The Curriculum Offer in KS3

Key Stage 3 Curriculum
Year 8
School: rules, bullying, personal experiences, the
school environment. Poem: First Day at school by
Roger McGough. Schools in the past, in other
countries. Schools in the future: my perfect
Creatures: pets, farming, endangered animals
The environment: the North Sea, recycling, how
to use an atlas, debate about a new factory,
estate agents descriptions, zoos.
Magazines: comparing magazines, features of
magazines, key words in articles, celebrity
articles, creating a class magazine with
Poetry: animals, nonsense, colour.
A novel from the Year 8 reading list.
Writing and presenting a story.
Through the year: vocabulary, reading log, high
and medium frequency spellings, letters,
alphabetical lists, nouns, singular and plural,
Year 9
Communication: how and why we communicate;
good communication and listening rules; one
minute talks; body language; using the telephone;
different news media; writing invitations, letters
and postcards.
Islands and Maps (could include Shakespeare’s
The Tempest): compare and contrast different
islands; famous islands; maps; news items on
islands; letters and postcards; castaway.
Media (magazines, newspapers, advertising).
Prediction of story from headline; writing a story;
group newspapers: proof read and edit. Compare
coverage of a story in different media.
Poetry: favourite song or poem; features of
poems, predicting a poem from the first line,
shape poems, haikus.
A novel from the Year 9 reading list.
How to research on the internet: novels,
novelists, music, quizzes, etc.
Creative writing
Through the year: vocabulary, reading log, high
and medium frequency spellings, vocabulary.
Autumn Term
Read and write whole numbers to at least 1000.
Sort numbers into order.
Read and begin to write the vocabulary of comparing and ordering numbers.
Multiples of hundreds, tens and ones (HTU).
Know and use number bonds to 10.
Understanding addition and subtraction.
Mental calculation strategies .
Money and ‘real life’ problems .
Understanding word problems.
Count larger collections by grouping them.
Measure and compare using standard units of length.
Measure height and weight.
2D shapes .
Recognise line symmetry in simple cases.
Mathematical names for common 3- d shapes adding and subtracting multiples of 5 and 10 Recall 5x
To count in 2s
Table facts to 12x5. Count in 5s to 60
Understand multiplication as repeated addition
Understand division as grouping (repeated subtraction) or sharing
Recognise unit fractions such as ½, 1/3, and ¼, and use them to find fractions of shapes and amounts.
Draw simple pie charts
Christmas shopping lists/costs etc.
Spring Term
Compare two given 3-digit numbers, say which is more or less, and give a number which lies between
Solve simple problems involving money.
Find equivalent amounts for coins.
Respond rapidly to oral or written questions such as “two fives or double 5”.
Find difference between two numbers by counting on.
Understand doubling as twice a number.
Check results of calculations (halving with doubling).
Solve word problems involving multiplication and division.
Standard units of capacity (litres and millilitres).
Know that 1 metre = 100 centimetres, I kilogram = 1000 grams, 1 litre = 1000 millilitres
Add several numbers mentally.
Use written methods for addition.
Use 10s in adding larger numbers.
Estimate, measure and compare masses using standard units (g/kg).
Read scales.
Know mathematical names for common 2-d shapes (including pentagons, hexagons, octagons,
Create symmetrical shapes.
Reasoning about shapes.
Count in tens and hundreds; count in multiples of fifty.
Recognise two-digit and three-digit multiples of 5, 20, 50 and 100.
Count on in steps of 3, 4 or 5 to at least 30.
x3 multiplication.
Recognise simple fractions that are several parts of a whole.
Recognising right angles.
Tables, charts and graphs.
Summer Term
Order whole numbers to at least 1000 and position them on a number line.
Round any 2- or 3-digit number to the nearest 10 and any 3-digit number to the nearest 100.
Add or subtract 9, 19, 20…or 11,21,31…by adding or subtracting 10,20,30…and adjusting by 1
Subtract near multiples of ten.
Subtract two numbers by counting on.
Describe and extend simple number sequences.
Units of time: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.
Make estimates about time.
Relate particular months to seasons of the year.
Solve problems involving time.
Multiplying by 10 and 100.
Counting on in steps of 4.
Rounding up or down.
Simple equivalent fractions.
Odd and even numbers.
Place Value – Multiplication / Division by 10,100, 1000.
Use the column method for addition of whole numbers with different numbers of digits.
Autumn Term
Autumn Term
Systems for survival: eating, nutrition, digestion,
1.Are you fit? Healthy lifestyles, heart and lungs,
breathing, circulation.
the skeleton and muscles, smoking and drugs.
What’s in a reaction? Particles, atoms,
3. Chemical reactions. Reactions of metals,
molecules, elements, metals, non-metals,
reactivity, separating particles using
compounds, mixtures, producing chemicals.
chromatography, Murder in the Lab.
Finding out about light and sound. Bending light,
mirrors, Light beam communications.
Spring Term
Light and sound (continued). Colour, the effects
of sound, how sound travels, pitch, measuring
sound. . The noisiest city in Britain.
How we stay healthy. Use of microscopes,
microbes, immunity. Bird flu.
Heating and cooling. How heat travels,
convection, the states of matter (liquids, solids
and gasses), insulation, using radiation.
Summer Term
Exploring magnetism.
How do living things interact? Food webs, eating
for energy, ecology, the great badger debate.
Changing Earth. Types of rocks, cracking and
dissolving of rocks, acid rain, tectonic plates,
rocks and fossils, volcanoes. Marooned on a rocky
Spring Term
Forces: speed, acceleration, gravity, pressure in
solids, liquids and gases, levers and moments
Reproduction. Sexual and asexual reproduction,
genetic variation, behaviour, genetic engineering,
Summer Term
Environmental chemistry: acid rain, air pollution,
the carbon cycle, global warming, recycling,
purifying water, monitoring pollution.
Earth and space. Gravity, models of the solar
Energy and conservation. Investigating energy
efficiency. Electricity and energy, power
generation, wind farms.
Food Technology
Autumn Term
e-Safety: Text bullying. Making an advert about
text bullying. Dangers of chatrooms, gaming and
social networking. Creating an information film
about rules of using chatrooms. Reflect on how
they have used ICT and how they may use it in
Creating an animation using blocks, selection and
iteration. Using logical operators. Sequencing.
Complete an animation project.
Spring Term
Spreadsheets: data entry, simple formulae,
creating charts, formatting cells, sorting data,
students create their own spreadsheet and enter
data into it.
Search engines: how a search engine finds sites;
understanding web addresses; spotting
advertisements in a results. Using AND OR and
NOT in a search. Advanced search options.
Searching for images.
Summer Term
Superheroes database project. Advantages of
computer and paper-based databases. Writing a
hypothesis. Collecting data. Searching in Excel
using filters. Using a database filter tool to search
records. Design of data capture forms. Use of
Sound Project. How to add sounds using
Audacity. Adding sounds to the Beowulf story.
Create a scary movie trailer using sound clips.
Creating an advertisement using sound clips.
Autumn Term
Travel and Tourism: advertising posters, 3D
models of famous landmarks, collages.
Spring Term
The environment (Buildings): compare use of
buildings by different artists, visit buildings to
explore decorative art, compare churches,
museums and town halls.
Draw a view through a window.
Summer Term
Autumn Term Entry Level ICT
Receive and answer an e-mail regarding recycling.
Use the internet to gather information about
recycling. Create a presentation on recycling,
present to the class and attach it to an e-mail.
Autumn Term
Health and safety.
Food hygiene.
Potatoes: wedges, jackets, scones, cheese and
potato pie, roast potatoes, oven chips.
Autumn Term
Health and safety.
Food hygiene.
Pizza: designing, making, packaging.
Encased food: chicken and leek parcels,
Glamorgan eggs.
Healthy choices.
Pastry: Jamaican patties.
Spring Term
Health and safety.
Food hygiene.
Chicken stew.
Vegetarian recipes.
Chicken nuggets.
Summer Term
Foods from around the world: curry, mixed
takeaway, fried rice.
Eastern European cooking.
African cooking.
Spring Term
Mince. Cottage pie, burgers, chilli con carne,
Pastry: mince and onion pie, koftas.
Summer Term
Pastas and salads: spaghetti bolognaise, pasta
sauces, tagliatelli.
Salads with a choice of carbohydrates.
Spring Term Entry Level ICT
Produce a plan and storyboard for video
advertisement. Record and edit a video.
Produce a plan and storyboard for an animation
of a sporting activity, and then create the
Summer Term
Autumn Term
Impressionism / landscape: Monet and Renoir,
painting a replica; painting of school.
Spring Term
African masks: pattern making, African textiles,
making papier mache masks.
Summer Term
Creative Studies: Music
Creative Studies: Drama
Autumn Term
Travel and Tourism: Holidays. Research. Special
journeys (Black History Month). Religious
buildings. Weather.
Spring Term
The English Civil war: King Charles 1st, Oliver
Cromwell, Roundheads vs Cavaliers, King Charles
The Great Fire of London: Areas affected and
impact of fire; comparing past and present
The plague: What, where, when, why, how
Summer Term
The Environment: urban, rural, natural and manmade processes; from local environments
through to rivers, the coast, earthquakes, natural
disasters, impact of humans on different
environments, how we can improve or protect
Children at work: life in Victorian times;
comparing conditions of children around the
world today.
Autumn Term
Styles 1: Jazz & The Blues 1930’s – 1950’s
(including Black History Month)
History of the Blues and its influence on current
styles. Outline some famous Jazz artists e.g. Louis
Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, Billie
Holiday. Improvisation e.g. Miles Davis & John
Coltrane. 12 bar blues compositions & Jazz
improvisation tasks. Swing jazz: E.g. Duke
Ellington, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
Group Blues song
Drumming: drumming styles from around the
world, drumming patterns. Indian Raga and Tala:
Perform as drumming groups
Spring Term
How instruments work: how sound works,
instrument designs, effects, timbre, tone, pitch
Designing and creating an instrument: Strings,
Woodwind, Brass, Percussion:
Guitars: Famous guitarists – featuring at least one
from each decade e.g BB King Jimi Hendrix, Eric
Clapton, Brian May.
Practical guitar skills
Create a score to support drama production
Summer Term
Styles 2: 1950’s: lifestyles, technology of the
time, Musicals, Rock and Roll; Elvis,
Music & Media: TV & Film: Develop own short
film with appropriate soundtrack. Performances
and evaluations
Autumn Term
 Improvisation
Make an around the world recipe book.
Autumn Term
The British Empire: trade, exploration and war.
The Boer war and the Boxer rebellion.
Slavery: trade triangle
World War One: maps, posters, events, front line,
trenches, women at work, weapons,
conscientious objectors.
Spring Term
World War Two: the causes, maps, the battle of
Britain, The Blitz, Dunkirk, the Resistance, the
Home Front, rationing, Jewish people, the
Holocaust, D-Day, Pearl Harbour, Japanese
internment, Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
Other conflicts: the Middle East, Ireland
Summer Term
America: today: maps, people, events
Native Americans: geography of North America,
weather. Native American tribes, lifestyles,
beliefs; Making a model native American village.
Columbus, Europeans, American independence.
Refer back to Slavery and the civil rights
Autumn Term
Styles 3: 1960s’: The Beatles, Rolling Stones, UK
vs USA styles, Motown, The Beach Boys
Styles 4: 1970’s: Motown (recap) The Jacksons;
James Brown; Bob Marley; Abba; David Bowie.
Disco: Abba, Saturday Night Fever; The Jacksons,
Bee Gees, Donna Summer, Chic, Diana Ross
Funk: James Brown (leading to hip hop).
Reggae: Bob Marley
Punk: Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Ramones
Metal: AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath
Song writing.
Spring Term
Styles 5: Music technology: 1980’s
New romantics, synthesisers in music, CDs, music
videos & MTV, design a music video
Styles 6: 1990’s Brit Pop, indie vs US grunge; Pop;
Dance scene;
Summer Term
Styles 7: 2000’s to present day: impact of
technology; downloads; reality TV talent shows
Styles 8: Student favourites
Music & Media: Radio. elements of a radio show
pirate and BBC radio stations Students to take on
different roles to plan a 30 minute show which
could include a mixture of music, entertainment,
news and promotions (adverts, jingles) :
Individual research
Autumn Term
Y9 Production:
Mystery film set in a school – alien invasion? Part
 Thought Tracking
 Flashbacks & flash forwards
 Image Theatre
 Marking the Moment
 Devising leading to script writing
Silent Film
 Film genres
 Body language
 Facial expressions
 Acting to music
Spring Term
Script work
 Reading a script
 Characterisation
 Improvising scenes around the script
Y8 Production
 Script work
 Performance
Summer Term
Commedia Del’Arte
 Body language
 Mime
 Facial expressions
 Devising product, script and characters
 Filming an advert
 Persuasion
Autumn Term
About Me: My Emotions, Ethical Issues, A Code of
My Record of Achievement. (Review and Extend
work done in Y7)
Health & Safety: Road Safety
Economics: Enterprise. Group Project (Charity)
Communications: My Reading of Newspapers
Environment: Global Issues. Environmental
Concerns, conservation, the world’s resources
Spring Term
Moral: Ethical Issues
Relationships: Sex and Relationships
Equal Opportunities: Stereotypes, Equal
Opportunities, discrimination, forming opinions,
thinking for ourselves, understanding other
Summer Term
Health: Putting our Health at Risk.
Social: Social Justice; My Rights and
Citizenship: The Law.
Investigating Local Issues.
Laws and Shopping.
Economics: Economic Awareness. Think about
Shopping, Consumer Matters, Buying Food
Autumn Term
scripted and improvised
 Film techniques
 Characterisation
 Script work
 Performance
Y9 Production:
Continue as above
 Film techniques
 Characterisation
 Script work
 Performance
Spring Term
Script Work
 Reading a script
 Characterisation
 Improvising scenes around the script.
Trestle Theatre Masks
 Mime
 Body language
 Status
Summer Term
Big Brother
 Devising product, script and characters
 Filming an advert
 Persuasion
Murder Mystery
Autumn Term
Record of Achievement: Learning about Learning
High Risk Behaviour.
Sex and Relationships.
The Law and Criminal Justice.
Living in a Democracy.
Making a Difference: Charity. Communications
Environment: global issues and natural disasters
Spring Term
Human Rights.
Equal Opportunities.
Citizenship: The Media in Our Society,
Citizenship: Living in a democracy; having your
Economic Awareness: The Stock Market.
Summer Term
Personal: My Future, Looking Ahead
Citizenship: Government: local and national
Autumn Term
Tag Rugby
Social and
Communication Skills
Spring Term
Spring Term
Tag Rugby
Summer Term
Summer Term
Good listening: how to be an active listener.
Repairing listening. good talking.
Group skills.
Awareness of self and others.
Co-operative working.
Emotions and feelings.
Starting and stopping.
Processing complex instructions, giving precise instructions.
Asking and answering questions.
Group dynamics.
Aggression and assertion.