Mrs. Skinger’s Honors Geometry Syllabus 2015-16 Email: Website: Choose IHSTeacher WebsitesSkinger, D ______________________________________________________________________________ Required Supplies: Sharpened Pencil (No pen on quizzes/tests please) Binder (1-inch exclusively for Honors Geometry is preferred) Pack of Highlighters: Erasable highlighters are especially helpful. Calculator: It must have a square root button. This symbol should be on it: Ruler (6-inch or 12-inch) Protractor Compass (preferably metal) Curriculum: Tools of Geometry Geometric Construction Exploring Geometry Special Quadrilaterals Congruent Triangles Deductive Reasoning and Geometric Proof Circles Area and Surface Area Pythagorean Theorem Volume Similarity Trigonometry Coordinate Geometry Classroom Procedures: Entering classroom appropriately: 1. You must be in your seat BEFORE the late bell rings. If you are late, you will be assigned detention for each occurrence after three. 2. You must have your required supplies and homework on your desk BEFORE the late bell rings. 3. As soon as you are seated, begin the brief warm-up on your desk or on the board. These may be collected for accuracy points. If you do not complete the warm-up in the allotted time, you will lose these points. Participating in classroom activities appropriately: 1. Absolutely no writing on desks (or any school property) will be tolerated. If you arrive and find writing on your desk, report it to me immediately. 2. You are to be working only on Geometry in this class, not completing work for other classes. 3. When a classmate or I is speaking, you should not be. This is a common courtesy. A warning will be given. Then consequences will be given as deemed necessary by teacher. 4. Treat others with respect. Rude, offensive, or inappropriate comments will not be tolerated. Consequences will be given as deemed necessary by teacher. 2 5. We will follow all of the rules outlined in the student handbook. Exiting classroom appropriately: 1. Remain in your assigned seat until you are dismissed. Do not “CLOSE UP SHOP” while we are still working. The bell does not dismiss you…I do! 2. Throw away all garbage appropriately and check the room for neatness both before and after class. 3. Return any supplies to their appropriate place before leaving the classroom. Grades: The Seneca Valley grading scale will be used to calculate letter grades. A: 90 – 100% B: 80 – 89% C: 70- 79% D: 60 – 69% Nine-week grades are composed as follows: Tests – given at the end of each chapter Quizzes – given occasionally throughout a chapter on a smaller amount of material Warm-ups – timed review problems collected frequently for accuracy Homework – given almost daily Quarterly Exam – given at the end of each nine-week period (15% of nine weeks grade) NOTE: 1st & 2nd Quarter Exams will be averaged to obtain the Midterm Exam score 3rd & 4th Quarter Exams will be averaged to obtain the Final Exam score F: 0 – 59% Quizzes/Tests: Expect a smaller quiz weekly. Quizzes will vary in points depending on length of time spent on the topics. Each chapter test is 100 points. Advanced notice will be given for all chapter tests. If you return from an absence on the day of a quiz/test, you must take the quiz/test. In other words, prepare for quizzes throughout the chapter. Don’t wait until the day before a quiz/test to study. Exceptions will be made for extended absences. Chapter Review problems will be posted on my website. I recommend that you try these problems frequently throughout a chapter. You may also want to view the “Geometry Resources” link on my website for supplemental resources in order to find more practice problems. Warm-ups: Several warm-ups will be given throughout the week. They are a review of previously learned topics. They will be given at the beginning of class, and you will have a set amount of time to complete it. I will randomly collect them at the end of the time limit, and they may be graded based on accuracy. If you were absent when a warm-up was collected, you may have your warm-up collected on a different day when others’ warm-ups are not collected. Purpose: Warm-ups are a good way to frequently assess whether you understand a previously learned skill or concept. Use these to determine where you need to improve BEFORE taking a larger quiz or test. Homework: Assignments will be checked randomly throughout the week for completeness. Occasionally assignments will be collected randomly as an accuracy check. You must try EVERY problem. This includes drawing and marking a diagram if possible, showing the necessary formulas, and attempting to solve. If effort is not shown, then you will not receive full points for completeness. ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN or NO CREDIT will be given. PENCIL is strongly recommended (I do not give points for work that I cannot read). No credit will be given for late homework. 3 Completing AND CORRECTING homework is necessary in the learning process, so phone calls will be made and/or emails will be sent home early in the year if homework is not being completed. Absent Procedures: If you are absent, YOU are responsible for showing me your completed homework upon return. I will not ask you for it. If you don’t turn in your homework upon return, you will receive a zero. Place homework in my bin. It is your responsibility to get the notes and assignments that you miss when you are absent. Notes and assignments are available on my website. Assignments are posted on a board in my classroom. You have one day to turn in homework for each day absent. Hall Pass Use: Please stop at your locker, the water fountain, and/or the restroom before or after class. You will NOT be permitted to go to your locker to get any forgotten supplies. If it is necessary that you need to go to the restroom, please wait for an appropriate time and ask for permission before leaving the room. You must sign out and take the hall pass or get a signed pass from the teacher. If you abuse the use of the hall pass, you will not be permitted to leave the room. Extra Help: Tutoring is available every period throughout the school day. You can attend math tutoring during your study hall. I will gladly write you a pass for tutoring. You may also obtain a pass from your study hall teacher. Please see the math tutoring schedule on my website or posted in my classroom. After-school tutoring will also be available. I will inform you when I have this schedule. Remember to ask for help when you need it!!! Academic Integrity: Please do all assigned work and quizzes on your own. If you cheat on anything that is graded, you will receive a zero. If you lend your work to someone else, you will also receive a zero. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read and fully understand Mrs. Skinger’s Honors Geometry syllabus. Please keep this syllabus in the front of your Honors Geometry binder. ____________________________________________________________________ Student’s Signature/Date ____________________________________________________________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature/Date Phone number or Email address that parent/guardian prefers for communication: ________________________________________________________________