PRONOUNCING VOCABULARY FOR HEALTH CARE NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS NOTES abdominal thrust abduction pillow abuse abuse abusive adaptive devices ADL admission admit admitted admitting affected site 1 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES agitation agitate agitated ADVERBS NOTES aging process Alzheimer's Alzheimer's (disease) ambulation ambulate ambulating amputees amputate amputated anxiety aphasia arthritis anxious aphasic arthritic aseptic 2 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS NOTES axillary temperature back strain bacteria bed cradle bedpan biohazard biohazardous blindness blind blind blood pressure body alignment 3 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS NOTES body fluids bowel program breath breathe breathing briefs burnout burn out call light cancer cancerous cane cardiac arrest care plan cast 4 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES chart chart charted circulation circulate circulatory clarification clarify clarified ADVERBS NOTES cataracts catheter care Celsius Centigrade central nervous system cerebral vascular accident charge nurse clear liquid diet 5 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS NOTES clergy cold compress combative resident comfort care communication communicate confidentiality confidential confusion confuse confused constipate constipated congestive heart failure constipation constriction constrict constricted 6 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS NOTES contamination contaminate contaminated cuffs cuff cuffed contracture COPD CVA decubitus ulcer degrees dehydration dehydrate dehydrated dementia denial deny depress depressed depression 7 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS NOTES diabetes diabetic dialysis diastolic digestion digest digestive disinfection disinfect disinfected disorientation disorient disoriented documentation document documented dressing dress dressed dysphagia edema 8 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES elevation elevate elevated ADVERBS NOTES elastic stockings elimination eliminate eliminated empathy empathetic emphysema ethics ethical extremity fecal impaction feeding feed flatus flexion flex flexed 9 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS NOTES fluid intake foot board foot care foot drop Fowler's position fraud defraud fraudulent frequent urination gait belt gastric feedings gastrostomy tube geriatrics geriatric 10 gestures gesture NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS NOTES gloves grieving process hair care hallucination hallucinate hand tremors hand washing hearing aid hearing impaired hearing loss hemiplegia HIV hospice care 11 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES hydrate hydrated ADVERBS NOTES hydration ice bag ileostomy immune system impair impaired impairment incontinence incontinent in-dwelling catheter infect infectious infection infection control input and output insulin 12 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES isolate isolated ADVERBS NOTES intake intake and output integumentary system isolation IV care laxatives life support linen liquid diet low sodium diet mask 13 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES measure measuring ADVERBS NOTES measurement measured medical record medications memory loss mentally impaired microorganisms mistreat mistreated mistreatment mobility mobile morning care mouth care 14 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS NOTES multiple sclerosis musculoskeletal system nail care neglect neglected neglect NPO nutrition objective objective oral care oral hygiene orient oriented orientation osteoporosis 15 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS NOTES oxygen pain painful paralyze paralyzed paralysis paranoia paranoid Parkinson's Parkinson's (disease) passive pathogens perineal care phone etiquette post mortem care pressure ulcers 16 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS NOTES prevent prevented prevention privacy private progressive project projected projection prosthesis psychological needs pulse radial range of motion rationalize rationalized rationalization rectum rectal 17 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS NOTES rehabilitate rehabilitated rehabilitation reposition repositioned repositioning respiration respiratory restorative care restraints restrain scabies scale schedule schedule secrete secreted secretions secure secure security seizure 18 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES shave shaved shear sheared ADVERBS NOTES self-esteem sensory system sexual harassment sharps container shaving shearing shift shift simple fracture skin integrity specimen spiritual needs standard precautions 19 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES sterilize sterilized stress stressed ADVERBS NOTES sterilization stethoscope stress stroke suicide suicidal sun-downing systolic telephone etiquette temperature terminal illness thermometer toileting schedule 20 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES transfer transferred transport transported ADVERBS NOTES transfer transportation tub bath tube feeding unaffected unconscious unethical behavior urethra urethral urinary catheter bag urine urinary 21 NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES vomit vomiting ADVERBS NOTES vital signs vomitus vomited walker wander wandering weigh weighed wandering weight weighing withdrawn Sources: 22 PRONOUNCING VOCABULARY FOR HEALTH CARE Print up these sheets and test yourself. Write down the stress patterns and then check the answer key to see if they’re correct. NOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES abuse abusive admit admitted ADVERBS NOTES abdominal thrust abduction pillow abuse adaptive devices ADL admission 23 admitting affected site aging process agitation agitate Alzheimer's agitated Alzheimer's (disease) ambulation ambulate ambulating amputees amputate amputated anxiety anxious aphasia aphasic arthritis arthritic 24 aseptic axillary temperature back strain bacteria bed cradle bedpan biohazardous biohazard blindness blind blind blood pressure body alignment 25 body fluids bowel program breath breathe breathing briefs burnout burn out call light cancer cancerous cane cardiac arrest care plan 26 cast cataracts catheter care Celsius Centigrade central nervous system cerebral vascular accident charge nurse chart circulation clarification chart charted circulate circulatory clarify clarified 27 clear liquid diet clergy cold compress combative resident comfort care communication communicate confidentiality confusion confidential confuse confused constipation constipate constipated constriction constrict constricted congestive heart failure 28 contaminate contaminated cuff cuffed dehydrate dehydrated contamination contracture COPD cuffs CVA decubitus ulcer degrees dehydration dementia denial depression deny depress depressed 29 diabetes diabetic dialysis diastolic digestion digest digestive disinfection disinfect disinfected disorientation disorient disoriented document documented dress dressed documentation dressing dysphagia edema 30 elastic stockings elevation elevate elevated elimination eliminate eliminated empathy empathetic emphysema ethics ethical extremity fecal impaction feeding feed flatus flexion flex flexed fluid intake 31 foot board foot care foot drop Fowler's position fraud defraud fraudulent frequent urination gait belt gastric feedings gastrostomy tube geriatrics gestures geriatric gesture gloves 32 grieving process hair care hallucination hallucinate hand tremors hand washing hearing aid hearing impaired hearing loss hemiplegia HIV hospice care hydration hydrate hydrated 33 ice bag ileostomy immune system impairment impair impaired incontinent incontinence in-dwelling catheter infection infect infectious infection control input and output insulin intake 34 intake and output integumentary system isolation isolate isolated IV care laxatives life support linen liquid diet low sodium diet mask measurement measure measuring 35 measured medical record medications memory loss mentally impaired microorganisms mistreatment mobility mistreat mistreated mobile morning care mouth care multiple sclerosis musculoskeletal system 36 nail care neglect neglected neglect NPO nutrition objective objective oral care oral hygiene orientation orient oriented osteoporosis oxygen pain painful 37 paralysis paralyze paralyzed paranoia paranoid Parkinson's Parkinson's (disease) passive pathogens perineal care phone etiquette post mortem care pressure ulcers prevention prevent prevented privacy private 38 progressive projection project projected prosthesis psychological needs pulse radial range of motion rationalization rationalize rationalized rectum rectal rehabilitation rehabilitate reposition rehabilitated repositioned repositioning 39 respiration respiratory restorative care restraints restrain scabies scale schedule secretions security schedule secreted secrete secure secure seizure self-esteem sensory system 40 sexual harassment sharps container shaving shave shaved shearing shear shift shift sheared simple fracture skin integrity specimen spiritual needs standard precautions sterilization sterilize sterilized stethoscope 41 stress stress stressed stroke suicide suicidal sun-downing systolic telephone etiquette temperature terminal illness thermometer toileting schedule transfer transportation transfer transferred transport transported 42 tub bath tube feeding unaffected unconscious unethical behavior urethral urethra urinary catheter bag urinary urine vital signs vomiting vomitus vomit vomited 43 walker wandering wander wandering weigh weighed weight weighing withdrawn Sources: 44 Abandonment withdrawing medical care from a patient without providing sufficient notice to the patient. Abdominal Thrust quick, upward pulls into the diaphragm to force out an obstruction blocking the airway "Heimlich Manuever" Abduction Pillow goes between the legs; it helps keep the legs spread Abuse physical or emotional harm to someone Accidents an unfortunate event resulting from carelessness or ignorance Activities things that are done for enjoyment, often as part of education and often in groups. Adaptive Devices special equipment that helps a person who is ill or disabled perform ADLs; also called assistive devices ADL activites of daily living Admission the act of allowing to enter; entrance granted by permission, by provision or existence of pecuniary means, or by the removal of obstacles Admitting Resident beginning process of a patient; admission of a resident into a long term care facility Affected Side a weakened side from a stroke or injury; also called the "weaker" or "involved" side. Aging Process the natural occurrences in the body that produce the changes associated with growing old Agitation uneasiness; commotion, excitement Alternating Pressure Mattress pressure can be reduced under bony prominences but increased under others 45 Alzheimer's Progressive mental deterioration characterized by severe memory loss Ambulation the act of walking Amputees people with a loss of a limb Anger the state of being angry, occurs when the patient is no longer able to deny death, stage in dying process Antiembolic Stockings they help with ciculation and apply pressure to the legs. they have holes in the toes, so to let the nurse look at the feet to observe circulation and they don't have to be removed Anxiety a strong feeling of worry Aphasia loss of speech due to injury or illness Appropriate Response a reply that is made that is suitable for the circumstances Arthritis inflammation of a joint or joints Aseptic free from disease-causing microorganisms Assistive Device make certain tasks(walking, eating, dressing) easier for person with disability Axillary Temperature Temperature taken at the armpit Back Strain hurting ones back Bacteria Single celled, no nucleus, live everywhere; can be good and bad bacteria Bargaining occurs when patients accept death but want more time to live, making a deal, in return for a cure, they will fulfill promises Basic Needs things people must have to live, Food, clothing, and shelter Basic Skin Care Clean and moisturize your skin daily. Block the sun. Seek professional help for skin problems. Eat a balanced diet. Self screening. 46 Bathing Maintenance of proper hygiene Bed Cradle a metal or plastic frame suspended over the hospital bed to keep the weight of the linen off the resident's body Bathing Resident the act of washing a patients body Bed Height The level of a patient bed Bed Position the position the bed is in. also controlled by buttons on the control of the bed. Bedpan a shallow vessel used by a bedridden patient for defecation and urination Bladder Training goal is to gain control of urination done as directed by nurse and care plan person uses toilet/pan at frequent regular intervals and is slowly increased. Person has catheter which is clamped to prevent urine flow for periods of time (1-2hrs at first then up to 3-4hrs) to train bladder Blindness lack of sight Blood Pressure the pressure that is exerted by the blood against the walls of blood vessels Body Alignment body positioning that promotes proper body functioning; posture, the way the head, trunk, arms, and legs are aligned with one another; posture Body Fluids tears, saliva, sputum (mucous coughed up), urine, feces, semen, vaginal secretions, and pus or other wound drainage Body Language nonverbal communication through gestures, facial expressions, behaviors, and posture Body Mechanics The proper use of the body to facilitate lifting and moving and preventing injury Bowel Program program that manipulates factor within a person's control (timing of defecation, exercise) to produce a regular pattern of comfortable defecation with medications or enemas Breathing the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation 47 Burnout State of emotional and physical exhaustion, lowered productivity, and feelings of isolation, often caused by work-related pressures Call Light allows the patient to call for help Cancer any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division Cane a stick that people can lean on to help them walk, held on strong side, goes forward with weak side before the strong side step after Cardiac Arrest sudden cessation of cardiac output and effective circulation, which requires cardiopulmonary resuscitation Care Impaired when a patient is lacking care Care Plan a written plan for each resident created by a nurse; outlines the steps taken by the staff to help the resident reach his or her goals Cast bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal Cataracts eye disease in which the lens becomes covered in an opaque film that affects sight, eventually causing total blindness. Catheter Care thorough cleaning of the perineal area (especially around the urethra) and the catheter tubing that extends outside of the body, to prevent infection CC's in an Oz 30cc's in an oz Central Nervous System the portion of the vertebrate nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord Cerebral Vascular Accident (stroke) is the disruption of the blood supply to the brain, resulting in neurological dysfunction Charge Nurse registered nurse or licensed practical nurse;supervises the other nurses for a particular shift Circulation The process of moving the blood in the veins and arteries throughout the body 48 Clarification the act of making clear or understandable, an explanation Clear Liquid Diet a diet that consists of foods that are liquid at room temperature and leave little residue in the intestine. Ex: Water, Sprite, Ginger Ale, all beverages without any residue, broth, Jello Clergy A body of officials who perform religious services, such as priests, ministers or rabbis. Cold Compress a cold folded and moistened cloth or towel that is placed over a small area of the body for moist cold therapy Combative Resident resident with violent or hostile behavior Comfort Care therapies used to insure that a patient is pain free for the rest of his or life Communication the clear exchange of ideas and information Compensation something (such as money) given or received as payment or reparation (as for a service or loss or injury) Competency Evaluation Program state operated program to certify skills persons wanting to be a nurse assistant Confidentiality discretion in keeping secret information Confused Resident a patient with a distorted mental status Congestive Heart Failure syndrome where the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs for oxygen and nutrients; as a result, fluid is retained and accumulates in the ankles and legs Constipation Hard, slow stools that are difficult to eliminate; often a result of too little fiber in the diet Constrict become tight or as if tight, draw together; render narrower; shrink Contact Isolation used when caring for people infected with pathogens that can be transmitted directly or indirectly Contamination The process of becoming unclean 49 Contracture an abnormal and usually permanent contraction of a muscle Converting Measures changing one unit of measurement to another unit of measurement COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cueing use of signals to indicate that a certain behavior is desired or that a certain behavior should stop CVA cerebrovascular accident (stroke) Death and Dying dying: the process of becoming dead death: the end of the dying process Dehydration a serious reduction in the body's water content Dementia a slowly progressive decline in mental abilities, including memory, thinking, and judgment, that is often accompanied by personality changes Denial a defense mechanism in which unpleasant thought or desires are ignored or excluded from consciousness Depression The condition of feeling apathetic, hopeless, and withdrawn from others. Developmental Process changes & functions occurring during the early years Diabetes A condition of abnormal use of glucose, usually caused by too little insulin or lack of response to insulin. Diabetic someone who has diabetes Dialysis a procedure to remove waste products from the blood of patients whose kidneys no longer function Diastolic Measurement of blood pressure taken when the heart is at rest; measurement of the constant pressure in arteries. Digestion the organic process by which food is converted into substances that can be absorbed into the body 50 Discharging Resident the official release of a resident from a health care facility to their home; the team helps prepare the resident to leave Disinfection the process of destroying pathogens Disoriented Resident a resident that does not know: who he or anyone is (person), town/city (place),current year (time) Disposing of Contaminated Materials dispose of in a designated biohazard bag/container Documentation The documents that are required for something, or that give evidence or proof of something. Dressing the act of applying a bandage, the activity of getting dressed Dry Skin common in the aging person because of the decline in size, number and output of sweat and sebacious glands Dying process of decline in body functions, resulting in death of an organism, to suffer total and irreversible loss of the bodily attributes and functions Dysphagia difficulty swallowing Edema The swelling of body tissues with water, accumulation of fluid Elastic Stockings exert pressure on veins to promote blood flow, helping to prevent blood clot Elevate Head keeping the head raised above its normal level Elimination the act of removing or getting rid of something, Act of removal of materials from the body; in the digestive system, the removal of indigestible materials. Empathy an understanding of another's feelings Emphysema disease in which the tissues of the lungs lose elasticity, making breathing very difficult Ethics moral principles or values 51 Extremity an external body part that projects from the body Eye Glasses lens worn to aid vision Falls leading cause of accidental death among elderly people Fecal Impaction accumulation of hardened feces in the rectum or lower colon which the person cannot move Feeding the act of consuming food Fire Safety The risk control measures used to protect people and property from the adverse effects of hostile fires. Flatus a reflex that expels intestinal gas through the anus Flexed to bend or stretch something Fluid Intake The average healthy adult will take in about 3 1/2 quarts of fluid every day. This is called, Foot Board a piece of wood or plastic placed at the end of the hospital bed and used for positioning the resident's feet Foot Care daily foot check for blisters, reddened areas, swelling, providing nail clipping and applying ointment etc Foot Drop The foot falls down at the ankle; permanent plantar flexion Fowler's Position a semi-sitting position; the head of the bed is raised between 45 and 60 degrees Fraud a deliberate deception intended to produce unlawful gain Free from Disease aseptic Frequent Urination polyuria, urinating occurs more often than usual Gait Belt device used to transfer people from one position to another or from one thing to another. For example you would use a gait belt to move a patient from a standing position to a wheelchair 52 Gastric Feedings a medical device which is inserted into a patient's stomach to supplement his or her diet. Gastrostomy Tube a tube which is surgically placed directly into the client's stomach and provides another route for administering nutrition and medications Geriatrics medical study of the elderly Gestures the ways in which people use their bodies to communicate with one another Gloves personal protective equipment: covers the hand and wrist Grieving Process The process by which people cope with death and dying., denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance Hair Care care for the hair: the activity of washing or cutting or curling or arranging the hair Hallucination a false perception of reality; a delusion Hand Tremors movement of hands uncontrollable Hand Washing the single most important means of preventing the spread of infection Hearing Aid an electronic device that amplifies sound and is worn to compensate for poor hearing Hearing Impaired functional but not effective hearing Hearing Loss partial or complete loss of hearing Hemiplegia paralysis of one side of the body HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus, the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) Hospice Care a philosophy of end-of-life care that is committed to maintaining quality of life for terminally ill patients by keeping them as alert, pain free, and engaged with their families as possible. 53 Hydration Maintenance of body fluid balance Ice Bag a waterproof bag filled with ice: applied to the body (especially the head) to cool or reduce swelling Ileostomy surgical procedure that creates an opening from the ileum through the abdominal wall to function as an anus Immune System a system (including the thymus and bone marrow and lymphoid tissues) that protects the body from foreign substances and pathogenic organisms by producing the immune response Impairment the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness Incontinence involuntary urination or defecation Indwelling Catheter a catheter that stays in the bladder for a period of time. Infection the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms and their multiplication which can lead to tissue damage and disease Infection Control practices and procedures that prevent the spread of infection Input and Output what comes in and out of the body Insulin a hormone produced by the pancreas and released in response to high blood glucose following a meal. Insulin promotes the use and storage of glucose by the body's tissues Intake the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating) Intake and Output is one tool to assess fluid status by keeping a record of a client't fluid intake and fluid loss over a a 24-hour period. Integumentary System the organ system that forms a protective covering on the outside of the body, the skin and its accessory structures such as hair and nails Isolation keeping an infected person in the hospital or staying at home in bed when suffering form a disease as a way of controlling the transmission of infectious diseases 54 IV Care cleaning around the IV site while refraining from tugging or putting strain on the IV or tubing. Laxatives medications or foods given to stimulate bowel movements Life Support medical equipment that assists or replaces important bodily functions and so enables a patient to live who otherwise might not survive Lift/ Draw Sheets turning sheets that are placed under residents who are unable to assist with turning, lifting, or moving up in bed. Linen material used to make bed-sheets Liquid Diet consist of liquids ( a liquid is described as food that is fluid at room temperature or becomes liquid at room temperature Listening the act of hearing attentively Low Sodium Diet This type of diet is good for those with heart disease or kidney disease. Low salt diet; No salt added Making Occupied Bed a bed made while a person is in the bed. Mask a protective covering worn over the face Maslow hierarchy of needs Measuring Temperature recording the residents body temperature Mechanical Soft Diet Foods that are prepared with blender, food processors, or cutting utentsils. Does not limit spices, fat, & other fiber. Only texture of food changes. Medical Record written account of a persons condition and response to treatment & care Medications drugs that are administered to a patient who is sick or in pain Memory Loss partial or total loss of memory 55 Mentally Impaired a disorder that affects a person's mind, causing the person to act in unusual ways, experience emotional difficulties or both Microorganisms microscopic living organisms Mistreatment treated badly or abusively Mobility the ability to move easily from place to place Morning Care care provided in the morning, to ready the person for the day Mouth Care cleaning the teeth of a peron in the moring and at night; also sometimes after eating a meal Moving in motion Multiple Sclerosis A chronic disease of the central nervous system marked by damage to the myelin sheath. Plaques occur in the brain and spinal cord causing tremor, weakness, incoordination, paresthesia, and disturbances in vision and speech Musculoskeletal System The system of bones and skeletal muscles that support and protect the body and permit movement. Nail Care involves keeping the fingernails and toenails clean and trimmed Neglect failure to take care of someone's basic needs, such as clothing, food, or love Non-Contagious Disease not readily transmitted from one host to another Nonverbal Communication communication using body movements, gestures, and facial expressions rather than speech NPO nothing by mouth Nursing Assistant's Role to help with ADLs and aid the patient with day to day treatment Nutrition the study of nutrients and how they are used by the body 56 Objective the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable) Occupied Bed bed with a patient in it Ombudsman a legal advocate for residents who visits the facility, listens to residents, and decides what course of action to take if there is a problem. Oral Care care of the mouth, teeth, and gums. Oral Hygiene care of the mouth and teeth Orientation a course introducing a new situation or environment Osteoporosis abnormal loss of bony tissue resulting in fragile porous bones attributable to a lack of calcium Overbed Table the resident eats from and/or places their personal things on Oxygen gas that enters the blood through the lungs and travels to the heart to be pumped via arteries to all body cells Pain a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder Paralysis temporary or permanent loss of motor control Paranoia a psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur Parkinson's a chronic, progressive disease that affect the brain area that controls movement Partial Assistance Helping a patient who can do some things for themselves. Partial Bath washing the face, underarms, hands perianal (genitals, anal) Passive peacefully resistant in response to injustice Pathogens Microbes that cause disease Patience good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence 57 Perineal Care Cleaning the genital and anal areas; pericare Personal Belongings items that belong to the resident Personal Care care for someone who is disabled or is otherwise unable to care for themselves Personal Items Items that are primarily for the comfort of the pt and are not medically necessary. Personal Protective Equipment items such as gloves, gowns, masks, protective eyewear, and hair coverings are used to protect the nurse from infectious organisms Phone Etiquette answer the phone promptly and kindly, speak properly,give caller undivided attention,speak clearly,be courteous,ask permission from caller to place them on hold, and never allow an angry caller to upset you remain calm and composed Physical Needs the most basic needs, including food, water, clothing, shelter and sleep Physician's Authority By authority of the MD Positioning resident moving the resident Post Mortem Care examination of the body after death Pressure Ulcers any lesion caused by unrelieved pressure that results in damage to underlying tissue; formerly called decubitus ulcers, bed sores, pressure sores Preventing Falls do fall assesment on every patient, keep bed low wheels locked and bed rails up, call button near bed, non skid footwear and instruct client properly Preventing Injury this is what the client can to to prevent them from recieving further injury for example; wearing supports on injured areas. Privacy Right of a person to keep part of their life not open to the public. Progressive advancing in severity Projection any structure that branches out from a central support 58 Prosthesis corrective equipment consisting of a replacement for a part of the body Protective Equipment cover gowns, face protection devices, air filter respirators, gloves Psychological Needs the urge to belong and to give and receive love, and the urge to acquire esteem Pulse the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart Radial pulse site taken at the wrist Range of Motion ROM movement of a joint to the extent possible without causing pain Rationalization defense mechanism that offers self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one's actions Rectal Measurement of body temperature taken in the rectum Rehabilitation the process of restoring or bringing to a healthy, useful state Religious Service the act of public worship following prescribed rules Reminiscing to recall past experiences, events Reporting the oral account of care and observations Reposition Resident moving the resident to to make them comfortable and to prevent pressure ulcers Resident Abuse mistreatment of a resident usualy involving mental or physical attacks Resident Belongings things that belong to the resident Resident Identification any means of determining the residents identity Resident Independence encouraging the patient to do ADL on their own 59 Resident Unit the area of the resident lives in the hospital Resident's Bill of Rights rights guaranteed under the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) to residents in long-term care. Resident's Chart a chart ,that must be kept confidential, that gives medical history of a particular patient Resident's Environment the surroundings that best suit a particular resident Respectful Treatment the proper way that a nursing assistant should treat a resident Respirations The process of taking in oxygen (inspiration) and expelling carbon dioxide (expiration) by way of the lungs and air passages Respiratory Symptoms hypoventilation, rapid shallow respirations, increased blood pressure, dyspnea, headache, hyperkalemia, disorentation, increased cardiac output, muscle weakness and hypoxia Respiratory System system responsible for taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide using the lungs Responding to Resident Behavior the correct way to respond to the behavior of a resident, wheather it is good or bad Restorative Care care that helps person to regain their health strength, & independence Restraints methods of restricting a person's freedom of movement, physical activity, or normal access to his or her body Rights Powers or privileges granted to people either by an agreement among themselves or by law Scabies a contagious skin infection caused by the itch mite Scale a measuring instrument for weighing 60 Secretions hormones that are essential for normal body functions released into interstitial fluids where they move into bloodstream-- altering the metabolic activities of many different tissues and organs simultaneously Security freedom from anxiety or fear Seizure sudden, transient disturbances in brain function resulting from abnormal firing of nerve impulses (may or may not be associated with convulsion) Self-Esteem A realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself. Sensory System The system of nerves which carries information from the body's receptors to the CNS Sexual Harassment comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual nature that are deliberate, repeated, and unwelcome Sexual Needs the sexual needs or desires of a resident Sharps Container OSHA required receptacle for the proper disposal of sharps Shaving the act of removing hair with a razor Shearing when skin sticks to a surface while muscles slide in the direction the body is moving Simple Fracture Closed - Fracture does not pierce through the skin Skin Integrity good skin condition Slander words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another Smoking the act of smoking tobacco or other substances Social Needs desires to interact and affiliate with others and to feel wanted by others Specimen a bit of tissue or blood or urine that is taken for diagnostic purposes Spiritual Needs helping patients develop awareness and maintain self awarness. lifes meaning and purpose, relationship to others, and relationship to a higher power. 61 Standard Precautions measures to prevent exposure to blood or body fluids that may spread disease Sterilization the procedure of making some object free of live bacteria or other microorganisms (usually by heat or chemical means) Stress (psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense Stroke a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain Suicide a person who kills himself intentionally Sundowning signs, symptoms, and behaviors of Alzheimers Disease increase during hours of darkness Systolic measurement of blood pressure taken when the heart is contracting and forcing blood into the arteries TED Hose elastic stocking to be worn for 8 hours to prevent swelling Telephone etiquette Set of skills and attitudes used when answering the phone that allows the assistant to sound alert, interested, and concerned. Temperature the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity) Terminal Illness an illness or injury for which there is no reasonable expectation of recovery Threatening Resident a resident who is angered and may or may not become violent Toileting Schedule care planned scheduled times to take resident to bathroom as part of intervention to decrease incontinence Transfer someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another Treating Resident with Respect treating the "R" the way we'd want to be treated. Respecting their rights Tub Bath a body cleansing by being immersed in water 62 Tube Feeding Provision of food to the stomach through a tube (nose or small intestine) Unaffected "good" side Unconscious that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware Unethical Behavior behavior that does not conform to generally accepted social norms concerning beneficial and harmful actions Urethral pertaining to the urethra Urinary Catheter Bag a bag that is attatched to the bed or the patients leg that is used to collect urine from an immobile or incintinent patient Urinary Problems structural, autoimmune, cancerous, or infections Urinary System the system that includes all organs involved in reproduction and in the formation and voidance of urine Urine Fluid wastes removed from the body by the kidneys Vision Change most often the loss of vision over time Vital Signs Determinations that provide information about body conditions; include temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure Vomitus food and fluids expelled from the stomach through the mouth; emesis Walker a light enclosing framework (trade name Zimmer) with rubber castors or wheels and handles Wandering Resident Resident that wanders, or tries to escape from a facility Weighing To determine the weight of by or as if by using a scale or balance Weight a system of units used to express the weight of something Wheelchair Safety checking the wheelchair brakes, making sure the "R" has proper alarms, they are informed how to use the wheelchair 63 Withdrawn introverted; remote 64