Health Consequences of Environmental Degradation and Social Injustice Martin Donohoe, M.D., F.A.C.P. Am I Stoned? A 1999 Utah anti-drug pamphlet warns: “Danger signs that your child may be smoking marijuana include excessive preoccupation with social causes, race relations, and environmental issues” Our Home Portland, Oregon Mount Hood Multnomah Falls, Oregon Causes of Environmental Degradation Overpopulation Pollution Deforestation Global Warming Agricultural/Fishing Practices Overconsumption / Affluenza Militarization Causes of Environmental Degradation Maldistribution of Wealth National and Global Political and Economic Institutions Poor education Media manipulation and inaccurate reporting Unbalanced political influence Citizen apathy Consequences of Environmental Degradation Increased poverty and overcrowding Famine Weather extremes Species loss Consequences of Environmental Degradation Medical illnesses Infectious diseases War Malthusian chaos and disaster Tragedy of the Commons Economic Costs of Environmental Diseases Estimated at $132-165 billion/year in the U.S. alone Does not count the psychological and emotional costs of the human suffering involved for the victims, their families, and their communities Overpopulation World population - exponential growth 1 billion in 1800 2.5 billion in 1950 6 billion in 2000 6.5 billion in 2006 est. 8 billion by 2050 More people added to the planet in the last 40 years than in all previous recorded history Overpopulation Africa, Asia, and Latin America primarily affected Causes: Poverty Women’s rights issues Overpopulation Urbanization 20-30 million people/year leave rural for urban areas 2007: first time in history that more than half the world’s population will live in urban areas World migrant population = 100 million -economic, war and environmental refugees Urban Sprawl Since the 1960’s America’s metropolitan areas have been consuming land at a rate 4x faster that population growth Wallace Stegner “We simply need … wild country available to us, even if we never do more than drive to its edge and look in. For it can be a means of reassuring ourselves of our sanity as creatures, a part of the geography of hope” Air Pollution Air Pollution Air Pollution Top ten most polluted cities in the world are in China and India Most polluted areas in US: 2001 – LA 2002 – Houston 2003 – San Joaquin Valley in Central California 2004, 2006 – LA Health Effects of Air Pollution Causes approximately 75,000 premature deaths/yr. in U.S. 1.8 million worldwide Health Effects of Air Pollution Air pollution causes asthma and impairs lung development and function Deaths from cardiopulmonary diseases correlate with air pollution levels in US cities Both day to day and over time Health Effects of Air Pollution Increased admissions for CHF, asthma, COPD, PVD, and cerebrovascular disease Increased lung cancer mortality Decreased exercise tolerance, increased pulmonary symptoms Impaired sperm production Effects of Ozone Destruction Ozone hole over Antarctic (2½X size of Europe) Increased cataracts (UV damage) Increased lifetime melanoma risk 1/1500 - 1930 1/68 - today Automobiles Automobiles Number of autos -US: 1 car/2 people -Mexico: 1/8 -China: 1/100 (increasing; leaded gasoline) Global years auto population to double in 25-50 Automobiles Average miles traveled/car/year in U.S. 1965 - 4,570 mi. 1975 - 6,150 mi. 1985 - 7,460 mi. 1995 - 9,220 mi. 2006 – 12,000 mi. Automobiles Average fuel efficiency of U.S. autos stagnant Relatively low oil prices Growing market for low-efficiency pickups, minivans, and sport-utility vehicles Ford Model T – 25 mpg (1908); Avg. Ford vehicle – 22.6 mpg (2003) Automobiles: Alternatives Rapid transit -industry squashed in 1930’s and 40’s (GM, Standard Oil, Firestone, etc.) -Convicted under Sherman Antitrust Act Automobiles: Alternatives Car sharing Pay-as-you-drive auto insurance “Peak Pricing” and “Congestion Fees” E.g., London → 30% decrease in traffic, 37% increase in bus ridership, cleaner air Bicycles/walking 30% of all trips by bike in Amsterdam; 2% in Portland, OR Alternatives to Automobiles Busses Trains 15 x more efficient per passenger than autos Amtrak receives 1/3 the amount of federal funding (adjusted for inflation) that it received 20 years ago Automobiles: Alternatives Electric cars -killed by oil companies, automakers in early 20th century Natural gas, gasohol, and biodiesel Telecommuting Automobiles: Alternatives Solar cars Hydrogen-powered Byproduct Problem: cars = water Hydrogen production requires fossil fuels US Energy Consumption by Fuel Oil – 40% Gas – 25% Coal – 25% Nuclear – 9% Hydroelectric – 1% Other Renewables – 1.5% U.S. Energy Sources for Electricity Coal – 52% Nuclear – 20% Gas – 16% Hydroelectric – 7% Oil – 3% Renewables – 2% Energy Spending/Research Since 1947, the U.S. has spent $145 billion on nuclear R and D vs. $5 billion on renewables R and D BP invests $100 million annually in clean energy = amt. it spends annually to market its new name and environmentally-friendly image of moving “Beyond Petroleum” Petroleum Industry Profits Mergers squelch competition, drive up prices Record-breaking oil company profits in 2005 and 2006 Exxon: $36 billion in 2005 Largest in U.S. history Exceeds GDP of 2/3 of world’s nations Oil and War Countries that export oil are >40 times more likely to be engaged in civil war than those that do not Gulf Wars I and II The Future? Other Sources of Air Pollution Industry - #1 Indoor combustion of coal and biomass (wood, charcoal, crop residues, and animal dung) for cooking, heating and food preservation Used by almost 3 billion people worldwide Associated with multiple pulmonary conditions Garbage Garbage 98% of the country’s total refuse is industrial waste; 2% municipal waste Making 1 lb of sellable product generates avg. 32 lbs. of waste Garbage American In produce 4.4 lbs/d garbage a lifetime, the average American will throw away 6500 times his/her adult weight in garbage U.S. Garbage Composition Paper and Paperboard - 39% Yard Waste - 13% Food Waste - 10% Plastics - 10% Metals - 8% Glass - 6% Wood - 5% U.S. Recycling Rates Tires - 22% Plastic containers - 36% Glass containers - 28% Yard waste - 41% Paper and Paperboard - 42% Aluminum packaging - 54% Steel cans - 60% Auto batteries - 93% Garbage Landfills Incinerators Garbage Exports Toxins Toxins 6 trillion tons of over 85,000 chemicals produced annually 2000-3000 new chemicals registered each year more than 80% have never been screened for toxicity Toxic Pollutants The chemical industry is a $450 billion enterprise in the U.S. alone Chemical manufacturers are not required to prove safety the legal burden is on the government to prove that a product is dangerous Pesticides 4.5 billion lbs/yr pesticides (17 lbs/citizen) CA and NY are the only states currently tracking pesticide sales and use Pesticides EPA: U.S. farm workers suffer up to 300,000 pesticide-related acute illnesses and injuries per year NAS: Pesticides in food could cause up to 1 million cancers in the current generation of Americans WHO: 1,000,000 people killed by pesticides over the last 6 years Pesticides Children living on or near farms score 5 points lower on IQ tests and other mental and verbal tests May be due to pesticide exposure Even so, the EPA and NAS have OK’d human subject testing Pesticides Pesticides $2.4 billion worth of insecticides and fungicides sold to American farmers each year Evidence suggests these actually promote pests (vs. natural pesticides) 30% of medieval crop harvests were destroyed by pests vs. 35-42% of current crop harvests Implies organic farming more cost-effective Toxins Body burden of industrial chemicals, pollutants and pesticides high Environmental Working Group (2004)found 287 pesticides, consumer product ingredients, and wastes from burning coal, gasoline, and garbage in umbilical cord blood Many other compounds not even tested; numbers undoubtedly higher Fetuses and children most vulnerable Toxic Pollutants – Economic Costs Americans pay more than $54 billion annually for direct medical expenses plus special schooling and long-term care for pediatric diseases caused by toxins in the environment Lead = $43.4 billion This excludes the greatest toxic pollutant tobacco Lead Affects brain development, associated with lower IQ Elevated levels associated with violent behavior Poor, African-Americans more commonly exposed Leaded Gasoline Banned in Canada in 1990, US in 1996 (after 25year phaseout period), EU in 2002, Africa in 2006 Ban fought by industry for decades Many countries still sell leaded gasoline: Indonesia, Venezuela, North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, Syria, Yemen Mercury Released into air by coal combustion, industrial processes, mining, and waste disposal 4500 tons/yr Travels throughout atmosphere and settles in oceans and waterways Bacteria convert it to toxic methyl-mercury Travels up food chain via fish Mercury 16% of women of childbearing age exceed the EPA’s “safe” mercury level Per EPA Freshwater fish mercury levels too high for pregnant women to eat in 43 states Mercury New EPA ruling ineffective: allows cap-and-trade of power plant emissions Renmoves power plants from list of pollution sources subject to federal Clean Air Act Toxic Pollutants 85,000 known or suspected hazardous waste sites in the U.S. Plus up to 600,000 lightly contaminated former industrial sites (“brownfields”) Will cost hundreds of billions of dollars to mitigate environmental impacts Toxic Pollutants 1 in 4 U.S. citizens lives within 4 mile of a Superfund site (approximately 1,305 sites listed; another 2,500 sites eligible) Taxpayers paying increasing share of cleanup costs Environmental Racism and Toxic Imperialism Environmental Racism waste dumps/incinerators more common in lower SES neighborhoods “Cancer Belt” (Baton Rogue to New Orleans) Toxic Imperialism Toxic Pollutants: The Basel Convention The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes (designed to control dumping of hazardous wastes from the industrialized world in developing countries) Despite being the largest producer of toxic pollutants in the world, the U.S. has signed but not ratified this agreement Bathtub, Toilet, and Source of Drinking Water Persistent Organic Pollutants Toxic, remain in environment longterm, resist degradation, can travel long distances Bioaccumulate - higher concentrations as you move up the food chain Most are endocrine disruptors Persistent Organic Pollutants UN Environmental Program organizing worldwide phaseout of top 12 through the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants U.S. has signed, but not ratified Toxic Pollutants Floriculture Diamond and Gold Mining Medical Waste The 6,000 US hospitals generate 2 million tons of waste per year; clinics and doctors’ offices an additional 700,000 tons -850,000 tons incinerated -15% infectious waste -incinerated pollutants include dioxin, mercury, cadmium and lead -EPA regulations weak -segregation and alternatives to incineration would cost 93 cents/patient/day Medical Waste Solutions: 80% of thermometers no longer contain mercury Remove PVCs from medical supplies (e.g., IV tubing) Medical Waste Organizations: Health Care Without Harm Green Health Center Movement NAS: Hospitals built and operated on more environmentally sosund principles save money and produce better patient outcomes Electronic Waste Only 5-10% of computers recycled Most sent overseas EU now requires electronics firms to recycle and to eliminate lead, cadmium and mercury from their products Maine passed first law requiring elctronic manufacturers to pay for recycling their discarded products Water UN adopted water as a human right in 2002 International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights US has signed but not ratified Water Only 2.5% of the earth’s water is fresh 2/3 of this locked up in glaciers and ice caps As glaciers and polar ice caps melt, this is mixed with sea water Water U.S. water consumption: 81% irrigation, 6% domestic use Worldwide freshwater supplies dwindling Drying up: Aral Sea, Great Lakes, etc. Water Clean Water Act of 1972 has decreased pollution in the US Under threat from the Bush Administration 80% of US waterways never receive any comprehensive testing for pollutants Water In developing countries, 90-95% of sewage and 70% of industrial wastes are dumped untreated into the local water supply 13,000-15,000 deaths per day worldwide from water-related diseases Water Out of 191 nations in the world, 10 nations share 65% of the world’s annual water resources A woman in a developing country walks an average of 6 km/day to obtain water Water Privatization schemes supported by the World Bank and IMF lead to price increases, worsen poverty 5-10% of world’s water privatized - increasing Privatization increases costs, incites social unrest (e.g., Cochabamba, Bolivia) 15% of US water in private hands Water expected to be the major cause of wars by 2050 or sooner Water Pollution – Increased Beach Closings Infamous Industrial Disasters Minimata, Japan, 1920s-1970s (Chisso Corporation) methylmercury poisoning -400 dead; 10,000 injured Bhopal, India, 1984 (Union Carbide) - methyl isocyanate gas 7000-10,000 dead within 3 days, 15,000-20,000 more over next 10 years; tens of thousands injured persistent water and soil contamination Indian government extradition request for Warren Anderson Minimata Disease W Eugene Smith Infamous Industrial Disasters Chernobyl, USSR, 1986 - nuclear power plant explosion -25-100 dead, up to 1,000 injured acutely, NCI estimates 10-75K thyroid cancers Alaska, Exxon Valdez, 1989 - oil spill -wildlife devastated, $5 billion damage 2006 BP Alaskan pipeline ruptures Oil Pollution is Expensive to Clean Up Oil Slicks Kill Marine Life Deforestation Tropical forests constitute 7% of land surface area, contain > 50% of plant and animal species Majority of tropical forests destroyed One acre of world’s forest cut down every second 50% of global wetlands destroyed (54% in U.S.) Deforestation Historical -Easter Island (Polynesians), Middle East, U.S. Southwest (Anasazi Indians) Contemporary -Mauritania, Ethiopia, Haiti deforested -Philippines and Thailand are now net importers of forest products, looking at Latin America Next? -Amazon, B.C., Alaska, many others Deforestation: Causes New agricultural settlements (overpopulation, poverty, unsustainable farming practices) Logging Oil and gas exploration Cattle ranching Drug cultivation -Peru, Bolivia, Columbia Clearcutting Clearcutting Clearcutting with Corridors Global Warming Greenhouse effect 30% increase in atmosphere CO2 since industrialization began (6.25 billion tons/year) Fossil Fuels Methane, choloroflurocarbons, nitrous oxide Global Warming 19 of the last 20 years have been the hottest ever recorded (data go back to 1856) 2005 the hottest Average global surface temperature = 58.3° Hottest temperature in last 10,000 years Pacific Northwest warming up faster than anywhere else on the planet Consequences of Global Warming 150,000 deaths and 5.5 million disabilityadjusted life years lost per year WHO, UN Environment Program Expected to double by 2030 ↑ weather extremes/natural disasters/insurance claims Floods, cholera, rising malaria zone Consequences of Global Warming Polar icecaps/glaciers/Greenland ice sheet/permafrost melting, sea levels rising Artic ice pack has lost 40% of its thickness compared with 1960 Glacier National Park’s glaciers melting Snows of Kilimanjaro down 85% compared to 1912; will be gone by 2015 Glaciers Calving Polar Bears Stranded / Dying Off Greenland’s Ice Cap Melting: 1992 Greenland’s Ice Cap Melting: 2002 Greenland’s Ice Cap Melting: 2005 Consequences of Global Warming Increased allergies/asthma/anaphylaxis Rising temperatures increase smog/ground level ozone Higher levels of CO2 favor growth of ragweed and other pollen-producing plants Global Warming The top 1/5 of the world’s largest 145 countries account for 63% of global C02 emissions (lowest 1/5 = 2%) The countries likely to be most affected by global warming are those least responsible for the increases in global temperature Global Warming Increases Droughts Agriculture Soil erosion exceeds soil formation In the past 40 years, 1/3 of U.S. topsoil has eroded Takes 1,000 years to “grow” 1 inch of soil Water use has tripled since 1950, up 6-fold over 20th Century 70% of freshwater use in agriculture Large scale irrigation projects (e.g., China’s Three Gorges Dam) China’s Three Gorges Dam Wasted Food Household food waste adds up to $43 billion/yr in the U.S. An average American family of four tosses out $590/yr food Americans discarded 3 times as much food in 2005 as in 1985 Decreasing crop diversity 75,000 plant species are edible Humans have utilized 7000 plant species for food 20% of species provide 80% of the world’s food Consequences: decreasing genetic diversity, vulnerability to disease, huge crop losses (e.g., Irish potato famine) Factory Farming Factory farms have replaced industrial factories as the # 1 polluters of American waterways 1.4 billion tons animal waste generated/yr 130 x human waste 1 hog farm in NC generates as much sewage annualy as all of Manhattan Factory Farming Factory Farming Factory Farm Waste Most untreated Ferments in open pools Seeps into local water supply, estuaries Kills fish Causes human infections - e.g., Pfisteria pescii, Chesapeake Bay Creates unbearable stench Widely disseminated by floods/hurricanes Agricultural Antibiotic Use Agriculture accounts for 70% of U.S. antibiotic use Use up 50% over the last 15 years Antibiotic Resistant Pathogens CDC: “Antibiotic use in food animals is the dominant source of antibiotic resistance among food-borne pathogens.” $4billion/yr to treat antibiotic-resistant infections in humans Campylobacter fluoroquinolone resistance VREF (poss. due to avoparcin use in chickens) Alternatives to Agricultural Antibiotic Use Decrease overcrowding Better diet/sanitation/living conditions Control heat stress Vaccination Increased use of bacterial cultures and specific antibiotic treatment in animals when indicated Alternatives to Agricultural Antibiotic Use: Vegetarianism European Union bans antibiotics as growth promoters in animal feed (1/06) Overfishing Fisheries collapsing: Newfoundland cod West Coast salmon 1/3 of fish species threatened with extinction 90% drop in # of largest predatory ocean fish since 1950 Large amounts of bycatch discarded Harmful Fishing Practices Long-lining, large factory trawlers, drift nets Cyanide fishing (400 kg/year) Dynamite Reef fishing Factory Trawlers Dynamite Reef Fishing The Military Harms Fish Environmental destruction Navy sonar harming/killing off whales Japanese/Norwegian whaling compounds problem Dolphins as mine detectors (in Vietnam and Iraq) Weaponizing sharks, dolphins, etc. (DARPA) Coral Reefs 10% of world’s reefs ruined (90% In Philippines), 30% in critical condition Reefs make up 2% of ocean floor, support ¼ of all marine life Americans purchase 350,000 pieces of live coral broken off from reefs per year Aquaculture 27-33% of fish now consumed is farmed (vs. 4% in 1970) almost all catfish and trout 1/2 of shrimp 1/3 of salmon Aquaculture Consequences decreased diversity antibiotics (incl. chloramphenicol), hormones, dyes, herbicides, pesticides, algicides → increased pollution and sewage damage to local estuaries, birds of prey disease Aquaculture Good seafood (clean water): Clams Mussels Oysters scallops Bad seafood Farmed salmon contains 10X as much PCBs as wild salmon Maldistribution of Wealth 500 billionaires worldwide top 250 billionaires worth $1 trillion, the combined income of bottom 2.5 billion people (45% of world’s population) Maldistribution of Wealth U.S: Richest 1% of the population owns 33-50% of the country’s wealth -poorest 90% own 30% -widest gap of any industrialized nation The Stock Market 20% of Americans own stock; 90% of stock owned by 10% (50% by 1%) “Business” news As a group, U.S. Senators beat the market by an average of 12% from 1993-98 (study published 2004) The best fund managers average 3% Maldistribution of wealth The worldwide gap between rich and poor doubled between 1960 and 1990, and grew an additional 20% between 1990 and 1998 This gap is higher in the U.S. than in any other industrialized nation Maldistribution of wealth Less than 4% of the combined wealth of the 225 riches individuals in the world would pay for ongoing access to basic education, health care (including reproductive health care), adequate food, safe water, and adequate sanitation for all humans (UNDP) George Orwell “Some people are more equal than others” Maldistribution of Wealth/Resources Threatens National Security and Requires a Permanent War Economy “The U.S. has about 50% of the world’s wealth, but only 6.3% of its population. This situation cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity withoug positive detriment to our national security.” George Kennan, U.S. State Dept. Policy Planning Study, 1948 Voltaire “The comfort of the rich rests upon an abundance of the poor” Primo Levi “A country is considered the more civilized the more the wisdom and efficiency of its laws hinder a weak man from becoming too weak or a powerful one too powerful.” Racial Disparities: Economic Income disparities Median income of black U.S. families as a percent of white U.S. families = 60% in in 1968; 58% in 2002 Educational disparities Higher levels of unemployment Racial Disparities: Economic Criminal justice system involvement Toxic waste sitings / environmental injustice / environmental racism Persistent overt / subtle discrimination E.g., “driving while black” Racial Disparities: Health Care Higher maternal and infant mortality Higher death rates for most diseases Shorter life expectancies Less health insurance Fewer diagnostic tests / therapeutic procedures Income Inequality Kills Higher income inequality is associated with increased mortality at all per capita income levels Overconsumption (Affluenza) U.S. = 6.3% of world’s population Own 50% of the world’s wealth U.S. responsible for: -25% of world’s energy consumption -33% of paper use -72% of hazardous waste production (1 ton/person/year) But are we happier? Workloads increasing, vacation and free time decreasing Average American wastes 62 hrs/yr sitting in rush hour traffic Average American working 200 more hrs/yr than in 1960 8/10 Americans want a new job (, 11/03) Stress up / satisfaction with life down Erosion of social capital Erosion of social capital is strongest where maldistribution of wealth is largest Americans have an average of 2 close friends today Down from 3 in 1985 1 in 4 Americans say they have no one with whom they can discuss important matters Includes nuclear family Was 1 in 8 in 1985 Maldistribution of Wealth In countries with moderate levels of wealth, happiness is highest where income inequalities lowest Major League Baseball: teams are more successful when players’ salaries are more equitably distributed The Booming Economy Inflation-adjusted net worth of the median U.S. household 1989 - $54,600 1997 - $49,000 2004 - $44,389 The Booming Economy Weekly wages for the avg. American worker are 12% below what they were in 1973 But productivity is up 33% Vacation Time Down Americans work more than any other country: 1970 hrs/yr Canada (#2): 1800 hrs/yr Industrialized EU countries: 1600-1800 hrs/yr Americans take less than 9/12 days of allotted leave per year Japanese alloted 18, Canadians 20, Germans 27, French 39 Minimum Wage ≠ Living Wage Federal minimum wage = $5.15/hr (no change over last 8 years) $10,300/yr for full-time job Real value down 37% compared with 1968 Inadequate to pay rent, buy food and clothing 3 million homeless (44% work) Minimum Wage ≠ Living Wage ¼ of US jobs pay less than a poverty-level income In 4 of the last 5 years, Congress granted itself a $5,000 cost of living salary increase Exorbitant CEO Pay CEO salaries up 500% since 1980 The average CEO makes 431 X the salary of the average U.S. worker (1960 - 41X; 1980 - 42X) Mexico 45:1 Britain 25:1 Germany 11:1 Japan 10:1 U.S. Debt US national debt ceiling raised to $9 trillion for 2006 $30,000 for every US citizen Personal savings down, annual bankruptcies up U.S. Debt Average household debt (cars and credit cards) 2001: $17,024 2004: $18,619 Debt exacerbated by Predatory lending practices Payday loans Rent-to-own companies Total Credit Card Debt Up 1990 - $243 billion 1997 - $560 billion 2002 - $1.5 trillion 2005 – $800 billion Average number of credit cards per U.S. household = 12.7 Bankruptcies/Pensions Record 1.6 million bankruptcies in 2002 ½ bankruptcies due to health care expenses exceed # of college graduates/year, # of persons diagnosed with cancer per year Bankruptcy “reform” bill grossly unfair Pensions in jeopardy The “Global Economy” 53 of the world’s 100 largest economies are private corporations; 47 are countries GM is larger than Denmark, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Turkey Wal-Mart is larger than Israel and Greece AT&T is larger than Malaysia and Ireland The “Global Economy” The combined revenues of GM and Ford exceed the combined GDP of all subSaharan Africa Combined sales of the top 6 Japanese companies are nearly equivalent to the combined GDP of all of South America Corporations Almost 6 million corporations ¼ non-profits 500 companies control 70% of world trade Corporations “The [only] social responsibility of business is to increase its profits.” - Milton Friedman Corporations “Corporations [have] no moral conscience. [They] are designed by law, to be concerned only for their stockholders, and not, say, what are sometimes called their stakeholders, like the community or the work force…” -Noam Chomsky Corporations Internalize Externalize profits health and environmental costs Corporate Taxation Nearly 1/3 of all large corporations (assets > $250 million or annual sales > $50 million) pay no annual income tax Corporate Taxation Corporations shouldered over 30% of the nation’s tax burden in 1950 vs. 8% today Corporate taxes are at their lowest level since WW II Reasons for Inadequate Corporate Taxation Tax breaks, corporate welfare, corporation-friendly tax laws, loopholes, transferring assets overseas Cheating and under-payment common Offshore tax havens shelter capital Corporate Crime Each year in America, we lose; $4 billion to burglary and robbery $200 billion to corporate fraud Americans lose $1 million/hr. to securities fraud. Fines meager, often considered a cost of doing business Corporate Crime 25% decrease in federal prosecutions of white collar crime, including corporate crime, since 1999 Increase in non-prosecution and deferredprosecution agreements 3/5 U.S. companies settling corporate crime cases illegally deduct some or all of the settlement to the IRS Unemployment 5-6% unemployment rate (true percentage likely higher) Women slightly more likely to be unemployed than men Black women 2X white women Under-employment rate approximately 10% The Rise of the Permatemp Temporary agency workers 1989 - 1.2 million 1998 2.8 million 2006 - est. 4.0 million Results: job insecurity, fewer benefits, no retirement savings, more uninsured, etc. Job Loss and The Decline of Labor 12 million quality jobs lost in the U.S. between 1980 and 2005 Free trade Expatriation of jobs Job Loss and The Decline of Labor Labor union membership declining since 1950 Now 12%: 8% in private sector 4% in public sector Employers generally anti-union Overseas Labor Markets Currently made overseas: 83% of all garments sold in the U.S. 90% of sporting goods 93% of shoes Overseas factories often lack adequate occupational health and safety / pollution controls (e.g., maquiladoras) Worker Health and Safety ILO: 2.2 million die of work-related injuries and diseases worldwide each year Considered vast underestimate, due to poor reporting in many developing countries Outsourcing 2 million manufacturing jobs lost between 2001 and 2003 Over the last few years, compared to other firms, CEO compensation has increased five times faster at the 50 U.S. firms that do the most outsourcing of jobs The Global Workforce 27 million enslaved laborers Slavery occurs in every country in Africa (Unicef) Over 250 million child laborers 60% exposed to hazardous conditions; 25% exposed to hazardous chemicals The Third World Debt Crisis Over 40 of the poorest countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia owe a total of almost $300 billion in foreign debt countries borrowed when loans cheap and easy to get money lent to corrupt/undemocratic governments during Cold War corruption world prices for main exports declined new loans (at higher interest rates) required to pay interest on debt The Third World Debt Crisis Creditors US, UK, Japan, France and Germany interest rates up to 20-22% in 1980’s The Third World Debt Crisis Each African child inherits approximately $379 in debt at birth debt 100-200% of GDP for Tanzania, Zambia, Ethiopia, and others Live Aid (1985 raised $200 million) Equal to the amount all African countries pay back on foreign debts each week (in 2001) The Third World Debt Crisis Countries spend more each year repaying debt than on education and healthcare. Debt will never be paid off Effects of the Third World Debt Crisis Indebted countries drastically cut wages, which slows the economy and decreases purchases of U.S. imports makes U.S. jobs less secure Currency is Devalued. imports more expensive; exports cheaper Government price controls eliminated basic goods more expensive Effects of the Third World Debt Crisis Government spending on food, fuel and farming subsidies reduced. Social service (healthcare/education) program spending cut Countries strip and sell their natural resources increased global pollution, etc. Solution to the Third World Debt Crisis Debt forgiveness Foreign Aid In total dollars: Japan #1, U.S. #2 Even though the U.S. economy is more than twice the size of Japan’s a % of GDP, U.S. ranks 2nd to last among the world’s 22 wealthiest nations As Foreign Aid U.S. Aid: Over 1/3 military, 1/4 economic, 1/3 for food and development Most U.S. aid benefits U.S. corporations, is spent on military, goes to Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Pakistan, and the Philippines Foreign Aid Aid agencies often forced to buy from U.S. companies at inflated prices 70% of aid effectively returned to U.S. Food aid inefficient, benefits large agribusiness at expense of local farmers/economies Takes $2 taxpayer money to generate $1 in food aid Foreign Aid 0.9% of the total federal budget, 1.6% of the U.S. discretionary budget Yet 64% of Americans believed in a 1997 poll that foreign aid was the largest federal expenditure On average, Americans think that 24% of the federal budget goes toward foreign aid U.S. Charitable Giving Approximately $250 billion/year 2.5% of income 2.9% at height of Great Depression U.S. Charitable Giving by Income Bracket $15K and under: 26% $15K - $30K: 9% $30K - $50K: 5.3% $50K - $100K: 3.8% $100K - $200K: 3.0% $200K and over: 3.4% American Charitable Giving Religious Groups: 35% Education: 13% Multipurpose Foundations: 10% Social Services: 8% Health: 8% Arts and Culture: 6% American Charitable Giving Science: 5% Environment and Animals: 3% International Aid: 2% Other: 9% - Includes individual, corporate, foundation, and bequest donations Less than 10% goes to groups which directly help the poor Distribution of one federal income tax dollar - 2004 29¢ - military and defense 20¢ - interest on national debt 10¢ - military debt 10¢ - non-military debt 20¢ - health care 5¢ - income security Distribution of one federal income tax dollar - 2004 4¢ - education 4¢ - Veterans’ benefits 3¢ - nutrition 2¢ - housing 2¢ - natural resources 0.4¢ - job training 12¢ - other The Military and Pollution World’s single largest polluter 6-10% of global air pollution 2-11% of world raw material use 97% of all high level and 78% of all low level nuclear waste The Military and Pollution Pentagon generates 500,000 tons toxic waste/year Numerous toxic waste sites Exempt from most environmental regulations The Military and Pollution “The more birds that the [Department of Defense] kill[s], the more enjoyment [people] will get from seeing the ones that remain: ‘Bird watchers get more enjoyment spotting a rare bird than they do spotting a common one.’” From a 2002 court summary of the U.S. Defense Department’s argument for exemption from the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 The Military: Diversion of Resources Away from Health Care 3 hours world arms spending = annual WHO budget 1/2 day of world arms spending = full childhood immunizations for all world’s children 3 days of U.S. military spending = amt. spent on health, education, and welfare for U.S. children in 1 year The Military: Diversion of Resources Away from Health Care and Other Scientific Projects 3 weeks of world arms spending/yr. = primary health care for all in poor countries, incl. safe water and full immunizations 25% of the world’s 2.5 million research scientists and engineers work entirely on military R and D Iraq/Afghanistan war creating enormous U.S. debt / federal and state budgets strapped “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower “The problem in defense spending is to figure out how far you should go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without.” ~Dwight D. Eisenhower Poverty and Hunger US: 13% of residents and 18% of children live in poverty Rates of poverty in Blacks = 2X Whites Hunger rate increasing nationally Poverty At least 1 billion people live in urban slums 1.1 billion people lack access to safe, clean drinking water -1.8 million child deaths/year 2 billion have no electricity 2.6 billion do not have adequate sanitation services Poverty 2.8 billion live on less than $2/day 3 billion have never made a phone call 3.8 billion have no cash or credit with which to make purchases 770 million unable to read Poverty and Priorities Amount of money needed each year (in addition to current expenditures) to provide water and sanitation for all people in developing nations = $9 billion Amount of money spent annually on cosmetics in the U.S. = $8 billion Poverty and Priorities Amount of money needed each year ( in addition to current expenditures) to provide reproductive health care for all women in developing countries = $12 billion Amount of money spent annually on perfumes in Europe and the U.S. = $12 billion U.N. Declaration of Human Rights “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care” Famine 1.5 billion not consuming enough calories to prevent stunted growth/other health risks Hunger kills 25,000 people per day, most under age 5 Hunger-related causes kill as many people in 2 days as the atomic bomb killed at Hiroshima Feast and Famine For the first time in history, there are now an equal number of people – 1.1 billion – who get too much to eat as those who don’t have enough to eat One week of developed world farm subsidies = annual cost of food aid to solve world hunger Famine Famine Affects the Old and Young Medical Care 50% of global health care budget spent in the U.S. Per capita expenditure on health care: U.S. = $4,000 Typical poor African/Asian country = $5-10 Even so, U.S. has 41 million uninsured, ranks 24th worldwide in overall population health as judged by disability-adjusted life expectancy Infectious Diseases Increased morbidity and mortality due to changing distributions of disease vectors, reservoirs, and agents -overpopulation and population shifts -malnutrition -drought -decreased immunity Infectious Diseases Malaria -610 min zone expands -50-80 million additional cases/year by 2100 TB Viral encephalitis Schistosomiasis AIDS Influenza Trypanosomiasis Infectious Diseases Onchocerciasis Dengre Leishmanasis Rabies Hookworm Yellow fever West Nile Virus Species Loss Earth contains an estimated 5 to 10 million species Only 1.5 million have been identified Rate of extinction = 4,000-6,000 species/year, highest estimates = 4 species/hour - over 1000 x background rate of extinction Species Loss 50,000 vertebrates - 7,100 of 10,000 bird species threatened with extinction - 1,100 of 4,400 mammalian species - 1/3 to 1/2 of 232 primate species (including man?) bush meat trade contributing - 1/3 of 24,000 fish species - 1/4 to 1/3 of 10,300 reptile and amphibian species (may be higher, limited assessment) Precipitous Decline of Alpha Predators will have enormous repercussions for ecosystems/other species Causes of Species Loss Habitat loss (logging, overpopulation, etc.) * Overhunting Chemical pollution of environment Exotic species invasions (e.g. rabbits/Australia) HUMANS Extinction: Lost Pharmacopoeia Drugs from plants and native peoples’ health knowledge -More than 1/2 of the top 150 prescription drugs contain an active compound derived from or patterned after natural products -e.g. digoxin, vincristine, paralytic agents, etc. Of the more than 250,000 known flowering species, <0.5% have been surveyed for medicinal value A Cure for Cancer? The Black Market in Endangered Animals $10 billion market -equal to smuggled arms market -less than contraband drug market ($30 Billion) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Worrisome Trends Environmental Audit Laws WTO/IMF Policies MAI GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA, other trade agreements Food Disparagement Laws SLAPP Lawsuits Bush Administration Key administrators/committee members/regulators former industry representatives and/or lobbyists Corporate profit before public good Unsound/distorted/suppressed science Eco-harassment Criminalizing activists Bush Administration Rollbacks of key environmental laws Lax enforcement of existing laws Huge tax cuts primarily benefit wealthy Federal and state government deficits astronomical Program and funding cuts Status of Women in the Third World Poverty Impaired access to employment and education Lack of reproductive health services, early childbearing, large families Status of Women in the Third World Political marginalization Discriminatory and “cultural practices” -forced prostitution, female genital mutilation, etc. Trafficking, sex slavery Status of Women Economic discrimination women do 67% of the world’s work receive 10% of global income own 1% of all property Poverty Women make up 45% of the global employed workforce, yet are 70% of the world’s poor Would You Sign a Petition to Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide? 1. It can cause excessive sweating and vomiting 2. It is a major component in acid rain 3. It can cause severe burns in its gaseous state 4. It can kill you if accidentally inhaled 5. It contributes to erosion 6. It decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes 7. It has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients Geographic Ignorance Percent of US teens unable to locate the following on a map: United States – 11% Pacific Ocean – 29% Japan – 58% United Kingdom – 68% Pseudoscientific Beliefs Percentage of Americans who believe “at least to some degree” in these “phenomena” Astrology UFOs Reincarnation Fortune-Telling 1997 37% 30% 25% 14% 1976 17% 24% 9% 4% Greenwash Public relations / ad campaigns -Chevron’s “People Do” Campaign, butterflies/refinery -Dupont Freon Campaign in 1970’s -Grants to a few scientists who challenge environmental warnings -tobacco ads in 1950’s Bluewash: association with UN principles/logo Astroturf Artificially-created grassroots coalitions utilize specially tailored mailing lists, field officers, telephone banks, fax machines, intense lobbying may be one or two individuals, or run by a PR firm, or have “volunteer” employee members Corporate Front Groups The American Council on Science and Health The Alliance for Responsible CFC Policy The Oregon Lands Coalition National Wilderness Institute The Environmental Conservation Organization The Foundation for Clean Air Progress Similar semantics for new laws/congressional bills Corporate PR tactics Invoke poor people as beneficiaries Characterize opposition as “technophobic,” anti-science,” and “against progress” Portray their products as environmentally beneficial in the absence of (or despite the) evidence Sponsored Environmental Educational Materials Corporate-sponsored and supported by a loose coalition of antiregulatory zealots, corporate polluters, lapdog scientists and misguided parents Sponsored Environmental Education Materials (Examples) Exxon’s “Energy Cube” -“Gasoline is simply solar power hidden in decayed matter” -“Offshore drilling creates reefs for fish” Pacific Lumber Company -“The Great American Forest is. . . renewable forever” Sponsored Environmental Education Materials (Examples) International Paper -“Clearcutting promotes growth of trees that require full sunlight and allows efficient site preparation for the next crop” American Nuclear Society’s “Activities with the Atoms Family” Dow’s “Chemipalooza” Worrisome Trends Advertising Budgets ↑↑ Public Education in disarray Television Higher Education increasingly expensive Academics at Risk Increasing corporatization of academia Private commercial funding of university research: Secrecy/Pseudoscience $264 million in 1980 $2 billion in 2001 AAPG Notable Achievement in Journalism prize to Michael Crichton for State of Fear (which denies global warming) Brain drain Lack of scientists in developing world (1/50th of developed world per capita) The Media Most media organizations owned by multinational, multi-billion dollar corporations that are involved in a number of businesses apart from the media, such as forestry, pulp and paper mills, defense, real estate, oil wells, agriculture, steel production, railways, and water and power utilities Global Warming: Controversial? Of 928 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, 0% were in doubt as to the existence or cause of global warming Of 636 articles in the popular press (NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, WSJ), 53% expressed doubt as to the existence (and primary cause) of global warming Science 2004;306:1686-7 (Study covers 1993-2003) Mass Media Sources, 2002 92% white 85% male Where party affiliation identifiable, 75% Republican Predominantly conservative/centrist Lobbying Lobbying groups spent just under 2.5 billion in 2006 (record) All single issue ideological groups combined (e.g., pro-choice, anti-abortion, feminist and consumer organizations, senior citizens, etc.) = $76.2 million Lobbying Agribusiness/oil industry lobbying dwarf environmental lobbying Active lobbying (new laws, not enforce existing laws or fund existing programs) “Lobbying for lethargy” (maintain status quo) Corporate Influence Leads to Large Taxpayer Subsidies to Polluting Industries Mining - $3.6 billion/yr Nuclear power - $10.5 billion/yr Coal - $8 billion/yr Ranching (grazing on public lands) - $52 million/yr Timber (below cost sales of national forest trees) – approx. $350 million/yr Oil and gas - $550 million/yr The Decline of Democracy True democracy demands an informed citizenry (education), freedom of the press (media), and involvement (will, time, money) “Information is the currency of democracy” Thomas Jefferson The US: Rogue Nation History: Native Americans, slavery, current excesses, disparities and injustices Co-opting Nazi and Japanese WWII scientists Minimum 277 troop deployments by the US in its 225+ year history The US: Rogue Nation Since the end of WWII, the US has bombed: China, Korea, Indonesia, Cuba, Guatemala, Congo, Peru, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Grenada, Libya, Panama, Afghanistan, Sudan, Yugoslavia, and Iraq The US: Rogue Nation Conservative estimate = 8 million killed US invasions/bombings often largely at behest of corporate interests The US: Rogue Nation In 2002, the US spent about $1,211 per US citizen on defense vs. $2.27 per citizen on international peacekeeping efforts The US maintains military bases in 69 “sovereign” nations around the world Continued funding of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation International NonCooperation/Isolationism Failure to sign or approve: Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Land Mines Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty International NonCooperation/Isolationism Failure to sign or approve: Convention on the Rights of the Child Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Convention for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons International NonCooperation/Isolationism Failure to sign or approve: Protocol 1, Article 55 of the Geneva Conventions, which bans methods or means of warfare which are intended, or may be expected, to cause widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment International NonCooperation/Isolationism Failure to sign or approve The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (re GM foods) The US: Rogue Nation Death Penalty: US executes more of its citizens than any other country US is the only country to execute both juveniles and the mentally ill Failure to follow World Court Decisions Largest debtor to the UN (only 40% of dues paid) Positive Trends Majority of U.S. citizens rate the environment as one of the most important issues facing the country, think the government is doing too little to safeguard the environment, and favor environmental protection over economic expansion Power/voice of green groups increasing Involvement of religious groups growing Positive Trends Insurance industry urging reductions in global emissions due to dramatic increase in weatherrelated claims Analogy with smoking The “Benefits” of Sterility-Causing Chemicals in the Workplace? 12 September 1977 Dr. Eula Bingham, Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health Recently we received the interesting Department of Labor news release concerning worker exposure to DBCP. While involuntary sterility, caused by a manufactured chemical may be bad, it is not necessarily so. After all, there are many people who are now paying to have themselves sterilized to assure they will no longer be able to become parents... If possible sterility is the main problem, couldn’t workers who were old enough that they no longer wanted to have children accept such positions voluntarily? They would know the situation, and it wouldn’t matter. Or could workers be advised of the situation, and some might volunteer for such workposts as an alternative to planned surgery for a vasectomy or tubal ligation, or as a means of getting around religious bans on birth control when they want no more children? Sincerely, Robert K. Phillips, National Peach Council Environmental Success Story The Montreal Protocol (1987) Phaseout of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by 1996 Major cause of Antarctic and Arctic ozone holes Current substitute, HCFCs, much less damaging to ozone layer, also to be phased out REACH Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals European Treaty requiring companies to test chemicals already on the market by a set timetable and test new products before putting them on the market Economic analyses show large environmental and health benefits Solutions Based on the Precautionary Principle “When evidence points toward the potential of an activity to cause significant, widespread or irreparable harm to public health or the environment, options for avoiding that harm should be examined and pursued, even though the harm is not yet fully understood or proven” The Precautionary Principle: Practical Essentials Give human and environmental health the benefit of doubt Include appropriate public participation in the discussion Gather unbiased, scientific, technological and socioeconomic information Consider less risky alternatives The Precautionary Principle Endorsed by APHA, ANA, others Puerto Rico, San Francisco have adopted, among others Big business, US Chamber of Commerce oppose Solutions Shift from a throw-away economy to a reduce/reuse/recycle economy Support local economies Enhance fair trade policies Solutions Zero waste production systems Extended producer responsibility / Extended product liability Recycling laws Solutions Restructure tax system -decrease taxes on work and savings -increase taxes on destructive activities (e.g., carbon emissions, toxic waste generation) Stronger clean air and water standards Solutions Eliminate fossil fuel industry tax breaks and subsidies Carpooling Sweden plans to be world’s first oil-free economy by 2020 Solutions Increase tax breaks, subsidies, research for renewable energy Renewable energy now 1% of transportation fuel market (ethanol) and 2% of the electricity market (wind, solar, biomass) Streamline EPA -25% of 14 billion superfund payouts have gone to lawyers and consultants Solutions Composting / Recycling organic wastes Decrease light pollution ($2 billion energy wasted per year) and see the stars! -Czechoslovakian anti-light pollution law Solutions Insulation Energy-efficient lighting Decrease excessive packaging 15¢/plastic bag tax in Ireland ↓’d use by 90% Safe storage of nuclear wastes Green electricity - $3/month Solutions Sustainable forest management Plant trees The average urban tree removes nearly one ton of greenhouse gas during its first 40 years of life Stop receiving catalogues contact Direct Marketing Association Solutions Prevent Congress from weakening NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) Requires federal officials to conduct environmental impact assessments; allows citizens to challenge the government’s conclusions Oppose Congressional attempts to create “Sunset Commissions” with the power to review federal programs and recommend which programs live, die, or get realigned Solutions Punish environmental scofflaws with large fines and jail time Increase enforcement budgets to combat international environmental crime Establish International Court of the Environment Solutions Bioprospecting Ecotourism More equitable distribution of medical research funds and health care dollars Solutions Strengthen family planning programs Decrease “demand” for large families education status of women child mortality Solutions: Fair, Representative Elections Publicly financed campaigns and campaign finance reform Open debates, free air time for candidates Proportional representation Instant runoff voting/cumulative voting Solutions: Living Wage 130 cities and counties have adopted living wage laws Including NY, LA, Chicago, and Philadelphia 15 states now have minimum wages that exceed the federal requirement Solutions Join and contribute to environmental and social justice groups (Greenpeace, Doctors without Borders) Local Land grassroots groups especially good purchases Litigation (e.g., EJLDF, NRDC) Solutions Green investing -returns as good or better than the S & P 500 Celebrities/Jocks for Justice Solutions Activism / Letter writing / Protesting / Whistleblowing US Supreme court ruled in 2006 that public employees have no free-speech rights re whistleblowing and no constitutional protections against retaliation by bosses Join community groups – become involved in local as well as national issues Günter Grass “The first job of a citizen is to keep your mouth open.” Margaret Mead “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Solutions: Vote US voter turnout low Wealthy vote at twice rate of poor Whites > Blacks > Hispanics Old > Young Property owners > Renters Solutions Campaign finance reform Fair, representative elections Publicly financed campaigns Better candidates Solutions Increased exposure to nature Improvements in education Multidisciplinary Literature History Law Photography Community Service The Role of Literature Vicarious experience Explore diverse philosophies Promotes empathy, critical thinking, flexibility, non-dogmatism, self-knowledge Encourages creative thinking Allows for group discussion/debate Why Use Literature Encourage appreciation of non-medical literature Develop reading, analytical, speaking and writing skills Promote ethical thinking (narrative ethics) Identification with authors who are health professionals (e.g., Keats, Chekhov, Maugham, Williams, Sanger, Nightingale, etc.) Homelessness Doris Lessing “An Old Woman and Her Cat” From the Doris Lessing Reader (New York: Knopf, 1988) Race and Access to Care Ernest J Gaines “The Sky is Gray” in Gray, Marion Secundy, ed. Trials,Tribulations, and Celebrations: African American Perspectives on Health, Illness, Aging and Loss. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 1992 Poverty Orwell, George. How the Poor Die. In Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus, eds. The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letter of George Orwell, IV; In Front of Your Nose, 1945-1950. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc: pp.223-233. Checkhov, Anton. Letter to AF Koni, January 26, 1891, Letter to AS Survivor, March 9, 1890. In Norman Cousins, ed. The Physician in Literature Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1982. Eighner, Lars. Phlebitis: At the Public Hospital. In Travels with Lizbeth. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993. “Activist” Journals American Journal of Public Health Public Citizen’s Health Letter PNHP Newsletter Mother Jones Harpers Z Magazine Hightower Lowdown “Activist” Journals Rachel’s Environmental Weekly Sierra The Amicus Journal Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Multinational Monitor Some articles in NEJM, JAMA, JGIM, SSM, Policy, Politics, and Nurs Prac, others Contact Information Martin Donohoe, MD, FACP 503/819-6979 (ph)