Welcome to this IRSC Adult Education Elluminate Session Diana Lenartiene, Ed. S. moderator/instructor Emoticons Respond to poll Chat Adjust volume Sequence is the order in which events happen. Certain words can be sequence clues. Time-Order Words first next then finally Time-Order Expression in the morning after that later that day two weeks later Other Time Words yesterday Saturday April winter Now see if you can spot the clue words in the following story. Get a pen or pencil and paper to write them down. Last Tuesday I met my new friend Mickey. We were both in a ball game at recess. I told him he had made a good catch during the game. Later that day we played in a softball game. We were on the same team and we won! Last Tuesday I met my new friend Mickey. We were both in a ball game at recess. I told him he had made a good catch during the game. Later that day we played in a softball game. We were on the same team and we won! After the game, we traded some baseball cards, and then he said he wanted to ask me something. After he finished talking, we walked to the bus stop. After the game, we traded some baseball cards, and then he said he wanted to ask me something. After he finished talking, we walked to the bus stop. The next morning, I was able to answer his question. My parents said that I would go to his family’s apartment to have dinner with him on his birthday, December 6. The next morning, I was able to answer his question. My parents said that I would go to his family’s apartment to have dinner with him on his birthday, December 6. Now that we have looked at the signal words for sequencing, we need to look at the events in the sequence. Since sequencing means the order in which things happen, we need to be able to put events in the correct order or in sequence. Now let’s watch a video which shows us a good example of sequencing and how it works. One of the most common uses of sequencing is for giving step-by-step instructions. Now, let’s look at one of the very common places where Sequence is used, instructions. Read the next slide and be ready to answer some questions. Cookie Recipe Preheat the oven to 360 degrees. Thoroughly wash your hands. Mix the chocolate doughs together. Take the mixed cookie dough and knead it until it gets packed tight. Break big pieces off and smash it down to cookie size (not too flat). Put in the oven for about 20 minutes. Remove from oven and immediately put the icing and sprinkles on each cookie. 11. What should be done first? A. Preheat the oven. B. Get the cooking supplies. C. Ground the cookie dough. 2. According to the recipe what should be done after the cookies are finished? A. Add sprinkles. B. Add icing. C. Both A and B. 3. What should you do before you touch the cookie dough? A. Wash your hands. B. Ground the cookie dough. C. Bake the dough. Adam was training for the track meet for his middle school. He was to run in three races alone and in one relay. He practiced each day. The first thing he did was to stretch his muscles and make sure his muscles were ready to run. He stretched for ten minutes each morning. Then, he would run up and down the stadium steps three times before heading to the track. After running up the stadium steps, Adam would do twenty laps around the track. Finally, he would run all the way home and eat a large breakfast before showering. PLACE THE EVENTS IN THE CORRECT SEQUENCE BY USING THE NUMBERS 1-6: ________ Adam ran up and down the stadium steps three times. ________ He took a shower. _________Adam stretched his muscles for ten minutes. _________ He ate a large breakfast. _________ Adam did twenty laps around the track. _________ He ran all the way home http://www.teach-nology.com/test_parser/html_parser.php 9/30/2011 Answers: ___2_____ Adam ran up and down the stadium steps three times. ___6_____ He took a shower. ___1______Adam stretched his muscles for ten minutes. ___5_____ He ate a large breakfast. ___3_____ Adam did twenty laps around the track. ___4_____ He ran all the way home Sometimes, there is no story, and we are given a list of events and asked to sequence them. How do we know what order to use? We have to rely on background information, that is, things we already know that will help us put the events in the correct sequence. Let’s try one of these now. _____ I plugged the cord into the outlet. _____ I turned on the laptop. _____I opened the laptop cover. _____I took the laptop out of its case. _____I opened the file for my presentation. _____I started my presentation for the class. _____I took the electric cord for the laptop out of the case. __3___ I plugged the cord into the outlet and the laptop. __5___ I turned on the laptop. __4___I opened the laptop cover. __1___I took the laptop out of its case. __6__I opened the file for my presentation. __7___I started my presentation for the class. __2___I took the electric cord for the laptop out of the case. As you can see, all these steps had to be done in sequence, or they would not work. We used our common sense and background knowledge to decide the correct order for these steps. Types of sequences • Chronological order (time order) • Spatial order (the order in which things appear) • Order of importance (most to least, or least to most important) Chronological Order The order of time. Example: When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is brush my teeth and comb my hair. Then I prepare and eat my breakfast. After that, I dress for work or whatever I am doing that day. Finally, I lock up the house and get into the car to drive towhere I am going that day. Notice, one thing followed another in time order. Spatial order Spatial order is the way things are arranged, or how they appear. Example: Upon entering the building, we see a beautiful lobby. To the Left are the elevators, to the right are the restrooms. Directly ahead of us, we can see a restaurant through a glass door. Behind us is the door through which we entered the building. Notice the use of directions instead of time words. Left, right, in front, behind Order of Importance Ideas or events are place in order by how important they are to supporting the main idea. Example: Joe is my very best friend of all the people I know. First, because he and I like so many of the same things. Next, because we have known each other for such a long time—since first grade. Finally, Joe once saved my life by risking his own when I was almost hit by a car. He is definitely my best friend. Notice that in this passage, the reasons were in a sequence from least to most important. Some passages will start with the most Important and go to the least important. Now let’s view a video example of how sequencing is used by the author of a fictional story. What have we learned in this session? • Sequence is the order in which things happen • There are signal words to help us know that a passage is in sequential order • There are 3 kinds of order: chronological (time) order spatial order (how things are arranged) order of importance Sequence is used in instructions and other informational passages to help the passages make sense Now, you need to make a copy of this screen to send to your teacher for proof of Attendance. This can be done in three easy steps: Sources: http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0210124/sequence.html http://www.mypetsmart.com/petcare/videos/dog-bathing Printed story link: http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7kma_ZZOyy4A5oZXNyoA; _ylu=X3oDMTE1NjJpYjdrBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2Fj MgR2dGlkA1JDRjAxN18yNTc/SIG=1222a3q1a/EXP=1318546970/**http%3a//www.classicshorts.c om/stories/lamb.html Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PloW09GF_BQ If you still have questions, please contact me at: dlenarti@irsc.edu Thank you for viewing this presentation. Diana Lenartiene, IRSC ABE Instructor