2014/15 APPOINTMENTS TO EXTERNAL AND OTHER BODIES Agribusiness Yarra Valley Inc This group comprises regional leaders in agriculture, business natural resource agencies and Higher education. Initiatives are particularly focussed on water access and security; labour supply and training; farming on the peri-urban fringe and business management and development. The body meets quarterly and Council is directly represented by one Councillor and an officer. Contact: Appointee: Substitute: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: Tania Asper, Executive Officer Economic Development Cr Jim Child Cr Maria McCarthy Highest level agricultural industry group in the Yarra Valley. Council contributes - $20,000 towards administrative costs. One Councillor representative and one substitute. Two hour Board meetings held four times per year. Extra involvement in sub-committees and Dinner Forums depending on availability. Twelve months. Audit & Risk Management Committee The Audit & Risk Management Committee is an advisory committee of Council comprising three external (independent) appointments and two Councillors, one being the Mayor. The Committee meets quarterly or as required and reviews the Council’s financial management, risk and governance activities to ensure that they are carried out in an effective and efficient manner and that appropriate risk management strategies are in place. Contacts: Appointees: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: July 2015 Peter Smith – Coordinator, Risk Management Angelica Marshall, Manager Finance Procurement & Rating Services Cr Maria McCarthy (Mayor) + Cr Andrew Witlox To provide strategic overview on Council’s financial management, risk and governance activities, ensuring that they are carried out in an effective & efficient manner and that appropriate risk management strategies are in place. Two Councillors required, one being the Mayor. Five Meetings per year. Twelve months. Page 1 of 12 Burrinja Burrinja is an Arts and Cultural centre which offers a wide range of services and facilities including exhibitions, performances, theatre, music, functions, workshops, seminars, festivals, markets and events. The councillor is a member of the Committee of Management. Contact: Appointee: Substitute: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: Greg Box, Manager Arts Culture & Heritage Cr Noel Cliff Cr Mike Clarke Key Shire cultural facility. One Councillor representative. Monthly Committee meeting, occasional event attendance. Twelve months. Community Safety Committee Contact: Appointee: Brett Ellis Manager, Risk Emergency & Community Safety Cr Terry Avery Relevance of Committee: The Community Safety Committee comprises community representatives and Council staff from various Departments to provide advice regarding the development and activities related to the Community Safety Action Plan & Strategy Councillor or staff representative: One Councillor representative. Coordinator Community Safety Manager Risk Emergency and Community Safety Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: Meets Quarterly July 2015 Twelve months. Page 2 of 12 Disability Advisory Committee Contact: Appointee: Substitute: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: Amanda May, Metro Access Officer Cr Maria McCarthy Cr Len Cox The Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) will provide advice on access and inclusion issues and priorities to maximise opportunities for people with a disability in Yarra Ranges. 2 Councillor representatives. Metro Access Officer. The Committee meets monthly at Montrose Community Centre between February and December on the first Wednesday of the month 1.30pm-3.00pm Twelve Months Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action The Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action (EAGA) is a formal collaboration of seven Councils (Yarra Ranges, City of Knox, Maroondah City Council, Monash City Council, City of Boroondara, City of Whitehorse, City of Stonnington) in Melbourne’s east, working together on regional programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and facilitate regional adaptation. Contact: Appointees: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: TBC (Position currently vacant), Executive Officer Sustainability and Community Cr Maria McCarthy Executive Committee: managing strategic directions for EAGA’s priorities, actions and operations (meeting quarterly) One Councillor representative Manager Strategy and Sustainability (as proxy). Quarterly meetings Twelve months. Eastern Affordable Housing Alliance (EAHA) Contact: Appointee: Substitute: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: July 2015 Isha Scott, Executive Officer Community Development Cr Terry Avery Cr Maria McCarthy Key regional forum to coordinate advocacy and initiatives to increase the provision of affordable housing across the region. 2 Councillor representatives. Executive Officer Community Development The Alliance will re-confirm an MOU between the 7 Councils and develop a work plan for the coming year. Meets bi-monthly. Annual Page 3 of 12 Eastern Regional Libraries Corporation The regional library corporation covers Knox, Maroondah and Yarra Ranges. Each Council appoints two Councillors, and one substitute Councillor, to the Board. Regular meetings are held quarterly, with other meetings being held as required. Contact: Appointees: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: James Collins, Manager Economic & Community Development Cr Len Cox + Cr Mike Clarke Strategic direction for provision of library services across the municipality. Two Councillor representatives. Manager Economic & Community Development and EO Community Development (as proxy). Quarterly meetings with occasional additional meetings as required. Twelve months. Eastern Transport Coalition The Eastern Transport Coalition is a group comprising representatives of 7 Councils, being the municipalities of Greater Dandenong, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges. The Mission Statement of the group is “The Eastern Transport Coalition will advocate for accessible and integrated sustainable transport in the eastern region of Melbourne to improve liveability and reduce car dependency”. The group aims to strongly advocate on integrated transport issues to reduce dependence on car travel and to promote public transport as part of an integrated transport solution. The group also investigates transport issues and potential improvements, and provides for consultation with transport agencies, operators and users. Contact: Appointee: Substitute: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: July 2015 Garfield D’Costa, Executive Officer Infrastructure Development Cr Mike Clarke Cr Terry Avery Advocacy group for improvements to public transport and integrated transport in Melbourne’s outer east. One Councillor. Director, Environment and Engineering Monthly meetings. Twelve Months. Page 4 of 12 Fire Management Planning Committee Council is required to establish a Fire Prevention Committee under provisions of the Country Fire Authority Act. The Committee comprises representatives of fire brigades in the Shire and is serviced by Council’s Fire Prevention Officer. It oversees and reviews the progress and actions of the Municipal Fire Prevention Strategy. Contact: Appointee: Substitute: Brett Ellis, Manager Risk, Emergency & Community Safety Cr Jim Child Cr Mike Clarke Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Statutory Requirement under Country Fire Authority Act. Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: The Committee meets quarterly. One Councillor representative and one substitute. Manager, Risk, Emergency and Community Safety Statutory requirement of the MFPO. Graffiti Working Group The Graffiti Working Group is responsible for the creation and implementation of an annual Graffiti Management Plan to achieve the objectives set out in the Council’s Graffiti Management Strategy. Contact: Appointees: Guy Masters, Manager Family Youth & Children’s Services Cr Terry Avery + Cr Mike Clarke Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Working Group established due to range of stakeholders with interest in graffiti management. Four Councillor representatives. Manager - Family Youth & Children’s Services and representatives from Parks & Facilities, Risk, Emergency & Community Safety, Social & Economic Development. Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: Quarterly –9.30am -11.30am at Yarra Ranges Youth Services, 1616 Burwood Highway, Belgrave 12 months July 2015 Page 5 of 12 Health and Well-Being Advisory Committee The Health and Well being Advisory Committee provides advice through its broad representational membership to Council regarding the development and implementation of the three year public health plan. The Committee consists of representatives from local health and community services agencies, community members and a Councillor nominated by Council. Contact: Appointee: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: Isha Scott, Executive Officer Community Development Cr Jason Callanan In accordance with the Health Act the Council is required to develop a four year Public Health & Wellbeing Plan – now entitled the Community Well-Being Plan. The Health and Wellbeing Advisory Committee provides advice through its broad representational membership to Council regarding the development, implementation and evaluation of the three year public health plan. One Councillor representative. Executive Officer Community Development Manager, Economic and Community Development The committee is chaired by a community representative and meets quarterly. Twelve months. Interface Councils This group involves Councils with an urban-rural interface and meets to discuss matters of mutual concern. Contact: Appointee: Substitute: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: July 2015 Glenn Patterson, Chief Executive Officer Cr Maria McCarthy(Mayor) Cr Jason Callanan (Deputy Mayor) High importance, direct input to Government Departments and Ministers on key issues affecting Interface Councils. Mayor as delegate and Deputy Mayor as substitute. CEO attends monthly CEO forum. Councillor attends bi-monthly CEO/Councillor forum at MAV. The Councillor representative will attend bi-monthly meetings at MAV in city. Twelve months. Page 6 of 12 L2P Steering Committee The L2P program is a volunteer mentor program to assist young learner drivers attain 120 hours of driving practice, i.e. young people with significant barriers (no access to vehicles or supervisors). The committee assists in the running of the program; provides advice and guidance; assists with applications and the selection of mentors. Contact: Appointee: Imren Bayram, Coordinator Youth Planning and Partnerships Cr Callanan Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: To provide oversight and direction to the L2P program. Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: Quarterly One Councillor representative. Executive Officer Youth Services and/or Co-ordinator Community Development 3 years MAV Environment Advisory Group The MAV Strategic Environment Advisory Group’s key purpose is to advise the MAV on environmental issues impacting on local governments and to assist the MAV to carry forward key environment policy. The committee addresses a broad range of environmental management functions and issues that impact on local government. Contact: Appointee: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: July 2015 Jane Sinnamon, Manager Strategy & Sustainability Department Cr Len Cox This committee addresses a broad range of environmental management functions and issues that impact on local government. One Councillor representative. Monthly meetings. Supported by Manager Environment as requested by Councillor. Twelve months. Page 7 of 12 Metropolitan Waste Resource Recovery Group The Metro Waste Resource Recovery Local Government Forum is used to inform and consult local government on strategic Waste Management Issues. Metro Waste Management Group is made up of 30 Metropolitan Councils. The Metro Waste Management group is managed by a board of 4 elected representatives from the 30 Councils and 4 representatives appointed by the Minister of Environment. The Metro Waste Management Local Government Forum addresses a broad range of Waste management issues that impact on local government. Contact: Appointee: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: Graham Brew, Executive Officer Waste Management Cr Jim Child The Metro Waste Management Local Government Forum addresses a broad range of Waste management issues that impact on local government. One Councillor representative. Manager, Strategy & Sustainability Minimum of 4 meetings per year approximately quarterly. Additional meetings arranged if required 4 years Municipal Association of Victoria The Municipal Association is the peak body of Councils in the state, variously acting as a lobby group, or liaison with the government, and other local government bodies about local government issues. The equivalent bodies in each state form the membership of the Australian Local Government Association which performs the same role on a national basis. Almost all Councils in Victoria are members of the MAV. Each member Council appoints one Councillor delegate and a substitute delegate. The full Association meets twice a year. The activities of the Association are managed by a Board elected by delegates. Contact: Appointee: Substitute: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: July 2015 Marion Grieg,Executive Officer, Governance Cr Maria McCarthy (Mayor) Cr Jason Callanan (Deputy Mayor) Group act as a lobby and liaison group with the government and other local government bodies about local government issues. Mayor as delegate and Deputy Mayor as substitute. Association meets twice a year. Twelve months. Page 8 of 12 Municipal Emergency Management Committee Council is represented on the Shire Emergency Management Committee under the Emergency Management Act. The Committee includes representatives of relevant government agencies and emergency authorities and the Municipal Emergency Resource Officer. The Committee meets quarterly to maintain, review and update the Municipal Emergency Management Plan. Council is represented by one Councillor and a substitute. Contact: Appointee: Substitute: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: Brett Ellis, Manager Risk, Emergency & Community Safety (& Municipal Fire Prevention Officer, MFPO) Cr Jim Child Cr Mike Clarke Statutory Requirement under Emergency Management Act. One Councillor representative. Municipal Emergency Manager (MEM) Municipal Emergency Resource Officer (MERO) Municipal Recovery Manager (MRM) Meets Quarterly Twelve months. Positive Ageing Reference Group The Positive Ageing Reference Group key focus responsibility is to monitor the progress of the implementation of the Positive Ageing Strategy 2010 0 2015, to guide the development of the next three year plan and assist in consulting with the community to ensure the key issues for the older community are identified and incorporated into the Action Plan arising from the Strategy. The Terms of Reference were recently endorsed by Council and representation will be determined early in 2011. Representatives on the Reference Group are senior Council staff, community health centres, aged care service providers, and older community members. Contact: Appointee: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: July 2015 Cheryl McInnes, Manager Aged & Disability Services Cr Maria McCarthy The municipality is ageing and will face a doubling of the population over 85 years within the next 5 years. A key challenge for the Shire will be developing services and infrastructure to accommodate an ageing population. Cr Avery Manager Home and Community Support Executive Officer HACOS Operations Executive Officer Community Care The Reference Group meet quarterly. Five years. Page 9 of 12 Upper Yarra Community Environment Park (ECOSS) This group has been established to develop the land at 711 Old Warburton Rd in Wesburn and aims to establish a multi-use community hub that will showcase environmental initiatives in a range of educational and practical lifestyle applications. Contact: Appointee: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: TBC (Position currently vacant), Executive Officer Sustainability and Community Cr Jim Child The Committee oversees the operation of the Group and Park. ECOSS is building a space for community to interact, learn and participate in sustainable living. One Councillor representative. Executive Officer Strategy and Sustainability. Committee meets monthly for 2 hours 12 months Victorian Local Governance Association The Association comprises about fourteen Councils, mainly inner-urban, and performs a similar role to the Municipal Association. In some areas it works together with the MAV, but in most respects it operates independently. Each member Council appoints one delegate to meetings which are held several times a year. Between meetings the Association is managed by an elected Board. Contact: Appointee: Marion Grieg, Executive Officer, Governance Cr Maria McCarthy (Mayor) Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Association acts as a lobby and liaison group with the government and other local government bodies about local government issues. One Councillor representative. Term of Appointment: Twelve months. July 2015 First Thursday of each month between 7.30pm and 9.30pm in Carlton. Occasional weekend events. Page 10 of 12 Yarra Ranges Environment Advisory Committee To provide the Shire of Yarra Ranges with informed and constructive advice, input and support on environmental sustainability issues and initiatives relevant to the management and stewardship of the natural environment within the municipality. The scope of concern for the Committee will be matters that directly relate to the protection and enhancement of the natural environment. Contact: Appointee: Substitute: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: David Harper, Manager Parks & Environment Department Cr Len Cox Cr Mike Clarke The principle purpose of the Committee is to provide technical advice, local knowledge, and support in the environmental and sustainability issues as the municipality’s new environmental advisory group. The specific membership will include: 2 Councillors, nominated by Council on an annual basis (1 as Chair). 10 community, agency and industry representatives, appointed by Council Director, Environment & Engineering (YRC) Manager, Environment (YRC) Appointed “Executive Officer” for the Committee (Sustainable Resources Coordinator, YRC) Meetings will be held on a quarterly basis, with four meetings held per year. Members of the Committee will hold the positions for a fixed term (2 years) and are required to commit to attending meetings during this term. Yarra Ranges Indigenous Advisory Group This body comprises key indigenous organisations and groups and community members and is responsible for the development of the Indigenous Plan and policy advice to Council. The Group meets monthly. Contact: Appointees: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: July 2015 Garry Detez, Indigenous Development Officer Cr Noel Cliff + Cr Fiona McAllister The Committee is expected to guide Council actions and policy in relation to indigenous affairs and community relations. Two Councillor Representatives. Indigenous Development Officer. Executive Officer Community Development. One meeting every two months. Twelve months. Page 11 of 12 Yarra Ranges Regional Museum Trust Museum Trust was established to accept funds for the development of the Yarra Ranges Regional Museum. The Trust raised nearly $500,000 that contributed to the construction of the museum project. The Trust is now building its fund to assist the Museum in further capital and collection activities. Contact: Appointees: Relevance of Committee: Councillor or staff representative: Attendance & involvement: Term of Appointment: July 2015 Maggi Solly, Museum Coordinator Cr Maria McCarthy + Cr Andrew Witlox Key Shire Cultural Facility Two Councillor representatives. Officers attend and administer Board meetings. As required by its Charter (Trust). Twelve months. Page 12 of 12