance, attend+ance)
Review 2/3
Syntax: Verbs: transitive Vs. intransitive (Direct object, Indirect
object, Oblique object) (just hints). passive Vs. active
AUXILIARY verb for the perfect tenses (actually, aspect)
ALWAYS to have (e.g., Things have changed)
BUT: passive voice (e.g., Rules were changed by the CEO) or
few constructions (e.g., are you finished?)
Phrasal verbs. Verb+ ADV or Prep.
Typical declarative sentence structure: Subj +
Verb +…..
Review 3/3
Pragmatics: Do not pick on students or class fellows.
“See you later.” Language varies across jobs.
Think it over before saying “No, this is
wrong” Recommended: “Very interesting
point/question. Let me point out though
that…” or some sort of hedging
(softening expression).
Tools: Also, the financial and
legal dictionaries within and the Idioms section
Course organization
- University home page:
- Facebook page
- Posts, surveys, material
- Structured lexicon: maps
- The portfolio: procedures
Marking code 1/2
Xxxxx solid strong underline means [that] there’s
a mistake of some sort. No specification is
likely to mean [that] you have to use upper
-i  I
- english  English
Xxxxxx under-wave means that what [=the thing
that] you wrote is readable but not the preferred
way to word [NV] it.
Xxxx or xxx xxx xxxx
circle or loose [>< to
lose] underline means that there’s something
werid, usually about the content.
Marking code 2/2
something is missing
SPELL wrong spelling
LEX wrong word choice
MS wrong morphology or syntax (e.g.:
agreement/accord, wrong grammar CAtegory,
presence/absence of article)
- Information
- Economy Vs Economics
- Frequent Vs attend
- I study English Vs I study the English language
- I’m graduated FROM Aversa high school
I graduated FROM/AT Aversa high school
- Such as (listing examples) as (in the function of)
- Comparison and manner: As (+entire clause) like (+noun)
- Wal-Mart is one of the largest employers in the US. In
fact it’s the largest (A dire il vero)
- Industry (usually means productive sector). Plant,
factory (are the word for the place where things are
A particular type of verbs 1
I ask a question.
I do ask a question.
Do I ask a question?
I do not ask a question.
A particular type of verbs 2
I ask a question.
I do ask a question.
Do I ask a question?
I do not ask a question.
Rose: Can I ask a dumb question?
Dorothy: Better than anyone I know!
Why do they laugh?
Two contrasting meanings 1
Rose: Can I ask a dumb question?
What is the
of “can”?
What should
Dorothy’s answer
be according to
this meaning?
Two contrasting meanings 2
Rose: Can I ask a dumb question?
Do I have
permission to ask
a dumb question?
Dorothy: Of
course! Go ahead!
There’s no such
thing as a dumb
Two contrasting meanings 3
Rose: Can I ask a dumb question?
Do I have
permission to ask
a dumb question?
What is the
of “can” for this
humorous answer?
Dorothy: Of
course! Go ahead!
There’s no such
thing as a dumb
Dorothy: Better
than anyone I
Two contrasting meanings 4
Rose: Can I ask a dumb question?
Do I have
permission to ask
a dumb question?
Am I able (how
able am I) to ask a
dumb question?
Dorothy: Of
course! Go ahead!
There’s no such
thing as a dumb
Dorothy: Better
than anyone I
What other one-word verbs like can
or do fit the blank below?
I ask a dumb question.
I do ask a dumb question.
I can ask a dumb question.
I _____ ask a dumb question.
Main modal verbs
ask a dumb question
Explain in maximum three lines, the following
We can say everything, but we may not.
Reading: BSA
- What’s the main difference between a building
society and a bank?
- Explain pros and cons of mortgages from a
bank and from a building society.
- Categorize [US; -ise UK] the types of barriers
according to the bulleted list on page 48.
Difference = (to) differ
+ ence  N
Preference = (to) prefer + ence  N
_________ = (to) perform + ____  N
Reading: Skoda
- Look at the chart (not the pics) at the bottom of
page 97. The text-book explicitly explains the
horizontal connections between the terms of the
pairs S-W and T-O. What are the vertical and
slant connections, if any?
- At the time of writing, Skoda’s USP is: ______ ?
What was the previous/former one?
Why does the author describe it as “defensive” on
page 101?
What is the sentence (it must be a declarative one)
in which Subject and Verb are in reversed position?
Reading: Supermarket Strategies
• After the reading, explain the connection
between the following concepts:
– Differentiate
– Diversify
– Channel cannibalization
• The fake interpreter Catherine Tate skit: