Slide 1 - Augusta School

Star Homework
What is Star Homework?
Star Homework is weekly skill practice with activities for
students to complete each night. Unfinished class work or
extra skill practice may also be sent home as needed.
What does a student do to earn stars?
1★= read for 15+ minutes and practice spelling words
2★=read for 15+ minutes and practice spelling words and
super speed math or 10 minutes of math practice on
3★=read for 15+ minutes and practice spelling words,
super speed math or 10 minutes of math practice on and super speed reading
What happens the next day? Do they turn anything
When students enter the classroom each morning, they
should unpack their Take Home Binder and put it into the
Binder Bin. I will check the Star Homework page for
circled stars and parent initials. Stars will be recorded on a
What do students earn?
On Friday, we will count up all of the stars we have earned
for the week and see if we met our class goal. If so,
students earn a class reward. We will also look to see if we
met or beat the previous week's total. If we did, it's Sticker
Star Homework
What are ways to practice spelling words? You
•Write words 3 times each.
•Rainbow words – Write each letter in a different
color or write one word on top of itself with 3
different crayons
•ABC order – Put words in alphabetical order.
•Highlighter words – Use a highlighter to color
spelling rule.
•Fancy words– Write words with
curly/shaky/bubble letters.
•Type words on a computer.
•Use words to write sentences, story, or poem.
•Practice spelling words out loud without
•Take a spelling pre-test
•Illustrate your words
•Write the words and a rhyming word
Star Homework
What is Super Speed Math?
You will need: clock w/second hand or timer and
someone to check your work
•Students use the sheet of math facts to orally read
and answer as many problems as they can in 1 minute.
Homework partner should follow along to check and
give answers when necessary. Before beginning they
should set a goal then mark number of problems
completed correctly on the star homework sheet.
What is Super Speed Reading?
You will need: clock w/second hand or timer and
someone to check your reading
•Students should begin with level 1 on the Super
Speed Reading sheet. As the student reads, the
homework partner should follow along and fix any
mistakes. Mark your ending level on the Star
Homework sheet. The next time you do Super Speed
Reading, you may start with the beginning of the level
that you ended with the day before as long as you had
all of the words correct in all of the previous levels.