Sections and Table of Contents & Summarizing CNN Student News

Student Binders: Sections and Table of
Summarizing CNN Student News
Sections of your student
How I expect you to divide up the binder and label your sections.
This is important so that YOU can find material for review and I can find
your assignments to grade.
Your Student Binder needs to have 4 sections
Section 1: Label this section CNN Student News and Warm-ups
• Label example CNN/Warm-ups
Section 2: Label this section Vocabulary
• This section will include your definition pages and
Section 3: Label this section Classwork/Homework
• Anything you do as class work or homework will go in this section
Section 4: Label this section Notes/Handouts
• What goes in here?
• Notes you take in class, Printed guided notes I give you
• Any material I give you that is content specific to class
Table of Contents Page
• This will go at the beginning of your binder and will be your responsibility
to keep up with
• I will list on the whiteboard what should be in your table of contents and
update this weekly
• I will give you some time in class to update these
• I am giving you the one Table of Contents page
• After that one is filled you can:
• Go to my webpage and get another copy I have there to print
• Simply use college rule paper and create your own TOC page all you
need to add are the vertical lines
CNN Student News - Summarizing
You will need to write a summary on only ONE of the news
stories from that day.
I will be looking for 2-4 sentence summaries.
You CANNOT choose the very last
story or the Shout Out!
Summarizing CNN Student News
SUGGESTION: DO NOT try to write a complete sentence
summary while watching the news.
1st : Decide which news segment you want to summarize
• Since you do not know before what the topic is this means you
need to FOCUS while the news is playing
2nd : Only write short bullets even one word statements of
information you get from the segment
3rd : Then organize your thoughts from these short or one word
statements into what the segment was about – TA DA a
CNN Student News – Two More Points
IDEA to help you Summarize:
• ALWAYS be thinking of Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How
while watching the segment in order to look for information you
should be writing down!
Where are you keeping these Summaries?:
• In Section 1 of your student binder on your lined paper
• Should be able to use one sheet front and back per week
• Each day HAS to be Labeled:
• Example: Tuesday 9/2/2014