Scalable Computing model : Lock free protocol

Scalable Computing model
Lock free protocol
Peeyush Agrawal
Guided By
Dr. Kolin Paul
Programmer uses mutex in multi-threaded programming to prevent
inconsistency in shared data. But mutex ( locks ) seems to be
creating bottleneck :
If we have many core system, then using mutex will create
competition for lock that will keep threads/process out of ready
queue (blocked, waiting for lock when waken up by other threads ) .
Disadvantages of using mutex :
* Taking few locks : It's common to forget to acquire lock before
writing and end-up with multiple threads modifying same data.
* Deadlock and live-lock: It is uncommon for a programmer to find
out the situation when his system can go into deadlock. and
programmer knows no-way to handle out deadlock situation.
* Lost wake-ups : It is easy to forget to signal a conditional variable
(lock object) on which thread is waiting.
Replacements of lock for multi-core
Atomic operations : knows as CAS ( compare and swap ), which
is supported by modern processors.
CAS (Value held in memory, Old value, New value)
Existing value = Value held in memory;
if (Existing value == Old value)
Value held in memory = New value;
return Old value ( success );
return Value held in memory ( fail );
Atomic operation ...
So updatation routine becomes:
While ( CAS ( &address, oldValue, newValue ) ) ;
Retry : if CAS is failed then we need to retry the
operation .
Example of Atomic increment
Benchmark :
Written in C++ and tested over 16 core linux server
and 8 core Solaris system.
The following benchmarks were tested :
1) Counting : Many threads are incrementing a shared
2) Linked List : Insertion operation performed by multiple
threads if key is not there .
If( !found(head,node))
3) HashTable : Extension of linked list .
Benchmark HashTable:
Contention : Many threads are inserting node in a same bucket.
Advantage in using Atomic operation :
If we have contention, then while one thread is doing insertion at
the tail, another thread ( or many thread ) can proceed to
search/scan the existing node.
Disadvantage of Atomic operation:
* If the critical section ( writings ) is large, then there would
be many retries, which would degrade the performance.
Conclusion :
* Increasing number of thread beyond the number of
physical cores does not gives us much
•Having too many buckets increase probability of
having no contention, so atomic operation does not
seems to be advantageous over mutex .
• Acquiring and releasing locks, does not create
overhead. There is overhead only when there is
References :
•Art of multiprocessor programming : Maurice
• A pragmatic Implementation of Non-blocking
Linked-lists : Timothy L. Harris.