Book Report - Glog - Boone County Schools

There are 3 parts to this report. You must have all 3 turned in by the due date
1. Planning sheet (25 points) (attached)
2. Glossary (50 points)
3. Glog (100 points)
See Blog on my web
page where you will
upload your Glog.
You can work on the
Glog anyplace you
have internet access.
12th No School
You can work on the
Glog anyplace you
have internet access
6th – In library all
period. Get directions
for assignment. Get
Glogster log in
information. Begin
Glog set up.
All class period will be
in the library working
on Glog
DUE DATE ________________
Book Log is due
Time in class to work
on writing for glossary
or Glog
9th No School
All class period will be
in the library working
on Glog
15th Glog due. (post to
my blog by class time.
Turn in glossary.
Presentations begin.
You can work on the
Glog anyplace you
have internet access
You can work on the
Glog anyplace you
have internet access
Glossary – A paper copy of your glossary is due 10/15 with your Glog & Planning Sheet
(50 points)
Turn in on a separate piece of paper. Write it or type it, but your name and period must be in the top right corner.
Did you…
 Choose 10 words from your book that are new to you or are used in a way that is new to you? (Remember the example
with the word “relish” from class.)
Words cannot be names of people, cities, countries, teams or other proper nouns. They cannot be words in another language or
words invented by the author just for the novel.
Trouble finding 10 words? (the book is too easy) Then choose words that you think a typical 6th grader may not know, but you think
should. Be careful. If you choose words that a 6th grader WOULD know, I will not give you credit for the word.
Write down the sentence from the novel?
Organize the words in alphabetical order, just like glossary & dictionary entries are organize?
Number your word entries?
Look up the correct definition as the word is used in the novel?
Remember that if your word has a suffix (-ing, -ed, -ly, -est), or prefix (re-, dis-, un- )you will find the definition you need by looking up
the root word without the suffix or prefix. Include the necessary information in your entry = word, part of speech, definition, & the
sentence from the book
The entry should be organized as follows:
Word (part of speech) definition that gives the meaning of the word as it is used in the sentence -- Sentence from the book
 Underline the word in the sentence from the book?
 Did you hand write the glossary? That is absolutely fine. Be sure that….
You must be neat and clear. I have to be able to read it.
 Did you type the glossary? That is fine. Be sure that…
Type size is 12 only – font must be simple with NO italics - NO bold – NO decorative fonts
Under no circumstances will I print off your glossary. If your printer isn’t working, email it to your school account or bring it in on a
flash drive and print it off before school in the library. If that isn’t a possibility, hand write it.
Example of two glossary entries:
epiphany (noun) any moment of great or sudden revelation or understanding usually as the result of a commonplace occurrence or
experience – Then, one day, I had an epiphany "Why not tell Mom I need a cell phone for school? She has to buy me one then.”
relish (verb) to take pleasure in, savor, or enjoy – Harry didn’t relish the idea of working with Malfoy, but, with Snape standing right over
him, he couldn’t figure any way out of it.
(100 pts)
You will create a Glog to advertise your book. Your purpose is to give enough information and build
enough excitement about the book that other middle school kids will want to read it.
You will decide on the organization and design of your Glog. Be creative. Keep in mind that your Glog must include the
following for full credit.
 The title and author of the book
 Picture of the cover of the novel (separate from the banner that includes the title and author)
 Include 3 catchy phrases or BRIEF attention grabbing sentences in your design (like those you have seen on movie
posters). These are not paragraphs…just quick hooks or “grabbers”. This may be where you say what you liked
about the novel.
 Design and overall appearance – Make the Glog neat and clear – Think about what you have learned in art classes
& implement the elements of design to create a pleasing overall effect that draws in your target audience.
o How will you use color, design, graphic art, imbedded pictures, to enhance your Glog? Everything,
including your wall choice, should coordinate with some aspect of the novel.
o Overall composition should show planning (elements placed specifically for effect) and not be over crowded
or empty. Lettering should be colorful and easy to read (think size, color, and placement). Make it neat and
logically organized so your audience can understand your Glog.
 Technology – Imbed pictures, personal art, links to professional on-line reviews, video from the internet or your own
creation, book trailer, etc. Do not imbed sound.
o You can imbed your links at any place in your Glog but you must have 3.
 The following 6 elements must be included in “boxes” on your Glog. Label them.
o Character Information Box– Describe the two most important character traits of the main character of the
novel. (If you think there is more than one protagonist, pick ONE) Give details from the story that support
o Setting Information Box– Establish the setting for your viewers. Let us know the place, time, &/or mood of
the book. Make it clear, interesting & intriguing. (narrative – not just a list)
o Genre Box – What is the genre of the novel you read? Fiction is not enough. You must decide on the subgenre and use evidence from the novel to support your choice. (i.e. prove the book is the genre you say by
giving evidence from the story)
o Conflict Box – Outline the main problem that your protagonist faces and must resolve by the end of the
book. THIS IS NOT A STORY SUMMARY. Focus on the conflict only. Do give away the resolution, or the
spoiler will ruin the purpose of the Glog (see top of page) (3-5 sentences)
o Climax Box – What decision or change does the main character have to make to solve the conflict? (2-3
o Citation Box – Remember that you need to to cite any information/links/pictures you take from the internet.
Locate it in the lower right corner of the wall.
Remember – Keep it positive. Even if you didn’t like the book, your purpose is to get middle school kids to
read, not to tell them to stay away from this book.
Planning Sheet (25 points)
Name ________________________________Per________
You will want to work on this independently (at home and any class time I give you) and have everything ready before you go
on to Glogster the next time.
You can attach other brainstorming or drafting sheets to this. I want to see evidence of your planning and prewriting.
This sheet is due the same day as your Glog and glossary.
1. Title and Author – Spelling and capitalization count ____________________________________________________________________
2. Genre: ___________________________________________ (Be specific; “fiction” is not enough.)
3. Explanation of why you think it is that genre: ___________________________________________________________________
4. # Catchy words or phrases (attention grabbers) about the book
5. Design ideas (colors, pictures, lettering, etc.)____________________________________________________________________
6. Technology -- Look for these things on the internet to include in my Glog. _____________________________________________
Write out what you want to put in the Glog boxes so you can just type it in when you get in front of a computer. Attach paper if you don’t
have enough room to finish your writing here.
7. Character - ______________________________________________________________________________________________
8. Setting - ________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Genre - _________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. Conflict - ________________________________________________________________________________________________
11. Climax - ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Questions I need to remember to ask Mrs. Drance or Mrs. Bazsika ____________________________________________________
Scoring Rubric/Grading Sheet
Student _____________________________________Period
Total Score ______________/175
Glossary – 50 Points – 10 points for each of the following categories.
____________ 10 words – New or used in a new way – Not proper nouns or fabrications by author – 6th grade level of expected knowledge.
____________ Definitions – Complete – Applies to usage in text
____________ Sentences from text – whole sentence – context is clear.
____________ Organization of entry– Entry has all parts (word, part of speech, definition, sentence) in standard order of a dictionary or glossary
____________ Followed directions and readable – alphabetical order (2 pts), underline entry word in sentence (2 pts),
numbered entries (2 pts), neatness counts (4 pts)
__________ Total points earned/50
Planning Sheet – 25 points
Students have the opportunity to write and plan their blog even if not in front of a computer. The planning sheet shows
evidence that the student is working independently to plan and execute a successful project. Neatness is not graded.
Working out ides and utilizing time outside of the computer lab is evaluated. This is a typical homework grade for my class,
though I will give some time in class to work on this paper.
___________ Total Points Earned/25
Glog – 100 Points
Max points
Includes display of title and author
Includes picture of novel cover
Includes 3 attention grabbing words/phrases
Overall design & composition shows planning and
Inclusion of technology (3 inclusions minimum)
Character Information
Setting Information
Genre Information
Conflict Information
Climax Information
Total Points available