Questions about Regeneration

Name: ________________________________
Date: _________________________________
Flynt - ____ Period
____th Grade Science
General Questions
What are the specific characteristics that can be used to determine whether or not an
organism reproduces sexually or asexually?
When did sexual/asexual reproduction first evolve; or did both processes both appear
at the same time?
Is there more than one type of sexual reproduction?
a. Do all creatures that reproduce sexually reproduce the same way that humans
b. For sexual reproduction to occur, does there always have to be two different
Is there more than one type of asexual reproduction?
What level of taxonomy determines whether a taxon reproduces sexually or asexually?
a. For example, do all vertebrates reproduce sexually?
Do hermaphroditic organisms reproduce sexually or asexually?
Egg/Sperm Questions
Are all sperm/eggs the same?
a. For example, are the sperm/eggs used by plants the same/similar to the
sperm/eggs used by humans and other mammals?
b. Do plants have their own forms of sperm/egg or is the sperm/egg in plants pretty
much the same as in animals?
8. How does a sperm fertilize an egg?
9. Has “artificial” sperm ever been used to fertilize an egg?
10. What determines whether an egg-bearing organism lays its egg or retains it internally
for some period of time?
11. Can other organisms be infertile like some humans? What causes infertility?
Questions about Artificial Reproductive Cloning
What cells are used in artificial reproductive cloning?
Can you clone a clone?
Are artificial clones as healthy as the DNA donor “parent” (does the clone live as long)?
What organisms have been successfully cloned?
Why doesn’t a cloned cat appear identical to the DNA donor “parent?”
Questions about Regeneration
17. How many/which taxa of organisms can reproduce via “regeneration?”
18. Into how small of a fragment can a Crown of Thorns sea star be cut and still
regenerate successfully?
19. Can you cut an earthworm in half and end up with two earthworms?
20. Can roaches regrow a head like a lizard?
a. Can roaches really survive 10 days without a head?
There’s more… 
21. When a lizard grows back its tail, is that considered asexual reproduction or is this
process called by some other name?
a. Isn’t there a lizard found here in Florida that can reproduce asexually via
b. Can a lizard regrow a head?
Questions about Microbes
22. Do all bacteria reproduce asexually?
23. Do all protists reproduce asexually?
a. Do amoebas reproduce sexually or asexually?
Questions about Invertebrates
24. Is there really such thing as a hydra? What does a hydra look like? How does it
25. How does coral reproduce?
26. Do sea sponges reproduce sexually, asexually, or both?
27. How do jellyfish reproduce?
28. How do worms reproduce?
a. Do worms have gender?
b. Do worms lay eggs?
c. How does worm reproduction compare to sea star reproduction?
29. Do slugs and leeches reproduce sexually or asexually?
30. For bees, ants, and other organisms that produce thousands of eggs, how do all of
these eggs get fertilized?
31. Can roaches regrow a head like a lizard?
a. Can roaches really survive 10 days without a head?
Questions about Fish
32. Do fish reproduce sexually or asexually?
33. Do all fish all fish reproduce the same way?
34. If a female fish lays eggs and a male fish fertilizes them, is that considered sexual
reproduction? If this IS sexual reproduction, then what is asexual reproduction?
35. Are hammerhead sharks fish? Do they reproduce asexually?
36. Do snakes reproduce sexually or asexually?
a. Do snakes have gender?
b. Are snakes viviparous (give birth to live young) or do they lay eggs?
c. Do snake eggs have to be fertilized? If so, how does this happen?
d. Can snakes lay unfertilized eggs the way chickens supposedly do?
37. When a lizard regrows a severed tail, is that considered asexual reproduction or is this
process called by some other name?
a. Isn’t there a lizard found here in Florida that can reproduce asexually via
b. Can a lizard regrow a head if it gets severed? Can a lizard’s severed head regrow a
There’s more… 
38. How do bird eggs get fertilized?
39. Is it actually possible for chickens (or any other birds) to lay unfertilized eggs under
natural circumstances?
40. Can baby birds breathe while in the egg?
41. Are
42. Are
whales viviparous?
Do baby whales nurse?
there any other non-viviparous mammals other than the platypus?
Do platypuses nourish their young with milk?
43. How do plants reproduce?
a. Aren’t there some plants that can’t reproduce sexually?
b. Which types of plants can reproduce sexually?
c. Why are some able to do so while others cannot? (Specific plants mentioned: trees,
carrots, etc.)
d. What is the ratio (relative abundance) of plants that reproduce sexually vs.
44. If all plants reproduce asexually, why do they have flowers?
45. What is the role of the seed in reproduction?
a. Do plants that produce seeds reproduce sexually or asexually?
46. What is the role of pollen?
a. When pollen is released from trees (or other plants) and then transferred to other
trees (other plants), is this an example of sexual or asexual reproduction?
47. Do all plants need bees in order to reproduce? Can plants reproduce asexually if there
are no bees?
48. Do trees reproduce like other plants?
a. Do trees reproduce sexually or asexually?
b. Do trees have pollen and stuff?
c. Is a tree dropping an acorn kind of like an animal laying an egg?
d. Can an acorn be produced without a tree being pollinated?
49. Are baby carrots actually carrot babies?
50. Can orchids reproduce asexually by budding?
51. How does grass reproduce?
a. Is typical yard grass native to ANY place?