OBJECTIVES: U N D E R S T A N D I N G E M O T I O N S A P P L I C AT I O N O F E M O T I O N A L H E A LT H THROUGH WRITING ACROSS THE CURRICULUM C O L L A B O R AT I O N W I T H P E E R S I N C O R P O R AT E V O C A B U L A R Y WHAT DO YOU KNOW. Define emotion, hormone, and resilient in your own words. Emotion (signal that tells the body how to react) Hormone (chemicals that tells body what to do) Resilient ( ability to adapt and recover from a difficult situation or disappointment or crises) Turn and share your definition with your partner RECOGNIZING YOUR EMOTIONS. T-CHART, BABY! Changes during puberty are caused by hormones Make a list of most common emotions Are emotions either good or bad? (right side of chart) It is the resulting behavior that can be negative. DIFFICULT EMOTIONS Some emotions are more difficult then others to understand Write an example and explain why Guilt: Some people feel guilt over a situation they have no control over. For example - some children and teens may blame themselves for their parent's divorce. Pair share, sticks or small group discussion DEALING WITH EMOTIONS IN POSITIVE WAYS Feeling bad or emotional when things happen in your life is normal. These feelings can be managed. What strategies help when bad things happen in your life? THINK - Pair share, sticks, or small group discussion MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES Do something to Relax Listen to music, read a book, imagine walking the beach or through the woods Channel energy in another direction Exercise, do housework, play the piano or another instrument, write words in a journal Talk with someone you trust Learn another viewpoint, learn a new perspective, you will feel better after talking about it DEALING WITH EMOTIONS No doubt you have learned that people have learned to express emotions in a negative way. Stop to consider: Why do I feel the way I do? Will this matter later in my life? Why should I wait before responding? What can I do to feel better? Who can I ask for help to deal with my negative feelings? ADDITIONAL THOUGHT…. Why is it important to have skills in each of the stress reduction skill areas? Think, ink, pair, share , or sticks. REVIEW Use what you know about health skills to write character analysis of one character from either: Harrison Bergeron from “Harrison Bergeron” A character from “Lord of the Flies” A character from “Animal Farm” (9th grade English) A character from “The Pearl” (8th/9thth grade English) Use three of the following terms in your short paragraph: competency, resiliency, reliability, integrity, empathy, character, hostile, trustworthy, ethical, caring, citizenship, values.