Berry January 31 to February 4 Theme: Progression Writing 4 Subject Monday Tuesday Wednesday 8-8:30 Morning work Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Getting back into the swing of things! Discuss what will happen this week. Valentines party Writing Focus Math Test Journaling in the morning Journaling in the morning Journaling in the morning Journaling in the morning Science- Science- Valentine Bags Students will assist each other to figure out calculations. Teacher will assist as needed. What have you discovered about energy and water use in your home so far? 2nd section of workbook Final quiz for science project. GT and ELL Remaining Students: ELL ELL To put together sentences with the strips and words of their choice that agree with the parts of speech displayed. Continue with sentence building. 8:30-9:00 Science- Science What did you do on the break with your science kit? What can you get done this week? Go over first section of workbook. Energy and Conservation 9:00-9:30 GT and ELL to O’dea and Cates Remaining Students: Sentence structures with part of speech manipulatives. Students will have cut outs that state noun, verb, adj, pronoun, adverb, Counseling Higgins ELL Remaining Students: Sentence structures with part of speech manipulatives. Students will have cut outs that state noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, adverb, conjunctions. Students will work along with teacher Cont. on Thurs Thursday 7:30 meeting Friday Energy and Conservation Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:30-10:15 Whole group Review book so far (5 minutes) Introduce Vocabulary Students will write the word, a short definition, and a pic if possible. Writing Idea- Rules at home (previously written) students will brainstorm and create graphic organizer about rules at home. What are they, why are they, effects if you don’t follow them. Students will share their brainstorming with two other students (individually) to get suggestions and ideas. Teacher will work with students one on one to work on brainstorming and paragraphs. Using yesterdays brainstorm students will create an intro paragraph. After the intro paragraph is written students will have another student read it to evaluate. Then students will work on the complete paper explaining the rules in their home and why they are in place. Story must be at least 5 paragraphs, with 5 sentences per paragraph. Test- Touching Spirit Bear For comprehension VocabDefiantly Omen Banishment Juvenile Smirk Grudgingly Shrouded Venomous Discuss writing practice booklet. Walk through book. What have we already learned that this book describes. What are our feelings about the writing test? Do you feel prepared, worried, scared? What can we do to get you prepared? Read Touching Spirit Bear Read for 5-10 Minutes each day. Vocab- teacher will pick a word, students must guess what the word is by looking at their list of words. Ex. Thinking of a word with a suffix, it is an adverb, its root word means to go against or stand up to Touching Spirit Bear Read Touching Spirit Bear Add new words to vocab from last week Sullenly Scoffed Collapsed Wavered Taunted Read Touching Spirit Bear Conflict writing project Chart P. 17 http://www.benmikaelsen. com/TSB_Reading_Guide_ Packet.pdf Read Touching Spirit Bear 10 min Circle Justice Worksheet (below) Start Character Feelings P. 18, from link listed on Monday Read Touching Spirit Bear Finish off Conflict, Circle Justice, Character Feelings from this week. 10:15-11:15 Small Group Groups to be seen for 12 minutes each day. Last 12 minute block for testing. Introducing Word Study Words. -Read -Find relationships -Word Sorts Review words introduced previously Group 1 Focus on the Word Family * word family:at,an,ad,ap,ag * word family: op,ot,og * word family: et,eg,en, * word family: un,ut, un * word family: ip,ig,ill We will focus on one family a day. Group 2 Pre-fix Pre-fab APK- Review what a root word is. Ask what prefixes they know, what do they mean? TIP - Introduce prefixes re, pre, un and the meanings. SAPStudents will do a word sort with prefixes and root words and their meanings. ISS- Students will be able to read and tell the meaning of the prefix and the words read. APK- What words do you know that have the short a, e, i, o, u sound in it? TIP- The teacher will read from the Literacy First kit focusing on short vowels and its word When the group family. understands, go on to SAP- The students will suffixes. practice the literacy first activities each day. ISS-The student will be able to identify a, e, i, o, u words and decode them. 10:15-11:15 Centers Floating Centers: Students have a checklist and must complete certain centers during the week by checking off and listing what was done. Group 3 Pre-fix Pre-fab APK- Review what a root word is. Ask what prefixes they know, what do they mean? TIP - Introduce prefixes re, pre, un and the meanings. SAP- Students will do a word sort with prefixes and root words and their meanings. ISS- Students will be able to read and tell the meaning of the prefix and the words read. When the group understands, go on to suffixes. Group 4 Pre-fix Pre-fab APK- Review what a root word is. Ask what prefixes they know, what do they mean? TIP - Introduce prefixes re, pre, un and the meanings. SAP- Students will do a word sort with prefixes and root words and their meanings. ISS- Students will be able to read and tell the meaning of the prefix and the words read. When the group understands, go on to suffixes. Assessments Assessments Assessments Word Study Quizzes Floating Centers: Students have a checklist and must complete certain centers during the week by checking off and listing what was done. Floating Centers: Students have a checklist and must complete certain centers during the week by checking off and listing what was done. Floating Centers: Students have a checklist and must complete certain centers during the week by checking off and listing what was done. Floating Centers: Students have a checklist and must complete certain centers during the week by checking off and listing what was done. Required: Word Study Writing Fluency Small Group Follow Up Optional (to be done at least once a week): Buddy Reading Listening Testing Practice Lunch and Recess Lunch and Recess Lunch and Recess Lunch and Recess Lunch and Recess Review the last 8 chapters What have we learned? Go through the lesson practice portions of the last 8 chapters Music? Lesson 59 Subtracting a Fraction from 1 Lesson 60 Finding a Fraction to Complete a Whole Investigation 6 Test PE Music PE Meeting with Kayla Music Computers Social Studies Ch. 9 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Students will work in pairs to read out loud and answer the questions at the end of each section of the lesson. Homework if not finished 11:20 - 11:40 Lunch 11:40 – 12:00 Recess 12:05-1:30 Math 1:30-2:00 Specials red Computers 2:00-2:30 Valentine’s Day Party Students may finish their animotos or go to Renzulli Art 2:30-2:40 Clean up Stack chairs Line up Clean up Passport Tickets Cards Clean up Passport Tickets Cards Clean up Passport Tickets Cards Clean up Passport Tickets Cards 2:45 After school Go Home Campfire Go Home Tutoring Go Home Tutoring Go Home Tutoring Go Home Art/Gardening Animotos MUST be done. Work on Renzulli. Quiz Questions after page 25 Answer in complete sentences. 1. How long will Cole be in Southeast Alaska? 2. What kind of Native American is Garvey? 3. How old is Cole? 4. Why is Cole in trouble this time? 5. In the past, how did Cole act when he got in trouble? 6. What is Cole’s plan to avoid jail? 7. What plant does Edwin say will cause infected hands? 8. Why isn’t Cole’s shelter closer to the stream? 9. What does the Spirit Bear possess? 10. What is an at.oow? 11. How long is Cole held in detention? 12. Who trashes Cole’s room at the detention center and bloodies his knuckles? 13. What does Cole do as soon as the skiff is out of sight? Understanding Circle Justice On the Mille Lacs Reservation in Minnesota some criminal offenders are offered an alternative to doing time in a way that integrates North American Indian spirituality and the United States' justice system. With the cooperation of traditional municipal and criminal courts, criminals who plead guilty to certain types of crimes are allowed by the court to sign an agreement accepting responsibility for their wrongdoing and committing themselves to working through a spiritually based process to change their behavior and make restitution to the victims and their community. This alternative approach to dealing with criminals is called "circle sentencing" and comes from a Native American practice called "talking circles". Directions: Write a scenario for a Justice Circle. Decide on an offender and his offense, his victim, and list others who would attend the circle. Who?________________________________________________________________ What was the offense?__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Victim?_______________________________________________________________ List those who would attend the circle. _______________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ _________________________________ _______________________________ Noun Tina Verb ran Short Vowel Words _________________________________ adverb quickly Preposition down adjective the curvy ___________Prefix Words 1 _________ cat bet mut prewash reapply depend mat met nut prehistoric review deploy hat set but preheat rejoin misfit bit hot hit preview defrost misread mit lot tot recount defeat misplace Noun road _Prefix Words 2_____________ _________Prefix Words 3_____________ misshapen miscalculate mispronounce prewash reapply depend reinforce recommend receive prehistoric review deploy deceive debrief default preheat rejoin misfit antiseptic antibacterial antidote preview defrost misread exhaust extract excommunicate exist exit expire Short Vowel Words ___________Prefix Words 1 _________ cat bet mut prewash reapply depend mat met nut prehistoric review deploy hat set but preheat rejoin misfit bit hot hit preview defrost misread mit lot tot recount defeat misplace _Prefix Words 2_____________ _________Prefix Words 3_____________ misshapen miscalculate mispronounce prewash reapply depend reinforce recommend receive prehistoric review deploy deceive debrief default preheat rejoin misfit antiseptic antibacterial antidote preview defrost misread exhaust extract excommunicate exist exit expire