Looking at Student Work
Facilitator Training Session
October 22, 2007
Judith Zorfass, EDC
• Welcome and Introductions
• Introduction to Leading in Deed
• Preparing for LASW
• Running a LASW Meeting
• Additional Support Materials
• Next Steps
• What is your role in the school?
• How did you become the facilitator for
• What has been your past experience with
• What is your school’s goal in using
• How does it fit in with other school/district
initiatives? (Appendix E)
Leading inDeed
What’s in Leading inDeed?
• Guidelines for Facilitators: See pages 101116
• Appendices: See page 117 for TOC
– Tools
– Tons of Additional Support Materials
Preparing for LASW
The Big Picture
Reflect on
Plans with
• Who is on your team?
• How often will you be meeting?
• When?
Where? For how long?
• What will happen in between meetings?
LASW Tools
Appendix S (Blank) and Appendix D (Samples)
• Protocol
• Set the Context Tool
• LASW Record Sheet
• Apply Strategies Tool
• Reflect on Results Tool
Student #1: Typical Student
Rachel Carson
Rachel Carson was born in Pennsylvania. She went to a
women’s colege and studied science. Rachel Carson became
a writer, scientist, and ecologist. She got her MA in 1932. A shy
woman who loved nature. She challenged the role of women
by working in the sciences, which was mostly men. Her book,
The Sea Around Us, topped the best seller list for 86 weeks.
Rachel Carson wrote books to help people learn to protect the
environment. She wrote about the heedless pesticide poisoning
of our river and soils. Her book Silent Spring was controversial.
Atacked for her views by chemical companies and some
people in government.
Student #2: Struggling Student
Jane Addams
Jane Addams was born in 1860. She had a spine defect and was not
a strong person. She was one of the first American woman to go to
college. Then, she started to study medecine but stopped because
she had poor health.
When she went to London at age 27. She found what was most
important for her to do and she became a social worker and started
a settlement house in America. She help poor people that live in
cities. Addams spoke and wrote about poor people lives and her
settlement house and more settlement houses were started.
Jane Addams was a feminist and a pacifist. She did not get married.
She thought women should be able to do more things to make the
world a better place to live. During World War I, she said that
America should not join the war. The newspapers atacked her and
some people were afraid she was dangurous but later she was got
the Nobel Peace Prize. She died in 1935.
Running a LASW Meeting
Before the Meeting
• Send out reminders to participants
• Make sure the presenting teacher is ready
– Filled out Set the Context Tools
– Has student work copied (with names crossed
• Have needed tools ready
• Review Appendix C: Training Script
• [Arrange for refreshments?]
During the Meeting
See Appendix R
• Welcome, set the context (see Appendix P), set
goals for meeting
• Ask for volunteers: timekeeper and recorder
• Presenting teacher begins
• Follow the protocol; timekeeper helps
• Notetaker takes notes
• Hand out Apply Strategies Tool at the end
• Make sure there is a next presenting teacher
After the Meeting
• Copy notes and distribute
• Make sure the next presenting teacher is
• Keep the cycle going—distribute Reflect
on Results Tools
Additional Support Materials in
Leading in Deed
Important Appendices
• Training Script
• Set of Filled out Tools
• Step-by-Step
Directions for LASW
• Blank Set of Tools
• Tips for Facilitators
• Keeping the
Conversation Fresh
• Appendix C
• Appendix D
• Appendix R
• Appendix S
• Appendix V
• Appendix U
Next Steps
Plan for First Meeting
Appendix Y
Set goals
Review materials in Leading inDeed
Select materials to use
Plan logistics
Make sure there is a presenting teacher
Helpful Resources
• CITEd http://cited.org
• STAR Tech www.startechprogram.org
and, in particular,
• Tech matrix www.techmatrix.org
• Literacy Matters www.literacymatters.org
Feel Free to Contact Your Site
Bethany – Judy Zorfass
Thomasville – Boo Murray
• jzorfass@edc.org
• 800-225-4276 x 2426
MNVA – Heidi Silver-Pacuilla
Wolsey-Wessington –
Susan Skipper
• hsilverpacuilla@air.org
• 202-403-5218
Northampton – Grace Meo
• gmeo@cast.org
• 781-245-2212