Teacher: Mrs Glover Year: 3 Term: SUMMER 2015 Art-Collage/Photography DT-3D Volcano model Explore and discuss artwork from a different culture or time and use ideas as a starting Use simple research methods to inform the design of products point in my own work. I can annotate my drawings to share my ideas and reasoning logically. Select from a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks with Cutting skills are precise in straight, curved and zig-zag lines. I am beginning to experiment increasing accuracy in limiting my work to one colour and explore the effects created. I am beginning to use Select from and use a wider range of materials and components according to their tessellation and other patterns in my collage. I can, with support, use montage to create a properties collage. Can confidently comment on differences in others’ work suggest ways of improving Evaluate their ideas and products against their own design criteria to make improvements my own work. I can evaluate my talk partner’s work with tips and guidance they can use. Assessment I can, with support, use a digital camera to capture texture, colour, tone, line and Completed 3D model of a Volcano inspiration from the natural and manmade world. Assessment Children have completed a collage of the bodies from Pompeii Chn will have complete digital photographs of rock sculptures. Literacy ICT Topic- Tremors Character and Setting descriptions linked to Pompeii Research Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius How to survive a Natural Narrative stories about Pompeii Purple mash animations- volcano erupting and mount Vesuvius erupting. Newspaper reports- Pompeii Online Maps to locate Volcanoes. Disaster Information texts- Why a volcano erupts To know that information can be found using the internet Letters-From Ancient Pompeii To click links in a web site Poetry –Volcano poems To print a web page to use as a resource Display- Volcanoes and Maths To conduct a search on a website Coordinates To refine my search to get more accurate results Earthquakes Class Novel Assessment Pompeii- Anna Claybourne Children create a Animations of volcanoes erupting and what happened at Pompeii Wow Factor- Class trip to Saltburn beach Geography Use a world map, atlas and a globe to identify countries and describe features. Identify the position and significance of the Equator. To describe and understand key aspects of the physical geography of an area, including volcanoes and earth quakes. Use a map to locate the world’s countries, including those in Europe, (including location of Russia) and North and South America. Describe the physical geography of an area. Use a world map, atlas and a globe to identify countries and describe features. Assessment Making sketch map identifying some physical and human geography of Italy and identifying volcanoes. Outdoor Learning Opportunities Den making- making earthquake proof dens History Use appropriate historical vocabulary to describe key features of the time period. Give reasons why certain events happened and people acted the way they did. Use a variety of sources to answer questions and gather information. Use labelled diagrams, recounts, stories and diaries and pictures to illustrate understanding about historical events Assessment Letters and Newspaper reports about Pompeii.